My Mate's Gone Awol!!! (boyxb...

By AnthonyRiverDawes

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hi my name is Alex i'm 17 and a werewolf infact im the next to be alpha of my pack. I found out who my mate w... More

My Mate's Gone Awol!!! (boyxboy)
chapter 1 back to school
chapter 2 the party and the girl!!!
chapter 3 due date!!!
chapter 4 the struggle to hold on to life!!!!
chapter 5 the preparing!!!
chapter 6 the night before!!!
Chapter 7 The Blue Moon!!!
chapter 8 my mate!!!
chapter 9 Nix's solution
Chapter 10 Where's My Mate
Chapter 11 Skye's pasted revealed
Chapter 13 The gaurdian caves
Chapter 14 The Rescue

chapter 12 the sliver poison

375 12 2
By AnthonyRiverDawes



the hallway became quite, the sound comming from the house becoming disant as I poised myself against alpha's door my ear was flushed against it. I tried to listen to what was being said from the other side but all I could hear was mumberling. my mind kept going back and forth to Alex and the mumberling from the alpha's room.

every since I was told about the mind link I kept trying to talk to him through the link but still nothing. mine and my wolf's worry increasing tenfold every second that went by it felt like our whole world was falling apart and darkness was taking it's hold, lost anger hurt and gult that we let him go alone wraped my body and made my wolf howl deep inside. my heart was aching the pain was intense that my hand clung to my chest to try to ease it but it didn't subside.

"hey I don't like being ignored Ril." a voice boomed in ear shot of me.

"shhh." I said waving at the person attacted to the voice but not looking in her direction.

"did you just shhh me big mistake." a shooting erupted from my shoulder at the sudden hit from her hand making a connection.

"ouch what was that for Mist." I said looking at her.

"that buddy was for shhhing me." she said folding her arms over her chest and shaking her head with a stern look in her eyes.

"am glad am not your mate as they would really regret pissing you off." I said laughing at the end, Mist just smiled.

"speaking of mates why do you smell like Alex." she asked

I lunged forward cupping my hand over her mouth and shhh her again. she gave me an o-no you didnt just shhh me again look with them emerald eyes of hers, I uncupped my hand from her mouth.

"wait wait you an." I cupped her mouth again to stop her from finishing that sentance and nodded my head at her question.

"shhh boardcast it to the whole pack why don't ya." I said bluntly.

I felt her mouth move from under my hand and heard a mumberled sorry.

"it's ok Mist and I know most of the pack know by now anyway am just scared at theier reaction to mine and Alex's mating." I said pulling my hand away from her mouth.

"who gives a fuck, you found your mate even though it's a guy so what there's nothing any where to say it's wrong plus even the humans are doing it now." she said a bit to angerly.

I just smiled at her, "i know but we not humans are we? it's different for us."

she just gave me a huge smile and drapped her arms around me crashing me in a hug "you be fine you have Alex, us and the pack as your protector esp Alex."

she pulled away out of the hug I turned my head away and downwards so she couldn't see my tears in my eyes. she noticed though she lifted my head up so she could look at me.

"aww babes why the tears, where is Alex."  I saw her looking around for him with my blurry vision.

"he has gone missing and I don't know where he is or even if he is alive or in danger." I said breathlessly as every word that came out became harder to say.

"hey you don't speak like that!! he is alive and we going to find him." she said in a sturn but sincere voice which made me look upto her tears in my eyes. she wiped the tears away with her thumbs.

"no more tears." she said in a softer tone.

just then I heard the other's Laim, Adam and flo come around the corner.

"hey you two what you doing down there." Adam shouting out.

Misty shushed him, he just held his arms up in defense. they all came over towards us and knelt down to our level.

"so whats going on why you outside Alpha's door." Flo asked. I took a deep breath in and out and spilled everything to them as they were my mate's and knew they would understand. I told them about me and Alex well not everything then his disappearance, Nix and Skye to me outside the Alpha's door.

Liam and Adam just stayed on the spot wided mouth. Flo crashed me in a hug.

"stop can't breath." I said the air rushing from my body. she just giggled released me and made her way over to the boys standing in the middle of them, she stepped back and knocked their heads together.

"ouch." they said in unison rubbing their heads. "your nuts Flo." Liam said facing her.

"i know, that was for staring it's Riley and Alex our friends." she replied.

"i know it's just a little wierd but it's cool." Adam said Liam nodded his head in agree franticly.

all of a sudden there was a big comotion coming from behind the door lending to the Alpha's room. each of us lend in towards the door trying to listen in whats happening but couldn't make out any words. it died down again as quickly as it started. the door knob started to rattle and turn.

