Tales of the Black Fox

By UnreadWriterReturns

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서나혜 is different... not just different but very different... a 구미호 surreptitiously living in a very secretive... More

Legend of the Sgàirn Dubhan
Dancer in the Rain
A Few Days Later
What Are You Doing?
Unusual Encounters
Surprise! Up Here!
Give Me a Break!
Slowly Blurring Lines
Warning of the Double-Edge
Nicked Sticks
The Wood Search
Torn... and Deep in Turmoil
Sunrise Rendezvous
What You Do Not Know
A Violent Storm Blows In
Refuge in the Woods
Before the Red Moonrise
Let's Go For Broke!
Monday Morning
A Completely Different Day
The Second Afternoon
The Morning After
Getting to Know You
Korea Town and then...
Trial, Sentence and Exile
The First Snowfalls

A Visit to the Ocean

37 1 2
By UnreadWriterReturns

The following morning Sonia was relaxing comfortably in her favourite spot, in front of the large picture window in her bedroom. Quickly flipping through magazines, she was probably looking at the illustrations more than reading anything in particular. Mac returned, stopped at the doorway and in silence stared at her.

Without looking up, she challenged, "Yah! What are you looking at?"

"An amazingly beautiful woman." truly captivated by his attractive wife.

She looked up at him, smiled rather shyly and then acknowledged, "You're exaggerating again... but your heart's near the right place."

Noticing that she was leafing through a travel magazine, out of curiosity he asked, "Mrs. MacLeod, if you could go anywhere right now, where would you choose?"

"The ocean."

"That was fast." surprised by her instant answer.

"I've never been to the ocean and I've always wanted to go."

He walked over to the window, sat beside her and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"You've never been to the ocean?" astonished to learn this tidbit about her.

You got that right!" and then leaned her head on his shoulder.

"I'm surprised! The ocean's not that far away from here." now fantasizing how she'd look in a bikini.

"Ma's always refused to go the ocean." and returned her attention to the magazine.

Distracted by her bare legs, he gazed at them, wondering whether or not she'd sit still or suddenly push his hand away if he lightly ran his finger along a thigh. Curious and to find out, he did just that.

"Yah! You!" and using the magazine, instantly swatted his hand away, "Don't mess with danger!"

"What danger?" feigning total ignorance.

"Me!" and gave him a firm shove with her shoulder, strong enough to send him onto the floor.

Stunned for a second or two he stared up at her in disbelief before muttering, "Nothing quite like being floored again by the same beautiful woman."

Feeling smug that she'd easily put him in his place she smiled, picked up the magazine and resumed flipping through it like he no longer existed.

Uncowed, Mac reached over and lightly ran a finger along the calf of her leg.

"Yah! and this time jumping up and out of range of his reach, she demanded, "Quit your mischief!"

"What mischief?"

"I know exactly what you're up to."

"I was just tenderly caressing my beautiful wife." responding like the epitome of innocence.

"Crazy human." she muttered and then started suggestively fiddling with her bra to distract him.

Watching her with rapt interest, he offered, "Do you need any help with that?"

"As if you would know what to do." and laughed dismissively as she returned to her seat by the window, knowing her hooks were sinking into him.

"You'd be surprised." countering her claim as he got up off the floor and sat beside her again.

"Okay. Surprise me!" she challenged with a laugh while looking at him.

Mac carefully moved his hand behind Sonia, certain she wasn't aware of what he was planning. Again she began fiddling with her bra near her breasts, first glancing downward and then coyly at him. Suddenly he reached up, pulled her bra strap away from her back and let it snap back against her.

"Yah!" the expression on her face betraying shock, "You're terrible!"

"Were you surprised?" laughing because of her reaction.

"I suppose you think that's amusing?" feeling affronted.

"I merely accepted your challenge."

"You're not fooling me."

"Well, you opened the door...."

"Not for you to use anything as an excuse to make mischief."

"When was the last time I ever made mischief?"

"Last time?" she laughed feigning disbelief, "You haven't stopped."

Abruptly she stood, turned to face him and then extended her right hand to him.

"What's this?" suspicious she was up to something to get back at him.

"Just take my hand and whisper in my ear that I'm beautiful." she cooed.

"And then what?" dubious as he hesitantly took her hand in his.

He stood and whispered to her exactly what she'd wanted to hear.

