MR. LIKE OR MR. LOVE?[Complet...

By Blue_Demonesse

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Brian and Zoe's parents were the best of friends since high school. And because of their friendship, both of... More

Chapter 1 - A proposal
Chapter 2 - Five years later
Chapter 3 - Campus Figure Finally Back!
Chapter 5 - Trouble Brewing Ahead
Chapter 6 - Knightly Without A Shining Armor
Chapter 7 - Zoe's First Kiss??
Chapter 8 - Let's Break the Rules!
Chapter 9 - Jealousy or Doubt?
Chapter 10 - Challenge Accepted!
Chapter 11 - Ms University Sweetheart Pageant, Start!
Chapter 12 - Zoe's Judgment Day
Chapter 13 - Confession Time
Chapter 14 - Mr Like or Mr Love? The Finale :)

Chapter 4 - Unwanted and Unknown Emotions Surfacing

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By Blue_Demonesse

Already done eating for that night, Zoe walked to the living room and sat down on the couch. Because of what happened at the cafeteria earlier, Brian did not come to her house when he was supposed to.

She breathed out exasperatedly. It’s because of Stan! He started that fight earlier and now she is left alone. It’s seven P.M., yet the house is as scary as a haunted house. This is why she hated staying in this big house alone. It feels so creepy!

“I should have apologized to Brian…”

Then, a knock on the door was heard. She quickly stood up, and the thought that it would be Brian made her jump in joy. She ran to the door and opened it. To her dismay, it was Stanley. He was wearing a black shirt and khaki pants. Nevermind that. He is the least person she wanted to see.

“What are you doing?” she questioned with a raise of her brow.

He sighed, “I heard from Aunt Rose that you’re alone because your parents are away.”

“And so?”

“And Bry got mad at us because of you. So I figured he didn’t come to watch over you.”

“Wha—Because of me? Don’t turn everything upside down! It was your fault, and because of you, I’m gonna have insomnia here!”

He ignored everything she said, “Won’t you let me in?”

“Why should I?”

“Because Aunt Lia would probably let me.”

Without any approval from her, he got inside the house and sat down on the couch. Which really wrinkled her forehead.

“Close the door, will you? Before any unwanted visitor comes in,” he nonchalantly ordered.

When she heard that, the door closed in a swift motion. She flinched. Why in the world did she do what he said? She marched to him and stood in front of him, “Even in my house, you act so arrogant.”

“Correction. This is Aunt Lia and Uncle Timothy’s house.”

“I’m their daughter.”

“This isn’t your house. You just live in it.” He stuck his tongue out like a kid.

She clenched her fists, unable to retort to his words. This guy…is so sly! Giving him one last glare, she turned around and marched to her room. The nerve of that guy! He is even the one who barges in someone else’s house and then he acts like a George Bush wannabe!

She jumped on her bed and covered her face with a pillow, “ARRRGH!”

As she relaxed and her breathing slowed down, she realized she was thankful that Stan was here. He is silently helping her to sleep, since she would really experience insomnia if she was alone. Before, Brian would sit on the bed beside her and stay until she fell asleep. Even though Stanley is just below her in the living room, and she’s in her bedroom in the second floor, she felt secure and safe. She wondered why it’s like that.

She removed the pillow from her face, falling asleep with a flustered face. Unbeknownst to Stanley and Zoe earlier, Brian was watching them outside by the side window with a sad smile.

_ ~ _ 

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Zoe tried to open her eyes. ‘My phone…is ringing?’

Ring! Ring! Ring!

She lazily reached for it by the side table and read the caller, “Brian…”

So it’s Brian.


She jumped off of her bed and answered the call quickly, “Hello? Brian??”

“Oi, idiot.”

That voice. She grimaced, “Where’s Brian?”

It’s Stanley in the other line. That must mean he went home last night while she was sleeping.

“He’s taking a bath,” he replied in a bored voice. “Listen up, he’s still mad at us. And it’s getting uncomfortable, especially for me. Do something about it.”

“How were you able to get his cellphone when he’s still mad at you? Wait, did you sneak into his room..?”

“Don’t be a baby and shut up.”

She growled, “Why not tell it to me personally? Like at school.”

“No way. I don’t want to be seen talking to an idiot such as you. I might be considered one.”

“Why you…”

“Just do something and fix your mistake.”

