Twisted Love Affair

By StephyBoo

327K 7.2K 491

Lexi Cortez's life hasn't been an easy one. The girlfriend of a biker gang leader, she lives the double life:... More

Twisted Love Affair
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 13

5.9K 128 2
By StephyBoo

Jace was tense you could see it, his posture was like he was trying to size him up. There at the door was Abel you could imagine my surprise to see him there. He didnt look happy that's one thing I could tell right away.

Getting up slowly I stood facing him "Let him in Jace." I said any emotion or pain I was feeling it was masked. Jace looked at me as if he was searching for something, before he finally stepped aside.

In came Matt from the kitchen with a cup of tea and some medicine. "Did you see who was at the door." his eyes meet with Abels. "What are you doing here?!" he said his voice hard.

"Relax Matt, Though he does have a point what are you doing here?" I said. Waiting for his answer he just looked between me and Jace. His eyes turning hard, "I should be asking why my girlfriend is hanging around with him." he yelled while pointing to Jace.

Matt and Jace both took a step forward. "Jace is a friend." I said cooly. He scoffed "A friend yeah right you can't be just friends!" he yelled again. I stared at him now I was mad "I'm not going to have this arguement with you here." I said as calm as I could

He huffed walking up the stairs straight to my room. "You don't have to deal with him" Jace said. I laughed "What should I let you deal with him? Or Matt?" I said "Yeah you should you don't look good Lexi let you big bro handle this." Matt said taking a step forward.

"No you don't I appreciate it really but I got this, Matt is that the tea for me?" I asked pointing at the cup that he had set down.

"Oh yeah here it might not be as warm. Here's the medicine too." he said handing me the pills. I drank them quickly and finished my tea. "It was still warm, thanks Matty. Now to deal with this." I said walking to the stairs.

I stopped before taking the first step and turned around to face them. "If you hear yelling don't interfere okay?" I asked. They both looked at each other then back to me as if debating.

"If it gets bad I'll call you guys up to take care of him deal?" I said with that they agreed. Walking up the stairs my breathing was deep and heavy. Reaching the top of the staircase, I walked to my bedroom door which was closed.

Taking another deep breath I opened the door and there he was sitting at the edge of my bed. I couldn't read his face of any emotion it was blank. I closed the door behind me.

Standing in front of him I waited for him to say something to me. He looked me over up and down, shaking his head he looked at me. "What did you come here for Abel?" I asked

"Why is The Sons Of Saints president in your house?" he asked his voice was hard.

"He's been staying here." I said he really wasn't going to like this.

"What! You mean to tell me he's staying here and you didn't tell me!" he yelled standing up now.

"How did you want me to tell you so you could react like this." I asked him.

"So you thought it'd be okay to not tell me at all?! Your off riding on the back of his bike having him take you home!" he yelled taking a step forward.

"So what you've had prospects take me home before what does it matter." I raised my voice somewhat.

"It fucken matters! Your my girlfriend riding on someother guys bike!" he roared at me.

"Now I'm your girlfriend! All of sudden as soon as I'm on someone else's bike then I'm your girlfriend is that what it takes!! I was yelling now.

"What are you sleeping with him that's it isn't! I'll kill him I fucken swear!" he yelled

"What are you dense I'm not sleeping with him I'm not like you I can control myself!" I yelled at him how dare he acuse me of sleeping with Jace.

"How the hell am I supposed to know when your out riding on his bike!" he yelled once more.

"Your supposed to trust me! Well you would know since your the cheater in the relationship!!" I yelled

"What do you want me to say I made a mistake let it go for fuck sake Lexi!" he yelled.

"No! You screwed me over I can't trust you! You've proven that to me so what just cause you did it you think I would?!" I yelled at him.

"I don't want you near other guys! It drives me insane to think of it.!" he had lowered his voice. "Lexi I care about you I've made mistakes but I love you." he said.

He sat back down on the edge of the bed looking down. I walked so that I was in front of him in between his legs. He looked up at me, "You drive me insane Abel you honestly do." I said grabbing ahold of his face.

"You've put me through hell and back but I'm with you because I care about you." I said. This was true I did I just couldn't trust him he's hurt me in the past and it scares me that he will do it again but I would never tell him that.

Looking at him I brought my lips to his. They were moist and warm against mine are lips were molding together. He began sucking on my bottom lip asking for enterance which I granted him. His hands were going up and down my body.

Pushing him on the bed so he was lying on his back I slowly got on top so that I was straddling him. He let out a low growl as I rubbed against him. Bringing my lips back to his mouth, his tongue massaged the inside of my mouth.

Using his strength he flipped us over so that I was on my back I squealed slightly. His lips never broke from mine while in this process. His hand played with the band of my sweats. He grinded against me that I moaned in his mouth.

I could feel the smirk forming in his face as he let out a small chuckle. He pulled back to look at me going over my body. "As much I really want to finish this your brother and pinhead are downstairs." he said getting off me.