"shit-shit run." I said.

in the confusion we scrambled to get away but we all hit eachother and fell to the floor piled in top of eachother. the door opened, we all looked up from where we laid into the alpha's face. misty let a giggle escaped alpha just glared and stepped over us and walked down the hallway, next I saw my dad shaking his head I just hung my head in shame. I heard giggling coming from behind him looking up again I saw her with her hand over her mouth trying not to burst into laughter I just shook my head at her.

"guys you can get off me now." I blurtted out as they all was still crushing me.

they got up one after the other, I got up and brushed myself off. dad walked past he didn't say a word but I caught a little smerk on his face. Nix closely followed behind him still giggling to herself, as she walked down the hall I heard her say "someone's in trouble." in a mocking voice I just glared at her she must of known because she waved me off.

I followed the others down the hallway I happened to glance back into alpha's room and noticed Skye glancing out the window with a hand on the window pain just staring turning around I made my way to the entrance of the room a hand on the frame of the door with the other I gently knocked on the door.

"hey Skye you all right man." I said

he didn't repsond, the light hitting the window pain made his reflextion stand out all I could see was a sadness on his face and in his eyes.

"i be all right kiddo, just need a min or so." his voice breaking towards the end.

"ok Skye." was all I said I exited back out into the hall and continued walking.

I made it to the bottom of the stairs, the pack house was quite full every so often I noticed stares and dirty looks coming from the pack members out of the corner of my eyes. I just carried on pushing them to the back of my mind.

"EVERYONE MEETING OUTSIDE NOW." it was Alpha's voice it sounded serious. everyone stopped what they were doing and dashed outside. when I got outside I saw both Alpha's and my dad standing on the porch and the rest of the pack on the grass just in front of them. the hunting party emerging from the woods and running up to us changing to their human froms as soon as they got to the house. Skye walked passed me and got in the formation.

I took a deep breath in and let it out, taking small steps I made my own way to the rest of the pack I was just bout to pass my dad and the Alpha's when Alpha's arm stretched out blocking my way forward.

"no Riley you belong up here." his voice sounding gentlier than before.

I just stood there motionless, he stepped forward.

"right as most of you are aware by now my son Alex as found his mate." he stopped and turned to me.

"Riley." he gave me a small smile and a nod then turned back round to continue.

I couldn't help but look at the pack faces my friends faces were all smiles and Nix was smilling too. others were just shook written across their faces like they didn"t understand how while some of the pack looked disgraced and disgusted at my and Alex mating. I couldn't help but sigh away from their faces turning my head and looking down in shame. I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my body, it was my dad comforting me.

"don't you dare, dont you ever be ashamed Ril." he said wispering in my left ear.

with his words echoing in my ear drum I lefted my head and held it high.

"Alex is now missing I want you all to look for him with only some staying to protect the plantation and the pups. we don't know where he is but we know where he was he was in the red moon pack's terroitory. we be leaving under the cover of darkness."

everyone stood in silence not saying a word.

Alpha turned and walked back to the house stopping in the door frame.

"those of you who aren't accepting of my son and Riley's mating I will deal with you all later." anger and disgust hitting our senes he slammed the door shut. Alex's mum rushed in after him.

all of a sudden there was alot of natter coming from the pack they were all discussing about mine and Alex's mating and the ones who resented it. it was to much for me I closed my eyes and held my ears to stop the noise.

"ENOUGH." dad shouted out towards the pack whislt holding my shoulders.

"thats my son and alpha's son your talking about your next alpha's so respect their mating and the god's decision."

everyone shut up and looked at their beta.

"plus we havn't got time for this we need to prepare for Alex's rescue, so you mugs disburst or do I have to get alpha again." he said pointing to the front door.

with that said everyone went their own way. dad let out a sigh "stupid pack." I heard him mumble even though my hands were still over my ears. my arms dropt to the side. when another pair of arms wrapped around me.

"hi mum." I said knowing it was my mum holding me tight.

"oh sweetheart you ok." her voice soft and meek.

I nodded my head "i'm fine but be even better when I have Alex in my arms and I will let him out of my sight again."

two types of laughter hit my ear drums which made me laugh. I loved it when my parents laughed.

"come lets go home and prepare." my dad said.

me and mum both nodded our heads and made our way home. once inside I made my way to my room shutting the door I walked over to the bed and fell on it and cried my heart out.

only a couple of hours passed which was agonizing I kept worrying and pacing up and down my room wishing night would hurry up. I peered out the window and the night fully settled in, there was a knock on my door.

