The Rebel

By Armybrat213

4.6K 175 47

This is an emergency broadcast from CONTROL headquarters, and this is not a drill. We repeat, this is not a... More

The Rebel
The Rebel <1>
The Rebel <2>
The Rebel <3>
The Rebel <4>
The Rebel <6>

The Rebel <5>

387 30 8
By Armybrat213

This one is kind of long. I just needed to find the perfect ending spot and I did :D

Anyways, enjoy!


"Kill her."

Madison let out a scream as General Five lifted his weapon up in the air. You laid as still as you could until the last minute. Then you rolled out of the way letting the axe bury itself into the asphalt. Bits of the road exploded up, pelting you, but you jumped to your feet in a swift motion and ran towards the king. General Four looked outraged as he lifted his shield to attack you, but as he swung out you jumped and pushed yourself off the top of his shield landing behind him. You dropped to your knees in front of the king and the entire area froze as the two of you locked eyes.

"Get away from-" General Four began to yell, but you cut him off.

"Please! Madison is- My little sister is in that crowd!" You cried, "Just let her go! Please!"

"That is a crowd of rioters and rebel allies." Xemnas spoke smoothly. His voice was deep and held a tone of authority.

"She's only eight years old!" You yelled back, "She's a student at CONTROL Elementary School! Please, just let her go!"

"Which one is she?"

"The blonde. The little blonde girl." You pointed back at her. She had been shoved towards the very front of the crowd. Xemnas glanced over at her for a second.

"Sisters, you say?"

"Please, your highness." You begged. "I'm on my knees. I'll do anything, just let her go."

"That entire group is sentence to die. Would you take her place?" He asked simply. The entire group began to scream in protest. You glanced back at Madison. You could see her tears as she shook her head. Her small body racked with sobs.

"Yes. In a heartbeat, yes." You replied giving her a small smile.

Xemnas chuckled, "Grab her."

General Four grabbed you by the arm roughly and pulled you to your feet. He pushed you away from the king as General Five held your other arm. You were held tightly between them.

"It's going to be ok, Madison. I promise. You're going to be alright." You called out to her with a smile. She was still crying and shaking her head.

"No, [Name], you can't." She managed to say in a shaky voice.

"I love you, kiddo. Don't watch. Take care of Levi and Bobby for me alright?" You took a deep breath and gave her a bright grin hoping to calm her nerves.

She wiped dirt and tears from her face with the sleeve of her shirt. It was crumpled and still too big for her. Even with ash and blood caked in her blonde hair it still curled around her small face.

"Now." Xemnas's voice said loudly.

Madison opened her mouth to say something when the building around her exploded. Your heart stopped in your chest as tons of concrete blocked her from your line of sight. Time slowed as noise ceased to exist. You stared at the pile of rubble that not only buried around 30 humans, but also buried Madison. Your Madison. The eight year old little girl who had wormed her way into your heart and soul.

You didn't scream.

You didn't curse.

You just stood there staring at the rubble.

Nothing moved.

All was still.

She was gone.

"Keep in mind, all citizens must be held responsible for their own actions regardless of age." Xemnas said in a no nonsense tone.

"What are these colored lines?" General Four asked aloud but you had barely registered his words.

You clapped your arms together, successfully making the two generals crash into each other. General Five fell to the ground in a daze but you held onto General Four tightly. With a cry of fury you spun in a circle and threw General Four into the air straight at the king.

Xemnas's eyes widened for a moment before General Four crashed into him and both of them flew off the flying vehicle onto the ground a few feet away. You stormed over towards them as a group of chitauri rushed at you. You grabbed the handle of the flying vehicle which had lowered closer to the ground and swung it around knocking them all back. Things seemed to slow down as you watched a metal briefcase fly off the vehicle and into the air. You recognized it as the same one Xemnas was holding earlier. It hit the ground and bounced off it's side before lying still. You glanced up to see Xemnas glaring at you.