"Come with me." she whispered suggestively and then lightly tugged his hand.

Sonia led Mac over to the edge of the bed, gave him a slow inviting kiss, released his hand and then just stood facing him.

She hadn't budged or said a word, and becoming all the more curious about what she wanted, he asked, "Now what?"

While giving him her invitation-card smile she placed her hands on his upper arms, and coaxing him into submission, she instructed, "Sit on the edge of the bed and wait there while I go get something."

Like a softened-up lump of Play-Doh he complied.

Sonia turned, sashayed back to the window, sat where she'd been resting before he walked in, picked up her magazine and began reading it again like he wasn't there.

Laughing in response to that look on his face, she warned, "The next time you decide to make mischief, don't mess with danger."

He'd been soundly reminded that she's very adept at playing clever little games with him, and now eager to change the subject as well as curious to find out something else, he questioned, "Why haven't you ever been to the ocean?"

"Ma's concerns about safety." and her countenance changed to serious.

"Okay. I understand."

He didn't understand but avoided pushing the subject thinking her reason probably had something to do with her being gumiho.

"But I've always wanted to go." repeating her desire to see the ocean.

He gazed at her for a moment and then proposed, "Let's go!"

"Go where?" wondering whether or not he'd read her mind.

"The ocean."



"What about our classes?" reminding him of reality.

"I think we can survive missing a few days."

For a second or two Sonia she stared at Mac and then jumped onboard with an eager, "Let's go!"

"How quickly can you pack?" now wondering if she'd need half a day to decide what to bring.

"Give me 20 minutes!" jumping up to get ready.

"I'll believe it when I see it." he teased.

A few hours later...

As the miles passed she relaxed, opened up and began revealing intimate details about her family.

Fearful of discovery her parents had fled Korea, believing that starting a new life in North America would be safer. Sonia entered the world about two years after her parents had settled but she refused to reveal her year of birth.

Mac was astonished when his wife revealed she had a twin sister, but not an identical twin. Eight years ago her sister had been bound following the ancient gumiho traditions of an arranged binding; she hadn't seen her sister since that week the two clans celebrated the union. This much said, she refused to reveal any additional details about her sister.

Her father had died several years ago but the details concerning her father's death were never disclosed to her. She had heard several rumours; that her father's gumiho identity had been discovered, that he had been methodically tracked down and killed by a secretive government organization, but she really did not know. She recalled that her father was less antagonistic toward humans than her mother; her father had once remarked that he wished that one day gumiho and human could co-exist without hostility. That gold pendant she lost, the one Mac had found and returned to her, was the last gift she had received from her father.

Sonia rarely heard from her sister, and during these past few days into her new life with a mate, she wondered whether or not her sister was truly happy. Through most of her life she knew that her parents had only gone through lifeless motions to endure their unwanted and loveless relationship with each other. She was truly hoping her sister was happier.

Her mother was away for several days, supposedly for business, but Sonia was convinced that her mother was really away to finalize arrangements for Sonia's planned binding, completely unaware of what had transpired. She was fearful of what her mother's reaction was going to be when she would learn that Sonia had bound herself to another prior to the red moon, and worse yet, to a human. She knew well that Ma was hostile toward humans and was already uncomfortable with Sonia being in close proximity to the humans she encountered daily at university.

She was fully expecting Ma to disown her and then vanish, but she was also fearful that her mother may take retribution against Mac. Sonia was grateful her binding to Mac had been successful; she would be able to justifiably protect him. Regardless, now that they were bound she was planning to move in with her husband after Ma returned and had been properly informed.

Mac and Sonia had been on the secondary highways for a little more than four hours and were nearing their destination, the Atlantic Ocean.

"Are we there yet?" she whined.

"I can't believe you asked me that question." surprised by what he'd heard.

"It was intentional." she Laughed

"Why?" taking a fast glance at her but paying attention to the road ahead.

"I finally got to ask someone that particular question while riding in a car." laughing like she'd scored a go-ahead goal.

"Didn't you ever ask your mother that question?"

"Are you kidding?"

He didn't respond but instead, started to wonder how scary his mother-in-law was going to be.

Disinterested in the passing scenery, Sonia yawned with ennui and grumbled, "I've seen enough rocks, hills, trees, water, and farm fields for today."

"Really?" surprised by her reaction.

"Nothing's different about all those nothing small towns we've passed through except we don't live there."

