Team 529

By RahafShan

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Chizuko-Fire Nezumi-Water Len-Snow Rin-Wind Mikasa-Electricity Killua-Rock These 6 Royal teenagers with power... More

~Introduction: The First Meeting
~Chapter 1: Nine Years Later
~Chapter 2: A Day Without Sensi
~Chapter 3: The Night Before The Great Day
~Chapter 4: The Day
~Chapter 5: A Day on the Space Shuttle
~Chapter 6: Mars (1)
~Chapter 7: Mars (2)
~Chapter 8: Venus
~Chapter 9: The Emergency Landing
~Chapter 10: Ugly Earth
~Chapter 11: Day One
~Chapter 12: Day Two
~Side Chapter: First Meeting With Humans
~Chapter 13: Day Three
~Chapter 14: Day Three (2)
~Chapter 15: Day Three (3)
~Chapter 16: Day Four
~Chapter 17: Day Four(2)
~Chapter 18: Day Five
~Chapter 19: Day Six
~Chapter 20: Day Nine- A Crisis Arises
~Chapter 21: Day Eleven
~Chapter 22: Day Eighteen
~Chapter 23: Day Nineteen
~Chapter 24: Day Twenty
~Chapter 25: Day Twenty-One
~Chapter 26: Day Twenty-One (2)
~Chapter 27: Day Twenty-Two
~Chapter 28: Day Twenty-Three
~Chapter 29: Day Twenty-four
~Chapter 30: Day Twenty-five
~Chapter 31: Day Twenty-five (2)
~Chapter 32: Day Twenty-Six
~Chapter 33: Day Twenty-Seven
~Chapter 34: Day Twenty-Eight
~Chapter 35: Day Thirty
~Chapter 36: Day Thirty (2)
~Chapter 37: Day Thirty-One
~Chapter 38: Day Forty
~Chapter 39: Day Forty-One
~Chapter 40: Day Forty-Five
~Chapter 41: Day Forty-Six
~Chapter 42: Day Forty-Eight
~Chapter 44: Day Fifty-one
~Chapter 45: Day Sixty-five
~Chapter 46: Goodbye Earth
~Chapter 47: Off to Mars
~Chapter 48: Mars
~Chapter 49: Lilac's Luck
~Chapter 50: No, you don't.
~Chapter 51: Aquilo
~Chapter 52: The King's New Pet
~Chapter 53: YOU killed them.
~Chapter 54: Kyla
~Chapter 55: The Shattering Of A Team
~Chapter 56: Seperated; Day One
~Chapter 57: Separated; Day Two
~Chapter 58: Seperated; Day Three
~Chapter 59: Seperated; Day Four
~Chapter 60: Separated; Day Five
~Chapter 61: Separated; Day Six
~Chapter 62: Five Members
~Chapter 63: Confidence
~Chapter 64: Rin's return?
~Chapter 65: Freedom
~Chapter 66: __ Ends up Killing you.
~Chapter 67: Sensi!
~Chapter 68: Miracle
~Chapter 69: War's Aftermaths
~Chapter 70: Not Fair At All
~Chapter 71: The Goodbye
~Chapter 72: Rebels
~Chapter 73: Blind
~Side Chapter: James POV~
~Chapter 74: Aklahan
~Chapter 75: Surprise
~Chapter 76: Sallade
~Chapter 77: Sleep Well
~Chapter 78: Nine idiots
~Chapter 79: Meeting

~Chapter 43: Day Fifty!

34 3 0
By RahafShan

"Boring!" Len threw himself on the sofa next Nezumi and Mikasa. They were all sprawled in the living room.
"I never realized how boring it was without Sensi or Skylar around until now." Rin agreed.
"Thats kind of...offending." Kai laughed uncertainty.
"Sorry Kai!" Killua said "Its not that you're boring but we got used to Sensi and Skylar being here and we love to annoy Sensi and team up with Skylar so its boring now."
"I got it!" Chizuko sat up straight "Lets ask each other questions! Us and Kai. One by one."
"Okay. I'll start." Kai said "Why did you land on Earth?"
"Ran out of fuel thanks to two idiots." Chizuko glared at the two blonde twins that instantly whistled innocently and fiddled around with their fingers. Kai laughed at their reaction and then told them to ask their question.
"How did you land on Earth?" Killua asked the same thing.
"Leakage in the fuel tank!" Kai exclaimed.
Surprisingly, all seven of them said "Our ancestor's curse!" then stared at each other and laughed.
"Is it still a thing?" Kai asked. Team 529 nodded laughing.
"My turn. When did you find out that your teacher wasn't Rodan?" Kai asked.
"Here on earth!" Killua laughed "After about ten years with him!"
"No way!" Kai exclaimed "How??"
"He's not very talkative, you saw him." Mikasa laughed. "Our turn. Who is your Sensi?"
"You won't know him." Kai told them "His name is Yang."
"Matser Yang?!" They all exclaimed, Chizuko jumping off the sofa she was in.
"That white blonde idiot?!" She asked.
"He's not an idiot!" Kai replied "How do you know him?!"
"Ohmygod!" Chizuko threw herself back down. "He probably knows me! I'm called Roda's Fire! He smiled when I said that! And-Ohmygod! I asked if he wonders how Im so strong and he said he knew! He probably does! How embarrassing!!"
"You talked to him aswell?" Kia asked "My question. How do you know Yang Sensi?"
"You see," Killua started "Sensi planted us all in places that have something to do with Roda, we realized. Chizuko is one of Master Yang's street fighters."
"Oh! That is amazing!" Kai said "Thats why Killua was with me."
"And Rin and Len were with Team 528 and Nezumi was with Umeda!" Mikasa threw her hands up.
"Umeda!" Kai exclaimed "I know him. He is Team 528's Sensi right? I've never met Team 528 before."
"We could call them here." Rin said
"Our turn!" Nezumi jumped up "What is the craziest thing you did?"
Kai thought about it for a while then suddenly remembered.

