Confessions of a Bad Boy // S...

By RE_BellBooks

619K 26.9K 5.5K

As her senior year approaches, Allyson Craine finds herself unraveling from all aspects of her life. From the... More

Confession Of A Bad Boy
Casting Call
Chapter One- My Best Friend, My Sister, My Louise
Chapter Two- That's Quality Heart Attack Material
Chapter Three- Walking ClichΓ©
Chapter Four- Your Inner Perv Likes The Bad Boy
Chapter Five- Where's Your Sense Of Adventure
Chapter Six- Eat Shit Muskrat
Chapter Seven- You Fall For A Guy-He Secretly Falls For You
Chapter Eight- This Wardrobe Definitely Wasn't Narnia
Chapter Nine- I Give Their Pathetic Lives Excitement
Chapter Ten- Moves Like Patrick Swayze
Chapter Eleven- Strip It And Tip It
Chapter Twelve - Spilled Beans
Chapter Thirteen- I'd Rather Lick Shreks Foot
Chapter Fourteen- Um What Is This, Motel Roach?
Chapter Fifteen- Beauty And The Bad Boy
Chapter Sixteen- My Life Is A Sick Teen Movie
Chapter Seventeen- How To Kill A Heart
Chapter Eighteen-You Are Mine
Chapter Nineteen- Exercise Freedom
Chapter Twenty- Bad Boy Confessions
Chapter Twenty One- Fallback Or Fall Apart
Chapter Twenty Two- Don't Torture Yourself
Chapter Twenty Three-Time Heals all wounds, I'll be okay until then
Chapter Twenty Four- All Eyes
Chapter Twenty Five- I've Been To Prison
Chapter Twenty Six- Mally Lives
Chapter Twenty Seven- It's Complicated With Mason Reynolds
Chapter Twenty Eight- Our Song
Chapter Twenty Nine- Oh My God You're Pregnant
Chapter Thirty- Love Makes Family
Chapter Thirty One- We're Not Even In The Same Ocean
Chapter Thirty Two- It's You
Chapter Thirty Three- There's No Other Place For Me
Author's Note


17.5K 873 184
By RE_BellBooks

Fast Forward 5 Years

I was late....very late. So late, I was sure Laine had already bailed. Hopefully he waited, because He was the only one I trusted with this. Actually, he was the only one I considered qualified for the job.

I quickly dodged the rain that seemed intent on ruining my day. Being late wasn't really my fault. It was the endless rainfall that had plagued Clear Bay in the recent weeks. Since the shift in the weather, I had to leave my bike tucked away in the garage. I instead took a taxi into the city.

Ally insisted nearly a year ago that I sell 'that death trap'. But it was my baby, my pride and joy. Of course I refused, because I think Ally secretly loved my bike. She could deny it all she wanted but that bike was a symbol of the time we spent together. The late nights after she returned from oversees or when we were on break from school-- we'd climb the back of the bike and ride in the city. Usually late at night as the town slept, and the city was ours only.

She loved it, I could see in her face.

Since we graduated from JFK high, things had shook up. Ally and I went through a brief period where we tried to break up for college.

It was her idea--needless to say I didn't like it.

We spent our first summer together, then it ended in heartbreak. Ally insisted that a long distance relationship wouldn't have worked. She left for Puerto Rico two weeks later. We didn't see or talk to each other for eight months.

Any news of Ally came from my cousin Laine. He and his girlfriend stayed behind in Clear Bay, and Brie often talked to Ally. I didn't leave my culinary school in New York during the holidays, because home didn't feel right without Ally.

My dad and Laine both tried to coax me into moving on. I couldn't though, I still held hope for her. When everyone else thought our story was over. That we were officially done and over with, I wouldn't accept that.

For awhile it seemed as if I was the only person alive who held hope for Ally and I. Being in love with a girl since a kid, left me with some endurance. It was going to take more than time and distance to defeat me. As long as I still had hope, then Ally was still worth my fight.

Spring break came along, and I returned home. Little did I know, she did too. Our first few encounters were awkward. She tried to avoid me the first few days. But eventually she relented and agreed to a lunch date.