"They're home to the people who live there."

"Easy for you to say."

"Well it's not that hard if you look at it their way."

"That's because you're human and so are all the inhabitants."

Rather than debate with her he chose to distract with, "We're really not that far away now."

"Relax Mac... or should it be Max... what about Relax Max? " and then she started laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"I just sounded like a poet, and you didn't even know it." now almost hysterical with laughter.

"At least you got the iambic tetrameter right."

She stopped giggling, turned her head, looked at him like he'd just landed from Mars and spoke something in Martian, and deadpanned, "I'm glad we're almost at the ocean."

A few miles later Sonia placed her hands over her rumbling stomach and announced, "I'm hungry."

"Do you want to stop somewhere to eat?"


"Anything in particular?"

"Korean would be good." sounding optimistic that a Korean restaurant was just around the corner.

"I don't think we're going to find anything like that around here."

"Why bother asking?" taken aback by his dampening reply.

"I just thought you'd like to pick out a place along the highway."

"Along here?" questioning like he'd suggested the impossible to believe in.

"We've already passed a few seafood snack shacks so we can't be that far from the ocean now." trying to sound encouraging.

She didn't answer.

Spying the next snack stand ahead on the right side of the road, he slowed, swerved off the highway and pulled into the almost vacant parking lot.

Astonished that he'd abruptly stopped at an uninviting nondescript shack with an equally unattractive sign on top, she questioned, "Why are we stopping here?"

"To get something to eat." like doing so was perfectly normal.

"Here?" looking aghast.


"Do you have a death wish?" like she was questioning his sanity.

"That's why we're here."

Suspicious he was joking around to get back at her for earlier, she challenged, "Are you playing with me again?"

"Why would I do something like that?"

"Yah! You have a mischief side." she retorted.

"Me? You must be imagining things again."

"Not likely." convinced she was right.

"What would you like to eat?" reverting to the original subject as he opened the car door.

"I'm not hungry." making no effort to hide her displeasure that he'd stopped at the shabbiest looking establishment he could've found.

"I thought you said you're hungry." confused by her sudden sullen mood.

"I lost my appetite five miles ago." answering tersely.

"Sonia, I'm really serious about trying the food here." hoping to reassure her that everything was okay.

"You get something if you want but I don't want anything from here." sounding no less willing to reconsider.

All her life Sonia had been educated by Ma never to stop at roadside snack shacks and restaurants when travelling, and always reminded that foods there were prepared by humans and therefore probably unsafe for gumiho to eat. She never had any reason to question or doubt Ma's warnings, but now Mac's norms were in-her-face conflicting with hers.

"We could use a break now anyway." and as he stepped out of the car, instructed, "Go choose an empty picnic table over there in the shade while I get something."

She scowled at him but nodded in agreement. As he walked over to the take-out window, she went and selected the cleanest looking table in the shade. The sun was warm but in the shade the breeze felt cool and refreshing. As she waited she realized that Mac was right, she needed a break from being cooped up in the car; they both did.

Several minutes later Mac came around the corner of the building carrying a tray with several food items on it. He set the tray down on the table in front of her and then sat across from her, thinking she would change her mind after seeing and smelling freshly cooked food.

She smelled the food whether she wanted to or not, and in spite of what she thought earlier, the food looked very appetizing nonetheless.

"What are those?" she questioned.

"Deep fried clams." answering as he dipped one in the sauce and then quickly stuffed it into his mouth.

"I've never seen clams cooked like that."

The tantalizing scent of deep fried food was making her feel even hungrier.

"Have you ever seen deep fried clams before?" trying to chew and talk at the same time.

"Only in pictures."

"Want to try one?" pushing the tray a little closer to her.

Ignoring his offer and pointing at the side dishes, "What's that?"

"This one's coleslaw..." pointing at the nearest to her, " and the other's tartar sauce."

He scooped up another clam, dipped it in the sauce and then stuffed the treat into his mouth.

"Coleslaw I know but that I've never seen before."

"Trust me. It's good too." but he devoured another sauce-covered clam.

Sonia's mouth watered with envy because those clams Mac was busy devouring smelled wonderfully tantalizing and looked scrumptiously appealing. Becoming all the more curious about what that strange new food he was enjoying might taste like, she was worrying less and less about what Ma had always warned.

