โœ“ | MISCHIEF MANAGED | James...

By fhreyachaes

2.6M 94.5K 211K

[BOOK ONE OF MISCHIEF MANAGED SERIES] "Just look at her, James!" Sirius cried out exasperatedly. "Can't you s... More

1 : Ain't It Fun
2 : Battle Scars
3 : Clarity
4 : Dark Side
5 : Earned It
6 : Feel This Moment
8 : Here's to Never Growing Up
9 : I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor
10 : Just a Little Bit of Your Heart
11 : Kings and Queens
12 : Little Things
13 : More Than a Feeling
14 : New Romantics
15 : Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)
16 : Permanent Vacation
17 : Queen of Hearts
18 : Real World
19 : Strings
20 : The Scientist
21 : Unconditionally
22 : Vanilla Twilight
23 : Wait For It
24 : XO
25 : You and Me
26 : Zero to Hero
s p e c i a l โ€ข c h a p t e r

7 : Gold Forever

99.7K 4K 6K
By fhreyachaes

Butterflies, butterflies
We were meant to fly,
You and I, you and I
Colors in the sky

7 : Gold Forever (edited)

Catherine couldn't stop the excitement and anticipation from rushing through her veins. Today was finally Monday, the day of the tryouts. Though her leg was crossed over the other, it was shaking in thrill as she absentmindedly drummed her fingers against her desk noisily. It was History class and Binns had droned on and on about something related to Newt Scamander. For this new lecture, they had to learn about the complete background of one of the most powerful and greatest wizards of history as he told the class to flip to a different page.

Catherine did so and found herself staring at the face of a familiar wizard. "Oi, it's Merlin!" Gideon snickered to her as she ceased her restless doings and for once, paid attention to Binns.

"As you all know, Merlin is the most powerful sorcerer to have ever lived in history. He devoted his life for a great muggle king known as Arthur Pendragon. Can anyone give me a small background about the Arthurian legend?" Binns scanned the crowd, surprised to see Catherine's hand in the air. "Miss Valdez?"

Ah, of course, Binns and his useless capability of remembering names.

"Well," Catherine started knowingly, "Merlin was like a father to Arthur, constantly caring for him and laying down his life to save him from dark magic of foes. And Arthur married Guinevere, a lady." Catherine paused with a purse of her lips. "Sorry, Professor, that's all I've got."

"Ten points to Gryffindor," Binns drawled before explaining, "You are in fact correct, Miss Vance, about the great Merlin laying down his life to protect Arthur at all costs. However, you are mistaken about the great wizard being a father figure and the muggle king marrying Guinevere."

Catherine furrowed her eyebrows at this, sharing a questioning look with Fabian and Gideon as confused murmurs ran throughout the crowd.

"I guess my whole life was a lie," Fabian sassed as he tossed a paper plane to his brother.

"Merlin was no older than Arthur, being that of near ages. He had a twin sister named Cecily whom the muggle king fell in love with and married." Binns then talked about Merlin and his magical capacities that were beyond compare.

As soon as class was dismissed, the Prewett twins dragged her out of the classroom. "Itty bitty Valentiny," Gideon started with a grin at her direction, "we've got some dungbombs for you."

"Happy birthday!" Fabian cried out obnoxiously, draping an arm lazily around her shoulders as his twin followed suit and weighed her down.

Catherine shrugged their arms off as she rolled her eyes, laughing. "Shut it, Fabe, you know my birthday's not until a couple of months." She then looked over at Gideon with a glint in her eyes. "But yes, my favorite twin, I'm listening."

Fabian protested at that whereas a Cheshire smile stretched across Gideon's lips as he said, "Later at midnight, we want you to sneak them in the Slytherin common room where Snape, Malfoy, Crabbe, Nott, and Goyle and the rest of their gang will be."

She raised an amused eyebrow. "And what, pray tell, did the lot of them do to you?"

Fabian rolled his eyes. "They messed up our Potions work. Normally, we wouldn't care — "

" — but Sluggy's giving us detention for a whole week!" Gideon replied with a click of his tongue. "It's nearly Halloween, Valentiny, we can't have detention!"

A smirk tugged Catherine's lips as she nodded slowly. "Leave that to me, boys."

