DC Legends of Tomorrow: The G...

By sparkle123tt

248K 6.6K 13.5K

Clarity spring was your average nerdy 22 year old girl. Well at least she was before a crazy scientist named... More

Ch 1: To Stay Or To Go
Ch 3: Finding Savage
Ch 4: Whoops
ch 5: whoops pt 2
Ch 6: Time team
Ch 7: power drain
Ch 8: the untold day of hellish waiting
🌸Ch 9: Prison Break
Ch 10: Bad things in 2046
Ch 11: Icing the villains
Ch 12: A Crazy Sort of Clarity
Ch 13: Terrible timing
Ch 14: Stranded
Chapter 15: The Untimely Rescue
Chapter 16: new friends and old friends
Chapter 17: Looking back
Ch 18: Story Time
Chapter 19: Baby Hitler's got to go
Ch 20: Parents Protection
Ch 21: Country Roots
Ch 22: Past is Prologue
Ch 23: Guns 'N Horses
Ch 24: Past made Present
Ch 25: A Ray of Clarity
Ch 26: R.I.P. Glitch
Ch 27: Saving and Sparring
Ch 28: Lil Legends
Ch 29: Threatened Pasts
Ch 30: Good luck charm
Ch 31: Kiss Your Hearts Goodbye
Ch 32: Glitching In
Ch 33: Glitching out
Ch 34: Overload
Ch 35: Shooketh
Ch 36: Time to Die pt 1
Ch 37: It's Time to Die Pt 2
Ch 38: It's Time to Live Pt 1
Ch 39: It's Time to Live pt 2
Ch 40: Smackdown
Ch 41: Corrupt as a Virus
Ch 42: Bye-Bye Time Bastards
Ch 43: Finally Ending This
Anybody else miss Clarity?
New books

Ch 2: To The Seventies

13.5K 291 154
By sparkle123tt

                                                         The background music is clarity's theme

Clarity and the rest of the legends walked toward Martin Stein's silver car. Each and every person that had been on the roof had decided to go on the promised adventure to save the world.

"Professor! Are you sure this is the place?" Leonard asked from where he walked next to his partner Mick Rory.

"I think we're being punked." Ray voiced his thoughts earning a slight giggle from Clarity. Ray turned to Clarity in confusion.

"What people don't say punk'd anymore?" He asked. Before Clarity could respond Sara spoke up.

"No, they don't." Sara replied. You could hear the slight amusement mix with her cynical tone.

"I see your buddy threw himself a going away party." Mick Rory stated gesturing to the passed out form of Jax in the passenger seat of Stein's car.

"Yes I believe he drank something that didn't quite agree with him." Martin said with a slight incline of his head as he placed the address back into his front jacket pocket after checking the address once again.

Clarity resisted the urge to sigh and shake her head. Felicity had been right. Jax so did not have a choice in the matter. Clarity tightened her grip on her crossed arms her bottom lip once again between her teeth. The electric futuristic hum she had felt last night was stronger than ever. They were without a doubt in the right location.

"You don't look to happy to be here." Leonard observed as he glanced at Kendra who had her arms crossed an annoyed frown adorning her features.

"Perceptive." Kendra curtly responded. She had lost her fight with Carter and if she lost a fight with him then who knows what was going to happen to her if she went up against Vandal Savage by herself. She was a barista not some hawk goddess.

"Well I see you all decided to come." Rip greeted them all, striding over to the impatient group of misfit heroes and villains. Everyone merely stared at Rip in reply.

"Well then I think we should be on our way." Rip announced turning back around the way he just came clapping his hands together.

"I ain't footing it anywhere" Leonard said an icy glare in his eyes as he stared at the Captain.

"A time masters sacred charge is to do no damage to the timeline. Can you imagine what a time ship would look like in say Victorian England?" Rip questioned his new crew.

"Holographic indigenous camoflauge projection" Martin marveled his voice sounding awed at the very prospect.

"Indeed" Rip nodded his voice prideful as he clicked a remote that he took out of his coat pocket turning around to face the open space behind him. A giant silver ship shaped like a taser appearing to the ten.

Clarity couldn't help her excitement as she smiled in amazement at the ship in front of her. The machine was a pure work of genius. It wasn't exactly a police box but it would do. Oddly enough  it looked a bit like a something in a dream she had when she was 13 but, that just made the ship even more brilliant to her. It was something straight out of a childhood fantasy.

"It's called the Waverider. It's been my ship for over a decade. Shall we?" Rip inquired the group before starting to walk over to the floating vessel.

Clarity glitched slightly her form rippling with electricity for a second as she took an excited step forward. She calmed her powers but she couldn't wipe the smile off her face. Sara rolled her eyes at Clarity's excitement, but started walking as well. Maybe this would be fun. The ship looked huge on the outside and Clarity couldn't wait to see the interior.

"Breathtaking." Clarity breathed her heels clicking as she walked on the grated silver hallway of the ship. She stuck out her right hand placing her palm on the wall and felt the strong surge of electricity flowing beneath it.

"Whoa" Ray said eyes wide completely blown away with wonder as he saw the interior for the first time.

"I bet it uses ionic propulsion" Ray chatted to Stein as he absentmindedly watched Clarity walk ahead of them.

Her pony tale swung left to right in a swish motion across her shoulders with each step she took. Her fingertips of her right hand gently gliding along the right wall of the ship as she felt the pure force of the energy underneath. It was calming and reassuring to the metahuman. She was in her element here and it helped her feel just the tiniest bit safer.

"I doubt that very much given the fact that even advanced technology wouldn't be able to sustain ionic reaction." Martin agued back as he surveyed the ship's interior as well.

