Calm Envy [Ruki - The GazettE...

By WitchAngmar

31.2K 488 192

What happens when the girl you once rejected in high school is now someone you can't take your eyes off? The... More

1. Prologue
2. Unfortunate Audition
3. Meeting Someone From The Past
5. It's A Deal
6. Our First Date
7. The Secret Is Revealed
8. I'm In Love With Her
9. Phase One
10. Baby Steps
11. Double Date
12. And Cut!
13. Let Me Love You
14. Family Dinner
15. A Fun Day
16. Finally United
17. Downfall
18. Right From The Beginning
19. Third Time's A Charm
20. Epilogue

4. How Didn't I Notice Before?

2K 31 7
By WitchAngmar

Ruki stared at the teary eyed Rin, taking in her features. She was the one that confessed her love to him back in high school, she was the one that oh so rudely refused to give her position to him back at the supermarket, making him late with Kai scolding him once he burst through the backstage doors. The young man took his time, sucking in all of the girl's beauty. How her long light brown hair was, how soft  it seemed under the lights placed on the ceiling, just like back in high school. How her hazel eyes were filled with memories and love for him, but there was something; a feeling swimming inside her, that Ruki couldn't understand or make out. He had seen her through the crowd, winking at her playfully, even though she propably didn't realize it was aimed at her. How her clothing was oddly arousing him; he obviously had a thing for nice legs and while she wasn't showing much, except a small part of her thighs, he imagined her small and thin legs around his neck for a moment. 

Snap out of it you idiot. Ruki inwardly scolded himself, mentally slapping his cheek as he cleared his throat, getting Rin's attention.

"Want to go for some dinner?" He asked out of the blue. Rin stared at him baffled, not knowing how to reply to that. He remembered her all of a sudden, he stared at her as if she was a piece of meat. She didn't know how to feel, how to react. She was confused and she had a sudden urge to cry. Would it be from happiness, or sadness she didn't even know.

While Rin was trying to find an answer, Ruki studied every inch of her body carefully. When his eyes fell on her right hand, he saw it; the button he had once given her, actually thrown at her feet. How didn't I notice her before? Was the first question that popped into his mind. He felt like an idiot all of a sudden. This young woman was absolutely stunning and he had rejected her without an ounce of regret in his body or mind. As he kept scowling and arguing with his subconscious he didn't hear the quiet reply from Rin. "Uh, what?" He snapped out of his thoughts, blinking rapidly at her. He suddenly thought about his appearance. He was probably messed up. His make up must have been smudged, his clothes drained with sweat and after a long, long time, he suddenly felt self conscious about himself.

"I said, okay." Rin mumbled, purposefully avoiding the man's eyes. Ruki fought the urge to smile at the shy girl in front of him and nodded, adding quickly, ''Let me take a quick shower first and then we can go." The girl didn't have time to reply as Ruki had already rushed towards the bathroom installed somewhere in those confusing rooms. Once in the bathroom, Ruki stared at his reflection, cringing at how hideous he looked. Quickly he wiped all the make up from his face with vicious movements that turned his skin red and when finished, he stripped off his clothes, jumping in the shower. It was the quickest shower he had ever taken, Ruki noted as he stepped outside, a towel around his narrow waist, another one on his hair. He dried himself as fast as possible and pulled on some random clothes, in hopes that no one would figure who he was. He was contemplating between wearing make-up or not. It was one of the few times that he felt like going out natural but he felt scared for once, showing his true self at the girl that was waiting outside. It was odd, that he wanted to look perfect for a woman; he usually didn't care, because girls were falling on his and his bandmates feet. But with Rin, it didn't seem to be that case. He could see different emotions rolling off of her in waves but he couldn't decipher what they were. She was obviously attracted to him, that much was obvious but he couldn't decide whether there was more to that or not.

I guess I have to try and find out. He thought as he blow dried his hair, pulling a hoodie over it. In the end he applied the faintest of make-up and made his way back to the corridor he had left Rin waiting.

But she wasn't there. He looked all around, his heart picking up its pace, losing hopes of seeing the woman again. After searching the whole stadium in the minimum of ten minutes he decided to let it go and go back home. The others probably would bring fans to the party, but Ruki wasn't in the mood for something like that. He just wanted something to fill his stomach and go back to sleep.

Once Ruki opened the back door with the big exit sign, the gust of air hit his face, making him shiver at the sudden cold. It was that time of the year that the temperature was dropping drastically, and he had just taken a shower, not a good combination. "You're late." A sweet voice cut through the wind, making the young man look at the owner of it. Rin was leaning against the wall, with a shy smile, shivering from the cold. Ruki, smiled back at her and grabbed her hand, lacing their fingers as he started pulling her towards the main street. "Where are we going?" Rin shakily asked, staring at their intertwined fingers. She never thought something like this would happen; she had lost hope when he rejected her back at high school. And she shouldn't start have feelings for him. Firstly she sweared not to fall in love with anyone and the second reason was something she couldn't even start thinking about; it brought her headache.