"Oh, Cat Queen!" a rather cheeky voice called out, echoing throughout the corridor as everyone turned to see who it was. Catherine twisted around from where she faced the twins and saw a familiar bespectacled, hazel eyed boy with a large grin on his face.

"Oh, it's you." She waved a hand airily and turned back around.

Fabian and Gideon eyed her strangely, wondering why she would treat her boyfriend like that, the two sharing raised eyebrows.

Realizing her mistake, Catherine inwardly cringed before spinning back around with the biggest smile she could muster. "I mean, oh, it's you!" she cried out happily, rushing to the amused boy with open arms. Catherine reached James, reaching over to give him a hug, but sidestepping and pulling away before she could even wrap her arms around him. "Whoops, I gotta run!" She pretended to walk away when James hooked an arm around her waist.

James rolled his eyes over Catherine's theatrics before pulling her to his side. "What a dramatic thing you are, my Valentine."

"Don't make me throw up in my mouth," she muttered, punching him lightly as he tipped his head back and roared out laughing which in turn made her laugh as well.

James's laughter died down as he gave the two identical twins a boyish nod, Fabian and Gideon following suit as Gideon mock saluted James. "All right, Potter?" Fabian greeted.

"What's good, you two," James chirped back, reaching over to bump fists with them.

Catherine twisted her way out of his arm, mumbling for him to give her a second as she quickly looped her arms around each of the twins'. The two brothers leaned over to her as she whispered, "I've got something that could help me sneak in the Slytherin common room. Do you need me to do anything else to, let's say, Snape? Like," she paused with a smirk, "give his hair a touch of magic?"

Fabian grinned mischievously. "This is why you're my favorite girl in the whole wide world, itty bitty Valentiny."

She tutted at him and flicked her forehead. "What's Molly then — your next door neighbor?"

Gideon bursted out laughing as he shook his head. "Good one, I'm gonna use that line someday." He waved at her along with Fabian as the twins parted ways.

Catherine turned to face James who was waiting patiently. "Did you talk to Lily again?" she asked as the two started walking again to the common room to leave their school books and bags behind.

     "Oh, right! I almost forgot about that," James said, taking Catherine's bag from her so he could carry it as well with him. "Yes, I asked her how her day was and she told me that it was fine."

Catherine simply waited with a raised eyebrow.

James rolled his eyes before mumbling out, "Then she told me to bugger off."

Catherine snickered, telling the Fat Lady the password before saying to James, "Why don't you try a new method?"

"Which is?" he asked, climbing through the portrait first and helping Catherine in after him.

"Play hard to get. Don't even bother talking to Lily, for at least a week. Then she'll come and talk to you instead," Catherine said thoughtfully before muttering to herself, "Though I highly doubt she'd do that."

"You know, Valentine, I'm not sure our plan is working quite well." James rubbed the back of his neck, taking a seat on a couch as he set both bags aside.

"You don't say, Potter," Catherine remarked in faux surprise before carelessly plopping down next to him as well, only to have a cramp start up on her right calf. "Ow, ow, ow — "

     James patted his lap as she draped her cramping leg over him. "Say," he started thoughtfully as he relieved the pain in her leg, "what made Evans jealous of Diggory last year?"

Catherine thought of this for a moment, remembering what happened as she nodded to herself. "His girlfriend kissed him in front of the whole school." She pointed at a certain area of her leg. "This one here please."

James complied her request as he pursed his lips, the gears in his head turning before his face brightened visibly.

     She eyed him warily. "Uh oh, what mad idea do you have this time? Thanks, my cramp is gone," she added and withdrew her leg from him.

     "I know!" He shifted on his seat to fully face her. "Later after tryouts, you have to kiss me."

"I thought we agreed no kissing."

"No, not on the lips. On my cheek." James literally reached a hand over to pat himself on the back. "Yes, that would be quite brilliant. Excellent work, James Potter."

"More of like stupid." Catherine frowned at him as she mumbled, "I don't want to do that."

     "Hmm, okay, why don't we make a deal then, Valentine," James offered, raking a hand across his already unkempt hair. He knew how Catherine never backs down from a challenge, she was just so daring. "You catch the Snitch within the first minute, we'll stage a break up and pretend none of this ever happened. You catch it even millisecond over, I get a kiss on the cheek."

