Me the new girl and him FINIS...

By xxhottiexx31

105K 700 274


Me the new girl and him (might change this title)
Me the new girl and him CHAPTER 2
Me the new girl and him chapter 3!
me the new girl and him CHAPTER 4
me the new girl and him 5
Me the new girl and him chapter 6!!=0
Me the new girl and him...CHAPTER 7
Me the new girl and him CHAPTER 8 ♥
Me the new girl and him CHAPTER 9 =)
Me the new girl and him chapter 10 =)
Me the new girl and him CHAPTER 12!
Me the new girl and him chapter 13!♥
Me the new girl and him chapter 14
Me the new girl and him chapter 15
Me the new girl and him chpt 16 PART ONE
Me the new girl and him chp 16 PART TWO
Me the new girl and him chapter 17 (RE-UPLOAD)
Me the new girl and him chapter 18
Me the new girl and him chapter 19
Me the new girl and him chapter 20
Me the new girl and him chapter 21 PART ONE
Me the new girl and him chp.21 PART TWO
Me the new girl and him chp 22
Me the new girl and him chpt 23
chp24 Me the new girl and him
Me the new girl and him...chap25 LAST CHAPTER

Me the new girl and him CHAPTER 11 =)

3.7K 28 10
By xxhottiexx31

Hi!!! Um as of right now I have like 16 fans =D... if you could see me right would probably laugh because I look retarded with a stupid HUGE smile on my face.

Ahh okay so here is chapter 11!!!

What team are you on?

Team James

Team Brett

Or Team Dylan (the loser)



Chapter 11:


I stood there still as a rock.

Wow...Brett is a bad boy?

I would have never imagined.

That's hot.

SHIT NO! Stop it Victoria!

I took a deep breath...crap I like both of them in a weird way.


I can't believe Brett punched me.

I have to tell soon as that happened I got pissed.

We were punching and fighting on the floor for a while until I felt someone grab me by the collar and pull me away from Brett.

"PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE NOW!!" the male teacher, who I recognized as my freshmen homeroom teacher, screamed.

I kept my distance from Brett and we walked into the principal's office.

I felt something trickle down my lip.

Great my nose is bleeding.

I grabbed a tissue and pressed it on my bloody nose.

"James, Brett...come in." principal Goldman hollered from his office.

I stood up and walked slowly toward Goldman.

I sat in a chair in front of his desk; Brett huffed and sat next to me.

Goldman looked pissed; he sighed loudly and said,

"Boys...this is the second time this year and we are only in December. What's up with you two! From what I hear you guys were best friends since 3rd grade."

I rubbed the back of my neck.

This was true...second time this year we got into a physical fight. And he was also right about the third grade thing.

Brett huffed and said,

"I guess you can call it brotherly love."

I glanced at him.

Last time we got into a fight was in September...he called me a man whore!

Which I was defiantly in 9th grade but not anymore!

Goldman looked at me and I quickly nodded my head in agreement.

"Look guys...some teachers overheard your conversations in the hall before, its none of my business but was this fight over a girl?" he asked.

I mumbled,

"You're right it is none of your business."

Goldman glared at me.

Oh crap he must have heard me.

"Look...I'm gonna let this time go. BUT! If this happens again your both getting detention for a week. Understand me?!" he said sternly.

We both nodded.

He dismissed us and I walked to my locker.

It was the end of school, I saw some kids leave.

I growled and grabbed my book.

I slammed my locker door closed and ran outside.

I saw that guy...uh Dylan.

The ass hole.

I strolled up to him.

He glanced at me and chuckled,

"Get into a cat fight little girl?" he said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and took a step closer to him.

"Leave my girlfriend alone." I hissed.

He laughed and said,


He walked away.

I hate him...with a passion.

I don't know what he did to Victoria but still I hate him for making her cry.

Yeah I know she isn't really my girlfriend, but still that's what he thinks.

