The Story of Mixed Direction

By user1878

4.6K 141 24

It all started in 2013 when Little Mix started fooling around in the studio. They had no idea it would change... More

Before You Read...
Hit Up the Studio
Twitter Notifications
Jingle Bell Ball
Jimmy Fallon and Thanksgiving Plans
Get Wierd
Search and Rescue
Time to Confess
I Think It's Time To Say Goodbye Pt. I
I Think It's Time To Say Goodbye Pt. II
What If...
Who Needs You...That's What Fans Are For
Release Parties
Shopping Center Hold Ups
Watching While You Sleep
Summertime Ball
The Meeting
Announcement Videos
Don't Act Like It's a Bad Thing
This Could Mean Two Things

Fast Forward

304 6 0
By user1878

Novemeber 22, 2014

Leigh-Anne's POV

It has almost been a year since the 2013 Jingle Bell Ball. The day that changed our lives. Let me catch you up.

After paparazzi captured our McDonalds outing, everyone was certain that we were making music together. It didn't help that we hung out all the time after that whenever we got the chance. We have not written any music with the boys though.

After we released our singles for the Salute album, our tour was upgraded to a stadium tour with two legs, European and Australian. The boys also got a stadium tour but, theirs had three legs. We had to cancel our third leg because of our Get Weird album which will be out later this month. The boy's album FOUR had been out for a few days now.

Our relationships have also grown closer. We have been asked to come on interviews together to talk about our friendship. We have been on several Late Night Shows, Ellen, Jonathan Ross, and Chatty Man. Our next interview would be on the Jimmy Fallon show. Honestly our friendship can't get any better.

There are also some romances within the group. Zayn and Perrie are doing great and are one of the most talked about couples on social media. Louis and Jade have also gotten together and is probably the best possible match for each other but, causes a bit of trouble for everyone else. Lastly Harry and I have also fallen under cupids spell. We have been dating since January of this year and I couldn't have asked for anyone better. Liam is single, Niall is single, and Jesy is single so they tend to hang out with each other when the rest of us are on dates.

We are now on a plane going to New York for our interview with Jimmy Fallon. After this we get a few days off because I celebrate Thanksgiving. The rest of the group is going to stay with me in my parents' house in Durham, North Carolina for the holiday. We all are all very excited about it, since it will be their first Thanksgiving.

"I wanna cuddle." Harry sleepily whined.

"There is not enough space." I responded, a smile on my face.

"But babe, I wanna cuddle." He whined again.

"How old are you?" I asked.

He opened his eyes and held up his hand with four fingers up.

"I'm this many." he answered.

I laughed at him.

"Can you two please stop being a great couple, it makes us sad." Liam said with pouty eyes.

Beside him was Jesy poking out her bottom lip.

"It's not our fault you guys are lonely." Harry teased.

"Hazza, you are supposed to be the nice one. If I wanted that behavior I would have talked to Louis." Jesy said.

"What about Louis?" Louis asked, emerging from the private plane's bathroom.

"You're the most annoying out of all of us and we are secretly planning on kicking you off the plane." I said without looking up from my phone.

"That's really funny because we talk about you like that too, except we planned on confronting you on Jimmy's show." he responded.

"Louis honey, that's only a cover so we don't get busted but, since it's already out, we can all drop the act." I quipped.

Everyone knew we were only teasing.

"Stop laughing Jade!" Louis whined.

Jade only laughed more.

"I'm sorry babe, but it was funny." she kissed his cheek then laughed again.

"I'm hungry!" Perrie whined.

"Me too!" Zayn whined.

Then everyone else started whining complaints.

"I swear I'm friends with a bunch of four year olds." I sighed rolling my eyes.

"Oh Leigh, you should have known this already." Zayn told me.

"Plus, I'm obviously five Penny." Niall said. Penny was the nickname he made out of my last name.

"I gotta pee." I mumbled and stood up from my seat.

I walked through the small threshold that seperated the living quarters from the main part of the plane. When I got to the bathroom and started peeing, the plane started to shake.


It shook again but this time so bad, it knocked me off the toilet. Thankfully I had finished peeing. I pushed myself off the floor, laughing hysterically.

I finished up in the bathroom and made my way back to my seat still laughing. Tears were starting to form in my eyes.

"What's so funny?" Perrie asked me.

"The turbulence was so bad that-" I started laughing again.

"Th-that I fell off the toilet!" I had tears rolling down my cheeks now.

Everyone laughed at me. I heard Louis mumble a 'that's what you get' but I didn't care, that was definitely one of the funniest moment of my life.