"These seafood shacks mean that we're near the ocean now." he reminded.

When the clams were almost gone and with hunger and curiosity still nagging, she caved, "Let me try one."

"Go ahead." and gestured at the almost empty paper basket

Sonia picked up a fried clam, examined it in her fingers for a second or two and then cautiously bit off a small piece. The battered clam tasted as delicious as it had smelled. She popped in the remainder.

"So what do you think?" curious about whether or not she liked that sample.

"It's passable." answering indifferently, and definitely not wanting him to know that she liked it a lot.

"I have to use the washroom." Mac informed as he got up from the table, "I'll be back in a few minutes."

He picked up the tray, disposed of the trash, returned the emptied tray at the take-out window and then entered the building.

Several minutes later he returned and found her kneeling on the grass.

"What are you doing?" surprised to see her there.

"I'm getting my camera ready." she announced while fiddling with it.

"Why on the grass?"

"At first I was going to do some warm-up exercises while waiting for you but decided to get the camera out instead." and then she captures an image of him looking at her.

He was relieved to see her mood had changed and that she was happier again.

"Are you sure you don't want to change your mind?" emphasizing sure.

"About what?" checking the new image instead of looking up at him.

"About eating something."

This time she turned, looked up at him but said nothing. Yes she wanted something to eat now, but had no intention of changing her mind and losing face, especially after all the negative comments she'd made.

Without a word, he brought his hand out from behind his back to reveal the small cardboard basket of deep-fried scallops.

"Mrs. MacLeod, these are for you." offering the food to her.

She placed her camera on the grass and then willingly accepted his tantalizing offering.

"감사합니다... it means thank you."

"Bring them along and eat them in the car." he suggested.

"Why?" wondering why he seemed to be in such a rush to get on the road again.

"The guy working in there told me there's a nice place to stop about half a mile from here."

Ignoring his suggestion, she remained on the grass, picked up a scallop, gave it a once-over because it looked different, took a small nibble and then asked, "What is this?"

"Deep fried scallops." hoping she was going to like them.

She voted by shoving the remainder of the scallop into her mouth and proclaiming, "These are better than clams!"

"Have you ever eaten scallops before?"

"No." and then ate another one.

She ravenously devoured the scallops and handed him the depleted cardboard basket.

"That was fast." and accepted the empty container.

"My metabolism isn't the same as yours." assuming he'd understand.

She picked up her camera and began fiddling with it again. He was about to remind her it was time to get going but instead he was captivated by how attractive and appealing she looked just sitting there on the grass. Although he was quietly waiting, what he was really thinking about doing was going over, lying down on the grass next to her and then make love to her. Had they been away in a secluded place, he imagined they likely would have.

As he was dreamily gazing at his beautiful wife a mouse ran out from behind the trash can. The tiny rodent sped in Sonia's direction and was about to run past her. Before he could utter a warning, Sonia fearlessly reached out with lightning-like speed, grabbed the mouse and dangled it in the air by its tail.

She held the helpless flailing pest up near her face and stared at it. Mac could've sworn she licked her lips and for an instant wondered if she was actually contemplating eating it. Removing the uncertainty, Sonia lowered the mouse, released it and watched it run away.

"You should have killed it." Mac said.


"I hate rodents!" betraying his dislike.

"If I killed it then I would've had to eat it."


Noticing that look of disbelief on his face she explained, "My diet also differs from yours."

Convinced she was playing games with him again, he offered, "Well the next time we have mice for dinner you can have my share too."

"I'll hold you to that." she laughed.

"Come on! Let's get going!"

About three quarters of an hour later as they were driving very slowly along suitably named Oceanview Boulevard, he arbitrarily selected a modest but attractive looking modern motel, turned into the mostly empty parking lot and hoped they'd be lucky at the first place they stopped. Several minutes later he was very pleased to discover that exactly what he wanted was available; a small .

Although expensive, their second floor apartment-like suite including kitchen overlooked the beach.

Sonia stood motionless on the verandah, enthralled by her first time ever up close scenes, sounds and scents of the ocean before her. While Mac quietly moved their stuff from the car to the room, she was totally oblivious to the trips he was making back and forth, up and down the stairs.

Since arriving Sonia and Mac listened to those inescapable timeless songs of the ocean; waves continuously breaking and washing up on the beach while gulls circling above shrieked out their calls. The soothing sounds of a restless ocean shoreline could be heard just about everywhere except along the busy main street, of course drowned out by a steady stream of endless traffic.