"Pinhead?, Your so immature." I laughed "Oh yeah Rosie got a lead on the warehouse attack she's at the club house. She was going to come get you but I told her I would" he said.

"Ohkay well then I have a great idea, I'll pack a bag so that I can stay the night." I said smirking. "Wait I'm lost?" Abel said confused. I laughed "I'll check out the lead that Rosie has and then I can spend the night with you." I said.

"That way your brother won't say anything see you are the smart one." Abel said kissing me once more. I opened my bedroom door and loudly said "Well Get Out!" Abel stood confused.

"I'm going to change go wait in the living room!" I said slamming the door on his face. Sometimes I wondered why I stayed with him. Ignoring those thoughts I pulled my overnight bag.

In it I had 2 pairs of jeans, shirts, bras, underwear, and socks. Along with that I carried an extra gun with a clip just in case. I changed quickly into a pair of black skinny jeans and a white long sleeve v-neck. I threw in my cellphone and keys, I had an extra charger at the clubhouse.

Since it was club business I put on my vest, looking in the mirror I stared at myself. There was something off but I didn't know what it was. Turning off the light in my room I closed the door.

Walking into the living room it was completely awkward the tension in the air was ridiculous. All three of them were standing around glaring at each other. "Oh enough with the Macho tension." I said.

There heads all snapped in my directions the glares now turning on me. "Matt I'm heading to the club house got to deal with club business." I said walking past him.

"If its club business then shouldn't your boyfriend handle it?" he asked suspiciously.

"Well he would but when I say club business I mean The Vixens. We got a lead on the warehouse attack that I'm going to check out." I said smoothly

"Lexi I don't want you getting sick while your over there. You were pale and looked as if you were to pass out just 15 minutes ago." he said

"I took the medicine I'll be fine You make such a big deal of nothing. If I don't feel good I'll call you I promise." I said

"Fine, fine but I'm serious call me if anything." he said "Promise" I said giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Walking over to Jace I gave him a quick hug his body became tense under me. Stepping away from him I laughed smiling at him.

"Let's go then Abel" I said closing the door behind us the cold air hit me giving me chills. Getting on his bike so that I was straddling it, while wrapping my arms tightly around Abels waist. I missed this but for some reason I kept comparing it to Jace.

Trying to push those thoughts away he reved up the bike and it roared to life. We took off the cold wind blowing my hair as we speeded down the streets.

Reaching the club house in what seemed like it took forever. Abel wrapped his around my waist picking me off the bike. Grabbing the bag from me while taking my hand in his.

Walking in was like normal no one gave us a second glance. There at the bar was Tito looking at the computer while Rosie was going over some papers.

"So what you got for me Rosie?" I asked plopping down in the chair next to her. "Selena went over the bullets we got a match it's from the same shipment we had with the Red Dragons." she said

"I don't understand though we've been on good terms with them. There has to be another angle to this." I said

"Yeah I was talking with Tito about it, maybe we should set up a meet with them. What do you think?" Rosie asked.

"Get Kasey on the phone for me Rosie." I said. Getting of the chairing went to go to Abels room. Opening the door he was taking his shirt off. Whistling slowly I leaned against the door admiring his body.

He stared at me then laughed quietly, I closed the door dropping my bag next to his desk. "We got a hit bullets match the guns we sold to the Dragons about 2 months back." I said walking to sit down on his bed.

"I thought you were on good terms with them though?" he asked sitting next to me. "Yeah that's what I thought to Rosie's getting Kasey on the phone." I said leaning against his shoulder.

He wrapped his arm around me squeezing me close to him. There was a knock at the door then silence. I got up opening the door it was Rosie with the phone in hand.

"Kasey's on the phone." she whispered covering the end on the phone. I looked back at Abel the stepped out the room. Grabbing the phone I walked with Rosie to the conference room.

Closing the door behind use I finally spoke "Kasey glad we were able to get a hold of you." I said calmly

"Good to hear from you Havoc now why is it your calling?" she said.

"I'm just going to get straight to the point I had recent attack the guns where from the shipment I gave you 2 months back." I said

"What are you implying Havoc?" she asked

"I'm wondering if you had something to do with this attack because it doesn't make sense we've been on good terms." I said

"Exactly why would I attack you I would have to be stupid to do that." she said

I laughed "That's a very smart way of thinking Kasey I must admit. Well then how can you explain the weapons?" I asked

"That might have to do with the fact we had a break-in about 2 weeks ago only went after guns nothing else." she said

"Interesting let me guess who don't know who it was either?" I asked now this was interesting.

"No I don't but I think you do." she said

"True I have someone in mind. I think we should meet and talk this over face to face don't you agree." I said

"I agree if we have the same threat maybe we should work together. When shall we set this meeting up.?" she asked

"In 1 week from today our clubhouse 3 o'clock." I said

"Fine by me we will see you in 1 week." she said and hung up.

