Europe visit

By Huaye20

10.3K 287 82

This story is set after legion mate. Aichi graduates from high school but is now unsure of what to do. Just l... More

I can't wait
Authors note
Three Day Awkwardness, and an Unexpected Turn for the Worst
Ideas and rules
Morning Adventure
Lost, In and Out
Afternoon fun Evening disaster
morning chaos
Authors note
Festival of Death


746 21 12
By Huaye20

"You beat me" Gaillard sighed. "It was a really close game that's for sure" Aichi smiled. Gaillard smiled back. "Hey Aichi, Gaillard dinners ready" Kai announced. "Great" Aichi and Gaillard smiled. They then headed for the dinning room. In the dinning room all of the orphans were seated and Kai was as well. On the table was a lot of curry. Aichi and Gaillard took a seat and ate their share. "Yumm! Kai your a great cook!" Aichi smiled. "I agree though Kai, I think you may have put in to many onions" Gaillard stated. "I like onions" Kai replied. "Well it still tastes delicious!" Aichi smiled. "Hey Mr Sendou?" One kid asked. "Yes what is it" Aichi asked. "Well um can you um train me to become a better card fighter?" The kid asked. "Sure" Aichi smiled. However when the other kids heard that the all rushed over to him and asked him to help them too. Aichi agreed but once he did all the kids started to jump on him. Luckily Kai and Gaillard were there so they saved Aichi from a big pile of kids.

"Alright I will start helping you once dinner is cleaned up" Aichi smiled. "Actually Aichi, Kai made dessert too" Gaillard smiled. "Kai made dessert?" Aichi asked. "Yes, he made it to celebrate your arrival" Gaillrd explained. "I see. Thank you Kai" Aichi smiled. Kai just sat there with his head down. Eventually he got up and went to grab the dessert he had made. "What did Kai make?" Aichi asked. "You'll see" Gaillard replied. Then a few moments later Kai came back with a cake in hand. It was a vanilla cake with icing on it. "Wow Kai that looks great" Aichi commented. Kai didn't say anything and just sat the cake down on the table. Silently he cut a piece of the cake, placed it on a small dessert plate and sat it in front of Aichi. "Thanks Kai" Aichi smiled. Kai only smiled back. "Well go on Aichi you are the one the cake is for" Gaillard smiled. Aichi's face turned a slight pink colour and he started eating the cake. "Yum this is delicious!" Aichi cheered. "Hahaha it probably would be after the amount of work Kai put into making it" Gaillard laughed. "Work?" Aichi questioned. "Yeah the first cake Kai made he ended up burning in the oven, the second he put in way to much flour so the cake tasted powdery, the third he somehow mixed up sugar and salt so the cake tasted salty instead of sweet. That is the fourth cake he made which finally came out right" Gaillard explained. Aichi was surprised at Gaillard's explanation. "Wait when was he making the cake?" Aichi asked. "He started trying to make it before you came. Apparently he was planning on you coming here without telling me. Also because of him we had to have someone come in to clean the oven because the cake somehow exploded and pieces of it were everywhere in the oven and all of them were burning. We actually ended up dealing with a big fire in the oven because of that. Luckily we managed to put out the fire and somehow the oven survived." Gaillard replied. Aichi was still in shock, he didn't expect Kai to do something like that, more or less for him. As for Kai he had his face down and his entire face was the colour of scarlet. "Mr Kai what's wrong with your face it's all red?" one of the orphans asked. Aichi and Gaillard looked over towards Kai right when they heard that. Aichi stood up out of his chair and walked over towards Kai. Once he stood right beside Kai he leaned towards his face and gently placed his hand on top of Kai's forehead. Kai's face turned an even darker shade of red that is if that were possible. "A-Aichi?" Kai whispered. Aichi hummed then removed his hand and bent down and placed his forehead onto Kai's forehead. Aichi closed his eyes. At this point Kai was very embarrassed and attempted to get away from Aichi however in the process he lifted his head up and well...














... his lips ended up connecting with Aichi's. Aichi's eyes snapped open immediately and his face flushed into a shade of red similar to Kai's face. Kai's eyes were wide and it took him some time to realize what was happening. As for everyone else in the room their eyes were wide and their mouths hung open. Some of the girl's faces were red and as for Gaillard he was actually smiling. Aichi's and Kai's lips were still connected and both of their faces scarlet. Then Aichi quickly moved away and then started screaming.

"Aichi? Aichi! Aichi! Wake up! Aichi!" Aichi heard then his eyes slowly opened and saw Gaillard and Kai with concerned looks on their faces. "Are you okay you were screaming in your sleep?" Gaillard asked. Aichi sat up. "A dream?" Aichi questioned. "Did you have a bad dream?" Kai asked. "I don't know if it was a good or bad dream" Aichi replied. "What happened in your dream?" Gaillard asked. "Well you and I were fighting, then it was time for dinner, after dinner we had a cake that Kai made and the Kai and I-I-I" Aichi started stuttering around the end and his face started to turn red. "We what?" Kai asked. "W-W-Weeeeee" Aichi started but couldn't get the rest out. "Aichi?" Kai asked. "W-We k-k-k-k-k-k-k" Aichi continued. Aichi just stared at him with a confused expression. "We crushed the cake?" Kai asked. Aichi shook his head. "We cut ourselves on something?" Kai asked. Aichi once again shook his head. Kai continued thinking trying to figure out what Aichi was trying to say. "WE KISSED!!!!!" Aichi blurted out face red. Both Kai and Gaillard had a shocked expression on their faces. Well Kai's face turned red just thinking about it. For the next couple days Aichi was very awkward around Kai.

That's the end of the chapter. I did this chapter on a computer so the writing below wasn't bolded or anything. There was a bit of Kaichi in this chapter. (KaixAichi) I could make this story a Kaichi story or maybe not. I leave that up to you. If you think I should please tell me in the comments. Anyway thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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