More That Meets The Eye / Boo...

By DaHarm

1.1K 97 33

A TFP fan fiction about a girl named Danika and her friend Savanna who meet the autobots. In Danika's P.O.V. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Author's notes
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 5

86 6 0
By DaHarm

"...that they will stay under your watch and protection."

I had a smile from ear to ear. I was staying! With excitement I jumped down from the berth, ran to Agent Fowler, and gave him a hug. He just stood in place and patted my back hesitantly and said "Um.. Your welcome?"

I let go knowing that he was uncomfortable. "Sorry. I just go over excited." than I walked away back over to Smokescreen.

Than Smokescreen picked me up and chuckled. A big smile came across my face. I looked at Fowler and shook his head smiling. 'I don't know what he is thinking but, I don't care.' I thought to myself.

"I suggest that we bring the children home." Optimus said.

'Home? Right. More like a cell with prison guard Jack lurking around.' I sighed once the thought popped into my head. Smokescreen placed me down and transformed. In response I got in the driver's seat and smokescreen said "Since when did you drive Danny?"

"Since I turned 16 which was like a year ago. And sense when did you care who sat in your driver's seat Smokie?" I asked with a smile on my face and my arms crossed.

"Since I learned you can drive." He said.

I rolled my eyes and decide to say "Trust between us there must be." Than I laughed knowing that he probably didn't know at all why I was talking like that.

"Hmm... Star Wars fan you are." He replied but before I could say anything Optimus drove next to us and drove out of the base. Without warning Smokescreen took off and I struggle to buckle up than I finally asked "How do you know about Star Wars?"

"Have you met Miko? She brought it in for a movie night and I gotta say it's not that bad." That last part was said quietly.

When we reached my 'house' Mrs. Darby ran to asked a bunch of questions about my health and about what happened to me. Surprisingly Jack came up and gave me a bear hug.

"Well, well, well Jack actually cares about you Danika. Who knew?" Savanna teased as she leaped from the passenger seat to the ground.

Jack stop hugging me and tried his best to hid he embarrassment and said stiffly "I was j-just not thinking straight." I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder and smiled. He just pushed my hand away and walked away into the house. As the Autobots drove I heard one of them sigh.

"Arcee should here in a minute." Mrs.Darby said.

For the rest of the time Jack me the stank eye. 'What's his problem? I didn't do anything to him." I thought to myself.

The door slammed open and Miko came running in and also bear hugged me. "Miko I-I can't breathe." I had to say in order to make her let go. She asked how I felt and I told her I felt fine and I dragged her and Savanna in the living room and asked "Is Jack being a jerk to you guys?"

"No. Why?" Miko asked. I told them to watch so I walked up to Jack well he was washing dishes and asked if he needed help. "No! I don't need help washing the dishes. It's not like their desepticon. Just leave me alone." He yelled at me as if I was an ex-con myself and I had enough of it.

"What's your problem!?!?"

"What do you mean what's my problem?"

"Um.. How about the fact that you have been a jerk to me ever since I came here."

"Hey I never asked for you to live with me. I never asked to have you two be another burden on my life. I already have to deal with the fact that the Desepticons can kill my family and friends!"

"At least you can be with your family. I can't even see my family let alone keep them safe. *sniff* P-plus I m-might never see them again and I-i might get them killed and they won't ever know that. All I wanted was t-to have someone that I can trust. S-so if you think I am too much to handle than just kick me out!" I was struggling to tell him the fear I was feeling because I was so mad that my eyes swelled up with tears and there was a lump in my throat.

I turned around and started to walk away than I heard Jack call for me. I turned around and felt something embrace me then I heard "I'm sorry I acted like such a jerk I was just scared."

I hugged him back and said "it's all r-right Jack I un-understand." I looked at Miko and Savanna to see that they had a look of disbelief. He released me and his mom came in.

"'Kay kiddos time to hit the hay." She said

"Why are you talking like that mom?" Jack asked

"Well I thought that since the girls, minus Miko, lived on farms I should talk like farmers." She answered.

I know Miko and Savanna was trying not to laugh so I told her "Um.. Mrs. Darby we don't talk like that. In fact I don't know anyone who talks like that."

"Oh, sorry but, that doesn't change the fact that it's time for bed. Miko you should go home and Danika, Savanna will bring you to the extra guest room." We all nodded and went our separate ways.

After a few hours of watching nothing on the ceiling I decided to explore the house. I walked in to the garage only to see Arcee sleeping. So I slightly shook her but, that probably wasn't the smartest idea because she transformed with blasters ready and pointing at me.

"Hey! Arcee it's just me." I yelled at her quiet enough so the others wouldn't wake up. She sighed.

"Were you sleeping? I didn't even know that you could."

"I was just powering down for a bit. Why are you here."

"I wanted to talk about Jack."

"What about him."

So I told her the events of the evening and how every thing was happening so quickly that it was confusing.

After I told her that she told me that Jack and her didn't get along at first but now they were close friends.

"You should get some sleep. Smokescreen is planing to take you racing with us other 'bots but, it's a surprise so don't tell anyone. Okay?" she said.


I smiled and said good-bye than I went to bed. I'm looked forward to my new life.

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