Wizardess Heart One Shots and...

Por asdfgeaaa

52.7K 904 1.5K


Liz Hart's Birthday
Gedonelune Ball
Readers x Wizardess Heart Boys
When He Seduce You
When He Comforts You
When You Got Hurt
Elias x MC (One Shot)
Luca x MC (One Shot)
Yukiya x MC (One Shot)
Klaus x MC (One Shot)
Randy x MC (One Shot)
MC Breaking Up
Yukiya Reizen x Amira Jimenez
Randy March x Beauty Charms
Author's Note
MC as a Yandere
Summer Vacation #1
Summer Vacation #3
Arrival in the Academy
First Day
Author's Note
Author's Note
Author's Note
Margaux's Point of View
Blaze's Point of View
Elisse's Point of View
Aki's Point of View
Cassidy's Point of View
Beauty's Point of View
Sparkle's Point of View
Sapphire's Point of View
Sayuri's Point of View
Author's Note
Author's Note
Randy x Sakora
Depressing Chapter
Surprise, Hayley!
Author's Note
MC on her Period
Quotes (Calligraphy Level: Noob)
What If Everything Was A Dream?
What If MC Has A Dementia?
Author's Note
Snapchat Everyone?
MC Switched Bodies With WH Boys
WH Boys Reacts To Y/N Bathing
Y/N Reacts Being Seen Naked
Author's Note
Naughty Or Nice? 1
Author's Note
Naughty or Nice? 2
Naughty or Nice? 3
Author's Note
Naughty or Nice? 4
Naughty or Nice? 5
Author's Note
Lovely Date (Elias)
Lovely Date (Elias)
Lovely Date (Klaus)
Lovely Date (Klaus)
Lovely Date (Joel)
Smut Competition (Updated)
Author's Note
Reactions of WH Boys When Y/N Has A New Boyfriend (Bad Way)
Author's Note
Author's Note
Author's Note
Baby Project (Part 1)
Baby Project (Part 2)
Baby Project (Part 3)
Author's Note
Baby Project (Part 4)

Summer Vacation #2

587 16 57
Por asdfgeaaa

Y/N's Point of View


I woke up early for today, because I knew I had to make breakfast and I feel like its my responsibility to let them eat.

I prepared a french toast with Earl Grey Tea and Prefect Klaus' seven cubes of sugar. Just the right amount of bread for all of us. I already ate my breakfast, so I'll probably just wait for them to wake up. As I was about to relax, Prefect Klaus came out of nowhere.

Y/N: Good morning, Prefect Klaus!

Klaus: Morning. What did you made?

Y/N: French toast and Earl Grey Tea.

Klaus: I see.

Y/N: Oh, here you are. *serves him his breakfast* Here's you sugar cubes also.

Klaus: Thanks.

Y/N: Enjoy your meal.

Soon after that, Elias and Joel came. They both look pretty annoyed.

Y/N: Good morning, Elias and Joel. Tough morning?

Joel: Yeah. Especially being stuck with him in one bed all night.

Elias: Hmph. *looks at you* Morning also and to you Klaus.

Klaus: Good morning to the both of you.

Y/N: *serves both of them their breakfast* Enjoy.

Joel: Oh yeah, morning too.

Y/N: *smiles*

Then Yukiya, Luca, Amelia and everyone came. They all look like they haven't fixed themselves yet.

Y/N: Good morning.

Yukiya and Others: Good morning.

Y/N: (They looked like they're all synchronized. *chuckle*)

As they sat up on the table, I served them each with french toast and with the tea and I can tell that they liked it.

Luca: *in a groggy voice* So where are we going next?

Randy: *in a groggy voice* *yawns* Why not go to a theme park?

Amelia: Like what?

Randy: *in a groggy voice* Like, Magic Studios.

{Its like Universal Studios. Also, I can't think of a good title for the theme park. If you'd like to suggest, just comment it down below! -author}

Yukiya: *in a groggy voice* Oh yeah, that would be fun.

Taffy: That's a beary good idea, Master!

Randy: You think so too Taffy?! *hugs Taffy*

Y/N: That would be nice!

Klaus: What are you, three?

Elias: I agree.

Y/N: Wouldn't it be fun?! *looks at them with sparkling eyes*

Joel: I'm done eating, I guess I should get ready. *leaves*

Y/N: E-Eh?