During the date, she had mentioned her birth parents. She told me, that Raven had once avoided Elliot. Then she said that once you're meant for someone, it's impossible to deny it.

We started our new beginning after that lunch date. For the next four years, we were together-- albeit apart. Ally and I went back to our schools. I returned to New York, and she went back to Florida. This time, we worked the long distance.

Together, over the course of the next three years, we communicated in any way possible. We called, text, video chatted, and even wrote letters. Then every holiday we returned to our sleepy beach town and spent it together. It was as if no time had passed every time we saw each other.

Sure it was hard. The long distance was agonizing, and at times it tested our relationship. But did you think we would give up easily?

After graduating college, It was silently agreed that we took the next. step. We moved into a small apartment in Clear Bay, a couple months ago.

Ally and I both secured good jobs. She became the new exclusive vet for the aquarium she grew up in. The former vet, had retired just after we graduated. I on the other hand, found a job far away from the fish that huge fish bowl, where Wally the walrus from hell resided.

I became the assistant chef at a restaurant in the city. Sure it was an hour commute everyday, but Clear Bay was mine and Ally's home.

Life had panned out well for us....but for months something seemed like it was missing.

"You're late!" Laine growled when I entered the building.

"Patience is virtue, preppy. " I smirked, wrapping my arm around him as I ruffled his blonde hair. He quickly shoved me away and glared at me, irritated.

"I thought that name died in high school." He grumbled, "Does Ally know yet? " he asked.

"That depends, does Brie know? " I raised my eyebrow. Laine scoffed and shook his head.

"Dude no way, if I told her then we're both screwed." He shuddered, "I love her, but since she's been pregnant, Brie has been in a  storm of hormones and hunger. Just yesterday, she cried when we ran out of nutella and strawberries. Then she screamed at me when I bought the generic brand." He explained.

"Tough." I sighed, sympathetically.

"Yeah no kidding." He scoffed, "If she knew I had anything to do with this, then she'd for sure kill me. Our kid would be fatherless and I have no doubt Brie has the skills to make it look like an accident!"he cried out hysterically, garnering the attention of a few customers.

"Calm down Miller, I'll make sure she'll never find out you were involved." I reassured him. "You're even more nervous than I am and it's my plan." I chuckled.

Laine sighed and ran his hands through his unkempt blonde hair. "Sorry, i'm just stressed out because Brie decided she wants a homebirth. It's crazy right? So much could go wrong, and I can't handle it if something happened to her or the baby! I can't handle that man!" He rambled, uncontrollably. I rolled my eyes and punched him once in the jaw. His head whipped sideways upon impact.

"Sorry." I said flatly, shaking my head in mild amusement. Laine turned back to me and nodded in understanding.

"Thanks, I needed that." He mumbled sheepishly, rubbing his jaw. He straightened up his clothes then combed his hair with his hands, "Let's pick out Ally's ring." He suggested, gesturing to the gallery filled with jewelry.

This time, it was I who was nervous. I nodded and followed after Laine. Fortunately, he had an eye for jewelry. If it was only up to me, Ally would be sporting a cherry flavoured ring pop. But she deserved better, and I was intent on finding the perfect ring for her.


"Mase, you're tracking mud all over my clean floors!" Ally cried out as soon as I stepped into the apartment. I smiled upon seeing her uptight expression.

She hadn't changed since high school. Ally still played on the safe side of things. She was still quirky and loved to bother me. Her smile was enough to turn a gloomy day, worthwhile. The only real change had to be that her hair was now shorter.

"I wouldn't have tracked so much mud if you would have let me take the car. " I sung, mockingly. "You know I can't take the bike out during this weather." I pointed out.

"I told you to sell that death trap for a sensible car. We're adults now Mase, not teenage tyrants." she sighed, tiredly.

"Correction princess, I was the teenage tyrant. You were the poster child for good girls all over the world." I smirked, snaking my arms around her waist. Ally met my gaze with a dull glare, that only told me she wasn't really mad at me.

"Sell it, don't sell, I don't care." Ally grumbled, resting her head on my chest. She paused and sniffed me, "You don't smell like food." she said slowly.