Now that everything was inside their room, Mac eagerly suggested, "Let's get changed and get in the water!"

He opened his backpack and pulled out a pair of swim-shorts while she removed her dress, and draped it on the bed beside her waiting swim suit.

Stopping, Sonia turned around, touched that area on the upper left side of her chest just below her neck and then softly asked, "Don't you want to do something else first?"

"Like what?" surprised by her unusual question.

"Do you think I couldn't guess what you were thinking and feeling earlier?"

He stopped in the middle of changing and stared in disbelief. She'd already untied her long hair, letting it fall over her now bare shoulders.

"You have bewitching dark brown eyes." dreamily recalling those strangest moments ever when she'd bound their hearts.

She closed the gap between them and started touching and caressing him, first on his face, then moving downward to the left side of his chest below his neck and then lower.

Surrendering to her advances and now completely captivated, between gasps he asked, "Was I that obvious earlier?"

"You're that obvious now." laughing softly as her hand found and teased the part of him she was after.

She slipped her arms around his waist and held him tightly, pressing herself against him to feel his desire for her. When he softly kissed her neck she smiled with contentment, aware he madly wanted her now and she was going to have him.

"Aren't you anxious to go to the beach first?" he asked as his hands explored the shapes of her.

"Yes, but we're also on our honeymoon." she cooed sensually and then gave him a long passionate kiss.

Seconds later they were both writhing on the bed embracing each other and craving each other.

He paused for breath, gazed in amazement at her and then exclaimed, "You're unbelievable!"

"You got that right!" laughing in triumph and then allowed him have her.

A while later, from the foot of the verandah stairway outside of their room, they somewhat awkwardly stepped through dry sand toward the beach, following the short path through the tall salt water sand grasses. Their feet sunk into the dry sand with each step they took. Having never experienced walking in dry beach sands before, she kept stopping to shake the sand off her flip-flops until he suggested that she just take them off and carry them.

As the couple crested the dunes, Sonia paused to slowly survey and savour the expanse of the ocean before her. She spread her arms wide-open, closed her eyes, faced skyward and then smiled with that expression of pure joy. She remained motionless, seemingly oblivious to everything around her.

He was expecting her to start dancing but a moment later she glanced at him and excitedly exclaimed in English and Korean, "It's beautiful Mac! I can smell the ocean! 너무 나도 행복해!"

"I'm glad we can share this special moment together." he replied, enjoying the moment and staring at his beautiful, mysterious wife.

She was as mesmerizing as she was mysterious. He recalled occasions before their hearts had been bound when she absolutely refused to allow him to touch her in any manner; even holding hands had been off limits. Now that they were bound her actions were the opposite, doing anything she could to satisfy him in whatever way he wanted.

"너무 나도 행복해! It means, I'm so very happy!" she repeated excitedly.

"And so am I Mrs. MacLeod." he replied, obviously pleased to see that she was ecstatic.

"Let me hear you say it in Korean." she suggested playfully.

"I don't know how." he protested.

"너무 나도 행복해! she repeated a bit slower.

"Can you say it again?"

"It's pronounced like this "Neo-mu na-do haeng-bok-hae." she enunciated very slowly so he could absorb each syllable of what she was teaching.

Desiring to impress and acting confident, Mac repeated the phrase back to her. Sonia spun around so he wouldn't see her struggling to stifle her laughter at his horrible sounding Korean.

He noticed anyway and said, "Sarang hae yo."

She turned and stared at him, unexpectedly surprised and touched by what he had said.

"Who have you been practicing your Korean with?"

"An impatient teacher."

"Must you be so honest?"

"Let's go!" he urged, impatient to reach the water with her.

"Wait! I want to enjoy this moment so I can remember it forever." she insisted and then gave him a very affectionate hug and kiss.

She was right. Now was a unique one-time only first, a special moment that both of would share together for the rest of their lives. For Mac and Sonia, much of what they had been doing in the last several days were firsts for both of them.

She removed her shirt and told him to hold it. He simply stuffed it in the backpack he had brought along to hold their things. She then took the towel from him, wrapped it around herself and suddenly ran down to the edge of the ocean, crouched down and touched the foamy end of the wave that washed up. Curious, she licked her fingers to discover for herself whether or not the ocean was salty as she had always heard. She turned to face at him and exclaimed, "It's salty!"

