How She Trusts || Naruto Uzum...

By poisonbeautyrage

27.4K 1.1K 153

After a scandalous incident at her old school, Naomi moves across the country to start a new life. Afraid of... More

{Chapter One}
{Chapter Three}
{Chapter Four}
{Chapter Five}
{Chapter Six}
{Chapter Seven}
{Chapter Eight}
{Chapter Nine}
{Chapter Ten}
{Chapter Eleven}
{Chapter Twelve}
{Chapter Thirteen}
{Chapter Fourteen}
{Chapter Fifteen}
{Chapter Sixteen}
{Chapter Seventeen}
{Chapter Eighteen}
{Chapter Nineteen}
{Chapter Twenty}
{Chapter Twenty-One}
{Chapter Twenty-Two}
{Chapter Twenty-Three}
{Chapter Twenty-Four}

{Chapter Two}

1.7K 65 5
By poisonbeautyrage

  To Naomi's joy no one dared to take a seat next to the new girl. Most seemed to have already formed their own cliques from the years before and weren't too keen on letting a new member join. Even though there was a tiny part of her brain that was annoyed with how unwelcoming and stuck-up the students here seemed to be, she was overall relieved that no one paid her any attention. The first girl that did sit near her bounced into the class just as the bell rung. Naomi's eyes were immediately attracted to her short pink hair, and she couldn't help but notice how she walked with a certain grace. She kept her head high and glided down the aisle, waving to a few people that shouted greetings to her as soon as she walked through the door. Naomi watched with wide eyes as the girl smiled at her, and slipped into the seat in front of her own. Her paranoia kicked in and Naomi's mind began playing through the possible reasons why she chose the one in front of her. Did she see the picture and she recognizes me? Is she sitting there so that she can torment me during class? But all these theories were proven wrong when nearly seconds later, another eye-catching girl strolled into the room, and sat down right next to the first girl. Oh, it was the only seat with an empty one right beside it.

The girls didn't talk to her or acknowledge her at all during the class, and thankfully the teacher didn't call on Naomi and make her introduce herself to everyone, so considering the standards that she had set for it to be considered a decent class, this one was exceeding them. She tried to pay attention to the board and the notes that the teacher told them to copy, but her mind drifted off of her three-hole-punch line paper, and instead tuned into the pinkette's conversation with her friend. Both girls were practically falling out of their seats to be close enough to have a whispered conversation. Although they weren't very skilled, and Naomi could easily listen to most of what they were saying. Her name was mentioned throughout the conversation as were the words 'new' and 'quiet'. If she were anybody else, maybe Naomi would've confronted them about it. But she would never be able to muster up enough courage.

"You talk to her then, if you're so curious," the pink-haired girl whisper-yelled, and scooted back to properly sit in her chair.

"Fine," her blonde friend whispered back, just as annoyed with pinkie. "Hey," she said to catch Naomi's attention. She lifted her head and flickered her eyes to the girl's face. The blonde put on a dashing smile and batted her eyelashes.

"Hi," Naomi said timidly and tapped her pen against her notebook to control her jitters.

"I'm Ino. You're new, right? I haven't seen you here last year. Where'd you move from?" she asked.

"Uh, you probably haven't heard of the city, it's across the country," Naomi said, trying her best to dodge the question while still giving an answer.

"Maybe." Ino shrugged.

"Ino, turn around and face the board. You don't want to be slacking on your first day," the teacher barked from the front of the room. Ino rolled her eyes and mouthed "We'll talk later." Then spun around in her seat to face the teacher like she was told to.

Class went by without further interruption, but Naomi couldn't help but notice that Ino and the pink-haired girl stealthily passed notes back and forth for the last half-hour of the class.

When the bell finally rang, Naomi gathered her notes and neatly slipped her notebook back into her backpack. She slung it over her shoulder, but realized that her pathway was blocked. Ino was standing with her arms crossed waiting for Naomi to be done packing up.

"It's been a while since we've gotten a new kid. Everyone at this school's been going here since their freshman year. They're all idiots of you ask me." Ino smirked.

"Ino." Her friend warned her, and pushed past her to be able to stand from her desk.