Things weren't silent. There was a lot of yelling and screams but you couldn't hear a thing. It seemed like it was just you and Xemnas death glaring each other over a mysterious briefcase.

A yell behind you broke the trance. You spun around to see General Five lift his red and black axe into the air ready to embed it into your skull. Before you could react something blew past your ear and dug it's way directly into General Five's heart. That something was a familiar arrow.

He froze in shock before falling onto his back dead. You turned to see if you could spot Hawkeye, but the metal man from earlier dropped out of the sky distracting you. His glowing blue eyes stared at you as hell began to break lose.

Another explosion cast debris into the air forcing you to dive off to the side. You glanced up a moment later and let your eyes glance over the battlefield. Heartless soldiers and chitauri fought an onslaught of new people who just showed up.

A woman with short, fiery red hair and wearing a skin tight black uniform fought against two heartless soldiers. Her movements and attacks were fluid, and the gun in her hand was well used. Beside her, fighting a chitauri, was a man in a blue military outfit with accents of red and white. The upper half of his face was covered in a matching mask and you watched as he threw a shield into the chest of his enemy before the shield returned to his hand.

A silver haired male wearing a sleeveless yellow and white jacket over a black sleeveless shirt and jeans fought off a heartless soldier with a strange weapon. In the same area as him was two others. One was a blonde with spiky blonde hair wearing a checkered short sleeve jacket over a black shirt with jeans and a checkered wristband. He fought dual bladed, but his weapons were just as strange as the silver haired male. The other was a lean red head whose hair stood up on end. In his hands were two silver and red chakrams.

In the distance a man in a red and black coat with light brown hair fought off two chitauri with a long red blade.

A helicopter began to hover over the area above you. You watched as the robot man grabbed the briefcase and threw it up into the air toward the helicopter. It stuck to the bottom of the plane as the red headed pilot flew away with it.

You soaked in every detail of the fight as it occurred around you until your eyes once again landed on the rubble. A numb feeling bubbled up inside of you. Shouldn't there be pain? A mind blowing pain that rips your body? You didn't feel that way. You rose to your feet and rushed toward the rubble.

Before you even got halfway there a flash of blue hurtled towards you and collided with your face. It knocked you onto your back, but you let the momentum roll you onto your feet. Warm blood dripped from your nose, but there was no pain. Only fury, mind blowing fury.

"And just where do you think you're going?"

General Four looked smug. He stood tall in front of you with his shield weapon held in front of him. There was a smudge of blood from where he had swung it into your face.

Your jaw clenched as you tried to speak. To try and issue out a warning. You wanted to warn him. Move or be moved, but no words would come out. You took quick step and began to sprint towards him.

He chuckled at your decision and raised his shield over his face before running towards you as well. You weren't entirely sure what you were doing. At the same time that he pushed his shield forward to hit you, you threw your fist out to punch him.

Your fist hit the shield and kept going. It broke through the hard, metal exterior until you felt your knuckles collide with his jaw. General Four flew back a few feet tumbling over himself, leaving the shield wrapped around your forearm. You pulled it off and tossed it aside before rushing past his motionless form.

You fell to your knees in front of the rubble and began to work. You grabbed large chunks of concrete and threw them off the pile. As you worked your vision began to blur and a ringing filled your ears. Your arms were bloody, both of them, and it was getting harder to lift the stones. Eventually all you could do was pull uselessly at them.

Two warm hands rested on your shoulders and pulled you back. It didn't startle you.

"[Name], we have to go." Levi spoke firmly as he tried to pull you back.

You struggled against him, "She's here, Levi! I can't leave her."


"Levi, you don't understand!"

"I do, [Name]!" Levi yelled. His voice broke and you finally turned to look at him. His hair was tangled and he was covered in dirt and blood. He looked broken, Levi looked broken. "I saw it, [Name]. I saw it all. We have to go now, things are getting worse."


"I'll come back. I promise you, [Name]. I'll come back for her body."

