
By nmwesson

165 9 1

Four months after she regained her memory. (Y/N) Winchester is back at it with her brothers and boyfriend by... More

Oh My Cas
Found Him
Family Road Trip
Two Months, One Week, Four Days...
Not Like This

Amen Assbutt

57 3 0
By nmwesson

*your point of view*
    I woke up and groaned. The sun wasn't up so in my mind, I had no reason to be. But, regardless, I was. I yawned and stretched in an attempt to make myself more tired. I was infamous for not being able to go back to sleep. Once I was up, I was up. End of story.
    "Hey," I heard softly behind me. I groaned again as I rolled over giving up on my crusade to fall back asleep.
    "Hi" My voice was still tired and groggily.
    "Good Morning munchkin" He smiled, not really knowing what else to say.
    "If it were good I would still be asleep." I teased.
    Truthfully however, I could definitely get used to waking up next to him. I guess, in a way, I already was. I sighed and rolled over again checking the time. 4:37 a.m. was written in glowing green numbers across the black digital alarm clock.
   "Hey" I said suddenly having an idea.
    "What?" He asked a bit of sarcasm in his voice. Not in a rude way, just naturally. I mean, it was Gabriel Novak we're talking about.
    "If I get up now I could make breakfast!" I was so hungry. I hadn't eaten since noon the day before, we were a little caught up in everything that was happening with Cas and Crowley and trying to get the beer bottles out of Dean's hands.
    It was hard on him, finding out that he was betraying us like that. Hard on all of us, of course, but definitely harder on him. I swear, deep down he had feelings for that angel that were a tad bit more than friendly.
   I smiled at the thought, I knew for a fact that Cas had a crush on my older brother. Even if he didn't know what that even meant. It would be perfect if something were to happen, to see them both happy. Or at the very least content. But, nonetheless that wouldn't happen anytime soon with the deal Cas made with Crowley.
    I grabbed my phone and played  music to distract myself from those thoughts and turned it all the way up. The sweet sounds of Frankie Valli soon filled the bunker. I threw my hair up and rolled the sleeves of Gabe's sweater up putting on some shorts in case my brothers came downstairs.
   I then slid down the rails of the stairs and marched over to the kitchen to the beat of the music. I pulled out everything I would need and plugged in the waffle maker. I mixed up the batter and although I didn't realize it, started singing along to the music.
Though I never laid a hand on you my eyes adored you. Like a million miles away from me you couldn't see how I...
    "Will you turn that down, or off better yet." The middle Winchester came marching down the stairs grabbing my phone and turning it off. I was used to it by now. It had become routine. One of us makes breakfast while blasting their music, the other comes downstairs and turns it off. It was the Winchester way. I just rolled my eyes and made him a plate.
    "You sound like Dean" I teased. He just stuck his tongue out in response. I then made myself, Gabe, and Dean a plate.
    "Gabe" I called upstairs too lazy to go get him.
    "What?" He called back down.
    "Extra whipped cream"  I called. A cheer could be heard from out room upstairs and I laughed. A scream soon followed upon seeing him inches away from my face as I turned.
    "Jesus Christ" I practically screamed.
    "Nope just me" he teased pecking my lips and grabbing his plate. How could I stay mad at him after that?
    "Dean up?" I asked Sam a bit awkwardly since he had become a very touchy topic in this household.
    "Probably not" he sighed getting up to go wake him up. I nodded and took that time to hide all of the alcohol in the bunker and pour a glass of orange juice instead. I placed the juice and his plate on the table and sat on the counter.
    "Poor thing" I thought out loud. "First Bobby, now Cas."
    "Yeah" Gabe sighed sitting next to me. I laid my head on his shoulder and began playing with his fingers. This had become a habit of mine since we lost Bobby. Whenever I didn't want to deal with reality I just kinda zoned out and began fidgeting with Gabe's fingers. He didn't mind. He would just sit there and rest his foot under mine absentmindedly swinging them to a rhythm only we could hear. We sat there kicking our legs in silence until the oldest Winchester came into view. Seeing my brother had become a rare occasion and it quickly snapped me out of my world of daydreams.
    "Morning" I tried so hard to sound cheerful.
    "Hi" his voice was hollow, a mixture of sleep and depression and so much more pent up into one syllable. It took a lot to not beak down and take pity on my older brother. However, I had to stay strong. None of us in this household really had a mother but the best thing I could be for him right now was just that. 
    "I made breakfast." I offered as he opened the fridge scouting for another drink. "With juice" I offered. He just sighed and nodded. He sat down and began to eat his food. We all just kinda watched him eat, not knowing what to say or do. In all honesty, this was the first time we had seen him eat since, well sense Bobby. It was silent and awkward. Full of tension that could cut through steel. The room was physically heavy, under an invisible weight that only we could see. Stuffy with a toxic mix of pain and suffering.
    Until Sam had an idea. He tried so hard to help but that was the last thing he did. He decided to turn on the T.V.
    Big mistake.
    "Is it terrorism? A new serial killer had gone across the country committing mass murders at churches of all kind calling himself 'God'. Here's Leslie Hobbs with more" A lady in a blue blazer informed us through the Channel 93 News. Channel to channel every news station in America was talking about this new serial killer. What's worse is that the four people in our bunker knew exactly who this new killer was.
    Castiel had become God. Shit.
Alrighty sooo here it is. Surprise! The sequel nobody asked for, Novak. This takes place four months after Winchester and just a fair warning, I will be scrambling plots left and right at my own will. At the same time, most of the characters and plots I don't own I'm merely jumbling up what Kripke and Singer have already created. On that note I'm still figuring out a schedule so sorry if its random for a while. This is a really long authors note but I've got a lot to say. Anyways later weirdos love yall -N.M.Wesson

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