Trapped In Minecraft

By TheStoryTeller98

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Bailey, Callum, Lizzie, Joel, Oli, Yammy, Joey, and Daniel are all widely known Youtubers who are known fo... More

Chapter One: Let's Celebrate!
Chapter 2: MineCon Part 0
Chapter 2: MineCon Part 1
Chapter 2: MineCon Part 2
Chapter 2: MineCon Part 3
Easter Special: History of Love
Chapter 3: Welcome to the World of Minecraft
Chapter 4: Trapped in the Game!
Chapter 5: The Quest
Author's Note: Sorry
Chapter 6: Preparing for the Journey
Chapter 7: Real Nightmare
Authors Notes: Holy Hell Guy's
Chapter 8: Prepared to Fight
Contest Time!!!!
Chapter 9: Portal to Another World!
Chapter 10: The Queen
Im Sorry Guys!!!
Authors Note: Super Duper Sorry
Chapter 12: The Challenge
Chapter 13: The Beginning of a War
Chapter 14: Fighting For Love
Side Chapter: Bouncy Castle Mayhem
Chapter 15: The Ex Boyfriend
Chapter 16: Gone to Evil
Story Update
Chapter 17: The Plan
Chapter 18: Breaking and Entering
Final Update!
Hey Guys!!!
Please Vote!!!
Update Time!!!
2nd Book is Here!!

Chapter 11: 5 Months Later

928 20 23
By TheStoryTeller98

Hey Guys....................

Yeah I am so sorry about not updating but I have some amazing news!!! I am officially on Summer Break and I can now update more often. I am going to try and update at least 2 times a week maybe even more depending on my schedule. So that is why you guys are getting a update today on a Wednesday. I feel so weird updating today, but I don't know I may just continue to update on Sunday's I am going to see if that works but if it becomes to much of a hassle to get it done, then I am going to go back to my original plan of one update a week and its uploaded on Sunday. Alright well enough gibber gabber on with the chapter.

Song of the Chapter..... Hopeful by Bars and Melody

The Story-Teller


Bailey's POV.

It's been almost 5 months since we had gotten trapped inside of the game. 5 months since I have seen my friends and my family. 5 months worrying about when The Hacker would strike next. 5 months worrying if I would make it out of this alive. Have you ever had those moments where you just freak yourself out and you are so worried about what is going to happen you have a panic attack and just freak. Well that is what is happening right now, The Hacker hasn't made an appearance since the whole Queen thing and I was beginning to worry that he might have forgotten about us and we were going to be trapped in her to the die that we all die. We still had no contact to the outside world but we could tell that they were still trying to break it because their was a case where the sky turned red again and we could hear voices from the other side. I could hear Dan calling out to us, they were trying to hack their way in. I wonder what they have done with the bodies, where were we now? Were we still in the convention center? Were we in a hospital? Could our families visit our bodies? What were they doing to try and get us out of the game? Are they using all the possible resources? How was everyone doing? These were the questions that I wanted answer to and I didn't know how to get the answer for them. I leaned up and looked around my room from where I was laying on my bed. I had tried to make it as close to my room back in the real world as possible but it wasn't really working and it was just making me homesick.

"This is so frustrating" I groaned.

"Well you are only going to make it worse for yourself" Callum said from behind me, I turned around and saw him leaning in the doorway of my bed room. Recently he moved in with me in order to after all the big fiasco with The Hacker being after me so in order for protection (At least that is what we told the others) he moved into the room next to mine in the castle. Though I will let you in on a little secret that we have, he doesn't sleep in his room really. I have been getting these nightmare at night of all the bad ways this could end. Everyone dying. Everyone not making it out of the game but I do. Everyone blaming this on me because he was after me. Callum leaving me.

"It's all my fault but you guys are being so nice and telling me its alright but I feel like everyone is mad at me and they are secretly blaming me" I cried out burying my head in my knees and letting all the emotions I had been holding inside of me out.

"Aw Baby it's not your fault, it's just that guys snide remarks getting to you" he said as he grabbed me and put me in his lap. I wrapped my arms around his waist and just cried into his chest.

"No one blames you for anything that this guy is doing, he just happens to have a crazy obsession with you and there's nothing you can do to stop that it's not your fault at all" he told me. I didn't say anything I just laid there and looked out the window I continued to watch the digital cloud flow by and I listened to his heart beat, I slowly started to fall asleep in Callum's arms. I soon did to his heart beat.

*4 Hours Later*

I was violently shook awake, I opened my eyes and looked up into Callum's frantic ones.

"Bailey you need to get up were being attacked and you are one of our strongest we need you" he yelled.

"Whats going on?" I asked him.

"Were being attacked, what didn't you get that from Were being attacked" he yelled.

