Devoted // l.s

By larriessecrets

7.7K 754 368

Louis moves to LA and meets a grieving Harry, due to his mother recently passing away. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 1.5
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 12

239 22 3
By larriessecrets

Louis' POV

We were walking back from Mrs. Hayetta's class to the center of the campus as Harry spoke.

"I think I'm gonna drop her class." Harry puffed.

"What why? It's a great class."

"I just find it pretty stupid and time consuming." He shrugged.

"College in general is time consuming." Lydia puffed. "Except all the cute guys. Now that's something I'd gladly waste time over." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Lydia!" I laughed.

"I'm not ashamed." She raised an arm with a fist and marched forward. She's too funny sometimes.

I guess Niall spotted us from somewhere because he suddenly appeared in front of us.

"Hey Louis ... can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Yeah sure." I looked at Harry. He shrugged and walked off with Lydia.

"Is something going on with ... um ... you and Harry?" Niall shyly spat out.

I choked on my water and Niall started patting my back. "What?" I said after I cleared my throat.

"It just seems like something has been going on between you two. Harry always asks if you're around or if you're coming too whenever we invite him somewhere. Plus ... you guys are oddly friendly with one another." He raised a brow while we continued walking.

"Uh no. Nothing is going on." I answered as I scratched the back of my neck. I can't just say yes when I'm not even sure myself.

"It doesn't seem-"

"Niall, nothing is going on between us."

"Ok then." That was it. He dropped it and started talking about golf. I never took him for the golfing type but jeez this man can talk about it for ages.

I forgot I wanted to ask to hang out tomorrow. I ended up interrupting his golf talk and asked. "That's great Niall! Just great but tomorrow we have nothing to do, right? How about we all go to the pool or something? We just need to find someone with a pool but I doubt that would be difficult."

"What if you drown?" He made a joking "scared" expression and cupped my face. Ironically, I actually can't swim. I just enjoy soaking up to sun or swinging my legs in the water.

"I won't." I smacked his hands away and rolled my eyes.

He laughed and said, "Sure though! We can go to Adamari's place. She has a huge pool." He smiled.

"Yeah perfect." I was in charge of asking i'm the group chat and luckily everyone agreed! Perfect.


"Let's go!" Dylan honked his jeep's horn as we threw in towels and bags. Niall so lazy that he decided to plant himself on a towel and had us carry him in like we were in an Arabian movie.

"Thank you servants." He shooed us away as if we genuinely were servants.

Harry scoffed and sat right on Niall's belly causing an 'oof' sound burst out of him.

"Get. Off. You-"

Harry made it worse and sat on Niall's face. Niall began frantically kicking and screaming. "I dare you to finish that sentence." Harry yawned.

Niall was trying to push Harry off but he couldn't. I know they're longtime buddies but poor Niall. "Do you hear that Lou?" Harry cupped his ear. "Sounds like a dying pig." He laughed and finally got off of Niall.

"You disgusting little shit." His face was red and he started coughing.

They're such goofs.


"We're finally here!" Niall screamed in excitement.

Lydia and Dylan were chatting the whole ride in the front. Liam and Harry were sleeping, Niall was playing with his shirt and snacking, and I was just listening to music while I gazed out the window.

Niall got out running to the door. "Hey Adamari!" He chirped and planted a kiss on her cheek.

Her house was lovely but I thought she lived in the dorms too. "Wait you don't go to our school or do you just live off campus?" I asked confused because she was at the frat party.

"No. I go to Hariot which is mainly a nursing school. I'm a sophomore there." Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "Well ... let's go to the pool!"

"It's so hot. Perfect day." Niall hugged Adamari and fell into the pool with Adamari in his hands. I would literally die if the happened. No really I would fucking drown.

"Oh my!" I heard Lydia screech and Dylan pushed her in then jumping in himself. "My hair!" Lydia cried but ended up laughed. Liam jumped in after them and swam onto a pizza floater. I just sat on a sunchair laying down with my sunglasses on.