“My mistake? Why do you keep repeating it like it’s my fault? It’s your fault!”

“If you didn’t answer me then, there wouldn’t be any argument.”

“Oh, fine! It’s both our fault! Which implies we should think of what to do together.”

“Are you crazy? I don’t want to be with you. Just think of ways like inviting him to the bookstore or… or make strawberry cake together.”

Make strawber—Wait a second. That reminds her… She invited Brian to cook cake together last week, and she did it through text. Which means! “You read my text messages to Brian???”

He fell silent in the other line, then said, “It aint my fault he didn’t privatize his messages.”

“How dare you! I hate you!”

“I know. Just get on with it and apologize, okay?”

Then the line was out.

She couldn’t believe it. His rudeness is unlike any other!His rudeness just kills all the happiness  in the world! He is the highest official in Rude Planet!

‘And to think he called me first thing in the morning. Now my day is ruined!’

But one statement of his always echoed in her mind.

I don’t want to be with you.

It felt like that single sentence ruined her day.

_ ~ _

“Bry? Can we talk for a second?”

Zoe was at the SSG office to talk to Brian. She found him sitting on a chair, reading some papers. He looked at her, “Sorry, Zoe. I have a lot of things to do.”

“Just a minute, please?”

Not planning to take it long enough, he exasperatedly said, “What is it?”

She cleared her throat, “Uhm, I’m sorry, Brian. I really miss you and being with you is my happiness. So please, peace..?”

She smiled awkwardly. As he stared at her, a low chuckle escaped from his throat. “Zoe, you’re so unfair, do you know that?”

She tilted her head, “’Cause you can’t resist me?”

“Exactly,” he stood up and ruffled her hair, “So, let’s eat lunch together?”

“Oh? I thought you had a lot of things to do?”

“I do. And that includes eating lunch with my girlfriend.”

She giggled softly as holding his hand. They made up quicker than she thought. As the couple walked to the cafeteria, Zoe looked up at Brian’s face, thinking of how fortunate she is to have him as her boyfriend.

_ ~ _

“Hey, Bry, how about watching a movie?”

Sitting on his study table, Brian glanced behind him, seeing Stanley put the CD into the DVD player. The latter jumped on Brian’s bed and sat down comfortably. Brian eyed the relaxing lad, “You done with the assignments?”

Stanley grinned, “Of course! You’re a slow poke since you review your answers over and over again.”

“Haha. I’m finished anyway. What’s the movie?” Brian stood from his seat, walked to his bed and sat down on the other end.

“Transformers 2. I hope we aren’t too late to see it,” Stan commented while holding a bowl full of popcorn.

“It’s never too late since it’s new to you when you first see it.”

“Naturally! You’re starting to retort well, buddy.”

Brian laughed good-naturedly, “It’s an honor to hear that from the master himself.”

The bedroom door slowly opened, and a voice spoke up from outside, “Brian?”

Brian’s face quickly formed a smile, “Come in, Sweety.”

Zoe walked in and smiled back at her boyfriend, but when she saw Stanley, she pointed her tongue out to him. Stan replied in the same manner. Brian laughed at their so-called greeting, “Why won’t you sit down, Zoe? We’re watching Transformers 2.”

“Transformers 2,” she parroted. What Brian said sunk in her mind and her eyes sparkled in obvious delight, “I’ve always wanted to watch that!”

Bry amusingly patted the bed, and like an obedient pet, Zoe jumped on it and lay down with her chest on the mattress, palms on her cheeks. Stan was comfortable in resting his head on the headboard while throwing bits of popcorn into his open mouth. On the other end, Bry sat with his legs crossed, leaning on the headboard, too.

The three of them watched silently, absorbing every detail that was occurring on the screen.

“Wohoo! Megan Fox sure is hot!” Stanley exclaimed.

Brian nodded in agreement, “She has charm. She could make for a good model.”

Zoe nodded to herself. Megan Fox is a beauty any guy would surely fall in love with. She’s good at acting, she’s obviously sexy, and very beautiful – whichever direction you may look at her. Zoe is amazed of her, too.

Stanley swallowed the food he was munching on, “So you have a thing for Megan, Bry?”

The guy in question shook his head, “Nope.”

“Huh? But I thought she has charm, as what you said.”