"Shun! Come on!" Skylar urged him as he dragged his feet on the street. "You're so slow!"
"And you are acting like a child." Sensi glared at him. They both were going around the city to find the perfect warehouse to be able to build the spaceship in without any human eyesight. Currently, Sensi was making a deal with the owner of the warehouse and they've been talking for a few minutes, Skylar got bored so he started to act like a 5-year-old who's mum had been shopping for hours.
"Shuuuuuuun~" Skylar sat down on the concrete, crossed his legs and glared at Sensi. "Finish!"
"Is he ok'y, mate?" The man Sensi was making a deal with asked.
"No." Sensi sneered, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "But ignore him. Lets finish this."
"Ay, mate."

"No way!" Kai threw his head back in laughter when he heard the answer of the question he asked 'What is your teacher's strictest punishment?'. Team 529 told him about the pill and he asked why would Sensi do that so they told him everything about the cat.
"Our turn!" Len said. Suddenly his tone became softer "If you could tell your team members each one thing right now, what would it be?"
The rest of Team 529 gulped at the question and Kai looked like he wasn't feeling fine.
He bent his head down then started with a cracked voice and a croaked smiled. "I would tell Tessa that she's funny. I'll ask Petra if she's still as clumsy as before. I'll tell Venom that I found a girl with his same personality called Chizuko and I'll tell Yona 'there's two blonde family relatives of ours that look just like you'. Lastly-" Kai's eyes water and he smiled very sadly "I'll tell Juan 'I miss you, brother.'"
There was silence in room as everyone looked at the ground uncomfortably. Chizuko smiled "I would've liked to meet Venom." She said softly.
Kai looked up and remembered something, his smile growing "Yeah! You both are so similar. Once, Venom was annoyed from Petra so he decided to jump scare her. Petra is terrified from stuff like that and when he did it, she screamed while he just laughed. Petra gave him the cold shoulder for 5 months!"
Team 529 smiled sadly at Kai's excited face.
"Awesome! I love Venom already!" Nezumi jumped up
"He was mean!" Mikasa laughed.
"But he was an awesome dude." Kai smiled "He was Juan's best friend. They got along so well. Juan would laugh at anything Venom would do except when it concerned me...Juan was very protective."
"I bet he was the best brother out there!" Rin threw her hands up.
"Hey!" Len exclaimed "Excuse you. Your brother is sitting infront of you. Be more considerate maybe?"
Rin laughed "Lennie, you're so dumb."
"What-" Len clinched his fists and frowned
Chizuko and Nezumi threw their heads back in laughter.
"Dumb Len!" Chizuko exclaimed "Your own sister called you dumb!"
Len huffed as the rest of the team and Kai laughed at his annoyance.

"Yay! Can we go now?" Skylar jumped up "Can we? Can we? Can we-"
"Yes. Ren. Yes. Lets go." Sensi interuppted, completly irritated.
"Yay!" Skyalr skipped to the limo waiting. "Don't worry Team 529! Here I come!"
Sensi wanted to roll his eyes so bad because Skylar just got on his nerves this whole trip. "You shouldn't have came if you would hate it this much." He said
"No way." Skylar waved his hands as he got in the limo "I wouldn't waste a chance to spend time with my all time favorite best friend."
"I am not your best friend."
"Pffft. You are! Stop denying!"
Sensi ignored him and looked out of the window.

"Skylar! Sensi!" Team 529 jumped up and went to greet them.
"Why did you say his name first..?" Sensi whispered to himself.
"What?" Len asked, not hearing.
"Nothing." Sensi sneered "Training room. Now."
"But Sensi!"
"You are all annoying me. Get into the training room." Sensi walked past them, towards the control room. "Ren you are not allowed in with them."
"Sensi!" Team 529 exclaimed but were ignored.
"We haven't even done anything wrong yet." They frowned.