My eyes widened in alert. I had lied about going to work today. I quickly untangled myself from her and shrugged. "I didn't stay in the kitchen today. They asked me to take over the managers office today." I said quickly to cover my lie.

She furrowed her brows as her emerald eyes pierced me. If I had learned anything in life. It was that Ally wasn't fond of secrets. She had spent a lifetime living in one.

But this secret was worth keeping. It was a small white lie...and I've kept worse secrets.

"Okay...." she drawled out, suspiciously. I offered her a charming smile and stole a chaste kiss. However, it wasn't enough to swipe the calculating look in her eyes.

Nothing more was said, as we ended our evening the way we always had. Sitting on our small couch, chowing down on something I made. Whilst watching a movie, chosen by the designated movie holder. This night happened to be Ally's and it came to no surprise she chose her favorite.

"That's a little unrealistic." Ally mumbled, as she rested her head on my chest. She nestled closely, as I stroked small circles into her back. "The bad boy and the good girl never really get together. There's too many complications. Way too many clichéd plotlines and unnecessary teenage dialogue that's too angsty for my taste." she ranted...keep in mind she criticizes this movie all the time, yet it's still her all time favorite.

"Are you saying that a delinquent can't realistically fall in love with a good girl?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Exactly." she nodded. I stared at her flatly, waiting for her to catch a hint. Her eyes widened in realization as she perched her head up.

"We don't count. Ours was pure coincidence." she argued. I found myself smiling at her, and caressing her face, gently.

"Nothing about us is coincidence." I mumbled against her lips before fully claiming them.  She stilled in a moment of surprise, but eventually kissed me back. She pulled back first, and laid her head atop my chest again.

"You're right." she mumbled. "We're the exception."

"I could do this forever." I said as the credits to the movie rolled in. Ally turned her head and furrowed her brows in confusion. "I could sit on this couch every night, watching John Hughes movies, and chowing down on long as you're right next to me." 

"You're getting exceptionally cheesy today Reynolds." she said, narrowing her eyes playfully. I chuckled, to mask the nerves building up.

"I thought women loved that?" I challenged her.

"Oh we do." she said, "But when our boyfriends are notorious for masking romance, it's a bit suspicious."

"Fine, I'll just never give you another compliment for as long as I live." I said, turning my face away from her.

"Good luck with that, I'm amazing and it's hard not to compliment me." she scoffed, jokingly. "Seriously though, what are planning up there?" she asked softly, tapping my temple. I grabbed her hand and placed a chaste kiss on it.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I smirked, before putting on a different movie. That was how our night ended. On the small couch that we had spent so many evenings on, watching movies, napping, and just coexisting with.

If things panned out the way I hoped, forever wouldn't just be a hopeful  wish. But an inevitable.


"Brie told me everything!" Ally exclaimed a few weeks later, as she barged into the apartment.

My eyes widened in shock, as I dropped a few garlic cloves into the gumbo I was making. I stilled and turned around with a tight smile. There was no way, Laine would be stupid enough to actually tell Brie. No matter how scared he is of her....

Dammit, I put faith in fearful man child.

"What exactly did Brie tell you, princess?" I asked casually, making sure I wasn't giving anything away.

"She told me that you and Laine were caught in the jewelry shop downtown. A friend of hers saw you two and said you were looking at the rings." She relayed, as she settled herself on the counter. "So?" she raised her eyebrow expectantly.

"So...." I raised my eyebrow, knowing that the ending was near. Ally chuckled and rolled her eyes.

"Go Reynolds, tell me what the baby's ring looks like!" she said, nudging my shoulder. My eyes widened in complete awe. She had no idea why Laine and I went ring shopping.

"What?" I blurted.

"The ring for the new baby. Brie said that Laine told her you and him went looking to buy a ring, for the new baby. He said it's a father's tradition in your family." She explained, revealing Laine's lie. I nodded, feeling instant relief.

"I can't tell you that. It's not my surprise to spoil." I winked, grabbing a spoonful of gumbo and offering it to her, to taste. She ate what I offered her quickly. Her eyes closed as she savored the taste, her approval came in the form of a moan.

"Oh yeah, that's good." she nodded, reaching over for another spoonful. I snatched the spoon out of her reach. "I'm so hungry! Just let me have a little more, and I'll be out of your hair." shs pouted batting her big emerald eyes at me.