I strolled a bit and then saw something in the corner of my eye.

I kept on walking.

I felt someone smash into me.

Well more like tackle.

Whoever it was, was hysterical laughing.

I looked at who was laying on top of me.

"I thought you were supposed to be a football player" Victoria giggled.

I huffed,

"I am, its just I wasn't expecting you to tackle me like a crazy person. And also we are kinda on a slope."

She laughed then immediately stopped.

She scrambled to her feet.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

You know for someone who is skinny and tiny she was really strong.

She squinted at me.

"Why are you staring at me? Is there something on my face" she shrieked.

Her hand flew to her face.

I leaned over and pulled her hand away from her face.

"No your fine" I managed to say without hiccupping.

Yeah I hiccup when I get nervous got a problem?

She took a deep breath.

"So I guess I'll see you later..." she said.

I'm confused what's later,

"What's later" I asked.

"Keith's party...I mean how could you not know someone was running up and down the hall screaming 'party at Keith's house everyone is invited except freshmen!'" she mimicked.

I nodded.

"Yeah I'll see you there." I mumbled.

She started walking away,

"Well bye!" she hollered.


I couldn't be around James without completely making an idiot out of myself.

I tackled him for heaven sake! What the hell was I thinking!

I walked away from him.

I looked around for my aunt.

Someone beeped at me I jumped.

I looked in the car and saw...Dylan.

"What?" I said nastily.

He raised his eyebrows.

"Need a ride?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes and replied,

" aunt is picking me up"

He chuckled,

"I told your aunt that I would drive you home, so she left."

My jaw dropped.

The fucking ass hole!

I growled.

"I'll walk" I said and walked away from his stupid car.

I cursed under my breath, it was freezing outside and I forgot my gloves in my locker.

"Victoria just get in its freezing out there...I wont try to kiss you again" I heard Dylan scream from inside his car.

I hesitated then opened the passenger car door and slid in.

"Isn't this better?" he mumbled.

I gave him a dirty look and looked out of the window.

"So how are you doing Tori?" he asked.

"I was fine until you came" I replied.

I looked at him, hurt spread across his face.

"Well then I'm sorry I came...but my mom wanted to get out of Kansas" he whispered.

"Look I'm's just, when I move to a new place I like to start all over. It's like wiping the slate clean (idk if it actually goes like that im really sorry if it isn't) and I yeah I still keep the memories and I will always miss and keep my old friends in my heart. And then when I saw you here...I dunno it just freaked me out and plus...I'm still pissed off at you for what you did" I said.

"What did I do that made you suddenly hate me so much?" he asked stupidly.

I looked at him.

He glanced at me taking his eyes off the road for a second.

"You told all of the guys that I was easy...just slip a drink to her and you can have the night of your life. Jesus Christ Dylan how could you forget." I hissed.

That really did piss me off though...because I wasn't all that drunk and neither was he.

After he told all of the guys in my high school they all seriously tried to rape me.

I have hated him ever since.

"Well... you got me aggravated! Okay, I had a crush on you for like ever and then I see you all over that Blake kid. I was pissed I thought after that night you would like, like me or something and we would become a couple. But of course that never happened. So I got mad and told them that." He said.

I was shocked.

Dylan liked me?

I mean I was just a boring little freshmen and he was this hot junior!

Does he like me still?

EW why do I care...

"Well...uh. OH I live here thanks for the ride." I said quickly and jumped out of his car.

I ran to the door waved and opened the door.

"AUNT CLARA!" I screamed.

But then I realized.

"Victoria why are you screaming?" she asked calmly.

I hands balled in fists.

"I- why did you let Dylan drive me home. We aren't friends anymore!" I hissed.

She threw her hands in the air,

"I can't take this boy drama. Okay im sorry next time ill wait there while you roll around with a boy. And I wont let Dylan drive you home anymore" she said.

Aiden who was across the room was hysterical laughing.

WHOA. She saw me with James.