Skylar threw an arm around Kai and said, smirking "This will be fun. Hey, you need to watch these kids train."
"I want to!" Kai smiled. "I haven't trained in about ten years. Yang-Sensi doesn't think there is dangers on Earth."
"Yeah. There isn't." Skylar looked towards him "Except if youre being targeted by the number one villian in the universe. Shun's father. He wants Team 529 dead. They have to train."
Kai's eyes widen and he just mouthed an 'oh' slowly.

"Robot-3!" Team 529 exclaimed.
"I-isn't it too early?" Rin said uncertainly. Skylar had killed the past 2 robots but it was still too advanced for their level.
"Blame it on your hero Ren." Sensi sneered.
"He sounds jealous." Kai whispered to Skylar.
Skylar smirked "He is."

"Team 529." Sensi addressed them when he saw them looking doubtful. "You have to defeat the remaining three robots before we leave Earth. Today midnight the resources from Sallade will arrive. Three weeks remaining."
Team 529 stayed motionless for a few seconds. Three weeks huh? Its finishing too fast. Three weeks and the real trouble begans. They will probably never come back to Earth...thats if they live through the war.
They'll miss this whole place. They'll miss their home here. They'll miss Nicki and the rest. They'll miss Team 528 and Umeda. They'll miss their jobs. Everything.
As hard as it was to admit it...
They'll miss Earth.

Len snickered. "Yay..!" He slowly rose his hand up in triumph "We'll finally leave this horrible planet."
"Yeah..." They all nodded half-heartedly.
Sensi ignored that and pressed on the button that opened up for Robot-3.
"Guys!" Nezumi exclaimed "Its the first one in the Top 3 robots! We can't be in a hazy mood!"
"H-hai!" They all got their posture back and crossed their eyebrows, waiting for Robot-3 to come out.

Robot-3 looked exactly like an eagle except two times larger and it flew over head the surprised team, glaring at them.
"Eek!" Kai looked taken aback. "Thats huge!"
Team 529 took out their weapons and got ready.
The eagle opened its mouth, giving out a high-pitched piping explosive whistling sound that somehow threw the members against the wall.
It was so loud, it hurt their ear drums and it actually felt like their ear would start bleeding. In such an in closed room with echoes, the sound was much worse.
Team 529 got up and defended their faces, their eyes narrowed towards the deadly beast.
Robot-3, with a red glem in it eye, targeted Nezumi. It dashed through the thin air, making a whizzing noise, its wings slashing in a straight line. It went so low before directing its direction to Nezumi, as soon as it wing touched the metal ground, there was a loud slashing noise and sparks everywhere that made everyone close their eyes. Robot-3 started flying horizontally and the sparks stopped. Team 529's eyes widen when they saw a huge slash on the metallic ground, about two feet deep and 4 feet long.
Just from the wing.
"Nezumi, duck!" Killua pushed Nezumi on the ground just in time for the eagle to whiz above his head and make a smooth u-turn.
Killua got up then slammed his leg on the ground to build up a stone wall, he was about to turn around and give orders when the stone wall came smashing down and the eagle came through, give out another ear-piercing scream and started rotating the large training room, this time eyeing Len.
"Ugh!" Chizuko exclaimed "So frustrating! We can't do anything but watch it helplessly!"

Back in the control room, Sensi was intently watching them, fist clinched that he didn't notice Skylar's constant calls.
"Shun!!" Skylar shouted next to his ear. Sensi blinked a few times then snapped out of it and turned around to face Skylar who was too close.
"What?" He asked irritated.
Skylar smirked slyly, oh Shun is so worried about his team! Its adorable!
"Kai and I are leaving, Kai has a job to fetch and I'll arrange everything in the warehouse. I'll be back at 3 or 4 am after the stuff arrive."
Sensi stayed still for a few seconds thinking about how close the war actually is. Thinking about dangerous it would be for his team.
"Y-yeah." Sensi turned around to face the troubled team. "Do you want a limo?"
"No thanks" Skylar, surprised, faced Kai and whispered "Shun stuttered."
Kai smiled uncertainly and nodded, unsure why thats surprising.

"Now its understandable why Killua comes to work exhausted occationally." Kai stated as he walked down the street alongside Skylar who had his hands in his pockets, sunglasses on.
"Oh you haven't seen them get injured yet but you can imagine." Skylar smiled.
They walked in comfortable silence for a few more minutes until they reached the train station they were going to seperate in.
", Ren?" Kai started
"Call me Skylar. I prefer that name." Skylar put his sunglasses up and gave Kai a charming smile "Yes?"
"Team 529's Sensi was talking about leaving Earth. Are you guys going back to Roda?" Kai asked unsurely.
"Oh I am not leaving!" Skylar placed his hands up "As much as I will really miss Team 529, I have a job here." Suspiciously, Skykar looked around then said in a lower voice "I don't know if I should tell you this but advice from me, even if you miss Roda, don't go there. As soon as they arrive, a war will strike in Roda. A war wayy bigger than the one that started twenty years ago. This time Shun's father himself will join."
Kai's eyes widen but Skylar smiled nicely and put his sunglasses on, walking to the ticket cubic to buy himself tickets to the place the warehouse was.
Kai stood his spot and kept staring in shock at the ground for a few minutes, Skylar had boarded then train already and left.