"What did you expect?" he laughed but not completely surprised knowing her very curious nature.

He dropped the backpack on a dry spot on the beach and joined Sonia.

"The water's colder than I expected." she said, and then walked into the restless water.

"Do you know how to swim? he questioned.

"What do you think?" she asked playfully.

"I'm not sure but the last time I saw you in water you made a big splash." he laughed, recalling that time she accidentally plunged into the river.

"Yah! That's not funny." she retorted, not having expected that answer and knowing what he was referring to.

She gave him a playful nudge in response which he expected. He placed his arms around her and gave her a quick hug.

"At that time I had a hard time to keep from laughing." he admitted in a whisper.

"I can put my head under water if that's what you're wondering, but I never really learned how to swim." she revealed, not wanting to hear more about that embarrassing time at the river.

She waded hesitantly into the ocean before her and thought she was in only ankle-deep, but a larger breaking wave washed in and the water suddenly surged higher, just above her knees. Startled by the unexpected cold surprise, she quickly retreated a few steps. He had already waded past her and was in slightly deeper. She also noticed that he had been watching her and seemed amused.

Not wanting to be outdone by him so quickly and easily, she gingerly stepped further out into the water, pushing toward a point she thought was where the waves were cresting and breaking as they surged shoreward. Soon she was thigh-deep in water that swelled to waist depth when the waves pushed by. A few steps later she suddenly felt a restless and seemingly confused surging that pulled and pushed at her in two directions at once, on top as the waves came in and beneath as water flowed back out.

He moved over to her again and said, "Give me the towel and I'll put it with the backpack."


"So it won't get completely wet." and explained, "I only brought the one."

She hesitantly removed the towel, revealing her attractive two-piece swimsuit and of course, more of herself.

"You're beautiful."

"And you're cute."

"Cute?" he questioned, not having heard that remark from her before.

"Yah! Go put the towel away." because she noticed he was still gaping at her.

He turned back toward shore and she moved into deeper water. When she inattentively turned around she was struck by a larger cresting wave that hit her hard in the chest and face. Instantly she was bowled over backward and then pushed under by the roiling water; submerged, she felt her back forcefully scraping sand. Disoriented, choking on swallowed water, and struggling to get up, she suddenly felt someone grab her arms and pull her up out of the water.

"Mac!" she managed to gasp when she realized who'd rescued her.

Involuntarily she began coughing and retching to expel the seawater she'd ingested while he held on to her and slowly led her toward shore.

Her coughing and retching abated and she finally asked, "What happened?"

"You got knocked over by a large wave."

"But the water wasn't very deep." and she wretched again.

"The ocean doesn't have to be deep to be dangerous." he warned, albeit too late.

"I'm okay now." and pulled away the towel that draped around the back of his neck and over his shoulders.

She wrapped the towel around herself and then sort of staggered the rest of the way out of the water.

He stared at her for a moment, noticed her wet dishevelled hair and said, "Now you look the same as the first time I saw you."

Ignoring his comment and now recalling that she last saw Mac walking away from her, she asked, "How did you know what happened to me?"

"I just happened to see a beautiful Korean woman and was admiring how attractive she is."

"Be serious for a minute." she chided, annoyed by his flippant sounding answer.

"I really did turn around to take another look at you... for no other reason than to look at you... and then I saw you get bowled over." he explained.

"I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. That expression on your face says everything." and then gave her a quick kiss.

"Mac, let's just walk along the beach for now." she suggested and held him by his right arm.

Having been shaken up by a display of the might of an minuscule ocean surge, Sonia had no desire to re-enter the water right away. Instead, she returned to the backpack, pulled out a light dress and pulled it on over her swim suit. When she was finished, Mac picked up the backpack, removed her camera and placed it around his neck.

Later, when they reached the rocky bluffs near the end of the public beach he took a few photos of her before they turned around to head back.

As they ambled along and shared more intimate thoughts with each other, Sonia intentionally made a myriad of foot prints and patterns in the sand and then watched as waves came in and wiped away all traces of her unique impressions.

"They're gone just like that!" sounding both surprised and disappointed at the same time.

"Everyone who visits the ocean and walks along the beach will do the same thing at one time or another." Mac remarked, recalling the last time he walked along this same beach and remembering only too well being alone and feeling abandoned.

