Our Future (sequel to Our Hon...

By thematteltomytrixie

1.7K 66 13

After being happily married for 2 years they've started to come short on money, especially after Marina quit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 3

131 6 0
By thematteltomytrixie

Marina's POV

I hear my alarm go off at 6:30 again, and actually get up before Liz wakes up. Thank god its a Friday. Softly heading to the bathroom the first thing I notice in the mirror is the little red/purple spot in my neck. A hickey. Great, she couldn't not do it could she. Well, it actually cancels out the bags under my eyes. I look like a wreck, a walking corpse, but makeup can do wonders and when I'm done I look decent enough to show myself. I head downstairs and make myself some lunch and coffee. Once that's done I go outside to my car and get in. Before I drive off I decide to send Liz a good morning text.

M: goodmorning sunshine, I got up without you so you could sleep some more. yes, I made myself lunch so you don't have to worry about starving to death. tonight I'm taking you out to dinner though, so put on something nice ;) love x

Once sent I drive off to the school. I like mornings, because they're so nice and cool. It's fairly empty in town, so the stoplights turn green whenever I get near to them. I arrive at the school in time, and get to my classroom. I drink my coffee in my thermos and set everything up. The first students arrive not much later, and I wait till everyone is in. Which doesn't happen, because after 25 minutes one girl still isn't here. Nicole. One of the problem students. So I start my lesson without her. Once the lesson is over and all the students are gone she arrives. "And what are you doing here? You know you're supposed to be here before class not after class, right?" I ask her, a serious look on my face. "Yes, and I'm sorry but I'm having some issues at home." She replies, still standing in the door opening. "Come in, and close the door." I say to her, which she does and she takes a seat in front of me. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask her. "Well, my grades are going down because I hate studying and the grammar is sometimes really hard, and that's why my parents get angry at me. Because I don't put in enough effort." She replies. It's not that shocking, because she indeed does nothing. "Is there anything I can do for you? I am your English teacher not to forget." I offer her. "I was hoping you could either tutor or mentor me through this year.." She softly asks. "I'll have to talk to the principal about the mentoring thing, but I could tutor you if you'd like that." I reply to her, and this seems to cheer her up. "I'd really appreciate that ma'am, thank you so much." She says and she leaves the classroom.

The lessons go by fairly quickly and by the end of the 5th lesson or so it's time for me to lunch, so I head to the teachers lounge only to be greeted with Rick's abnormally large smile. "Hey! How's life?" He asks me. Is it me or does he always seem happy? "Pretty good, apart from the fact that my wife apparently thinks I look worn out and too stressed." I reply, taking a bite of my sandwich. "Aha. Seems she wanted to relieve you of that stress." He says with a giggle as he points to my neck. "Stop it! We did nothing, I didn't even notice she gave me one until I looked in the mirror this morning." I say shyly while softly blushing. "Should've probably hid it better, I've heard several students about it already. Even got asked about it by some." He says. "Shit.. Is it that visible?" I ask with a sigh, finishing my sandwich. "If I said it isn't I'd be lying." He replies. I sigh again, flip him the bird and head back to my classroom. The next class arrives quickly and I hear most of the students snicker, but not actually say anything about it.

The last lesson finally finishes and I clean up the classroom, check some work and do everything I need before I can leave. Then I head straight the the principal's office. I knock on the door. "Come in." I hear. Which I do, I step inside of his office and sit down in front of him. "Ah, the lovely Marina. What can I do for you?" He says. He's always so kind to me. "Well, it's about class 1-C. There's a girl in it Nicole B. and she wants me to mentor her. Is there a possibility I can switch with her mentor and become mentor of their class?" I ask him. "I'd need to think about that. Who is their current mentor?" He asks. "Mr. Peterson." I reply. I see him think. "I'll think about it. You'll hear from me next week, okay?" He says to me. I get up , ready to leave. "Yes, thank you sir." I reply to him, and walk out of his office. I head out to my car ready to drive home.

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