Cupids Twin

By abigailnbm

158 18 0

Dipuc (or Dustin for his Earth name) is your average guy. Actually no he's not. He's the twin of Cupid and hi... More

The mission
High School
The mission
Day 2
With Emily
The After Affect
Day 5
Day 8
At home
Day 11
Twins layer

Where Am I???

8 1 0
By abigailnbm

I hit the cold hard ground.
When I woke up I was back in my world, back at my school where I belong-ish. The first thing I saw was Emily. It was wierd though she was wearing all black and holding something. I think it was a knife. She was wearing a beanie on the top of her head. Her hair was in a baird. She never wore her hair in a baird she always wore it down so she could hit people in the face if they got annoying. I still ran toward her. It was though if I wasn't moving. Someone was coming toward her. I'm not sure who he was or who she was. At first I saw short brown hair then brown eyes. It started getting clearer and clearer. I think it was Anthony. He touched her knife and glared in my direction. He didn't seem to have pupils just a black mess of blah. I don't think he saw me. When Emily looked at me I saw the same thing a black mess of blah with no pupils. Why were they like this it was so different even for Anthony to be like this. Anyway my other question was what was he doing here? Then I got my answer. He put his arm around her and grabbed her knife from her hand. Then he seemed colder and the black in his eyes grew. He took the knife and placed on Emily's neck. It was so terrifying seeing this. I ran even faster and harder then I was before trying to reach them.
He doesn't deserve to be around a girl like Emily. She nice and funny and pretty, she can be childish at times but it makes her who she is. She is compassionate and brave and tough. She is literally perfect. He doesn't deserve to be around her. He's mean and rude. He's hardly what I would call nice. He has no regard for human life. He doesn't have a heart. He is no one's perfect match except maybe a trash can with dead fish and rotting food. He is not going to ruin my best friends life, personality, or heart. She's so amazing and he's so awful. She's like a sweet beautiful angel and he's like an ugly gross henchman of the devil
He took the knife and sliced it through her neck. She was bleeding heavily and fell to the ground.I was finally able to move yes!!! I ran toward her full force. I was almost there. I was so close I could smell Emily's perfume. It usually smells like child like wonder and happiness, mostly because when we were younger and thinking about or doing things usually our happiest times included cake, balloons, and exotic fruit. So basically something sweet. Today though it smelt of death and like the wierd smell when you go into bank. I was around 5 feet away Anthony disappeared. I was mad yeah I hated him and I would love if he just disappeared from my life but he just killed my bestfriend, he needs to pay for what he's done. When I looked at Emily she was still in the ground bleeding looking dead. She ment everything to me but now she's gone. I walked toward her when I was about 1 foot from her she disappeared too. Gone left not there she wasn't with me anymore.
Then I saw Amber in the distance. She was standing on a bench like the ones outside of the smoothie shop. Old, wooden, and rustic. She was standing there with something around her neck. As I got closer I noticed what it was. It was a rope. The bench well it wasnt a bench at all. It was one of those wooden things like in hangman that hold the rope that goes around the person's neck. How did I think that was a bench?Wait there's a bigger problem here, MY FRIEND IS HANGING HERSELF!!!!
Why? Why is everyone I care about dying? Why me? What did I do that was so bad that I deserve this? Oh yeah that, and that, and probably that. I still wouldn't think that those 3 things are bad enough to cause me this. It's not my fault, well maybe it is but well ugh never mind.
I went to go check on Amber. When I went to go check her pulse it was gone. She was already dead. It was wierd though when I did go check her pulse it was like I passed right though her. So I tried checking her pulse again, but I went right through her like right. It was like I was a ghost.
In the distance I saw a grave yard. So naturally I went to go check it out, but right before I entered it I stopped myself. O wondered 2 people I care about have already died what if when I walked in there and more people were dead. Do I want to take that chance? I'm going to do it. Even if there are more people I care about there who are dead I deserve to know. It would be a punishment to me not to know. Sorta a wierd choice I mean how many people do you know who come Into a place seeking the dead.
When I did walk into the grave yard it felt wierd. Like I was being watched, but the only problem was that no one was there but me. I also felt like I was being pushed down. Like I was being pushed toward the right and down. Like I was so supposed to be in the ground.
A little while later I was standing in front of 3 graves the first one was my mothers naturally because she died first out of my family. The one next to it was my dad's. I don't know how he died, but he did. I'm guessing I'm in the future. Now I'm wondering how long I was out. Next to my father's grave was someone's who's grave puzzles me a little. It was my brothers grave. How did he die he had so much going for him. The grave though next to him was completely and utterly stupid. It was my grave. I couldn't believe it. When I touched the stone thing at the head of the grave I was sucked into the grave.
When I was in there my back hit something. When I pulled it up it was a book. On the cover it said death dates and causes. OK a little ironic, but sure I'll read it. I flipped to the section of J's, because well my last name starts with a J. When I finally found my last name I first saw my mom probably because she died first. Same death time place and reason. My dad he was shoot and killed, so was brother. They were both shoot and killed by the same person... ME. I can't believe I killed them both. When I looked below where it listed my name. It had a piece of paper attached to it. When I took the folded the piece of paper I saw that it was in titled The Story of Dipuc/Dustin Johnson. It said that when I was in 10th grade I never did finish the mission I was assigned. The one I was just assigned. So when the people who came to punish me came I ran I ran into hiding. No one knew where I was for months. It said that I started to go insane. That my mind had been twisted. First I was came after my dad. Reason for unknown. It said that their theory though is that I had problem with authority figures that I was a troubled kid. Then it said I came after my brother motive still unknown, but their theory was that I was jealous of him. Under it explained how I died. It said I was about to shoot and kill Emily. Why would I do that she's my bestfriend. On the paper it said motivation unknown, but their theory is that I asked her out and she said no. Then when I was about to kill her she took the gun from me and shoot me, she killed me. Wow I never in a million years thought that I would ever kill anyone. I can't I this but ah er ugh. Everything around me is off why would Emily kill me even if I did kill someone she couldn't kill anyone. Why would I kill anyone I've been bullied since day 1 of kindergarten why would I start killing anyone now. Why would anyone kill Emily. I'm so confused. Then I left the grave I was in. Well I tried to but I couldn't. On the 10th time I hit my head And was knocked out.

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