That was it though wasn't it? A body. Madison's body. That's all it was. A body without a carefree smile. A body without a cheerful laugh. It was just a body.

You let Levi drag you away. As he maneuvered through the fighting trying to get you away he must have noticed your extensive injuries.


Levi's mouth moved but gibberish came out. You just gazed at him as everything around him became hazy.

"Djsiejdbdudkebsishd. Djeidb? Hfiebdieb?!"

Your eyes fluttered close and everything went black.

When you woke up you were lost.

For a second you forgot where you were. The familiar sights of Bobby's ceiling and the light from the window beside you quickly changed that though. You were on Bobby's couch. Isn't this where your day started?

"You were covered in blood." Bobby walked into the room. He didn't show it, but his voice had a tone of melancholy, "But the only wound on you were a few scratches on your stomach where I pulled out shards of glass."

You sat up and glanced at your stomach. It was wrapped in gauze. A clean shirt sat off to the side, you grabbed it and pulled it over your sports bra.

"Bobby", You began. He needed to know about Madison. The look in this eye when you said his name spoke volumes though. Bobby knew, and he was mourning his own way. By not mentioning it and burying himself in work.

"I'm assuming it was from that stupid necklace. Good health, it healed your black eye so why wouldn't it heal the other stuff." Bobby grumbled while looking for a book, "Not the stomach wound though because there was glass in it. I'm sure it's mostly healed now."

You touched your stomach and flinched, "No, not healed."

Bobby glanced at you then glanced at the book again, "I guess all those attributes only work when the necklace is activated. What emotions were you feeling when it worked? I figure it ain't the positive feelings. Were you sad?"

"No", You replied softly. You stood up from the couch, "I was...I was scared, and- and I was frustrated, but mostly I was...I was angry, Bobby. So angry."

"Anger, frustration, and fear are your triggers, maybe panic too. When you're not feeling that way I guess the necklace powers down." Bobby sighed, "I'm closer to cracking this sentence which means I can get it off-"


Bobby gave you a look of disbelief, "No?"

"I need it, Bobby. It gives me an upper hand." You argued.

"Upper hand?" Bobby scoffed, "It's gonna kill you! You get too angry and you're literally gonna explode!"

You retied your shoes before heading towards the front door. Bobby followed behind you, "Where do you think you're going?"

"I have a errand to run." You said before opening the door. Bobby grabbed your arm and spun you around. You saw the fatigue in his face. Carved in every line on his face.

"She's gone, [Name]."

The words hit you in the gut. You clenched your jaw and looked away from him.

"She's gone, and I can't lose you too." Bobby sighed, "I can't lose both of you."

You glanced back at him. It didn't matter what the DNA or blood tests say, Bobby was your father. He was there for you when the world got mean. He was a father to Madison too. He tucked her in and told her stories. Suffered through any game she wanted to play.

You took a step forward and wrapped your arms around him, "You aren't going to lose me, Bobby. I promise."

"Be careful, [Name]." Bobby sighed and pulled away, "Don't do anything stupid."

You rushed out of the house, but paused when you noticed your book bag sitting in the porch.

"Levi." You murmured before continuing away from Bobby's house. A part of you wondered where he was. The answer came to you quickly though. He had made you a promise.

The air held a tone of grief. Streets were empty and the few people who did venture out were silent. You walked with sure steps. It was a path you knew by heart, but hadn't walked in a long time. You stopped to glance at a TV that flashed pictures of the disaster. It was all over, but the clean up process had just begun. A clock was flashing in the corner of the screen. Only three hours had passed since the sirens began to go off. Most of that time you spent knocked out in Bobby's house. The destruction pictures disappeared and they began to show pictures of the most wanted list. You were on that list, but you were a low number. Probably around the 120s.

You continued walking at a steady pace. As you walked you rolled your shoulders trying to find a sore spot. There was none though, you felt perfect, and that wasn't right.