"On the cheek?" Catherine smirked back at him. "You've got yourself a challenge, Potter."

"Oh, and you've got to start calling me James."

Catherine reached over to purposely tidy and flatten James's hair that he'd purposely mess up. "Only when you stop calling me Valentine," she shot back with a cheeky wink, causing James to swat her hands away and ruffle his hair again.

"Alright, come on. It won't end quite well if the Captain and the sure chosen one as Seeker show up late on tryouts." James got up and beckoned Catherine over to follow him.

Catherine tagged along and scrunched her nose up. "Don't call me 'chosen one'. Makes me sound like a prat."

James snorted and flicked her nose gently before steering her forward with his hands on her shoulders. "Whatever you say, anti-chosen one."

As the two left the common room, they changed into Quidditch attire in the locker rooms before making their way to the Quidditch Field when three boys jousted their way to them. Sirius grinned rakishly at Catherine as he said, "How's my girl today? Ready for tryouts?" He winked at her, draping an arm across her shoulders.

Catherine playfully rolled her eyes at him, opening her mouth to reply when James beat her to it. "She's not yours, Pad," he lightly commented in a sing-song voice, "you'll have to go through me first."

Sirius puffed his chest like a gorilla. "I can get through — I'm bigger."

James stood straighter as he fought the urge to grin. "I'm taller."

Out of nowhere, Catherine slapped a hand over her mouth and nose. "Merlin's beard!" she cried out and whirled around to face Peter and Remus. "Do you two smell that?"

Peter bent his head over to sniff himself. "Smell what?"

Her eyes were wide in disbelief. "Peter, do you really not smell it?"

A bewildered look still etched on his face, he leaned over to sniff Remus. "M-Maybe?"

"The testosterone in the air is drowning me — Remus, you're their mother, stop them."

     James's and Sirius's faces fell into one of deadpans whereas Peter had bursted out laughing along with Remus.

     "Ha ha, very funny, let's go, Padfoot," James grumbled and turned away from them trying to hide his smile.

     Sirius harrumphed. "Right after you, Prongs." He looped his arm through James as the two boys marched ahead.

     "Don't forget to look both ways before you cross," Remus called out teasingly as the rest of them followed after.

     "Yes, mother," James and Sirius called back in response.

     Catherine shook her head to herself while smiling as she hurried along to catch up to them. The boys saw her and separated arms so she could walk in the middle with them flanking either sides of her. "It's getting colder and colder everyday," she said, shivering from the gust of wind.

     James glanced down and took note of her little shudder as he swung his bag over to his front to rummage through it for something.

   She turned to Sirius whom she saw had a scarf tucked under an arm. "Paddy," she started, causing him to raise an amused eyebrow from the moniker, "could you lend me your scarf?"

Sirius grinned lopsidedly at her, softening upon seeing her slightly shy expression. He made to hand it over to her, but frowned as soon as another pair of hands came into sight and wrapped a scarf around her neck.

     "Here you go," James said cheerfully, taking her hair out from the scarf so it could tumble down her back.

They were nearing the Quidditch Field as she nudged his shoulder with hers. "Thanks again — I owe you back twice now."

      He shrugged nonchalantly, grinning lopsidedly at her. "Well, think about it — one: we wouldn't want Evans thinking anything otherwise — "

     "I doubt she'd even care but okay," Catherine cut in.

     " — and two: we also wouldn't want J — "

     "Jack Frost nipping at my nose."

James glanced down again to grin proudly at her. "Right you are, Valentine." He slung an arm around her as the two waved goodbye at the rest of the Marauders and made their way to the field. "Are those Evans, McKinnon, and Fortescue or is my eyesight just really terrible?"

Catherine turned to where Sirius, Remus, and Peter were clambering onto the stands, and she caught sight of Lily sitting with Marlene and Alice. "No, no, you're right — it's them!" She beamed brightly at the three girls who were enthusiastically waving at her.

"GO, CATHY!" Lily hollered at the girl, raising up a banner that she personally handmade along with Marlene and Alice.

Alice shook the streamers in her hands excitedly as Marlene called out, "You got this, girl — show 'em who's the boss!"