"The ocean's just like a big eraser." she remarked.

"That's the first time I've heard that used to describe the ocean." smiling, and happy to be here with Sonia who'd erased the loneliness in his life.

"If we come back this way, there won't be any sign that we've ever walked here." sounding wistful.

"Maybe that's a reason why the ocean is referred to as timeless."

"Sad in a way."


"It's like we've never been here. even though we're here.." sounding very philosophical, "and it's like don't really exist even though we do."

"Instead, why not think of it as a slate that's been wiped clean and a new beginning." he suggested in a more positive light.

"I didn't know you had a philosophical side."

"I don't really. I was just comparing today with the last time I was here."

"When was the last time you were here?" now curious.

"A little more than a year ago... right after Uncle Artie died."

"Did you come here with someone special?" still wondering if he may have had a girlfriend at the time.

"No. I came alone."

"Why didn't you bring your girlfriend?" probing for more information about his past .

Mac stopped walking, and fully understanding what she wanted to know, he revealed, "I've never had a real girlfriend in my life but it wasn't from a lack of trying... but I also don't have any ghosts from the past who may one day suddenly show up and interfere in our lives."

"That sounds so sad the way you said it."

"No! It's good! Suddenly I'm married to this very beautiful mysterious angel who has completely turned my life upside down... but in a good way." he replied happily.

"Mac, 나는 당신을 사랑합니다" she said to him.

Facing her, he gently but firmly placed his hands on her shoulders, looked intently into her dark eyes and softly spoke to her from his heart, "I shall love you and only you until the day I die. This is my promise to you and my desire for our future together. It may sound quaint and ordinary, simple and dull really, but this is my wish."

His words stirred and unsettled her; for the first time since she had bound their hearts without his knowledge, she knew for certain that he truly loved her for who she was regardless of what she was, and for no other reasons. Her emotions overwhelmed her and a several tears trickled down her face.

"Mac, 나는 당신을 사랑합니다."

Facing her, he gently but firmly placed his hands on her shoulders, gazed into her captivating dark eyes and softly spoke his heart, "I shall love you and only you until the day I die. This is my promise to you and my desire for our future together. I know it might sound quaint and ordinary, simple and dull really, but this is my wish."

Mac's words stirred and unsettled her, and for the first time Sonia knew without a doubt that he truly loved her for who she was regardless of what she was or she'd done.

Emotions overwhelming her and tears trickling down her face, she reached out, gently caressed his cheek and repeated, "나는 당신을 사랑합니다"

Barefoot and arm-in-arm, Mac and Sonia resumed their reflective stroll along the sandy beach at that always shifting place where the waves washing in on shore ended and the waters turned back. The constantly moving water gently washed their feet as they strolled and talked.

A while later she stopped, stared across the water toward the horizon, and then asked, "What's across there?"

"Europe... but if you know exactly in which direction to point, the Hebrides."

"That's where your family came from." recalling that he'd once told her that.

"I'm surprised you remembered."

"Let's visit there one day."

Ignoring her suggestion about visiting the Hebrides and pointing toward the clutter of souvenir junk stores and seafood shacks at the beach's midpoint, he suggested, "Let's go over there instead."

"What's over there?" having noticed the amusement park earlier.

"Stuff you won't find near home." and then tugged on her hand to head that way.

As they ambled along Sonia kept stopping to look at everything that caught her attention, which was literally everything as far as Mac was concerned.

"I want one of those!" and excitedly pointed at small girl holding a large ball of pink cotton candy that matched her outfit..

"Which one?" wondering if she meant the candy or the child.

She cast him a strange glance at first and then laughed in reply, "Why not both?"

"You're good at this..." realizing she was on to him, "But let's just stick with the candy today."

"You already are." and nudged him with her shoulder.

"How so?"

"Me! And you've had some too." and being very suggestive she quickly touched herself.

"You're fast today." shocked by her unmistakably explicit gesture in a busy public place.

He lined up in front of one of the shacks, bought a large cotton candy, handed the sweet treat to her, and revealed, "You're the first girl I've ever bought anything like this for."

"너무 나도 행복해! (I'm so very happy!)" and pinched a piece of the puffy pink stuff off the ball and handed it to him.

"Let's see what else is around here." he suggested and then took her hand in his.

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