The building you stopped in front of was an abandoned warehouse. Of course this is where Boss would set up his gang, it fit all too well. This was where you had lived for so many years, with it's tall metal plated walls, broken out windows, and flat roof. The only color came from the multitude of graffiti marks sprayed across the side. You walked through the main doors and stopped. From here you could see a staircase and a table with chairs. The entire building seemed empty and hollow.

You picked up a chair and threw it against the metal siding. It broke apart and the sound waved echoed throughout the area. A couple minutes passed before a familiar head of pink hair bounced into view.

Speed had her pink curls pinned back and held in a tight, professional bun. She wore skin tight white pants tucked into white running boots that ended a little above her ankles. Her torso was covered in a long sleeve white jacket that closed off to the side with silver buttons and brackets. Her hands were covered in white fingerless gloves.

"Dodge!" She smiled, "Boss just knew you'd come. Your uniform is upstairs in your old room. Boss!"

You didn't reply to her comment and just stared at her. She shifted uncomfortably as the two of you waited for Boss to come. He showed up about a minute later at the top of the stairs. He wore a white suit with a white tie and silver cuff links.

"Dodge." He greeted warmly, "It's good to see you. Even better that you didn't get torn up in today's little tussle."

He walked down the stairs toward you as your fists clenched and unclenched. Once Boss got to ground level he started toward you with Speed at his side.

"What are you waiting for? Go get changed. The King wants us at East Castle in twenty minutes." Boss glanced at the new, expensive watch around his wrist, "And it's best not to keep him waiting."

This could be you. What if a fight hadn't broke out today and you decided to join them right after work? Your [hair color] locks pinned into a tight bun. A white uniform that made you stand out from the stains of poverty.

"Twenty minutes?" Your voice was steady. They both glanced at you with curiosity. You chuckled, "That's actually perfect. You see, I have a message for the King."

You closed the space between you and the two of them and kicked Speed in the chest. She went flying back as you grabbed Boss by the tie and threw him to the ground. He had been surprised by your sudden increase in strength, but you knew this wasn't all the power you had. It wasn't working as well as it had earlier.

"I want you to tell the King that I am going to kill him." You said plain as day.

Boss glared at you from the floor. His gaze was filled with anger and calculations. A hand grabbed your hair from behind and yanked you back. It had been sudden and taken you by surprise. Speed threw you to the side where you stumbled before she kneed you in the ribcage. You let out a cry of pain before regaining your balance and throwing a kick at her. She pushed it away and sent a well aimed punch for your face that you caught. You twisted her arm forcing her to face the opposite way before kicking her in the back onto the ground.

You turned around as Boss pulled out a dagger. It was a known fact that Boss had others do his dirty work for him, but that didn't mean he was helpless. He was deadly with a blade.

Boss let out a startled cry of pain as his hand covered his right cheek. You glanced to the left to see a two of hearts fall onto the ground.

"You don't leave now and you'll be late."

You turned to the right to see Ace walking towards the two of you. He wore a gray T-shirt, jeans, and a leather jacket. His hair was pushed back in it's usual style as he tucked a deck of cards into his pocket. Ace then helped Speed to her feet before coming to stand by you. The moment you saw Speed and Boss the thought of Ace in a white suit haunted the outskirts of your mind. Seeing him in his own clothes was the best thing to happen to you all day.

Boss dropped his hand and you saw the small paper cut that was drawn under his eye.

"Well then", Boss said with a forced smile, "I guess we'll be on our way."

"Don't forget my message." You said.

"Don't forget your place." Boss replied as him and Speed began to walk away.

"I know my place. It'll be at his throat with a knife." You spat before Boss and Speed disappeared. It was silent a moment before you glanced at Ace. He had been staring at you since you first spoke.

"You left? You didn't join them?" You asked with hope.

Ace shrugged his shoulders and stuffed his hands into his pockets, "You know I can't leave, [Name]. I'm not like you. I did join."