"What? You know it's true," Ino grumbled.

"I'm Sakura, by the way. Ino's friend." The pink-haired girl finally introduced herself and smiled warmly to Naomi.

"More like my mom."

"You need a second mom to keep you in check."

"And you need a boyfriend."

"Can we not start this conversation again? You know that I only have eyes for -"

"Excuse me, but I really need to get going," Naomi said politely, wanting to escape whatever argument was brewing between the two girls. Sakura and Ino walked down the aisle with Naomi following behind them, and without a word the three fell into step together and exited the classroom. An impatient Naruto was waiting by the doorway, nodding a greeting to everyone that exited.

"Finally, you're done. Oh hey, Sakura-chan!" Naruto smiled brightly at the sight of his old friend.

"Naruto, are you waiting for me after class? Again?" Sakura asked uncomfortably and shifted the books in her arms.

"Hey that was one time!" Naruto defended, feeling slightly embarrassed at how stalker-ish he sounded. "I'm actually waiting for Naomi."

"Wow, already creeping on the new girl. That's pretty sleazy of you, Naruto," Ino commented and shook her head in disapproval.

"No! I'm just her guide! God, stop making me sound like such a creep." Naruto blushed lightly and scratched the back of his head. "We need to get going or we'll be late. I'll catch you guys later," Naruto said and motioned for Naomi to follow.

"Hey, wait. Meet us outside the cafeteria so we can sit together," Ino said and grabbed at Naomi's arm. Naomi flinched at the touch but nodded in agreement.

"So, Sakura and Ino have already snatched you up." Naruto chuckled when they had distanced themselves from the two girls.

"Why are they so friendly towards me? They don't even know me."

"Our school's pretty tight knit. All the kids in our grade are the same kids from our freshman class. Not that much changes around here, so I guess you just interest them." He shrugged. The rest of the quick walk to their next class was silent.

"Here were are, Chemistry," Naruto said, and waited for Naomi to walk into the class before he did. What a cute gesture.

"It smells like..." Naomi trailed off as she sniffed the air.

"Chemicals?" Naruto suggested with a chuckle. "Yeah, it is a Chemistry room after all. Come on, let's go get a seat together. We can be partners since you're new and don't really know anyone." The duo chose a desk in the middle of the classroom, and both took seats on the stools given.

"Here, safety goggles. We wouldn't want your pretty little eyes getting hurt," Naruto said and put a pair of safety goggles in the palm of Naomi's hand. She blushed and thanked him quietly, and played with the plastic spectacles in her lap.

A tall boy walked in through the door and scanned the room with her dark eyes. He paused at Naomi and Naruto and breezed over to the two of them. He took a seat at the chemistry bench in front of them and turned around in his stool.

"Hey idiot, I thought we agreed that we were gonna be partners again," The dark-haired boy said darkly.

Naruto smiled sheepishly. "Heh, oops. I guess I forgot."

Naomi felt as if she was intruding, even though Naruto offered for the two of them to be partners. "U-Um, I can move to a different bench," She said quietly.

"No, it's fine. Sasuke doesn't mind having a different partner." Naruto snickered, to which Sasuke responded with a string of curse words directed towards the blonde. Clearly this was a joke between the two of them, and once again Naomi felt out of place.

"So who's the girl?" Sasuke asked and leaned his arms against their table. His stone-cold stare was causing Naomi to shrink in her seat, and the fact that he was speaking about her like she wasn't even there made her silently annoyed.

"This is Naomi. Naomi, asshole here is Sasuke," Naruto introduced.

"So you ditch me to get with some new chick?" Sasuke asked.

Naruto's face turned red with embarrassment. "I'm not trying to get with her!" He leaned in close to Naomi and whispered in her ear. "He's just mad because now he's vulnerable to the fangirls."

"Huh?" Naomi was confused. Vulnerable to fangirls? What does that even mean? As if to aide Naomi's confusion, a short girl slipped into the room and scanned the area with hungry eyes. They soon landed on Sasuke, and a humongous smile appeared on her face. She ran over and jumped into the empty seat beside him at the chemistry bench.