"Yes, indeed." Skylar said emotionlessly.
"There will be a check up, thirty days from the current date." The formal 40-yr-old male with suit and tie, blazing brown eyes and fair skin, no emotions indicated whatsoever on his face said.
"Yes. I will be-" Skylar was interuppted
"You will be waiting here. Reports of the products will be given weekly."
"You will be-"
"I've been working on Earth trading for twenty years ! I know the rules, Mr. Smartass! You don't need to tell me anything!" Skylar returned to his normal personality.
"Excuse me?"
"Yes!" Skylar turned around on his heel. "Excuse you!" He really hated the business men Sallade sent to transport everything. They were stuck up and saw any trader as a mere worker not an actual high spot character trusted by the highest of Sallade's elders and owner of 8 Medals of Honor, in Skylar's case, 11.
"You will-"
"No. You will be the one listening to what I have to say." Skylar snapped his head back "I have received all 2000 of the products and I will inform you if anything happens "
Skylar left it to that and walked out of the room, annoyed from the past 1 hour where he had to act civilized and polite. He couldn't hold it in anymore, he wanted to go straight to Team 529 and Shun and finally be truly himself once more.

The train back took 1 hour and 45 minutes and through that time Skylar sat next to the window, staring at the dark mysterious surrounding that had nothing clear. Everything was whizzing by quickly and Skylar was in a hazy mood.
He was thinking about everything.
Every. Single. Thing.
He thought about his family. His sister and his deceased father. He thought about his highschool friends who faithfully loved the current king and supported him with all their might. He thought of how they forced him, when they were all in university, to go with them against a revolution against the king. He remembered asking 'What will happen to them?' as he handed the ones he caught to the soliders. 'The king's son wants them' was all he got for a reply. 'Why?' he would ask. They would get angry, probably because they don't know themselves. 'Are you on the king's side Skylar? Don't question his orders!'
But he often thought, am I? Until he left the city he grew up in his whole life and took a job as a cleaner in the Sallade trading centre where he first met Shun. Everyone bowed down as he strode by but Skylar was too mind blown by his appearance to bow. Shun, the mighty son of the current King, the strongest heir ever in the universe, looked sad. He looked generally unhappy even though it didn't show on his facial features at all.
His hair was long for a man but short for a woman. It didn't do a job at hiding his red eye just yet and even though the two different eye colours blew Skylar's mind, the extreme emotion in them surprised him even more. Shun, the second son of the mightiest king, had an emotionless stare, an expressionless face, a formal posture but a fed-up, hopeless, trapped, alone eyes.
"You dare not bow the respectable Master?" A guard came howling like a loose dog.
"I..." Skylar snapped out of it "I'm sorry!" He bowed.
"Oh you don't look guilty." The guard insisted "Men! Send him to Rabo to learn manners." He smirked evily.
"That is not nessessary." Shun stated emotionlessly.
"It is indeed my master." The guard bowed 'faithfully' and continued "If we tolerate this kind of action, it will only increase and before we realize it, the whole country would refuse to bow."
Shun brushed it off and continued walking, then stopped, then walked again, then stopped once more as if in his head was a war and none of the sides seemed to lose...or win.
"You don't have the right to tell me what to do." Shun turned around. "Let him go."
"But your majesty-"
"Let. Him. Go." He insisted.
More than being nice and kind, it seemed more as if he was doing that to win the battle against himself, to prove to himself that he isn't as bad as his father was.