"But- why aren't you-"

"Dressed in that ridiculous uniform?" Ace gave you a small smile, "I was promoted over Boss. The King is stationing me in the West."

"You're leaving for the West?"

Ace nodded, "Yeah. I'm heading out right now actually."

"Ace you can't- why won't you just stay?" You said. "Stay here."

"With you?" Ace asked. The two of you just stared at each other. Years of history flashed between the two of you. Memories, conversations, inside jokes.

"Ace." You said slowly. He walked away from you and picked the card off the ground. As he carried it back towards you he chuckled.

"It's from your deck. The one you gave me. The cards don't throw as well because it's older, but..." Ace softly grabbed your hand and opened it palm up. He set the two of hearts on your hand before gently motioning for your fingers to wrap around it. "I'm always with you, [Name]."

Ace leaned forward and pressed his lips against your temple. He let his lips linger there a second before he turned away and walked out of the building without a single look back. You glanced at the card in your hand. Two red hearts stared up at you.

You walked down the quiet street with the playing card burning a hole in your pocket. You stumbled as a sharp pain ripped through your stomach. It took a moment before you realized it was a hunger pain. You were starving.

You glanced around looking to see if any of the stands or small shops were open. Unsurprisingly most were closed, but you found a small convenience store off to the side. It had been a while since you were this deep in the gang territory of the slums so it was a store you didn't recognize. You walked in and glanced around. There were shelves of food and one man, short in stature, at the counter flipping through a magazine as if it were a normal day.

The thought occurred to you that you had no money on you at all. Everything you had was in that book bag at Bobby's place. You hadn't brought it because you figured you'd go threaten the King then come back and eat. You didn't realize you'd be this hungry. Another sharp pain as your stomach growled. Was this from the necklace? A side effect being that you could eat an elephant afterwards.

You glanced at the man to see he had been watching you skeptically. He glanced away when your eyes locked onto him. Stealing would be easy. You could literally grab what you want and walk out of the store. It's what you were good at.

You reached out for a bag of chips but froze in place as a memory whirled through your head.

"You're a hero, [Name]!"

Madison's scream echoed through your head and you stumbled back, knocking over a display in front of you. The man began to yell and throw curses at you, but you couldn't focus on his words.

"Hey hey hey, slow down, little guy." A new voice called out at the man. Four people were standing at the door, but you couldn't focus on their features. Your head was spinning. The same man that spoke walked up to the counter and threw a stack of paper at him, "Listen, I'm buying out your store. So do me a favor and beat it."

The man grabbed what you knew now to be money and ran out. You slipped onto the ground and leaned your head back against a row of bagged chips. You took in deep breaths to try and slow your racing mind when someone set a bottle of water and a bag of cookies by your hand. You tore into the cookies without a word and downed the bottle of water.

"[Name], right?"

You sighed and glanced over at the four men. All of them except one, you had seen earlier. The one that just said your name had been the man in the blue military suit. At closer inspection you noticed the red gloves with red metal wrist protectors along with a silver star in the center of his chest. He held the same shield from earlier in his left hand. His mask had been pulled off and hung around the back of his neck like a hood. His hair was a dirty blonde that looked like it was originally combed neatly to the side. His face had splotches of dirt as did his hair now. His eyes were a shade of blue that held concern for you.

Beside him was the metal man you had seen earlier. The suit was maroon and gold with complex designs. Although now the suit was marked with scratches and damage. The face mask part had slid up to reveal a man with dark hair and a matching goatee. There was a wound under his right eye that bled some. His dark brown eyes watched your movements as the corner of his lip twitched upwards occasionally. He had been the one to throw cash at the store owner.

On the other side of the man with the shield was someone you hadn't seen before. He wore dark jeans with a multitude of belts. Hanging off one of those belts was a large gun that had a blade protruding from the end of it. A white wife beater covered his torso along with a dark jacket with a fur collar. His brown hair hung slightly in his face as a long, diagonal scar marked the spot between his eyes.