"Lame!" Lydia frowned.

"I can't swim." I flicked her off jokingly.

"Let me teach you!" I guess she really wanted me to get in. I shook my head so she rolled her eyes and swam toward Dylan.

Harry ended up sitting on the other chair and closed his eyes. I just watched everyone playing around. Dylan carrying Lydia on his shoulders and Liam carrying Niall on his and Adamari tossing random pool "toys" at them. They ended up having a chicken fight. It looked like Lydia and Dylan would lose.

The sun was really bright so I put my headphones in and closed my eyes, letting myself drift off to sleep.


I woke up and the sun was almost gone. I heard Harry snoring and looked over. I guess he fell asleep too. Well obviously! Hm. I laughed at a mischievous thought I suddenly had. What if we just tossed him into the pool? It would be funny ...

I looked through the glass doors showing everyone standing around in the kitchen.

"Hey help me yeah?" I walked up to Niall.

"With what?"

"Carrying Harry and tossing him into the pool." His eyes went wide but he grinned. "This is what he gets for eating my cheetos."

Niall walked out and grabbed ahold of Harry's ankles as I grabbed under arms. Woah. I didn't expect him to be this light.

"Ready?" Niall whispered. "They're watching the game so once I'm done I'm heading back in. It's 2-3, I have to see this. Besides, I don't want to get my ass kicked." I rolled my eyes but nodded.

We swung him and let go. Niall ran inside, pretending he had nothing to do with it. Once Harry hit the water, he woke up frightened not knowing what had just happened.

I was dying from laughter almost having tears roll down my face. I stood by the edge just pointing and laughing.

Harry looked at me with a death glare. "Bad idea." He smirked.

"What?" I looked at him confused. He grabbed my ankle and pulled me in.

When I hit the water, I began to panicked. I was trying to move my arms and kick but I couldn't get the hang of it. I was just sinking or hardly moving. I was under for probably a few seconds when I felt Harry's arms around me, yanking my head up to the surface. My hair was covering my face and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I felt like a koala the way I was holding him.

I started coughing and placed my arms around his neck.

"You fucking scared me. Why didn't you come up Lou?" Harry panted. He had a confused expression on his face.

"I-I can't swim." I felt him move my wet hair away from my face.

"Oh my fuck- I'm so sorry I fucking forgot!" Harry looked so worried and embarrassed.

It was oddly cute the way he looked right now. He looked like a sorry puppy, but then again if it was someone else he'd probably react the same way.

"It's fine. I'm okay." I let out a small smile.

"I'm still sorry. Good thing I didn't wait until you came up yourself, you would've drowned. Man ... I'd actually miss you. "

"Oh I'm touched." I sarcastically said as I looked into his eyes. I don't know if he felt weird like this. I am literally hooked onto him.

I looked at his lips and he looked at mine, then he spoke. "I'll teach you." He started walking backward toward the shallow end.

"That's embarrassing. I'm not a little kid." I looked down toward the water.

"More embarrassing than a grown man drowning?" Harry scoffed. Oh he's got jokes now?

"Ugh." I let go of him after he walked enough into the shallow end. "How?"

He smiled and held my hand, leading me toward the center. He turned me around so that I was facing the shallow end but the water was already to my neck. I grabbed onto Harry's arm fast trying to stay up. "Calm down it's fine." He gave me a devilish look. I felt my cheeks heat up. I hate when he looks at me like that. I can't help but be tempted by it.

"Okay Lou. Start kicking somewhat slow to stay up." He started moving backwards.

"Harry n-no stop." I started kicking.

"Like that!" He moved his hand running down arm toward my palms. I felt goosebumps forming from his touch ... unless it was the cold temperature of the water.

He started to move his hands again until it was only holding by my fingertips. It freaked me out a bit at first but then he showed me how to move my arms.