Putting the phone down I got up from the chair. "Rosie I want this to stay between me an you. The Red Dragons will come in 1 week to have a meeting with us." I said

"Sure but why do you want the secrecy?" she asked as we walked out of the room.

"I've been getting the feeling we have a Rat in the group. I think I might have a feeling who it is but I'm going to double check first." I said

Sitting back at the bar Rosie had the files and pictures layed out so we could go over.

"Hey Havoc I forgot to tell you some package came for you" Tito said. Handing me a big yellow envelope.

"Oh thanks. Hey Tito you have a water bottle back there?" I asked

"Yeah" he grabbe a water bottle from a small refrigerator "Here you go" he said.

"What's in the envelope?" Rosie asked

"I don't know." I said grabbing the envelope I ripped the top open taking out the contents so they were only facing me.

Inside was a paper with 2 pictures I tooled at them for a quick second before I put them back inside the envelope.

Rosie and Tito had a questioning look on there face. "It's my test results from when I went to the doctors." I lied but it was all that came to my head at the time.

"Oh yeah I remember they good results?" Rosie asked

I breathed a sigh of relief "Yeah they look good I'll be right back I'm going to put them away." I said giving a smile.

Walking to the back instead of going to Abels room I went to the extra bedroom. Closing the door behind me I took out the letter and the two pictures.

It was just like the picture I gotthe first time but in this one you could see a hand in it. Abel was reaching for somebody's hand the next one just showed more of the arm up to like the elbow.

The time on the picture said 2:35 am, I was honestly confused who would Abel be visiting in the dead of the night. The sharp pain came at my side again I gasped grabbing my side.

I hunched over slighty at the pain I felt taking deep breaths it went away. Standing up straight I went to leave the room before they got suspicious.

Heading to Abels room I opened the door it creaked slightly. Peaking my head in Abel was shirtless with his jeans still on sleeping on the bed. He must have been tired to fall asleep.

Creeping in quietly I put the envelope in my night bag under all my clothes. I changed into a pair of pajama shorts and put on one of his plain t-shirts.

Going out of the room I left the door open just a little bit. There were Rosie and Tito right where I had left them. There heads snapped up as the floor board under me creaked.

"Easy it's just me listen it's late you guys look tired lets call it a night." I said

"I am pretty tired we pick it up in the morning?" Rosie asked

"Yeah we can go over it in the morning again." I said

"So that means your staying here tonight Lexi?" Tito asked

I laughed "No I just like being in my pajamas Tito" I said giving him a smile.

"No I mean it's cause well I just-" he started but I cut him off.

"I get it don't worry Abels already asleep and I don't want to wake him up so I'm going to sleep in the spare if you guys need me." I said

"Oh okay yeah then goodnight." Tito said

"Goodnight guys" I said walking to the room.

---------------------------------Sometime Later That Night!----------------------------

I woke up covered in sweat, sitting up I felt excruciating pain in my stomach. The sudden urge to throw up I began scrambling to get out of bed.

Dizziness hit me immediately holding myself against the wall. I made it to the bathroom and stayed in there for what felt like forever.

Getting up slowly I stood over the sink rinsing my mouth was blood. Wiping it with the back of my hand I used the spare tooth brush that was there.

Not feeling any better I went out of the room walking as quietly as I could to Abels room. He was still asleep I quickly grabbed my bag and closed the door to his room.

Heading back to my room I changed out of the clothes as best I could. Putting on my jeans and switching into the plain shirt I had. I struggled to put my boots on but they finally went on.

Realization hit me as I walked past the bar I had rose here with Abel. Along with the fact Rosie had my car keys. I didn't want to wake her up but I just might have to.

I decided that I would look around first maybe she had set them down. After 5 minutes of looking for the keys I found them. They were on the hook behind the bar.

Grabbing them I stepped out locking the door of the clubhouse behind. I walked through the parking lot to my car.

Unlocking it I threw my bag to the passenger seat and got it. I was shaking not because it was cold I felt really hot.

I blasted the air conditioner on my car and took off home. I should have called Matt but he was probably asleep and didn't want him worrying.

I made it home with in 20 minutes breaking some speed limits on the way. I pulled in front of the house not caring that the car was parked wrong.

Grabbing my bag I got out of the car quickly feeling nauseous again. Dizzyness hit me again with the sharp pain grabbing my side I got to the door.

Taking deep breaths I was able to unlock the door. I stumbled into the house knocking over a lamp with my bag.

"Fuck!" I cursed for not being careful. When I didn't hear anything I let out a breath that I hadn't known I was holding.

Dropping my bag I started looking for the light switch, when I heard a small creak. Turning around to see where the sound came from.

The lights when on I covered my eyes at it was bright. When I uncovered my eyes I was looking at Matt with a gun pointed at me with Jace behind him.

"What the hell Matt put your gun down it's me!!" I yelled.

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