Luca: Magic Studios it is. *munch munch*

Randy: Yay! *munch munch*

After eating, we finally be able to prepare ourselves and go to Magic Studios. I haven't been there before, and it was so famous that it too expensive. But the Goldsteins seemed like they can handle the price. Damn these rich people!

Anyway, Amelia made me wear this crop top that's in color blue with diamond pattern on it, a high-waisted shorts that's in yellow and a sandals that somewhat needs a sock to wear it. When I looked at myself on the mirror its perfectly stylish.

Amelia was wearing a dress. It was a long sleeved dress. Perfect for her.

Afterwards, Amelia pushed me gently outside only to see Elias matching my style. He was wearing a blue jacket with diamond patterns on it, pink polo inside, dark blue jeans and brown shoes. Is this even a coincidence?!

Elias: ...!

Y/N: ...!

Amelia: Looks like you got into my trap!

Elias: Y-You switched m-my clothes, Amelia?!

Amelia: Hmm... I don't know. Have fun! *runs to Yukiya's side*

Y/N: U-Um... Shall we go?

Elias: Alright. *grabs your hand*

Klaus: Tell me you all brought your wands and brooms with you.

Elias: I did.

Randy: No need for brooms! I got Taffy! *giggles*

Taffy: Master, no...! *cries*

Joel: I brought it.

Luca: Sure did.

Amelia: Ummm....

Yukiya: Don't you have yours, Amelia?

Amelia: *shakes her head sheepishly*

Yukiya: You can ride with me if you want.

Amelia: R-Really?

Yukiya: *nods*

Amelia: *blush*

Randy: How about you, Azusa?

Azusa: I most humbly accept.

~Time Skip~

All of us rode our brooms and followed Prefect Klaus to the theme park. When we were nearing, I saw a huge ferris wheel, a lot of crazy rides and many others! I want to try them all!

~Magic Studios~

The park was lively and cheerful, a lot of people were gathered inside here. Probably most of the people here are tourists from other countries.

Ticket Seller: Sir Klaus and Sir Elias!Welcome back!

Y/N: (What?!)

Klaus: Thanks. *leaves*

Y/N: (Huuuuuuh?! Isn't he going to buy any tickets or something?! Damn these rich people!)

We followed the both of them inside and it seems like these two are known here. Are they the owners or something?

Amelia: Are you two the owners or something?

Y/N: (Really Amelia?!)

Klaus: No. This theme park isn't ours but we have relatives here.

Y/N: (Really, damn these rich people.)

Amelia: I see. So basically everything we ride is free?

Elias: Correct. And we don't have to wait in the line.

Randy: Waaah! Amazing! I'm going to ride over... *looks everywhere* there!

Randy pointed a scary-looking roller coaster.

Luca: Let's go! *Luca puts his arm around Randy and while Randy does the same and started walking with a grin on their faces*

Azusa: Boy are they excited to ride that thing?

Joel: You said it.

Yukiya: Luca is not being jerk today.

Elias: What's gotten into him? Did he ate something rotten?

Y/N: Hey, that's a mean thing to say.

Amelia: Let's go already!! *drags Yukiya along with her*

Elias: *holds Y/N's hand*

Y/N: *feet glued on the ground*

Elias: *looks at Y/N* What's wrong, Y/N?

Y/N: I'm... I'm...

Elias: I'm always by your side. *smiles*

Y/N: Okay. *started walking with Elias*

And so with that, Prefect Klaus and the others went to the VIP section and immediately, we were riding the roller coaster.

~While Riding The Roller Coaster~

>Level: Not scary<

The roller coaster was an inside roller coaster, it also has a four seater ride. Yukiya was seating on left seat, followed by Amelia and then me and then Elias. Behind us would be, Prefect Klaus, Randy, Luca and Joel. Azusa was in front of us. Also did I mention that Azusa was in the first row, and then us in the second and then Prefect Klaus are in the third? Well I said it.

Okay, there's a storyline going on. Were fine. Were fine.

>Level: Tense is Building Up<

Were going up slowly and there's a voice over going on.

Voice over: FEEL MY WRATH!!!


>Level: Scary<

Were going up fast! And there's a head of the chimera with its mouth wide open and were being eaten.