The last guy was the red head with the chakrams. He wore a dark green long sleeve shirt that were pushed up a little below his elbows. His dark jeans were worn and ripped and around his neck was a thick, dark gray bandana. His eyes were a bright green and under each eye was a tattoo that you first mistook to be dirt smudges.

"I don't want to talk." You spoke up. What else would the rebels be here for after all?

"Well that's rude, considering that I technically just bought you lunch." The man in the metal suit retorted.

"Tony." The man beside him glared at him before returning a softer gaze toward you, "I'm sorry, m ‘am, but we really do need to have a word with you. My name is Steve Rogers. These are my associates, Tony Stark, Leon Squallhart, and Axel Sinclair."

You got to your feet and shrugged, "No offense, but I really don't care right now. I'm busy."

You tried to push past them, but the guy named Leon stopped you. "We know about the necklace and what you can do."

"We also know you threatened to kill the King." Axel smirked, "Which was actually kind of hot."

"How do you possibly know that? Any of that?" You asked in surprise.

"SHIELD makes it their priority to know everything." Tony rolled his eyes, "But I will admit watching you punch through Vexen's shield was hilarious."

"The look on his face!" Axel clapped his hands with a laugh. Tony and Axel joked together before Steve and Leon both shot them glares.


"General Four." Leon answered, "Vexen is just his real name."

"How do you know-" You stopped yourself. The names of the generals were well hidden, so the fact that they knew them made you curious. Of course you figured their ominous answer would be SHIELD.

"How do we know? Firetruck over there is General Eight." Tony motioned towards Axel who gave you a nonchalant wave.

Your attention turned towards Axel and he chuckled, "No need to glare, [Name]. I'm a legitimate traitor to the crown. Wanted dead or alive and everything. Got it Memorized?"

You hadn't even noticed that your eyes had narrowed into a glare. Slowly, you glanced away from him and took a deep breath before letting it out as calmly as you could, "I'm leaving. Thanks for lunch, but I'm not interested in anything you have to say right now."

"We think you're in dang-" Steve began when the windows of the building blew out. The five of you flew back from the force. You, personally, landed on your back halfway down the aisle. Adrenaline and panic washed through your system. You sat up to see four heartless soldiers.

Steve was the first one to bounce back up followed by Leon, who threw a rack that was pinning him off him, and the others. He kicked the soldier back before hurtling the shield into its stomach. "Get her out, Stark!"

Axel had his weapons in his hands again, twirling them efficiently as flickers of flame licked the edge of the weapons. Leon had his weapon out and charged at the closest soldier.

Metal hands grabbed you from behind and began to drag you through the back exit. You let him, since it had been your escape route to begin with.

"Come on, we're flying back to base so hold on tight." Tony said before his mask slid down. He moved your hands to his shoulders to hold him, but you yanked yourself back.

"No thanks." You replied and turned to walk away. The sound of moving metal greeted your ears before you were flipped around and lifted into the air. He needed his hands to fly which meant he wasn't holding onto you. Your natural reaction anyways was to wrap your arms around his neck and hold on.

"See? Was that so hard?" Tony chuckled behind his mask.

"Let me down!" You yelled as the wind whipped through your hair, "I need to go back to Bobby!"

"Don't know who that is, and I don't really care. Now be quiet-"

Something hot and bright struck your leg and Tony's foot. You cried out in pain as Tony stumbled in the sky. Another shot and the two of you were hurtling towards the ground. Tony flipped over so you were laying on top of him as the two of you hit the ground. Your head snapped against his metal mask as his back drug through the road ripping up concrete and stone.

It was quiet a moment as you regained your bearings. You sat up and groaned. A quick glance at your leg showed a large hole in your pants, as if they were burned off, but no injury.

"Hey!" You knocked on his mask, "Hey wake up!"

Tony was silent and you could hear growls of the chitauri growing closer. You quickly got up and wrapped your arms under his and began to drag him into a shaded alley. You and him hid behind a large dumpster as the chitauri strolled by looking for what they shot out of the sky.