I think I'm actually getting the hang of it! I could feel Harry let go but I was actually swimming in my own! It may sound stupid but oh my god ... I feel so proud.  I started laughing out loud and stopped swimming when I reached Harry again, holding onto his neck.

Harry was smiling and started walking farther into the deep end.

"Wait Harry no!" I wrapped my legs around him.

"I'm stopping here don't worry." Like he promised, he stopped. It was still too deep for me but better than going farther out.

We stayed here for a minute. I looked toward him and he was already staring. I could feel my face flushing up again. His face was close and I could feel his breath. A strand of hair hung on his face. I moved it and could tell it caught Harry off guard. Did I interrupt him zoning out? What was he thinking about?

He suddenly poked my lips. "They're turning purple."

"I get cold fast." I said as my teeth chattered.

"I can warm them up for you." He wiggled his eyebrows. I could tell he was only joking. Well I think he was.

"Shut up. Let's g-get out." Harry started walking toward the stairs to exit the pool. I let go once again and made my way out. Harry was following.

"Where are the-" I felt a towel wrap around me and then Harry lifted me up over his shoulder. "Emergency! There's a freezing child! I repeat! Freezing child!" He shouted through Adamari's house.

I started squirming and laughing."Put me down! Harry you g-"

Harry stopped walking and mumbled, "Oh my god."

When he put me down I could see Lydia and Dylan ... making out. "What the-" my jaw dropped.

"Hell." Harry's tone went from joy to flat out anger.

Lydia opened her eyes as they broke away and saw us standing there. I looked at Harry and saw him bawling his fist and clenching his jaw. Lydia covered her mouth and Dylan's eyes widened as he turned around.

"You fucking-" Harry yelled as he walked toward Dylan. I grabbed his arm to hold him back. "Liam is your friend and mine! This fucking whore cheated on him with his best friend!"

I looked at Lydia. Her face was flushed and her eyes were forming tears. How could she do that to Liam? I never thought she would ever cheat on someone. She seemed so into Liam ... what the hell. I let go of Harry's arm and Lydia gasped. She pushed and told Dylan to run. He didn't hesitate and ran right out the door with Harry close behind.

"Louis please!" She begged. "Stop him! He doesn't deserve it! It's all on me."

I scoffed and started running after them.

Niall, Liam, and Adamari heard the commotion and stopped me. "What the hell is going on?" Liam questioned.

"Harry's about to kill Dylan!" Lydia screamed.

"What?!" Liam ran out and we all followed. I guess Dylan didn't get very far because Harry was sitting on top of him in the driveway. I could see his arms pull back and take turns punching Dylan's face repeatedly. Liam grabbed Harry. "Leave him alone!" Liam was holding him back as Niall lifted Dylan up.

"You don't know what he did! I'm defending you!" Harry hissed and shoved Liam off. He grabbed Dylan's collar, pulling him away from the safety of Niall.

Dylan had balled up his fists and stretched out his short arms trying to protect himself. Liam, once again, peeled Harry off of Dylan. The jackass of a friend laid there with a black eye forming, a bruised lip, and blood dripping from his mouth. I didn't know Harry could do so much damage in just an instant ...

Liam faced Harry and told him to calm down. Harry stood there, blood dripping from his nose where Dylan managed to land a punch. "There's no reason for this!"

"Oh yeah?" Harry scoffed. "Ask your cheating girlfriend why her tongue was down his throat then!" Liam's mouth slightly opened. He took a step back and looked straight at Lydia. She was already crying.

"You? You really ..." He couldn't even finish his sentence before he rushed down the sidewalk and disappeared.

"Some friend you are." Harry spit at Dylan and chased Liam. Niall followed.

"Louis." Lydia grabbed my wrist.

I shook my head with pure disgust and disappointment. "Don't even." Adamari asked Lydia to leave and went back inside.

I started walking away in the direction the boys went. I saw the lads standing on the sidewalk and Liam on the curb crying.

I sat beside him and rubbed his back. Liam of all people doesn't deserve this.


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