Later that day, Shun discovered that even after his order, Skylar was still taken behind his back and tortured horribly by Rabo infront of a crowd. This irritated Shun greatly and he went infront of everyone and ordered Rabo to stop. One glance at Skylar and Shun's feelings triggered. Just like how they trigger whenever he is responsible for the death or torture of someone. Skylar had his hands tied behind his back on a wooden pole with torn battered clothes that you could see through blood stains and open injures. His arms pulled back in a uncomfortable position and his wrists tied tightly with chains that ripped off his skin and revealed a layer of bloody flesh, as if he tried to wriggle free. Or as if he wriggled around after being hit really strongly. His blonde hair was laying elegantly on his sore shoulders even after all that.
"I said you should let him go!" Shun said, being angry for the first time ever. No...showing his anger for the first time actually.
Skylar slowly lifted his bruised face up to look at Shun and he looked straight at his eyes and felt the same way he felt in the warehouse, unable to move his eyesight away.
"He's looking you in the eye! Again!" Rabo exclaimed.
Shun took a step back from the look Skylar gave him and turned around to break eye contact. "I said to let him go."
"But brother-"
"Rabo!" Shun exclaimed. He rarely adressess someone with their name so Rabo flinched and ordered the guards to untie Skylar.
Instantly, Skylar held his injured wrists and rubbed them softly then got up, looking downwards on the ground.
An internel sigh of relief went through Shun as he realized that he saved the life of someone that was about to be tortured to death because of him.
"Look up." Shun stated.
Skylar huh-ed. "I'm not an idiot. I'm not doing that again."
"Look up."
"No. No! I don't want to get a death sentence this time."
"Look up."
Skylar flinched and slowly raised his head and once again he got the same feeling as in the warehouse.
"Why do you look at me like that?" Shun asked boldly.
"What? Is it because my eyes are swollen because your older brother hit me?" Skylar smirked but winced at the pain from the smirk and went back to a poker face.
"Manners!" Rabo exclaimed, whipping him strongly on the back. The whip made a crackling noise as it slashed his back, Skylar let out a frustrated groan of pain then he fell on his knees, looking at the ground once more.
Shun looked up and glared at Rabo, walking past Skylar and standing right infront of Rabo, only an inch far away.
"I said to leave him." He said with a threatening voice that made Rabo's face features scream 'terrified'. "And that means that you are no longer in charge, Rabo. He is mine now. I decide whether I kill him or use him as an experiment."
"Y-yes!" Rabo nodded.

Shun turned around and walked back towards Skylar, ordering him to look up.
"Sorry, man." Skylar wanted to smirk as he heard Rabo clinch his jaw at 'man'. "My neck is too swollen to look that up."
To his complete and utter surprise, Shun bent down on one knee to be face to face with him and said "Look up, now."
Skylar snapped his head up from surprise. "Wh-what are you-"
"Why do you look at me like that?" Shun asked again.
Skylar, although sore, flipped his hair out of his own eyes and smiled "Tell you on a cup of tea?"
Shun nodded. "Very well."
Which surprised Skylar because he was only joking. Later that day, under Shun's orders, Skylar was taken to a clean room where he was ordered to wash up and meet with Shun for dinner.


Back in the train, Skylar smirked at he memory. He kept teasing the O So Great Shun, which made Shun invite him everyday for dinner so that he can find out the meaning behind Skylar's look. Until now though, Sensi still doesn't know why Skylar use to look at him like that.
He did in past, though, invite him after all the stress of work since they started being friends because of that situation.
One day, after about 20 meetings Sensi asked.


"What's your name?"
Skylar threw his head back in laughter "Thought you'd never ask mate."
"I did now."
"Name is Ren Skylar." Skylar said "I prefer being called Skylar though."
"I don't care, Ren"
"Mean!" Skylar jokingly frowned but internally he felt his heart squeeze. He always prefered the name Skylar so he told everyone to call him that. Why did he not like Ren though? Because it was 'short and annoying' and his family always addressed him in it.
But now, he felt homesick and being called Ren made him feel a tad bit happier. He decided to tell only the special people to him to call him Ren.
After he while, he decided to stop trying to convince Shun to call him 'Skylar' and made the decision that Shun is worthy of calling him Ren.


Skylar sighed and leaned back on the train seat. He started thinking again. This time about the time before the war twenty years ago.


"Are you ready?" Skylar walked round the room, inspecting all the expensive treasures in it.
"Shut up." Shun frowned, slamming the weapon storeroom door open.
"Ohhh someone's nervous." Skylar said jokingly.
"Shut. Up." Shun used that tone.
Skylar merely laughed then started saying with all seriousness. "I am honestly glad I am not you. Think of the children and the families you will kill."
"Its for the future of our planet." Shun whispered, looking down.
"Or so you are reciting." Skylar shrugged "Get a personality Shun. You can't be who our father wants to be. You'll live your whole life unhappy. I can tell that you're not convinced by it."
Shun stayed silent then suddenly exclaimed "Shut up Ren! I said shut up! This matter doesn't concern you or the likes of you. You wouldn't understand. Leave."
"Whoops." Skylar walked past him "Touchy subject?"
Skylar, being used to Shun's personality, didn't bat an eyelash at his anger and just laughed it off.
Skylar then excused himself and started leaving when Shun stopped him.
"What?" Skylar looked back, asking with attitude.
Shun seemed hesitant, he looked around with his eyes and bit his lower lip. "I don't want to be what Father wants me to be." He looked up at Skylar and stared him in the eye "What should I do?"
Skylar closed his eyes and smirked, turning back again and started leaving the room "Have emotions. Be yourself. Emotionless is what your daddy wants."
He slammed the door with a loud thud.
Shun raised his eyebrows when Skylar said 'your daddy'. No one calls Shun's Father a 'daddy'. Shun shook his head and thought to himself. Skylar is really weird.