"Hi, Sasuke! Oh my gosh, I can't believe that we'll be partners!" she said and threw her arms around the fuming boy.

"I'll get you back for this," Sasuke mumbled and tried removing the girl from him. All in all, Naomi thought that it was a pretty interesting class.

Two more thirty-eight minute classes passed by, with four minutes in between for hallway travel, and lunch had finally arrived. Naruto dropped Naomi off at her locker, and told her that he had lunchtime detention for something that had happened in one of his morning classes. He said that the cafeteria was directly down the hall of the second hallway off of the front rotunda, then proceeded to ask if she even remembered where the front rotunda was. She answered yes, and Naruto felt a little better about leaving her alone. She assured him that she was going to find Sakura and Ino, and they made arrangements to meet back up at her locker at the end of lunch, like he was her dad needing every detail.

When Naomi got downstairs she realized that the instructions that Naruto gave her weren't really necessary. A hoard of students were going in the same direction, precisely down which hallway Naruto had told her to follow, while there were only a slight few people Naomi saw heading back to their classes; freshman and sophomores whose lunch period had ended.

Outside the cafeteria she could see Sakura and Ino right where they said to be. By the corner of the doors, with Ino yelling at every person that knocked into her. Naomi hesitantly walked up to the two of them.

"Hey," she said and smiled lightly.

"Hey! Good you didn't get eaten by this group of idiots!" Ino said while yelling into the crowd of hungry teenagers.

"Screw you!" an unknown voice answered back from deep inside of the beast.

"Do you have a lunch or are you going to buy something?" Sakura asked kindly.

"Um, I didn't know if anything was going to be good here so I brought something," Naomi said.

"Good idea. Sakura never buys anything from the caf either. She only eats gluten free air," Ino said mockingly.

"I'm watching my figure," Sakura said timidly.

"Come on, let's go eat outside." Ino said and turned to walk into the cafeteria. Inside at the back of the room Naomi saw that one whole wall was made up of windows that showed an array of lunch tables. Ino pulled the two girls out the class doors and took a seat at the table nearest to the door.

"We always sit here, it's the best spot," Sakura informed Naomi.

"What if someone else is sitting here?" Naomi asked dumbly.

Ino scoffed. "No one ever does, they know it's ours."

Naomi felt that this whole situation was starting to sound very Mean Girls-ish. She could even hear Janis Ian whispering, "Beware of the Plastics," in the back of her head. But this sounded more appealing to her than sitting alone and having people gawk at the loner new girl.

"So how do you like the school so far?" Sakura asked while taking out her pink lunch bag.

"It's alright. It's really big though."

"Yeah, the school to student ratio is way off. Most classrooms are empty since we don't have enough students to fill them." Ino said.

"Aren't you going to get something?" Naomi asked when she noticed that Ino hadn't bought anything or seemed to have a lunch from home.

She sighed and stood up, straightening her skirt. "I suppose. I'll be right back," she said and strutted back into the cafeteria. Naomi watched Sakura open her lunch bag and take out a water, apple, and a boxed salad. Sakura saw her staring and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Aren't you going to eat?" she asked.

"Oh, yeah," Naomi said and took out her own lunch. Sandwich, rice crackers, and a diet Pepsi. What's this? Naomi saw another shiny little package in her lunch bag and picked it out. She smiled when she saw what it was. A Twix bar.

"What's that?" Ino asked as she returned to the table and plunked her tray down next to Naomi. She smiled while fiddling with the small treat in her hand.

"A Twix."

"Okay, and why are you smiling at it like it's your first-born child?"

"They're my sister's favourite. She has her own stash and never lets anyone touch them. She knew how nervous I was about my first day and I guess she slipped one into my lunch when I wasn't looking," Naomi said softly.

"Aww!" The two girls squealed.

"That's so cute! You must be a pretty good big sister," Sakura commented. Naomi's mind wandered while she was thinking about her younger sibling.

"Do you know what all the kids are saying about me at school because of you?! Half of my friends won't even talk to me anymore! It's all your fault, why did you have to be so stupid and send that stupid picture! You're the worst sister ever!"

Naomi tried to smile, but the corners of her mouth were twitching. "Yeah. I try my best."  

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