"I can't even breathe." I sighed.

"Tsk tsk tsk, can't even pee properly." Harry shook his head at me, "Now whose the four year old"?

"It's still you."


Third Person POV

Little Mix's and One Direction's plan had now landed in New York and were scrambling to get out of the airport. Since they were flying private nobody knew when they would be arriving which would make it easier for them not to get mobbed. It was also 4:00am in New York, so they weren't too worried about getting mobbed anyway.

"Baby I know you're tired but, you got to put a little Pez in your stop." Zayn laughed at his on joke. Everyone else did too, just because they were so deliriously tired.

"I'm going as fast as I can!" she whined.

They were almost to the airport entrance where their two vans were waiting for them. They already have their bags since they had it with them the entire flight. Perks of flying private.

Once they were all settled into their respective van; Perrie, Zayn, Liam, and Jesy in one and Leigh, Harry, Jade, Louis, and Niall in another, they were on their way to the hotel. Just because most of them had a significant other, that didn't mean they weren't touchy-feely with someone else in the group. Only in the group though, since they trusted each other and knew that no one would try anything. So Harry was lying on Jade and Niall and Louis were both crushing Leigh from both sides of her.

Leigh looked at Jade, who was looking at her

"Sometimes I ask myself 'how did we get so lucky to have these boys in our lives'" Jade smiled and leaned her head on top of Harry's.

"That's crazy because we think the same exact thing about you girls," Louis mumbled.

"Except for Leigh." he added.

Leigh pushed him off of her and wrapped both arms around Niall.

"No Lee-Lee you know I'm just joking, I wuv you." Louis said.

Leigh welcomed him back into her with a smile on her face.

Jade loved it when she saw him and the other girls acting like this. It made her insides warm.

"Do you wuv me too?" Jade asked.

"More than you would ever know." Louis replied looking her in the eye.

Leigh smiled at this. She wanted to tell Harry she loved him but, she just couldn't. Harry wanted to tell her too but, he was just waiting to make it super special. He didn't really care if she didn't love him back well he did but, to him it was more important to just let her know.

After another ten minutes they arrived at their hotel and unloaded. They shook sleep off of them for a little while so they could carry their bags to their rooms. They put their bags in each of their room and headed to Zayn and Perrie's to finish up on their sleep. Zayn and Perrie snuggled in their bed, Jade and Louis pulled out the sofa sleeper, Leigh slept on top of Harry on another couch, Jesy and Liam made a pallet on the floor, and Niall claimed the armchair. They slept until 10:00am.

"Look at my ass look my thighs, I'm catnip to the guys!" the girls were singing in the bathroom while putting on some make-up for the brunch they were about to have.

"Girls my stomach is yelling at you to hurry the hell up!" Niall yelled.

"Your stomach is also yelling to leave us the hell alone!" Jesy yelled back

Everyone chorused immature "ooooooss!"

"You're not just going to sit there and take that Niall." Liam instigated.

"I'd suggest you hush up too Payno!" Jesy yelled again.

After another thirty minutes of small bickers, they were ready to go. They called their security team so that they could walk the streets on the beautiful, but nonetheless cold New York morning. As soon as the cold air hit Leigh she was ready to hail a cab.

"How do you put up with this cold?" she asked mostly talking to herself.

"Aww babe, your little nose is cold." Perrie said while tapping it with her index finger.

"It's just 'cause you're from the south love, only northerners can endure harsh winters." Louis said with his hand tangled with Jade's.

"It gets very cold in North Carolina just, not this cold." Leigh mumbled.

Once they got to a crosswalk and had to stop, Harry wrapped his arms around Leigh and she wrapped her arms around him to try and warm up a little. Even if they didn't get warm on the outside that had certainly warmed their insides.

"Where are we walking to?" Zayn finally asked.

"I thought you knew." Jesy said.

"I thought Perrie knew." Zayn said raising his eyebrow.

"I thought Harry knew." Perrie looked at Harry.

"I thought Louis knew." Harry said looking at Louis.

"I thought Leigh knew." Louis said.

"I thought Jade knew." Leigh looked at Jade.

"I don't know." Jade said widening her eyes.

"Why didn't anybody think that I knew?" Niall pouted.

Liam draped his arm around Niall's shoulder. "Nobody thought it was me either mate."

"But I do know where we're going so, follow me." Liam finished.

Liam walked to the front of the group with Niall still under his arm. They walked as quickly as they could so they wouldn't attract too much attention.