“Well, she does. But it isn’t enough to take my attention.” Brian turned his head to Zoe’s direction, smiling, “I already have Zoe with me. She’s irreplaceable.”

She tilted her head to look at Brian, and his sweet, gentle smile melted her heart. She felt the heat of her body running up to her face as she shyly looked away.

Then, Stanley’s mocking laugh was heard by the couple. “You really are pampering her too much, buddy. It’s bad for your health.”

Brian chuckled, “Is that so? How about Zoe’s health?”

“Huh? I don’t care about her.”

Unable to stifle her anger, she sent him death glares, “You vile, insolent fool…”

He snickered at her, “Got a problem, kid?”

“You simply disgust me,” was her as-a-matter-of-fact reply.

“Speak for yourself,” he drawled.

Then it turned silent. This time, it seemed none of them wanted to speak. They just centered every attention they got to the big robots before them.

_ ~ _ 

Zoe yawned and looked away from the screen to peer at the clock on the wall. Nine-thirty P.M. Whoa, it’s been an hour, yet the movie is far from getting finished. When she turned her head to see Brian, she found him fast asleep, leaning on his big white pillow. When she looked at Stanley, she could see he was wide awake, his eyes on the TV in front of them.

She suddenly felt awkward. Somehow she wished that Stan would have fallen asleep, or she, herself, could have. An enigmatic sensation flooded within her. Why would she? It’s not like—

“Are you getting sleepy?”

She froze for a moment, hearing Stanley’s husky voice. She was pretty sure that he was asking her since it’s evident that Bry is in deep slumber. She replied, “No. Why?”

She mentally panicked. What’s he going to say to her? Something personal? A secret? She was feeling weird and embarrassed at the same time.

“Make me a sandwich,” he ordered nonchalantly.

The mood got ruined. Sandwich?!

She turned to him with a sharp look, “Why do you sound like my boss?”

“’Cause I am. Can’t you just do it?”

“What if I don’t?”

“I’ll wake Brian up.” He had a cynical grin, “Can you afford me waking him up in his very serene state. It’ll be troublesome for him.”

She caught her breath and stopped, then gave in and pouted before she left the room.

Stanley clapped to himself. “These two are very easy to manipulate. A lil blackmailing will do.” Now, he could see how Brian and Zoe are as a couple. They have something so perpetual and precious: Understanding. That is the very core of their relationship; all their decisions depend on it.

Zoe came back with a plate in hand. She snobbishly gave it to him, then lay on bed again.

Stanley inspected the sandwich, “I would start liking you if you placed poison in this.”

She rolled her eyes, “Then you won’t start liking me.”

He munched on it while staring intently at the television. She then felt uncomfortable. Being around him is killing her. It was starting to affect everything about her.

“Stan. Why were you half-serious with your studies when you were in second grade?” Where did that question come from? She didn’t know. The words just sprang out of her lips.

As expected, he replied, “None of your concern.”

But she’s not about to give up. “I don’t think it’s hard answering my question.”

“I don’t see why I have to answer.”

“’Cause I asked.”

“I’m not obliged to answer your questions.”

“I’m asking you sincerely.”

“Is it sincere when your brows are almost knitted together like that?”

She blinked, “I’m doing that now?”

“You really are an alien freak.”

“I could care less on your opinion about me.”

“Then why did you ask me about something personal?”

“Because it doesn’t have an opinion about me.”

He groaned out loud, “God! How could you be so stupid!?”

Taken aback, she gave him an accusing look, “You’re the worst! I was serious when I asked you, you jerk!”

Stanley got the remote control and turned the player off, along with the TV. This surprised her. The movie wasn’t done yet!

“I suggest you go home right now, kid,” he coldly ordered.

Seriously, she hates being called ‘kid’, especially by him. “That movie was far from finished, Stan.”

“Tomorrow is a day you should look forward to, then.”

“Wha--! You’re unbelievable!” She stood up and ran to the door and closed it with a ‘BANG!’. Stanley winced, then noticed Brian shift on the bed, but still asleep. Good thing Bry wasn’t disturbed by that. ‘That girl is really acting like a brat.’

But Stanley can’t blame her. He could sense how harsh he’s treating her. And how she responses to him justifies it all. He sighed as he stood up, and left the room. Brian always looked after Zoe. And Stanley’s wishes for her, are all for the best. Honestly, he’s trying his best. But these days, he can’t control his own emotions.

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