I cracked a smile and caved in. Feeding her one spoonful eventually led to five more, and a garlic bread stick. But did that fill her up?

'Course not. She still felt hungry, even after her second serving at dinner. Ally and food, was a force to be reckoned with.

"You're only with me, because I cook for you." I said as we washed the dishes later. She splashed soap suds at me and laughed when a heap landed on my nose.

"Took you five years to realize that. Catch up Reynolds." she joked before I lunged for her. She screamed and jumped away from me in time.

I flung water towards her and watched in amusment as she squirmed. She dove in for me, but I quickly hoisted her from the waist.

That obviously was the wrong move. Ally grabbed the hose connected to the sink and began spraying me. I shot back in surprise, giving her full advantage.

I grabbed the top from a pot and used it as a shield. Working my way around her, I grabbed a bowl filled with suds and threw it at her.

"Mase!" she cried out, tackling me down to the ground. I went down easily, as the slippery floor did nothing for me.

We both laughed hysterically for awhile, as she laid atop of me. I wiped off a few soap suds from her cheeks and let my fingers linger around the dimple on her left cheek.

I couldn't put it into words, how much she meant to me. No amount of words, or romantic gestures would do it justice. She was it for me. The great love of my life.

The small ring box in my pocket burned me with eagerness. It was hard to ignore.

"What's wrong?" she asked, brushing back my hair. I smiled and shook my head.

"Nothing, nothing at all. I just realized something." I said quietly. She furrowed her brows and tried to get up, but I tightened my hold on her. As if letting her go, meant letting her leave.

"Tell me." she coaxed me gently.

"Marry me." I said bluntly. There was no need for well thought out dinners. Or extravagant gifts to shower her with. That's not who we were.

We were working people. People who came home and sat on the couch and watched movies, we had seen a million times. We talked about our day over a home cooked meal. We argued sometimes because that's what happens when you love someone so much, it frustrates you.

"What?" she gasped. I smiled and pulled out the black velvet box I had planned to keep until the right moment came along. I didn't know I would use it tonight, but when the time comes, it's in no one's control.

"Will you, marry me?" I asked, opening the box to show her the ring, I desperately hoped she would take.

She got up and stood in front of me,  nodding her head frantically. "Yes, yes, of course!" she laughed with tears in her eyes, as I kneeled in front of her. I placed the ring on her finger and pulled her into a kiss.

"The ring looks so much better in this lighting." she chuckled against my lips. I stilled and pulled away confused.

"Huh?" I raised my eyebrow. Ally smirked at me, knowingly.

"I have a confession of my own." she said, "I knew you and Laine went engagement ring shopping. I knew it when you lied about work. And I knew when I was cleaning out the closet and found the ring box in an old jacket of yours." she revealed.

"You knew for weeks?" I asked, feeling duped.

"I've been with you for years. I can spot one of your lies, a mile away. I just didn't expect you to ask tonight. " she chuckled, "You're not mad are you?" she asked sheepishly. I found myself smiling in admiration. In love with the girl who had bared the confessions of a bad boy.

"Is it still a yes?"

"It was never anything else." she smiled, as I fell in love again and again.

"Then there's no reason to ever be mad again, Mrs.Reynolds." I smirked before pulling into another kiss. This one taking us to places, where our love had no restrictions from insecurities, secrets, distance, or time.

T H E   E N D

Wow, I can't wrap my head around this. I am finished with this story and I'm kind of sad.

I started this book because of a personal experience. It was at the start of my senior year nearly two years ago, when my friend started dating this guy I had a crush on.

I was angry, hurt, and full of ideas. It started as an F U to her, but eventually this story took its own voice. As it progressed, I found myself less spiteful and actually happy for them.

This book spawned from hate and jealousy. But quickly turned into a message that life isn't always as it seems. Secrets are revealed and we all have to embrace the 'crap' to move onto something better.

It was also a message that family is who you love. So I hope you guys enjoyed this story. It was a fun book to write and I'm glad you all joined me on this journey.

Vote and comment

-R H E A

*chapter edits will continue in a few weeks*

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