We're a Family

By Soccerstar2015

168K 3.1K 493

From average days to big tournaments, best friends, Hope Solo and Carli Lloyd, look out for their daughter Ju... More

(1) A Little Bit of Trouble
(2) Good Morning to You too!
(3) Realizations
(4) Explosions
(5) Mama and Me
(6) Tobs
(7) Pancakes!
(8) Dinner Dates
(9) MoMo
(10) Pregame
(11) Goals!
(12) Keep it Together
(13) Just Don't Hurt Her
(14) That Time
(15) M&Ms
(16) No Ice!
(18) Bowling
(19) Heat Stroke
(20) Uh Oh
(21) Mama-ing
(22) Jealousy
(23) Planning
(24) Aftermath
(25) Cinnabon
(26) Bully
(27) Guess Who's Here?
(28) Mom and Papa
(29) Fish Fishy
(31) Progress In Two Directions
(32) Sweet Surprises
(33) "Bye" but possibly "Hi"?
(34) New Additions
(35) Understanding
(36) Ring! Ring!
(37) Insta-Fam
(38) Adventures in Writing
(39) We're Sisters
(40) Leaning on Eachother
(41) I'll Get It!
(42) Not So Sweet Surprises
(43) Moms
(44) Hide and Seek
(45) Strawberry

(30) Training

3.2K 62 6
By Soccerstar2015

Hope's POV

"You already have a fish?" I ask Julie leaning against the door frame. After Mallory told us about Bubbles I went and dragged her out of the dining room to this laundry room we are all now squished in.  I sat her on the washing machine and Carli and I are both standing in the doorway.

"Y-yeah." she answers sheepishly rubbing the back of her neck with her hand. "I really thought you guys were going to say yes." she admits slowly meeting my eyes. "She was already at the store and I didn't think it was a big deal and-"

"Okay okay." I say putting my hands up and hushing her. "Let Mama and I think for a minute please." I look to Carli and sigh. She just shakes her head and lets a big breath out through her nose.

"Why couldn't you have just waited until you got back to Chicago next week?" questions Carli breaking her silence. "It wouldn't have mattered if you did that." she continues. "Then the fish would already be happily at home and not here where he's going to have to travel back to Illinois."

"I didn't think about it." whispers Jay keeping her head down. I hear her hiccup meaning she's about to cry.

"Babe there's not reason for tears right now." I say softly. I give her a hug and look down at her. "Nobody's yelling, we're not getting on to you, we just want to know what you were thinking alright? Calm down." She sniffles and wipes her nose on her sleeve with a nod. Carli tugs on my shirt so I turn around. She motions for me to step right outside the door so we can talk. "How do we handle this?" She squeezes her eyes tightly closed not sure what to do. I can tell she's a little angry so I say, "She didn't mean any harm by it Car."

"I know." she sighs. "She wasn't trying to be bad. It's not like she deliberately disobeyed us. I mean I don't remember telling her that before she gets a fish she has to ask." She chuckles lightly making me too.

"She did ask this morning just to check and I think she really did think it was okay." I add.

"I still don't think having a fish here is a good idea." she says running her fingers through her hair a telltale sign she's in deep thought.  "Let's just take Mr. Bubbles back to the pet store and get the money back so she can get a new fish when she gets home."

"Sounds like a plan." I agree nodding. "I'll break the news." We both duck back into the room and I sigh as I look at the hopeful girl in front of me. "Okay so this is what's going to happen." I start. "You have to take him back, but you may get a new one as soon as you land next Wednesday. In fact you can get as many fish as you want once you get home." Tears threaten to spill over her eyelids and her bottom lip juts out. "Honey you aren't taking that poor fish on the plane."

"But Mallory is." she whimpers sadly.

"And you're not Mallory." points out Carli. "Your name is Julie Beth Johnston and you're not taking that fish on the plane. We are in charge of you not her. What she does is none of our business."

"Yes ma'am." sighs JJ knowing she's not going to change our minds. "I'll take him back after dinner tonight."

"Thank you for not arguing baby." I praise giving her a hug and lifting her off the washer. "I love you."

"Love you too." she mumbles letting me kiss her head before setting her down. "Mom are you coming to practice today?"

"Yes pretty girl." I nod making her smile light up. "I need to grab my bag from upstairs do you need to come to?"

"No mine's with Mama's in the dining room." she tells me.

"Give Mom a kiss." directs Carli taking her hand. "We'll meet her on the bus." Julie pecks my cheek before following Carli back to the rest of the team while I head for the elevators.

Carli's POV

I take Jules back with everyone else, but don't let her hand go once we get into the room. I make her stay with me as I grab our bags from the table and walk to where the coaches are. Julie audibly whines as we approach them so I tighten my grip on her hand and shoot her a stern glare before turning my full attention to Dawn. "Hey, Hope's good to come back today right?"

"As long as she feels up to it yeah. She can take another day though if she wants it."

"This is Hope we're talking about!" laughs Paul, the keeper's coach, "She only misses if we lock her off the bus like we did yesterday."

"I have my ways." smirks Jill before laughing. "If she starts getting sick again today and won't sit I'll just tell her she's benched. That'll get her off the field real quick." I join in on laughing with them.

"I think she's okay but I don't think she's a hundred percent yet." I tell them. "She's still being really picky with her food and she seems a little weak."

"Okay." says Jill. "Keepers are in the gym this morning and Dawn's already lowered her routine and then this afternoon we're all going to scrimmage so I'll put Ashlyn and Alyssa in and use her as the back up. She's not going to like it but she'll survive."