Skylar smiled at that memory. He met Shun about ten years later and he was in a much better state than before. He actually seemed a bit sit back and chillaxed.
That day was sure eventful...


"Skylar!" The skinny boy with baggy clothes in the warehouse came rushing to Skylar, out of breath. "Your next trading mission is in Roda! They will really want to kill you, good luck!"
Skylar smirked. Shun's there, what could possibly go wrong?

"Hel. Lo." The annoyed woman with long brown hair muttered "Welcome to Roda. You must've had a long trip. This way." Her voice was dull and monotonous making everything she says sound sarcastic.
Skylar placed his sunglasses down, put his hand in his pockets and walked behind her whistling to annoy her.
The warehouse was more advanced than Skylar expected but he wanted to get out as soon as possible to start looking for Shun.
It took about 4 hours of decisions and failed attempts until he finally escaped.
He ran to the place where, according to Rabo, the betrayal happened; the king's castle.
Successfully, he snuck inside the castle and stealthily tip toed round corners.
"Hello theif!" He heard a voice behind him say cheerfully making him jump out of his skin in fear.
"What in the name of-"
"No swear words please. I am not fond of them." The man dressed in a formal atire said, shaking his head. He looked about 30 or 40 with a fit body and a sword on his belt.
Having the cocky personality of his, Skylar sneered "And why should I listen to you?"
"Because," He said, stressing on the 'u' sound. "I tend to get it my way here. I mean, you don't have to listen to me but I prefer it if you do. Its better for you cuz like I'm the king and if guards saw you disobeying me, they'll flip tables but I'm okay with it so as long as we're alone, I'm sure you can say no to me. Feel free to kidnap me and ask for a ransom. Oh god! I've always wanted to be kidnapped. Do you plan on stealing because I think kidnapping will give much more money-"
Skylar cut him in and laughed maniacally. "You're the king?! Oh dear!" He laughed again.
"What?" The man placed his hands on his hip and huffed "Do I not look like one? Do I have a stain in my shirt or something?" He looked down to inspect the perfectly clean shirt.
"More like a stain on your personality!" Skylar doubled over in laughter.
In the far distance, calm elegant footsteps were walking their way. The clacking was rhythmic and with every click, Skylar's heart skipped a beat.
The king smiled and whispered "Oh. This is what you're waiting for, Ren." He smiled this smile that made Skylar fear what this man knows.
"Your Majesty, how dare you-" Shun appeared round the corner and stared wide eyed at Skylar. They both just looked at each other in silence until the king broke it. "Okay. Introduction done. I missed you, I missed you too, done. Now what did I dare do Shun?"
"Ren?" Shun says in surprise. Skylar looked at Shun's eyes and they looked relaxed, yet a slight bit lonely.
"Hey! Old friend!" Skylar placed his hands in his pocket. "Met the almighty King of Roda that transformed you, huh?"
"Oh stop it you!" The king waved his hand Skylar's way, blushing.
"Not what everyone back in Sallade has in mind."
Shun smiled at that and Skylar was mind blown. In the past 15 years, this was the first time ever to see Shun smile.
Skylar's confident smile dropped and he lifted his sunglasses up. "What did he...?" He stopped himself and smiled again. "I'm hungry!"

That day went peacefully by until a group of the king's trainies, other than Shun, found out that the king had another Salladian guest.
They came barging inside the room complaining, stating that its probably Shun's evil plan to take Roda over by slowly bringing his friends here and convincing the king that they were nice. Thats when Skylar understood why Shun was a slight bit lonely. The only one who understands him was the highest of the highest in Roda, the king. He must get a lot of that hate everyday.
He needed to be looked up to at least for a while, to make him feel a bit worthy, a bit happy and less lonely, thought Skylar.
At night, Shun was accompanying Skylar back to the warehouse when they were attacked by the same group that the king shook off earlier in the morinning.
"Do not hurt them!" Shun ordered in a way that made it sound desperate. As if, after all these years, he was still trying to get their acceptance.
Skylar looked sadly at Shun then sighed. "I won't."
Without really injuring them, Shun and Skylar won the fight and continued on their way.
"Are you happy here?" Skylar asked.
"Its better than back at Sallade." Shun replied honestly.
"But these people..."
"They're just a group."
"Yeah." Skylar looked at Shun and thought I'll be staying here two more days. I need to see more of these annoying groups and I want to see more of this new Shun. Oh! And I need to give hell to Fuwa Fuwa Keres.