Y/N: *screams on the top of her lungs*

Randy: WOOOOOOH!!! *puts his hands up*

Taffy: M-M-M-MASTEEEEER! *hugs Randy's neck*

Luca: YEAAAH!!! *does the same thing*

Yukiya: *poker face*

Amelia: *screams on the top of her lungs*

Elias: *holds on the handle and closed his eyes*

Klaus: *poker face*


Azusa: *laughing while screaming woooh*

*left* *right* *upside down* *low* *spiral*

~Time Skip: After the ride~

That ride was terrible...! But it looks like all of them had fun. Except, Prefect Klaus. Er, he came in with that expression in his face and he came out with the same face expression on his face!

Randy: That was fun!

Luca: *laughs* Yeah!

Amelia: Let's do it again!

Y/N: I-I'd rather not...! *shaking with fear*

Joel: Let's go there next. *points at a water ride*

The water ride's title is Carbuncle Slide. I guess that's not scary.

~Carbuncle Slide~

The ride here was in circle. It was a nine seater ride. Prefect Klaus handed us a rain coat, so maybe the ride may soak us.

I was seating the middle, Elias was on my right and Joel was on my left. In front of me was Amelia, on her left was Yukiya and on her right was Azusa. On my left, Prefect Klaus was on the left, Randy was in the middle and Luca was on the right.

{Are you confused? Hehehe. I included this because I need to reach 3000 words. -author}

After putting all the seat belts, the lady pushed us in a cliff. It wasn't that high but the currency of the water was rapid and rough.

Y/N: W-Whoa! *holds Elias' hand*

Elias: *holds Y/N's hand too* *poker face*

Randy: Weeeeee!

Taffy: *burries his face on Randy's neck*

Luca: *laughs*

Amelia: Yehey!

Klaus: *poker face*

Yukiya: *poker face*

Azusa: *smiles*

Y/N: T-This isn't half bad. *smiles*

As I thought this wasn't bad, there  was a cliff (not that high cliff), and it splashed water as soon as we got down. Prefect Klaus gave us a rain coat and it works somehow.

Then, we were pulled up by some machine. A machine Carbuncle showed itself and made me laugh, there was a huge flash. That could be a picture. Then, a gate opened and thisbtime the cliff was deep.

Randy: Here it goes! YAHOOOO!

Taffy: Me beary scaaaaaaaared!

Elias: *laughs*


Klaus: *poker face*

Amelia: WOOOOOH!

Yukiya: *laughs*


Azusa: *poker face*

Then, the ride was smooth until we got back to the start. That was fun!

~Time Skip: After the ride~

We all removed the rain coat that Prefect Klaus gave us and started to head out.

Randy: Aww... Let's ride another one! *grins*

Luca: Can we eat something???

Amelia: Yeah! I want ice cream too!

Elias: Y/N, do you want to eat too?

Y/N: Do I?!

Joel: That settles it, we should eat right over.... *looks at his surroundings* There.

Joel pointed a restaurant that was lively and has a cute exterior.

~Ice Cream Corner~

Elias bought me my favorite flavor which is strawberry flavor, while he bought himself a chocolate one, Prefect Klaus bought blueberry flavor, Amelia bought lemon flavor, Yukiya bought raspberry, Randy bought cherries, Luca bought matcha, Azusa bought blackberries, Joel bought orange flavor. It wasn't severed with a cone by the way.

Y/N: Amazing! *sparkles flying around*

Amelia: Y/N, why are you sparkling?

Y/N: I just love sweets!!!

Amelia: Lemme take a photo before eating!!! *takes a dozen of photos*

Joel: Are you done taking photos?

Amelia: Oh yes! Let's dig in!

I was about to take a scoop when a man accidentally hit me, making my plate of ice cream fly into the air.

It all happened so fast that, I was so happy I didn't realized that my ice cream was on the ground.

I sat frozen.

Amelia: Eh!! D-Don't cry, Y/N! *glares at Elias*

Elias: *panics* I-I'll b-buy you another one, Y/N!

Randy: Oh no! Tears!

Taffy: *hops on her shoulder and pet her cheek* Don't cry, Y/N! Elias will be beary sad!