"Her egos so big she'll act like she's dying." I say rolling my eyes. "She's so dramatic it kills me." The coaches crack up at my comment. "We'll go and let you all finish your breakfast." I smile pulling Julie along with me.

"Mama can you please not hold my hand?" ask JJ looking up at me pitifully. "It's embarrassing."

"I don't care."

She sighs before saying, "I didn't think so." She kicks the carpet in defeat and huffs cutely through her nose. "Mama?"

"What honey?"

"Can I please keep Bubbles?" I peer down at her still walking. She's batting her eyelashes and trying to look as sweet as possible.

"No." I say while shaking my head. "Do not ask me about it again."

"Yes ma'am." She drops her head. "I'm sorry Mama."

"It's okay." I let her go up the steps onto the bus first then follow behind her to the very back. Some of our teammates are already waiting for us when we arrive. Julie takes the window seat so I take the aisle. "Is your sunscreen in your bag?" She picks her backpack up off the floor and digs around trying to find it. "I have some if you don't baby; it's-"

"Here it is!" she proclaims holding it out. "I knew it had to be in here cause I used it the other day." she says chuckling. I smile at her and gently take the bottle from her hand. I give it a shake before opening it and squeezing the cool gooey liquid onto my palm.

"Close your mouth." I direct rubbing the sunscreen in between my hands. She obeys as I press it to her face in order to apply it. I make sure to get it good on her nose and cheekbones since that's where she burns the most. "Alright all done munchkin." I spread the small amount left on my hands on my arms.

"Thank you Mama." She leans in to kiss my cheek but I put my hand up stopping her. "Hey!"

"I don't want all that gross sunscreen on me too silly!" I explain trying my best to look disgusted. She giggles hysterically as Hope walks back.

"What's got you laughin'?" she questions sitting down in a seat in front of us.

"Mama won't let me give her a kiss cause my sunscreen." pouts JJ crossing her arms and slumping back in her seat.

"Aw well that's not very nice." says Hope. "Come here babs." Julie scoots around me and jumps into her lap happily. "Hi boo." smiles Aitch rubbing her nose against our daughter's. JJ laughs when she pulls away and see the white mark right on the tip of Hope's nose. "Hand me the sunscreen Car." I toss her the bottle and watch as she dabs some on the spot she messed up. "All better." Julie smiles in content and carefully rest her cheek on Hope's shoulder for the short ride to the training facility. Hope goes off with the goalkeepers so I take Julie with me to the field.

Julie's POV

"I'll be over there if you need me."  says Mama finally letting go of my hand. "I love you." She kisses my forehead and then jogs off to meet the other midfielders. I walk over to Ali, Becky, Kling, KO, and Cap so we can start our practice. Once we get done with three drills we all break for water because it is extremely hot today. The forwards break at the same time so I meet Mal at the water cooler.

"Hey Mals." I greet with a smile. I reach around her to grab a cup and I notice she flinches. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you kid." I laugh filling up my cone cup.

"Y-You're not mad at me?" She takes a small step backwards afraid.

"Mad at you?" I ask confused. "What are you talking about Mally-O?" 

"I-I t-old Hope and Carli on y-you." she stutters wide eyed. I laugh and put my arm around her shoulder.

"They would've found out eventually squirt." I tell her making sure to keep my smile. "I mean Bubbles is a fishy, I can't just hide him away forever." She softly giggles making me light up. Her beautiful laugh always makes me smile. "Drink up babe. I don't want you getting dehydrated." She obediently chugs her small cup before getting another one. We finish up our little break and head back onto the pitch in our respected groups. The rest of training runs smoothly. When the final whistle for the session blows I go and wait by the exit for either Mom or Mama to come for me.

"Hey princess!" says Mom scooping me up from behind. "How was your practice baby?"

"She did great Hoppers!" says Aunt Ali walking up to us. "You'd been one proud Momma of this little killer."

"Oh no that's my job." exclaims Mama coming and pulling me out of Mom's arms. "Hi beautiful!"

"Hi Mama!" I giggle grabbing onto her trying not to fall.

"She was really amazing today Hope." repeats Ali smiling fondly at me. She comes over and bops my nose, "Good job baby Jay. I love you honey bunches."

"Thank you." I giggle blushing. "I love you too Aunt Ali!" She grins before walking off with Ashlyn to the bus. Mama keeps me in her arms and carries me all the way to the door, but has to put me down so we can all fit without me accidently kicking someone. I rush to the back and jump in Mom's spot effectively stealing it from her. She smirks and sits down right on top of me like I'm not even here. "Hey!" I yelp trying to wiggle out from under her. "Mommy!" I whine. "Your butt is crushing me!"

"Hey!" she says turning around and popping my mouth with her hand. "We don't say that."

"Ugh!" I groan. She laughs and squishes me down further. I finally get enough strength to push her off of me. "Why do you always act so weird?" She continues to chuckle as we pull out of the facility onto the road. She picks me up and settles me in her lap.

"Cause I'm your Mom." she states giving me a silly look. "It takes a very um special person to be your Mom." I my jaw drops open in shock and I angrily cross my arms over my chest making her erupt in even more laughter. "I love you though." She kisses my cheek through her giggles.

"Yeah whatever." I roll my eyes playfully but lean my side against her chest allowing her to put her chin on top of my head.

"You're quite somethin' Julie B," she laughs, "Quite something in deed."

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