The train was making monotonous mechanical voice that made Skylar feel sleepy as he remembered these days. That was the last time he saw Shun until he met him here on Earth, when he was with Team 529. They truly changed him and he wanted to give them all a huge hug for that. Shun's current eyes were so normal, so happy, so relaxed and no hint whatsoever of lonliness. Skylar spent 5 years with Shun and couldn't make him get his emotions out even though he was able to make Shun feel emotions. Shun spent ten years with the king who succeded in making Shun show a few simple emotions but Team 529! They made him blush, and feel nervous amd stutter and smile genuinly and care and everything that Skylar thought was impossible. It was bizarre! Shun really did need someone to look up to him and make him feel important and Team 529 did that and more. Every single day wouldn't pass without them somehow showing care towards Shun. They listened to him like little faithful dogs and even tease him every now and then like evil sly foxes. They would hug him against his will, tell him they love him, call him 'daddy', stand up for him whenever someone insults him and always strive to get his attention, even if it meant by torturing Fuwa Fuwa Keres.
Skylar smiled and looked down remembering the reunion a few days ago.


"There's someone here for you." Jade said. He was Skylar's student, a cleaner in the Earth trading centre. He seemed shocked while telling him.
"Who is it?" Skylar asked, annoyed at the interupption.
"I d-dont know sir!" Jade stuttered "But he looks important "
Skylar threw the metal rod he was holding and stranded away. "If its one more of these Salladian business men I swear I will-"
"Ren" He heard a voice so familiar say. He looked up with a surprised face glued on permanently at Shun who had his arms folded, a slight smile on his face and his hair much longer than Skylar remembered it, now totally hiding the red eye.
"You bastard!" Skylar beamed and went to Shun happily. "You're on Earth now??"
"I am indeed. It was all one big accident." He frowned and seemed as if he was remembering an incident that he was sour about. He mumbled somethinh that sounded like 'Their ancestor's curse'.
"Why did you leave Roda? You know Salladian's will be after you now?" Skylar asked.
"I didn't want to leave Roda. It happened when I was forced into this job I didn't want to do." Shun explained "But as that dumb king knew, it did do me good."
"I have no idea what it is but trust me, you're much better than before!" Skylar exclaimed, eyes sparkling. "You smiled, frowned and mumbled already and I've been with you for only 2 minutes!"
"Shut up." Shun turned around and started walking off.
"Wait!" Skylar turned to Jade "Tell the owner I am skipping work off. Tell him you didn't see me run away."
"W-what? Sir!"

"Grand house." Skylar whistled "How'd you get it- the devil!! Fuwa fuwa!"
The cat, emerging from the house meowed in anger and hatred when it saw Skylar, taking out its claws and getting ready to attack. Shun completely ignored it and went inside the house, looking back at Skylar, waiting for him to come.
Skylar quickly jumped above the cat, went inside and locked the door, smirking evily, despite Shun's disagreement on locking the door.
"Shut up!" Skylar laughed. "I won't be in the same house as it. You know that! Oh! Awesome sofa!" He ran inside and jumped on the comfy sofa located the the living room, a bit deeper in the villa. Shun followed and sat infront of him.
"So who are you here with?" Skylar asked "I'm assuming not the king. But who else, in Roda, would accept you?"
Shun huh-ed and rolled his eyes. "I am a hero there." He stated.
"You're not."
"Not on the castle but in the rest of the planet."
"Get off your high horse!" Skylar laughed, placing one leg over the other and pulling his sunglasses up.
"I am here with a team of Rodan kids." Shun started but Skylar wasn't going to let him continue.
"You are babysitting?!" Skylar exclaimed "Thats the job you're forced to do? Ohmygod!" He exploded into laughter "And how old are these little kids you're babysitting. Do they cry a lot? Do you sing to them before they go to sleep-"
"Ren, shut up!" Shun glared "I am not baby sitting anyone. In fact, I am their teacher who trains them to become stronger. They're old enough to be responsible, they're not infants."
"Aha." Skylar said after he laugjed for too long. "And why are you training them?"
Shun stopped glaring and leaned back on his chair, sighing. "It was supposed to be normal training but Father is after them. He wants them killed and it all because of me. This is where I need your help."
Skylar's smile dropped "I'm listening."

Shun told him the plan and Skylar agreed on it in a heartbeat. He started asking questions about the team and Shun didn't look like he was annoyed so he continued.
"How many are they?"
"Oh! A lot. Where are they? Did you kill them already?"
"At their jobs."
"Responsible kids! Age?"
"17? Not sure."
"Oh! They have an opinion of their own! And they still want to live with you? Dont they find you too boring or something?"
Shun looked down and smiled ever so slightly "You have no idea."
"So they hate you? Or they like living with you? Oh! Are they okay with living with that horrible devil?"
Shun frowned and looked a tad bit annoyed. "You have no idea."
"I don't get it!" Skylar exclaimed "Answer properly! Oh and by the way, the cat will never board anything I build. It will be stranded here on Earth. Alone."
"Yes! It has to die! I don't like it, I don't like it, I don't like it!"
"I don't care. It will come."
"No it won't! You're such a dumbass Shun!"