"We're going somewhere to eat. Unless you want to go to the after party?" Ruki asked, tugging her closer to him, so they wouldn't be as cold, or maybe that was an excuse to have her close to him, feel her body heat and inhale her sweet raspberry smell. He led her towards the road, waiting for her answer before he could call a cab.

"We could go eat. I am kind of starving." She mumbled, avoiding his gaze at all costs. She shouldn't be here. She shouldn't be going to dinner with him. What has gotten into me? Was all Rin could think. This man, is the only one she could actually see herself with, but he had rejected her. He probably wanted to sleep with her; the thought struck Rin so hard that she almost started crying to the spot. Ruki nodded and hailed a taxi, opening the door for her. When they both slipped in, Ruki gave an address to the driver, that Rin hadn't heard before. The drive was quiet and thankfully the man didn't make any attempts to start any conversation. As soon as they reached their destination, Rin pulled out her wallet but Ruki beat her to it before she could retrieve any money. He quickly paid and pulled Rin out of the car before she could protest. He grabbed her small, cold hand once more and led her towards a nice and quiet restaurant.

Once they got past the dark wooden doors, Rin couldn't help but notice how quiet and elegant it was. The walls were dark red, with dim lights here and there to give off a romantic aura. There were small tables with pillows for the guests to sit in a traditional Japanese reastaurant and candles on each of the dark brown tables. On either sides of the doors there were shoe cabinets and custom shoes for the costumers to wear.

"Hello, how can I help you?" A waiter appeared out of nowhere, startling Rin. She bowed at him. A smile was tugged at the man's lips, giving Rin the relaxation she needed. Ruki helped the woman slip her coat off, hanging it and the waiter passed them their shoe size, so they could change.

"A table for two, please." Ruki replied through gritted teeth. Rin arched a perfect trimmed eyebrow at him as the waiter led them to a secluded table, at the far end of the restaurant, where it wasn't as crowded. Rin delicately tucked her legs beneath her bum as she settled on the pillow, Ruki being less graceful. Once they were seated, the man let out a sigh of relief and pulled the hood off his head, running a hand through his messy hair.

"What can I get you two?" The waiter asked, his eyes piercing an oblivious Rin. Ruki stirred in his seat, holding himself back on not punching him in the face. He was attractive, that much was sure and even Ruki had to admit it. He had straight brown hair, bright brown eyes and a dimple on his left cheek. Ruki suddnly felt insignificant and little; he felt jealousy burning the very core of hi soul, he felt possessive. And he finally admited to himself that he wanted her. He wanted the young woman that was staring down at the neat table and all around the restaurant with awe stricken on her face.

"We will take some sake, I will take Nikujaga, what about you Rin-chan?" Ruki asked, bringing the girl out of her thoughts. The waiter's eyes bored into the young woman's making her flush in embarassment and mumble quietly, "I'll take Okonomiyaki." Ruki and the waiter nodded, the latter, leaving the couple alone.

"Did you see how he was staring at you?" Ruki hissed, through clenched teeth, making Rin look into his eyes. She noticed that he was wearing contacts. Weird. She thought, he had beautiful eyes. Her mind was swirling with him as a young boy; being rebellious and handsome, a bit on the careless side, while she was a loner, a book constantly in her hands. 


"He was practically undressing you with his eyes."

"You're being ridiculous." Was the only thing Rin could say. And if he did undress her with his eyes, what did he care about? He had rejected her hadn't he? Why was he doing all of this? But Rin couldn't help but feel a spark of hope; she couldn't help but feel the love she once had for him, roar once more.

"Am I?" He countered back, raising an eyebrow. He was so damn sexy in her eyes. She couldn't help it, she wanted to kiss him, she wanted to take him back to her house and show him what he had once lost by saying a simple 'I'm sorry' and leaving her on her knees alone trying to pick up pieces of her heart. It didn't take long for the food to come, and this time Rin stared at the waiter from the corner of her eye, confirming Ruki's accusations. She also noted that the man was fuming in his seat, as if ready to leap and grab the waiter around his throat to choke him. Was he jealous?

Ruki poured some sake in both of their glasses and took a small sip. He stared at the young woman, eating delicately and sipping her sake made him want to kiss her. Could he kiss her when their night ended? Should he try to attempt it? He started eating as well but his eyes couldn't leave her; it was as if he was entranced with her, and truth be told, he was. "So tell me about you." He said after a while, a smile forming on his lips. Rin looked taken aback by the sudden question and the dazzling smile he offered her, made her heart race and her hands shaky. "Are you still a voice actor?" He added, making Rin freeze in her spot. She stared at him baffled, not knowing how to respond. How did he know? Ruki as if reading her mind simply shrugged and smiled wider at her. "I just happened to hear you reading a script once. In the library." 

"A-ah, well um, I went to an audition a few days back, but I wasn't chosen." She softly answered his first question, avoiding his gaze; she didn't want to see his judging stare. She knew, she understood that he became a famous vocalist, in a band that obviously had lots of money to last them for the rest of their lives. 

"Have you tried making a demo and finding a talent agent?"

Rin blushed deeply at that and rolled her shoulders anxiously. "I have made a demo reel. I recorded  a little something for an anime, a video game, audio dramas, dubs for non Japanese movies and providing narration to documentaries." Ruki nodded and gulped the rest of his sake. 