James laughed under his breath, steering Catherine over to where the other players were. "Go on so we can declare you the official Seeker." He gave her shoulder a squeeze. "You'll be great, don't worry."

She nodded firmly and hurried to stand in line with the few others trying out as Seeker.

"Alright, listen up, you dung beetles," James started, pacing in front of them all with his hands clasped behind his back as he started his opening instructions. "Chasers, up in the air. There will only be two available positions, considering I'd be in one of them. Obviously," he added arrogantly as an afterthought, making Catherine snort and roll her eyes.

After Chasers, Beaters went next and then followed by Keepers.

"Now, the moment you've all been waiting for. Seekers." James smirked at Catherine, sending her a cheeky wink.

A fifth year boy called out, "Hey, this is bloody unfair. Of course you'll choose Cathy, she's your girlfriend!"

James barked out a laughter before his face turned deadly serious. "Why don't you all get in the air and we'll see if you lot can even last five seconds longer than Catherine Valentine can while catching the bloody Snitch."

Catherine tilted her head sidewards to make a hair curtain, covering her reddening face from all the others trying out for Seeker. She discreetly narrowed her eyes at James who pretended not to notice her glare.

"Now, up!" he commanded as the five of them quietly ascended the air. James stuck a hand inside the pockets of his Quidditch robes before raising his closed fist in the air.

Catherine's stomach twisted in thrill and excitement — it was the Snitch.

"When I release the Snitch, you'll have ten seconds before you can fly off to retrieve it. The first one to — " James was cut off as a fourth year fell off his broom, landing on his arse with a thump. "Right," James continued, clearing his throat as he faced the four remaining ones. "As I was saying, the first one to catch the Snitch is my Seeker."

Catherine leaned over her broom, fingers tightening around her Silver Arrow as she watched James's closed fist anticipatingly. She glanced to her side at the three other players — David Turner was huge and burly, he'd be a slow flyer; Liam Wordstock was pudgy, his broomstick wobbling side to side, threatening to topple him over; third was Jocelyn Camburt, she was skinny and looked shyer than a first year encountering a seventh year. Catherine could only hope for the best.

Suddenly, James Potter's hand flew open as a small, gold ball zipped across the hair, flitting in marvelous speed. "And now!" James yelled as the four leaned over their broomsticks and zoomed through the air.

Well, at least Jocelyn and Catherine flew as Liam Wordstock spiraled sidewards and crashed into David Turner, knocking the both of them to the ground. James was right, Catherine thought, there were barely any good players trying out for Seeker.

James had counted mentally, keeping his eye on Catherine who had flown in incredible speed with that marvelous broom of hers. He got over his initial shock, grinning proudly for the girl he was certain would become his Seeker. Catherine and Jocelyn were abreast, their hands reaching over to the Snitch as their hairs whipped wildly. James was squinting, trying his best to get a good look.

Without any warning, Catherine had skyrocketed, using her full potential as she felt her hands close over the Snitch, its wings dying down to a slow, gentle flutter between her fingers. "Yes!" she screamed, holding it up in the air as she slowly lowered to the ground.

Sirius cupped his hands over his mouth, cheering loudly for Catherine while Peter clapped fervently along with Remus who whistled enthusiastically for her. Lily was shouting in absolute happiness for her best friend, waving the banner around with Marlene and Alice who was tossing the streamers up in the air.

With all players safely down on the field, Catherine reached over to give a sheepish Jocelyn a friendly hug. "Good game, Joy." She grinned at the fourth year girl who beamed at her. Wiping sweat off her brow, Catherine sauntered over to James with her chin held high, her eyes shining happily. She knew she had reached a couple of seconds passed a minute, but she didn't care — she was way too happy knowing that she was officially a part of the team.

James showed off his pearly whites to her, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He reached over to grab her hand, lacing their fingers as he raised their hands in the air. "And finally, our Seeker — Catherine Valentine!"

Their friends all cheered for Catherine again as the rest of the team clapped for her in enthusiasm. James glanced down, laughing at Catherine's beaming face looking as though it would split into two. He had made to comment on it when suddenly she stood on her tiptoes and planted her lips on James's cheek, successfully surprising him.


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