Stuck With Mr. Popular ( COMP...

By no_one_finds_me

2.2M 74.2K 5.4K

It took every ounce of my willpower not to reciprocate his kiss. Our lips moved in flawless synchrony. I trem... More

Chapter -3
Sequel:Stuck In Love (sneak peek)
Sequel: Stuck In Love
Sequel Squeal!


45.1K 1.6K 114
By no_one_finds_me

Sophie Esinberg's POV

These parties are sooooo weird.


Well, practically no one here knows where they are and with whom they are and still they choose to do these deeds. Yukk.

I can puke right now.

Yukk. Right now I am trying to see this weirdo red-haired girl who is making out with a wall.

Isn't that funny?

Well if you are thinking why I'm saying that I'm trying to see is because this whole world decided to get blurry. So I can't see anything properly.


I'm not laughing at myself. Idiot.

I'm laughing at this girl. Redhead girl.

But wait. Why this wall has hands?

Does wall have hands? No. NO wall has ears not hands. This means that all these years people have been lying to me. Wall has hands too. That makes me think whenever I'm pressed against a wall, It can capture me. Then it'll absorb me and I'll go inside the wall and never come back. I'll die.

This wall has eyes too. That's...gross. So wall has eyes, ears, and hands. Wall can be a total human.

Talking about pressing to wall reminds me of something. Someone.

I was pressed against the wall and the file dropped out of my hand.

NO no no no no!

You're not going to think about Raym-

Ughhhh No thinking about him.


Yes, boss. My mind replied.

So if you are thinking about why am I behaving like this? Then in my defense, I will say, No I didn't drink.

Or how about No I didn't drink because I saw Raymond dancing with some man-whore bitch too close. Actually, they were kind of..into each other.

Ouch. It hurts. That bitch!


I've started cursing a lot nowadays. Wait. So is that a good sign or bad? I mean when I curse, I actually feel light.

Manwhore bitch.....


It feels good. Really. You should try it sometimes.

It works.

"Hey, Sophie. I hope you're enjoying the party!" Someone who is standing in front of me right now said. I can't recognize him. I guess he is the one who threw this party.

He's Raym-

No. Don't think about his name.

Okay, so I think this guy is his best friend. But what is his name? Think hard Soaf. You know his name. Was it Blase or Case? No. Maybe it was Jase. Nope definitely not last one.

Think girl think. Ouch. This whole thinking process is hurting my brain. Shit. It hurts. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Bloody dysfunction of cerebellum!

" Hey, you there? Hello?" That party guy was waving something in front of me. That something looks like a hand. Ohh. Maybe he's waving his hand in front of me.


Of course, he is waving his hand in front of you girl. He is saying Hello to you. Where is your manners girl?

So I waved him back while saying

"HEELLLOOO MASE" while a huge grin spread on my lips and my eyes were wide.

"Uh....It's Chase" he said. I don't know what expression he has on his face.

What????? Don't look at me like that. I'm drunk.


You tricked me! I take my words back. I didn't drink .okay?

"Yeah, Blase. I get it" I said rocking back and forth on my chair. I know it's not a rock-chair. So what?? That doesn't mean I can't rock on a normal seat. Right?

"Are you drunk by any chance?" phase asked me. My vision is still the same. Blur. My head is paining. Like someone is hammering my head constantly. Ouch.

In addition to that, I feel like puking. Eww.

"NOOOOO. I DON'T DRINKK" I cooed in high pitch voice.

"Fucking Shit! You are drunk Sophie. Raymond and Daniel are going to kill me. NO, wait! Before that Gummy bear is going to kill me. SHIT." Ghase said.

I stood up leaving the seat behind or no the seat is walking backward. WOW. It looks like everyone is sitting a merry-go-round. ROUND

I was still trying to walk but failing excellently. I stumbled a bit and was about to fall when two soft hands held me by my torso keeping me from falling. THANK GOD.

It's a girl. But who is she? Do I know her? She looks kinda familiar.

"Gummy bear!" Rase exclaimed in fear. Though my vision is still blurred but I can sense his fear in his words.

"What have you done to her?" a familiar voice yelled said while helping me to stand. Wait. I know It's owner. I think It's Claire. But she doesn't even look close to Bears then why would one name her Gummy Bear?? This means she isn't Claire. Haww.

"CANN I HUG YOU??? GUMMY BEAR??" I pouted making a puppy dog face at the girl.

"See What have you done. You fool. GO, Call Daniel. He'll take her home" this gummy bear knows Daniel. No wonder he's too popular. And Smart. NO....HOT. But not more than Raymon-

NO. NO thinking about him. NO.

"Are you Okay Soaf?? Do you want to sit somewhere?" Gummy bear asks but Gummy Bear is not letting me hug her. That's rude Gummy Bear. Now I hate you.

No more Gummy bears Now. Wait. Am I that ugly??? That Gummy Bear doesn't want to hug me. Only because I'm Ugly. That means Raymond also won't hug me. I'm Ugly. I want to cry.

A tear escape from my eyes, then another. Another and finally I burst out crying.

"What happened Soaf? Why are you crying? Did Chase do something?" the gummy bear girl asked and I shook my head at this.

"Then?" she asked panicking.

"I'm ugly now Raymond won't ever hug me." I sobbed.

"WHAT??" the gummy-girl-bear gasped as if in a deep shock.

"That's never possible, cupcake." I heard a very sexy voice coming from few feet away. I snapped my head to see who it is. Bless my eyes. I can totally see who it is. Crystal clear, really. (note the sarcasm)

The guy with the sexy voice came towards me and held me by my waist.

Another guy came and by his voice, I recognized him as the party guy. Ghase. Right?

"Raymond. Take her home. She's not doing well" I heard the party guy saying to the other guy who is holding me by my waist.

"WAIT. Where is Daniel I need to inform him?" the gummy-girl-bear said to Blase.

"No need to inform him. I'll drop her safely." The guy who is also supposed to be Raymond said and nodded at Chase.

He helped walk towards the door but it was becoming difficult for me to walk now. So, Raymond being  Raymond, in one swift motion swept me off my feet and started walking towards the car.

He gently lay me down in the backseat and went towards the driver's seat.

Hey guys

Another update. okay fine this one is totally insane but serious;y I can't wait to see what happens between this new drunken Soaf and Raymond. I am super-duper-truper excited about writing the next chapter.

Of course If you want me to write next chapter soon, you have to vote. LOL No that's not necessary. No pressure.

It's already 2:30 a.m here and I'm dozing off. I need some sleep. Yeah Definitely. So good night folks. Love ya loads and yeah we're really close to 1k reads. I'm gonna go mad. HAHAHAHA

Thank you so much guys for supporting this ridiculous story.

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thank you for reading :-)

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