When they arrived at the restaurant they noticed it was for the most part empty, which for them was perfect.

"Can I get a table for nine?" Liam asked when he reached the hostess.

"Of course, it will be a couple minutes though if that's okay with you?" she responded.

"That's fine." Liam said and walked back towards the group.

"She said it will be couple minutes." Liam informed.

"Okay." they said in unison.

They sat in a comfortable silence in a little waiting area in the front of the restaurant until they heard the most god awful ripping noise.

"C'mon, Niall in public." Jesy said while scrunching up her nose.

"What it wasn't even me that time!" he exclaimed.

Jade was in the corner of the bench with a guilty smile on her face.

Harry got up and walked out of the restaurant. Louis busted into laughter and everyone moved away from her.

"I'm sorry, I get nervous when I try new restaurants." she explained.

A few moments later Harry walked back in and flashed Jade a disgusted face. He was closest to the bomb.

"You smell horrible. I almost threw up." he said taking a seat furthest from her.

"Your table is ready." the hostess announced, trying to hide her smile. "You can follow me."

Once seated at a booth with four chairs in front of it they looked through the menus.

"Everything looks so good." Perrie said excitedly. She was practically bouncing in her seat.

Zayn looked at her with loving eyes and smiled.

"I'm not actually that hungry." Leigh scrunched her nose, "I had food back at the hotel."

"You wanna split this?" Harry asked pointing at something in the menu.


"Hello my name is-" she gasped "Oh my!"

They smiled at her, already knowing why she reacted that way.

"Sorry you just surprised me, it's not everyday that someone like you walks in. Not in a bad way actually just the contrary. Sorry I'm rambling I do that when I'm nervous." she took a deep breath. "Hello my name is Allison, I'll be your server can I start you off with a drink?"

Jesy giggled, "You're so cute."

Allison blushed, "I'm sorry, I'm trying to stay calm but it is harder than you think."

"That's okay love, can I get an orange juice." Louis smiled.

The rest of the group decided to make it easy for her and ordered the same thing.

"Okay I'll be right back with your drinks." then she walked away.

The group could see her when she walked back to the drink machine doing a little happy dance. She leaned over and laced her hands on her knees like she was struggling for air. She then stood up and fixed their drinks.

"Okay orange juices." she passed them around the table.

Once she finished, she stood their looking around the table.

"Um, are you alright?" Leigh asked, genuinely concerned.

She was breathing really heavy and her face looked pale. Before she could respond her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she headed for the ground. Liam was quick to catch and then lay her on the floor.

"Pass me a napkin," Perrie yelled, "and someone call for some help!"

Niall pulled out his phone and dialed 911, and Harry passed Perrie a napkin so she could fan her face.

"Does anyone know what to do?" Louis looked around.

"I think you're supposed to cover her in something to keep her warm." Leigh responded.

They were all kneeled around her not so close that if she woke up she would be suffocated but, close enough that they could reach her.

Zayn was the first to rip of his jacket and lay it on top of her. Harry was next and soon all of the group's coats were on her. A couple of workers had also joined the group trying to make sure she was okay.

Not even five minutes after an ambulance had arrived.

"We need everyone to please get out of the way!" one paramedic said.

They came in with a stretcher and some other supplies.

"What is her name?" the paramedic asked.

"Allison" the waiter answered a little panicked.

She woke up a couple moments later. She looked around and began to panic a little.

"What happened?"

"Allison, you are okay; we need to know how your feeling." the paramedic said.

"I feel lightheaded and cold but, I need to sit up and get some water."

The paramedic helped her sit up into a chair and a waiter came back with a bottle of room temperature water.

The group stood around her with looks of genuine concern.

"Are you alright, love?" Louis spoke worriedly.

"I'm fine now, thank you for asking." she smiled.

Niall whispered something in Jade's ear and she nodded and walked towards her purse.

She then walked back towards Allison.

"Now before I give these to you, promise me you won't faint again." she said teasingly.

Allison laughed, "I promise."

"Okay here are two tickets to the Jimmy Fallon show later today. I know its last minute but, I can't...we can't help but feel responsible for what happened."

"Thank you so much...I can't...just thank you, all of you. You are all really nice people." she said.

"You're welcome" Jade smiled and gave her a hug. Liam followed then Jesy, Niall, Zayn, Leigh, Perrie, Harry and Louis.

Once everything was cleared up and the group got their food. They walked back to the hotel. They all went back to Zayn and Perrie's room they all fell on the sofa.

"They're some parts of this job I will never get used to." Liam sighed.

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