You glanced back at Tony before making a snap decision. You set your hand on the part of the mask that slide up and down and began to pull on it. The metal folded under your hand. You pried it off and threw it aside. Tony looked unconscious but he seemed to be breathing when you checked.

"Sorry." You breathed before making sure he was out of sight and then running down the alley towards Bobby's house.

"Bobby, I'm back!" You yelled and shut the door behind you. "Bobby?"

The house was quiet. You curiously wondered where he had gone before walking into the living room and falling onto the couch. Things were happening so fast, the day was so busy. You could barely comprehend it all.

You pulled the card out of your pocket and set it beside you on the couch. The front door opened and you assumed Bobby had come back from whatever errands he went out to run. To your surprise, Levi turned the corner.

His shirt was filthy, covered in ash, dirt, and blood. His face was streaked with the same mess and fatigue dripped from his features. You stood to your feet quickly.

"Did you- Where is-?" You couldn't finish your sentence. Levi crossed the room towards you without a word, " Levi, did you find-"

He pulled you into his arms and held you against he chest. You leaned against him quietly. It felt good to hear his heartbeat. To know that Levi was alive and breathing beside you.

"We can't find her, [Name]." He murmured softly.

You pulled away from him in surprise, "You can't find her? That means she could be- Levi, what if-"

"[Name]." Levi said firmly with closed eyes, "Stop."

"You said you couldn't find her!"

"I meant that we- I couldn't recognize her. A lot of people-" Levi's voice cracked as he buried his hands in his hair. He took a deep breath, "She wasn't the only student her age there, and most of the bodies are beyond recognition."

You shook your head, "I can find her, Levi."


"I can find her!" You tried to walk around him, "You know that I can recognize her out of anyone! We have to make sure, if her body isn't there maybe she got out alive!"

Levi grabbed your arms before you could leave the room, "No!"

"Why, Levi?!" You yelled back at him.

"Because I can't let you see that!" He bellowed. His breaths were labored as he let go of your arms and covered his face for a moment. A minute later he moved his hands and looked at you, "It's awful down there, and I can't let you see that. You probably could recognize her body, but I can't let that be your last sight of her [Name]. I can't."

A tear fell from his eye leaving a trail down his cheek through the dirt and ash. Levi reached into his pocket to pull something out. You held out your hand expectedly. Levi sighed before dropping a green and white bracelet into your hand. The sight of the familiar bracelet with a large blood stain felt like you were stabbed in the heart.

"I wasn't fast enough." You said with a shaky voice, and a pathetic, sad chuckle, "You know, when I found her in that alley years ago I promised I'd always look after her. She was my salvation. I always thought that if I-if I could just keep her safe, if I could just make sure she didn't live a life like mine, that it'd make me a good person."

Levi set his hands on your shoulders. You stared at the bracelet in your hand, but tears began to blur your vision. You could slowly feel your train of focus coming off the rails. You went thing entire day driven by pure momentum, and now things were starting to catch up.

"If I could give her a good life then maybe she wouldn't turn out as awful as I did!" A sob racked your body. You turned away from Levi and tried to walk away. You didn't know where though, maybe away from this crippling pain?

"She trusted me and I let her down, Levi." You shook your head as the tears dripped from your face. You got a few steps away before you fell to your knees. "She's gone, Levi, she's gone!"

Your hand tightened around the bracelet as you held your chest and sobbed. It felt like you were breaking, like pieces of you were falling off. Levi walked over and sat beside you. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest as you cried.

"I'm not a hero!" You yelled, "Madison's dead!"

Levi's arms tightened around you as he buried his head in your hair with his arms and legs wrapped around you. The two of you sat there in Bobby's empty home with only the sound of sobs around you.

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These are a compilation of all my supernatural imagines from my tumblr: @queen-of-deans-booty. Go check out my stuff there!
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