Suddenly there was the sound of the front door opening and many footsteps. One of them 'ugh'ed in pain and then they seemed to stand silently as if they were suspecting something.
"Is that them?" Skylar whispered.
"Sensi?" One of them asked unsurely.
Shun leaned back on the chair and stated "Team 529. Come inside. There is someone I want you to meet."
"Hai..." they all mumbled.
They entered and took a few seconds to inspect Skylar.
"Um. Hi?" The blonde girl said uncertainly.
"Team 529!" Skylar jumped up "You are awesome people!"
"Thanks..." The boy with white hair said slowly, glancing at his whole team. "Why?"
"Because you live 24/7 with this dumbass and you didn't suicide yet!" Skylar smirked when he felt Shun look at him with an annoyed poker face.
"Dumbass?" The blonde boy asked, looking completely confused.
"Uhhyeah! Him!" Skylar pointed at Shun. He did this too see their reaction. To see whether they're worthy of being with Shun or not.
"WHAT?!" They all exclaimed with horrified looks on their faces that satisfied Skylar and made him want to see more of them.
"What?" He replied innocently.


"Skylar is back!!" Nezumi exclaimed when he opened the door. There was a lot of thuds indoors then Team 529 popped their heads from the side.
"Skylar!" They all said in a unison.
Skylar closed his eyes and wanted to hit himself internally, how did he miss that out? He quietly said "Call me Ren."
Even though Team 529 tilted their head in question, Sensi, who just came out of the room now, had his eyes slightly widen then he smiled.
"Okay Ren!" Rin said "We will!"
Skylar's heart squeezed a bit, feeling once more, homesick.
"How was training you little beasts?" He jumped up, returning to his normal self.
"We couldn't beat it!" Mikasa frowned. "But we all got horrible slashes across our stomach."
"Sensi stopped it after we have been battling, 6 hours!" Len said
"He did that because he wanted to go out to the garden and sit with Fuwa Fuwa for a while..." Killua, and the rest of the team, looked down in sadness.
Skylar laughed "Let me tell you this!" He stared at Sensi in the eye as he addressed team 529. "Shun loooooves you guys so much! You have no idea."
"Ren what are you-" Sensi was interuppted
"When he first got the cat until he knew you, with all honesty, he never showed it any affection at all! Infact he didnt seem to care about it but you guys made him feel emotions, so don't believe that he will ever love the dumb cat more than you."
Although he meant to say it to make them feel special, they looked horrified.
"So its all our fault?!!?" Chizuko said with a complete and utter surprised look on her face.
"Nooooo!" Rin hit her head "We are so dumb!"
"Sensi we hate you!" Len exclaimed "Stop feeling emotion!"
Sensi merely raised one eyebrow up, leaning sideways on a wall.
"What should we do??" Nezumi panicked "He wouldn't believe such blunt lies!"
"If we can make him feel emotions, we can make him hate the cat!" Killua raised a fist up.
"Hai!" they all puched the air as well.
Skylar looked with amusement at Team 529 and thought How will they possibly make Shun hate his cat?
Although, they seemed to have trouble thinking of a way, it suddenly came to Mikasa.
"Sensi~" She started "I'll tell you a few description of the cat then I'll tell you who it sounds like."
Then all her teammates understood, Skylar and Sensi staring at them in question.
"He is evil." Chizuko said at first.
"And arrogant." Nezumi said.
"And loves to look down on people as if theyre lower than him." Killua said
"Now..." Rin placed a hand on her chin "What does this remind me of? Hmm. Hmm."
"Oh!" Both Len and her said at the same time as if it was planned.
"Your daddy!" Len exclaimed.
Sensi pulled himself up from the wall, eyes wide at the mention of his father.
"The cat has all the characteristics of your dad, Sensi. You ought to hate it." Mikasa placed a hand on her hip and smirked.
Skylar burst out laughed, throwing a hand over Mikasa's shoulders. "Ohmylord you guys!"
Sensi glared at them then at the ground and whispered "It doesn't" as if he was obviously in denial.
Team 529 laughed evily in triumph then sighed and slumped down, feeling exhausted.
"I'm sleepy!" Rin yawned.
"Lets go to our beds before we get punished quick." Nezumi started walking off. They all stopped, looked at Sensi, beamed cheerfully so that their cheeks made their eyes look so small and then they all said in a unison. "We love you Sensi!"
Shun glared at them, then at Skylar who looked amused and then turned around and entered the room again. "I know." He said.
"Sel~fish!" Rin sing-sang as they all laughed and entered their rooms, yawning.

Skylar stood in his spot, thinking about how Shun's life transformed from when he first met him. Its like a miracle!
Skylar smiled and followed Shun to the room, to talk about the stuff that arrived and about how they'll build the spaceshuttle that will take them to Roda.

I'll be so lonely when they go. Skylar thought. I wish they'll stay. I wish they don't go. But most of all, I wish they stay safe.

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