Elias: *panics even more*

Luca: Prince Elias! *slammed his hand on the table*

Elias: *buys another strawberry ice cream and serves it to Y/N* T-There you go!

Y/N: *hic* *about to cry*

Azusa: *talks to the man who accidentally hit her*

Klaus: *talks to the police*


Elias: *feeds her*

Y/N: *looks at Elias with teary eyes*

Elias and the others: Eh?

Y/N: E-E-E-E.... ELIAAAAAAAS!!! *sobs and hugs him like a tarsier*

Elias: *poker face*

~Time Skip: After Hours~

Eventually we rode every single rides here and had visted every shops. We also took a lot of pictures thanks to Amelia's camera.

We didn't realized that the sun has already set and its time to go home when someone blocked our way outside.

Ticket Seller: Sir Klaus and Sir Elias, would you and your friends like to try our photo booth?

Prefect Klaus was about to say something when Amelia butted in.

Amelia: Yes! Yes! Yes!

Ticket Seller: Right this way!

Amelia followed the ticket seller and she took us with a huge photo booth studio thingy.

There are a lot of props too, like hats, shades, wigs and other things.

Amelia gave me a huge heart shaped frame and when I held it, she pushed Elias right by my side and she took a picture.

Randy: I want a picture with Y/N!

Luca: Me too!

Joel: Count me in!

Y/N: (There they go again.)

Klaus: Fine, I'll have to join with your stupid ideas.

Azusa: I'm fine with it.

Yukiya: Don't leave me.

Elias: W-Wha...!

Amelia: Alright! Alright! We'll have to wait!

Ticket Seller: Right here.

Suddenly, Elias grabs my hand and went in front of the camera.

Y/N: Smile Eliaaaaas! Say cheeeeese!

Elias: *sigh* Cheeeeese!


Y/N: We'll get another one!

Elias: *poker face*

Y/N: *hugs Elias as a pose*

Elias: *blushing and poker face*

Y/N: *smiles*


Randy: My t----

Klaus: *went to Y/N's side*

Randy: HEY!

Elias: *leaves*

Klaus: Say cheese. *smirks and pulled Y/N by her waist*

Y/N: ....! *smiles*

Elias: ....!


Randy: Now its my turn! *runs to Y/N's side*

Klaus: *leaves*

Randy: *puts his arm around Y/N and then strikes a peace sign* Cheese!

Taffy: *hops on Y/N's shoulder and strikes a pose*

Y/N: *does the same* Cheeeeese!


Randy: *leaves*

Amelia: My turn!!! *hugs Y/N for pose* CHEEESE!!!

Y/N: *hugs her back* CHEEEESE!


Luca: *walks towards Y/N* cheeeeese!

Y/N: Cheeeese!


Luca: *leaves*

Joel: *silly pose* *tongue out*

Y/N: *does the same*


Yukiya: *walks to her side* *smiles*

Y/N: Yukiya, grin!

Yukiya: *grins*

Y/N: *chuckle* *smiles*


Yukiya: *leaves*

Azusa: *walks to her side* *smiles*

Y/N: *smiles*


Now that everyone is finished, the ticket seller said to have group picture.

Ticket Seller: Group picture!!!

Then, everyone rushed to my side.

Ticket Seller: Get all friendly now!

Everyone put their arms around to each other even I did the same. On my right, was Elias and on my left was Randy.

Ticket Seller: Say CHEEEESE!

Everyone: CHEEEEESE!!!


After that picture taking, Elias suddenly grabbed my arm and led me out of the group. We stopped bu the waterfalls.

Elias: ....

Y/N: What's wrong Elias?

Elias: T-The way... K-Klaus..

Y/N: *remembers Prefect Klaus' their pose a while ago* Don't worry...

Elias: ....

Y/N: *back hugs him* I'm only yours... *nuzzles my face on his back*

Elias: *turns around to face you*

Y/N: I love you.

Elias: And I love you too.

As soon as he said that, our faces drew closer until our breath mingled. Soon after, our lips touched.

I can feel he's jealous, but Elias... I won't leave you no matter how hard the situation is... I truly love you with all my heart.


Hey guys!!!

This is part two!

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed making this!

Thank you for all the reads, comments and votes!!! I really appreciate it!!!

Sorry for all the typos!!! ^_^v


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