"Oh right" I said as I got up and ran to my new elevator that we created in my house to go down to my secret lair. '

"See you outside" I grinned as I shot down the tube and soon landed into my lair. I looked to my left and ran to my Water Goddess Armour, then grabbing my sword to the left of it. I changed and soon felt my power increase immensely. I ran to the holding pen where I keep all of my summoned monsters and vehicles. I ran towards Aqua, my dragon and jumped on to her saddle. We ran and launched ourselves out of the runway and into the skies below my floating fortress. I looked down and saw an army of monster attacking the East Wall and breaking through at some points. I opened up all the com links to me.

"Where is everyone at?" I yelled as I flew down towards the chaos.

"I am in the back" My brother said.

"I'm with Joel" Lizzie said.

"I am off towards the north wall" Oli said.

"I'm towards the south under you" Callum said.

"I'm in the middle" Mattie said just as she created a massive tornado and swept up a horde of monsters and threw them back over the wall.

"Yeah I can see you" I grinned.

"Are we gonna do that move that we have been practicing?" I asked her kind of excited as I made Aqua disappear and began to free fall towards the ground.

"Wait this move you guys are talking about it dosen't happen to be the same one that oh you know took out an entire island?" Callum said with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Yes it is but we have mastered it to the point of where we can just destroy what we want" I grinned.

"Oh great that sounds so positive that this is going to work" he grumbled.

"Alright coming in hot catch me Mattie" I yelled as I was soon laid down on the ground next to Mattie as she laid me down with her wind powers.

"What is this one called?" my brother asked.

"Hurricane, the perfect mixture of wind and water" Mattie grinned as we locked arms and raised and collided our swords together.

"Oh heavenly beings lend us thy power to vanquish all this evil" we chanted.

Oh let this work.

Callum's POV.

They began to glow blue and white as the air and water began to swirl in a circle around them. The monster thought this was a good idea and to attack at once, they all converged on Mattie and Bailey. We all screamed out to them. But Bailey was louder.

"Everyone get down!!!" she yelled. We all fell to the ground and I watched as a pure beam of light blue and white energy formed a ring around them and then expanded taking out all the monster in their paths and completely destroying everything that they wanted to kill. All the monsters fell to the ground and disappeared and everything else like houses and the wall were all safe and intact. They had done it! They had taken them all out at once.

Dan's POV.

Phil and I looked at the screen in pure shock. They had just performed one of the most powerful spells in all of minecraft and they had done it successfully. It was incredible.

"There is no wonder that she is one of the most popular girl youtube gamers on the internet" Phil said looking at me.

"Yeah" I mumbled.

"Are you alright?" he asked me.

"Yeah I'm just wondering you said she is, but what if they don't get out of this game alive?" I said.

"Don't worry Dan they will get out of this alive, there a bunch of fighters and we have some of the best people on the planet working on getting them out of there, they are going to make it through this" he grinned as he pulled me closer and kissed my forehead.

"What the Hell!!" we heard behind us, we both turned and looked at the door where Maddie was standing looking at us with shock.

"Maddie calm down you can't tell anyone" Phil said freaking out they we were going to be discovered.

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone I'm just upset that you guys didn't trust me enough to let me in on your little secret" she said sounding hurt.

"Trust me the only other person who know's about this is your older sister Bailey, but that is because we have been amazing friends for a really long time, we would have told you sooner or later because we have gotten really close to you" I said.

"Alright I trust you guys but congrats on getting together" she grinned.

"Thanks" Phil grinned as he kissed my forehead again.

"So how is everyone doing?" she said motioning to the screen.

"Everyone is doing great you just missed your sister completely dominate against a massive army of monsters but you won't believe what has happened to their youtube channels" I said.

"Why what happened? They didn't get deleted did they?" she said freaking out.

"No they have been growing subscribers like a freaking animal, Bailey who had just reached 1 million subscribers is getting close to the 5 million mark" I said looking at my laptop where Bailey's Subscriber count was showing on my screen, it was currently at... 4,698,236 subscribers.

"Holy Shit that is incredibly" she said looking at me with wide eyes.

"Tell me about it ever since they got trapped the media has been talking nonstop about it and they have become so popular and everyone is gaining a lot of subscribers" Phil said.

"Wow" she mumbled.


So was that a good make up chapter? I hope so!! So I do have a couple of questions for you guys and if you could comment your opinions below that would be awesome.

What do you all think about the updating thing?

What do you guys want to happen next in the story?

If I wrote a superhero story about The Tide would you guys read it?

If I wrote a story about the Vamps or The Tide would you read it?

What about a Phan Book?

Any ideas for another book? because I have several written out I am just not sure that you guys would enjoy them or not so I haven't posted anything about them also I have this and would like to finish it if I could.

Alright well have a good night/day!

The Story-Teller

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