"It's possible if you stable the quantum flux- We covered this before Professor Stein. Ya know, I was your student many moons ago. Perhaps you remember my paper on sub spaced steel mechanics?" Ray asked in an attempt to jog his memory.

"I don't remember you, Mr. Palmer" Stein stated. His blunt remark causing Clarity to cringe. No mercy. That had to hurt. To prove her assumption Ray let out a disappointed oh.

"Whatever you roofied him with I want some." Rory stated putting an arm around Stein as they all finally reached the bridge.

"I did not roofie him!" Stein protested.

"I ain't judgin'." Rory assured him hoping to nab whatever drugs this old man had to offer.

"Wow I have never seen anything like this before." Kendra gushed as she entered the hub Carter right on his soulmate's heels.

"Neither have I and considering that I have lived over 4000 years thats saying something" Carter said backing up his love's comment.

"How does a ship this size function without a crew?" Stein pondered aloud.

"Oh, I don't need one. I have Gideon." Rip explained to the group. As if on cue Gideons form appeared above the table in the center of the room. Her form appeared to be blueing color and greatly pixelated. Just as her counterpart in Star Labs was.

Clarity's eyes widened, her mind flashing back to Eobard Thawne's secret room that her and team Flash had discovered at Star Labs. It seemed Barry and herself had really covered all the bases with Gideon for her to be on a ship of an organization dedicated to protecting the time line.

"Welcome aboard. I am Gideon, an interactive artificial consciousness programmed to operate this vessel's critical systems and aid Captain Hunter in his mission." Gideon informed the now beyond gob smacked team.

A few harmless blue sparks flew from Clarity's fingertips. She tried to bite her lip in an attempt to hold back her smile but she was unable to do so as she smiled at her creation. Despite her being overjoyed at seeing her creation once again a seed of worry nestled inside the back of her mind. The Reverse Flash also had Gideon so Clarity didn't trust Rip all that much at the moment, but for now she would just bask in the glory of the future tech around her and geek out while this amazing adventure lasts.

"Captain?" Snart questioned a twinge of jealousy sneaking its way into his voice. He was the only one allowed to be captain around here.

"Gideon's been working on helping me locate Vandal Savage." Rip explained dodging his question.

"I thought you said he's pretty active in the 22nd century." Ray pointed out.

"Perhaps engaging Savage at the height of his powers isn't the best strategy." Martin calmly told him feeling just the tiniest bit of shame for not remembering him.

"Indeed." Rip agreed.

"Unfortunately, Savage has kept his movements hidden throughout history. Not even Gideon can determine where or when we can find him. But I have the next best thing: the man who can. Professor Aldus Boardman. Professor Boardman is the world's leading well, only expert on Vandal Savage. We're gonna pay him a little visit." Rip said as they all looked at the screen in the center console.

"Course plotted for St.Roch, New Orleans." Gideon informed everyone.

"I suggest you all strap yourselves in. Temporal navigation isn't something one wants to be standing up for." Rip told the team as he made his way to his pilot chair.

They all made their way to the empty chairs around the console following Rip's lead. Clarity sat inbetween Ray and Sara as everyone took their seats and pulled the straps down over their chests as if they were about to go on a roller coaster ride that loop de loops upside down.

"Time travel. Cool." Rory stated as his partner remained silent.

Clarity had similar thoughts. This was her chance. To be a hero. To be legend. And it all starts here. By making a hop, skip, and a jump through time and into the past. The seventies in particuluar. The year of lava lamps, and gogo boots. Of bright neon colors the same shade as her own eyes. She couldn't wait to take off. That is until Rip opened up his mouth again.

"Some of you may experience some slight discomfort. In very rare instances, there will be some, uh, bleeding from the eyeballs." Rip admitted his voice going into a mumble as he spoke looking away from the now frantic people circled in front of him.

"I'm sorry, what?" Kendra questioned not believing her ears still beyond pissed that Carter had dragged her into something so ridiculous and dangerous that will no doubt end each of their lives. And now they may not even need Savage to die. No now they'll just die of bloodloss from their eyeballs.

"The human body is used to time unfolding linearly."Rip explained as he started up the ship and the lights darkened to a deep blue. The engines of the waverider hummed with a power that only a machine of the future could possess. Rip was a bit sorry for freaking them out but it needed to be said just in case the worst occured. Better to panic before the jump then after it.

Clarity's eyes were wide as Jax began to wake up. She winced at the awful timing. At least he could experience the thrill of the jump that he never wanted to do in the first place.....

"Jackson, I'm so glad you're awake. I didn't want you to miss this." Martin said overjoyed at the prospect of time travel.

"Miss what? What the-" Jax exclaimed the panic now showing as he realized just where he was.

"Oh, no, I wouldn't unfasten those if I were you." Rip said stopping Jax from unknowingly making himself fly into the wall opposite of himself.

"Get me off this whatever this thing is!" Jax exclaimed.

"Good luck explaining this." Sara taunted the professor.

"I did him a favor." Martin insisted.

"He doesn't look all that grateful." Cold observed backing the blonde up.

'Cold's got a point' Clarity thought to herself. Clarity shot Jax a sympathetic look feeling bad for her fellow hero. He was clearly panicked and disoriented.

"Just hang on and remain calm. All your worlds are about to change" Rip said as he thrust the lever forward sling shotting them all into the past.

Just like that their adventure began, and their worlds were never the same again.


kk guys! phew that took longer than i expected but updates for this story will become more frequent now! and don't worry i won't just be copying the show for every chapter i just wanted to make this as close to canon as i possibly could! so thanks for reading! comment if you want me to update and after this should i make up some of my own adventures for the team to go on? comment your theories and i hope you liked this chapter! 2,000 words will probably be the chapter length so i hope your okay with that. Anyways comment for more. commets inspire me to update. Oh and what do you think of Clarity?

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