LaTeR tHaT nIgHt At KeItH's PaRtY!

I stood there with Katie.

I stared at the huge house before us.

No im not even joking his house was HUGE.

"Would you stop staring and can we go in already?" Katie said snapping me out of my daze.

I nodded and we walked into the teen crazed house.

Music was blasting.

We walked into the house.

Keith stumbled towards us and slurred,

"Heeeeeyyyy babbeess. Heeyyy babes friieenndd...uhhhh Carly."

Aha he was drunk.

"It's Katie" Katie snapped.

"Kayyyyy...sooo how you doing baby?" he said again and leaned in.

Whoa his breath reeked of alcohol.

I leaned back. I pushed him a little.

He stumbled back then turned around and grabbed a drink out of some random dudes hand and gulped it down.

"Just walk away" I whispered to Katie.

We ran away from Keith.

We were hysterical laughing when I saw Brett.

He was talking to some guy...Jason or something.

He did a double take at me then smiled.

I waved.

I turned my head and saw James.

He gave me a half smile and waved.

I smiled.

I turned my head to my left and saw Dylan, he just walked in, and he looked my way and nodded his head at me.

"Ohmygod" I whispered.

Katie shook her head at me.

I winced and buried my head in her shoulder.

"Don't worry Vic... things will come to you, you will find out who you truly like and everything will work out even if it might hurt the other guys. But in the process we have to see who really cares for you." Katie whispered.

I nodded and stood up strait.

I saw the person I really didn't want to see at the moment.

"Hey slut...what part of STAY AWAY FROM THEM DON'T YOU GET?!" Vera screamed in my face.

I rolled my eyes and didn't answer.

"You better answer me you little hoe!" she screamed again.

"Vera calm down...your making a scene." a tall brunette girl with brown eyes said.

Vera spun around to face her friend.

"Shut the fuck up Kimberly. What your on her side now?!" Vera said.

Kimberly rolled her eyes.

"Ew why would I want to be on that ugly girls side? I'm just saying that if you wanna get laid tonight don't make a scene because everyone will think your some psycho bitch!" Kimberly replied.

Vera nodded and then turned towards us,

"Don't do anything stupid Victoria" she said and strutted away.

I rolled my eyes.

And she called me a slut.

Katie rolled her eyes and said,

"And she called you a slut."

I started hysterical laughing,

"I was just thinking that."

We were laughing for a while when a slow song went on.

William approached Katie.

"Uh so Katie do you wanna practice for the winter ball? I mean like do you wanna dance." He asked nervously.


Katie blushed and nodded.

As soon as they walked away I looked around for something to drink that was none alcoholic.


I was keeping a eye on Victoria.

No I'm not being a stalker.

When a slow song came on I was gonna go ask her but she disappeared.

I looked around frantically then spotted her picking up a cup and taking a sip of it.

She put the cup down and made a face.

I laughed and walked up to her.

She still had that hysterical disgusted face on when I reached her.

I chuckled.

"What?!!" she said.

"Your face...that look you gave when you drank was soo funny!" I managed to say.

My sides hurt.

"Have you ever drank a alcoholic beverage before?" I asked.

Wow I sounded so old when I said that.

She laughed and then said,

"Yup...and not only that but I guess I drunk too much. It was horrible in the morning."

I nodded and replied,

"I remember last month that happened to me."

She nodded and looked around.

"looking for someone?" I asked.

I hope I didn't sound jealous.

But I am jealous.

I defiantly think she likes James more than me.

Don't get me wrong he isn't a bad guy...he respects the ladies. But she belongs with me! I mean he used to be a womanizer!

What if he didn't change! I don't want Victoria to get hurt.

I have to tell her how I seriously feel.



That's it for chapter 11...=)

What team are you on?




I just wanna say thanks to one of my fans...xXmonixX, I used one of the names you listed!

Okay soo





~Kayla (xxhottiexx31)

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