"You should copy the demo and give it to me, I could easily get you a talent agent within a snap of my fingers." He smiled and caught her hand gently, lacing their fingers once more.He raised her pale palm and kissed each pads of her fingers. They were so soft and slim, delicate and pale, that he imagined them running through his hair and scraping his scalp. Sensing her intense gaze, he gently released her and finished the last pieces of his food, Rin following his example.

"Shall we go? It's getting late." Rin quietly said, setting her chopsticks down. Ruki nodded and followed her lead, gathering his stuff and paying the bill quickly, before Rin could protest because the man paid for a second time in a span of two hours. They both stood up, putting their custom shoes back, wearing the ones they came with and Ruki helped Rin put her coat back on. Before the girl could open the door, Ruki grabbed her hand once more lacing their fingers and with his free hand he pulled the hood over his head. 

When Rin opened the door, she was bombared with a heavy rain that immediately drenched both of them to the core. But it wasn't the only thing that burned her insides; it was also the fact that a bunch of Ruki's fangirls started screaming his name, making Rin rip her hand back to her side, suddenly feeling cold at the lost contact. The group of girls made a slow advance, but Ruki was fast to react. He gripped Rin's wrist and yelled, ''Run!" And so did she. Their shoes slapping the pavement in fast strides as the group run after them. Rin could barely see one foot in front of her and she was getting quickly tired.

You need to start exercising. Her subconscious hissed, edging the girl to run a few meters farther. Ruki's fingers were firmly wrapped around her thin wrist. Rin couldn't run anymore; she was already exhausted, since she had just eaten as well, her heavy and constant drenching clothes, were making her feel tons heavier, decreasing her speed. "I.. I can't run anymore!" Rin yelled over the thunder's booming noise, alarming the man about her almost stop. Ruki, looked back at her, his make up slightly smudged, his slightly long hair sticking to his face. A sad smile and a nod was as much as he could provide her, since he didn't know if they could actually escape the group of girls in a short span of time. During his career he became fit due to running for even almost half an hour to escape those maniacs. Without a warning, Ruki took a sharp turn to the left and pushed the girl inside a narrow alley, trapping her between the wall and his body, while himself was squeezed between the other side of the building and her cold shivering self.

Ruki rested his hands against the wall, trapping Rin momentarily. They were both panting heavily yet quietly, trying not to alert the group of girls that now dispersed in different directions but still close enough to spot them. Ruki brought his eyes down on Rin's who he felt like was crying as the rain trailed down her cheeks and eyes making her blink quickly. "Are you alright?" He whispered after he leaned against her ear making her shiver. The woman nodded, her hackles raising at the close proximity. For a moment she realized that this was the closest she had ever gotten to him, and wasn't the first to indicate it. The man stared into the girl's hazel eyes and messed up make up, a smile tugging at his lips. The sound of the girls shouting instructions to one another faded as he stared at her lips.

They were plump, pink and wet from the rain. A small droplet was resting at her lower lip, making Ruki lick his lips and sigh. This is it. He thought, he had to kiss her or he might never see her again. Taking a deep breath he dipped his head and caught her lips with his. It was just a peck in the beginning; Rin's eyes bulged out of her sockets, as she stared back into Ruki's eyes whose in the process closed up as he started to move his lips against hers. Rin couldn't take it anymore though, she followed his actions, shutting her eyes and hesitantly placed her hands on the man's waist. He slowly slipped his tongue in her mouth, deepening the kiss and pressing himself against her more. 

She tastes so nice. Was his first thought, I want to kiss her more and more. A realization and lack of breath made Ruki pull away from the kiss and rest his forehead against her cold one. 

He wanted that woman so terribly much. 

Rin's sneeze pulled him out of his stupor, making him smile and peak from the entrance of the alley for any sign of the fangirls. He wrapped his fingers around her wrist once more and pulled her out, quickly hailing a cab. Ruki, as the gentleman he was, stopped by Rin's apartment first, accompanying her towards the door.

"It was nice seeing you again."

"U-um, s-same goes for me senpai."

"You need to give me a copy of your demo reel, so I can get you an agent."


What an astounding conversation. Ruki thought as he wiggled his fingers for Rin's phone. She gave it to him puzzled, as he typed down the adress of their company and his personal number, then passed it back to her.

"Come to the company and find me, if you can't you could call me. Okay?" He gave the girl a dazzling smile, cupping her cheeks and giving her a tender kiss. It was all Rin needed to melt into a pudding down on his feet. She sneezed once more and pulled back nodding.

"Goodnight, Rin." Ruki said, walking back into the cab.

"Goodnight senpai." She mumbled and as the cab left, Rin sat down on the steps and cried. She cried because she was happy, she cried because she was sad and she cried because she couldn't afford hurting two people, if they came to know her secret. Rin cried all night long, laid on her bed, weighing her options, coming to a dead end.

"What am I going to do?" She whispered, mostly to herself as she clutched the picture she had gotten from Ruki back at high school. "I'll think about it tomorrow." Rin said, sneezing once before falling asleep, without dreams or nightmares. A dull black sleep.

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