"come in." I said looking at the door.

dad peered inside and smile.

"it's time son."

I nodded my head and made my way to the door. he place a hand on my shoulder.

"Alex will be found and he be ok." he said reasurringly.

a weak smile spread across my face. I closed my door and walked down the hallway, walking down the stairs I got to the bottom mum was already by the front door. she crushed me in a hug "you be safe you hear and bring Alex home." concern laced in her voice.

I kissed her on her cheek "i will mum."

we exited the house and made our way to the main house by the time we reached it everyone was outside the alpha's were just in front. me and mum stopped with the other's while dad carried on and to his place next to the alpha's side as his beta.

"right you bunch listen up and listen good first of all Skye, Ann, Garry, Liam you'll are staying here to protect the house and pups just incase this is all a trap, the rest of you are gona be going into smaller groups and making your ways to red moon's terroitory. we won't be leaving until my son and Riley's mate is back safe and sound."

there was a sudden up roar from most of the pack as a battle cry sounded in the air, it was echoing but I joined in. Skye my mum garry and liam took their place and stood next to Alpha's mate.

"what is she doing here, she isn't even part of this pack, she might be a spy." Garry piped up pointing at a girl two rows in front of me glancing at the girl I saw it was Nix. I shook my head at his disgracfull comment Alpha noticed too within a sec he had Garry in his hand squezzing his throat, Garry was scremming and trying to take in need breaths. I wanted to laugh at that jerk but didn't as I saw Misty's face full of worry for said jerk I pushed passed everyone until I made it to her putting an arm around she settled in a instance.

"that girl you put it may not be apart of this pack but she is Alex's and Riley's friend so shut up." Alpha said and chucked Garry.

Garry went flying crashing to the ground. I let go Misty go she ran upto her mate confronting him and making sure he was ok within the next breath she hit him gently but hard enough to get her point across which made him growl she just stared at him. he back down instancely. a little chuckle escaped my lips as I knew who be the boss in that relationship, in a instance that thought left and replaced with who would be the boss in mine and Alex's relationship me or him or would we be equals. god I missed him just wanted him here safe in my arms.

"we ain't got time for this we got to find Alex for all we know he maybe dead." I said with anger, worry and gult laced in my tone.

everyone started starring at me because of my sudden outburst. Alpha started walking towards me he place a hand on my shoulder and nodded.

"Riley's right we ain't got time for this everyone change and move out." he shouted out.

the pack started to change with his commade soon all of the pack members that were on the rescue were on all fours and making their way to the woods. one by one and heading for the red moon's terriorty. we all stayed together until we got a bit further into the woods then one by one the pack formed smaller groups and headed of in different directions I stayed with the Alpha, dad and Nix tagged along with us. we picked up speed and headed for their land.

Alex's pov

"wake up-wake up you flee bitten mutt."

a shooting pain in my jaw jolted me awake. at first I didn't know where I was or who was here but it all came flooding back the cage, the injection, the voice. licking at my lips another sting erupted my face as there was a cut on my bottom lip.

"glad your finally awake I missed your screams." the same voice from earlier said in a menacing tone.

my eyes became focused and focused on the guy. thats when I noticed I was out of the cage and my wrist and ankles was chained up the chains ending at walls either side of me. the place was poorly lite aload of cages and chains scattered around the room.

"your lucky im tied up otherwise you be dead on the spot."

the guy started to laugh a sinster laugh echoed around us. he just stood there not moving not threated by my words. he then rushed me grabed my jaw and stared at me.

"please your in no postion to give threats."

he released me from his grip stepped back into the darkest.

I couldn't see him but I heard him giggling to himself.

"aww is something wrong blue moon." his voice sounded sounded distant.

I didn't respond but he was right something did feel wrong, I felt really weak sleepy and my whole body felt like it was standing in a raging fire.

I looked into the darkness anger setting in I wanted to get out. I willed the change but it didn't happen. all of a sudden I started panting trying to get much air as I could.

"Spike want have you done to me." I said still panting

I hear a pair of hands clap and laughter then Spike stepped back into the light.

"you really want to know." he asked

"yes." I screamed at him realeasing all my rage and anger. I try to get loose from the chains but to no a vail.

"now now keep that up and I won't tell."

he tilted his head and a sinster smile crept on his face. he folded his arms across his chest and walked towards me.

his face inches from mine.

"i injected you with a sleeping pill."

he jumped back.

"here's the best bit in that sleeping pill was exracts of sliver and the cage you were in was also coated in sliver." he did and funny twirl and bow.

"it was nice knowing you Alex now die." he said from his bowed stance.

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