Did you lock the door? *UP FO...

By Connor4ever

3.7K 60 19

If you read the prologue and hopefully 1st chapter, you'll get what the story is about...hopefully. More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 41
Lets talk
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

chapter 28

49 0 0
By Connor4ever

So cute ^~^

(Harrys p.o.v)

'' mum do we have to go on this vacation?'' I ask ''yes hazza the cabin is booked'' she says and i groan.

''Harry please be a dear and go finish packing, we leave tomorrow right after school'' she says and i sigh walking up to my room.

I walk in and liam is waking louis with a black dildo and i close the door making sure they hear it. They look at me and liam throws the didlo at louis and it hits him in the chest and louis falls back onto his bed.

''Whats going on here?'' I ask andliam blushes ''its louis didlo!'' Liam yells and louis jumps up and covers his mouth. '' are you trying to get my dad in here?'' Louis says.

Thats exactly what it did, troy walks into the room and he looks disgusted. '' louis didlo?'' He says gglareing and looks down at the didlo in louis' hand and up at louis.

I look to louis and he looks terrified and i internily groan and look at troy. ''Liam was just joking around troy......its my dildo'' i say and walk over to louis and take it from his hand.

'' they found it and liam thought it was louis' since it was closer to his side of the room'' i say and troy glares at me.

''Never let my son take the blame for it again'' he says and slams the door shut. I look at louis and he gives me a small nervouse smile ''thank for that harry'' he says and i just slam the dildo against his chest and go back to packing.

Theres a awkward silence in the room and i feel like bashing my head in with a rock. ''Harry!'' I turn and see niall and zayn walking in and i sigh in releif and walk over to them and hug them.
''Where is dominic?'' I ask ''he had to stay a extra night, i mean its been a week why is he still in there?'' Zayn says and i just rub his back.

'' hopefully he gets out soon'' i say and they walk over to my bed and lay down and i continue to pack. ''Two weeks huh?'' Zayn says and i nod ''were gonna miss you harry'' niall says.

'' we're gonn miss you louis'' i hear him mummble and i roll my eyes. '' yes louis we're going to miss you too'' zayn says and i just shake my head.

"Harry?" I look over to the door where edward is standing there and i glare at him. ''You're the reason we have to go on ths stupid trip'' i say to him.

''Trust me by the end of this trip you and louis are both going to be happy, i promise'' he says and walks out with out another word.

But then suddenly he walks back in ''oh yeah i forgot i had to tell you guys something'' edward says. '' since we'll have alot of lugage you and louis are going to have to ride there in his truck, bye'' he says and quickly leaves.

I look at louis and glare at him '' liam if im not answering any of your call or messages im probably dead on the side of a road somewhere'' louis says loooking at me.

'' why dont we head down stairs?'' Liam says dragging him down staairs. '' dont you think your being a bit hard on him?'' Niall says and i turn to look at him.

'' i mean i know what he did was wrong, but maybe he had good intentions and didnt realise how bad it could be'' niall says.

'' niall even today i took the fall for him telling his dad his dildo was mine and his dad hates me even more now'' i say.

'' he has a dildo?'' Zayn asks '' not the time'' i say to him '' harry just, just remember the person he was before all this drama happened'' niall says.

I do remember, i miss the person he was before, i try pushing the thoughts away as i finish packing. '' harry just maybe not go too hard on him, i mena you have every right to be upset with him, but dont take it out on him to hard'' niall says and i just sit down.

''Have you even talked to greg?'' Zayn asks and i nod ''a couple times, hes doing good and has a awesome roomate'' i say with a small smile.

'' i actually think hes gaining a small crush on his roomate, he deserves it''i say and looks back up to them.

'' harry, try and have a good time on this trip, we havent seen you really smile in a while'' zayn says and i nod. '' im sorry you guys, i shouldnt be taking this all out on you'' i say and sigh.

'' it just.... the person i loveleft and the person im in love with caused it......it kind of hurts alot'' i say and zayn rubs my back.

'' we love you harry and we jst want you to be okay'' zayn says and i nod. Suddenly louis and liam are comming back in with a trash bag.

Liam snuck away from his house today while his dad is at work and i do feel really bad for him. He went through alot since his dad took him back home.

''Whats the bag full of?'' Zayn asks '' its full of snacks for our ride to the cabin tomorrow, liam and i went shopping earlier and we forgot it on my truck'' louis says.

''Now why would you bring inside if you're just going to put it back in the truck tomorrow?'' I ask. He blushes and looks back down to the bag and i smile a little.

''Sh-shut up'' he says putting the bag down and continues to pack up. ''Boys family meeting down stairs!'' Y mum yells and we all go down stairs and sit on the couch.

''Now boys, you know youre family, but......'' troy says and liam niall and zayn all get up ''we get it'' liam says and they all head up stairs.

'' now since you have school tomorrow, your father edward and i are going to already head to the cabin and will be there before you even get out of school'' my mum says.

'' how long will it take to drive there?'' Louis asks '' it'll take about 6 hours'' troy says. '' 6 hours!?'' Louis and i both say and they nod and i sigh.

'' you'll live hazza,, now just make sure you both are packed and just put your suit cases in louis car so you guys can start driving to the cabin as soon as possible'' she says and i nod.

'' now you two go get some rest, we all gotta long day ahead of us tomorrow'' edward says. Louis and i head upstairs back to the room and we see liam and niall awkwardly sitting in the room alone.

''Where did zayn go?'' Louis asks '' his mum called saying that he needed to help get the house ready for domonic tomorrow'' niall says and i nod.

'' speaking of, i should go before my dad gets home, leave a key here for me incase if i need to escape?'' Liam says and louis nods and liam goes out of the window.

'' i hope he stays safe'' louis says '' me too'' niall and i both say and louis and i both look at niall. ''W-what? We kind of talked before the two of you came back up here'' niall says.

''About?'' I ask sitting down next to him '' he was just talking about how he's scared, how he's scared baout everything going on'' niall says and messes with his finger nails.

'' he's terrified you guys, he's scared and i have no idea why....its worrying me'' he says whispering the last part. Louis and i look at each other and back to niall.

''I-i.....i should go home'' niall says and storms down stairs and we hear the door close. ''Should we tell him?'' Louis says and i shake my head.

'' no its not our place to tell'' i say taking off my clothes to change into my pajamas. '' it would be nice if he knew, but only liam can tell him, its only right'' i say looking at louis.

He just nods and looks at me with a small smile on his face ''what?'' I ask. ''Nothing'' he says and just turns off the light and lays down.

I just shake my head and put my pajamas on and lay down covering up with the blanket.


'' you know harry your're really improving'' mr. Dawson says and i smile looking down. ''Thank you, i mean i have to work hard knowing that i have to sing infront of so many people'' i say and he nods sitting down next to me.

'' do you know the musical 'Heathers' by any chance harry?'' He asks. '' of course, i love that musical'' i say and he smiles '' thanks amazing news'' h says and puts a paper down on the table.

'' theres a local production of it and they're holding auditions, i was thinking maybe you can audition for the role of JD?'' He says.

'' i-i dont know mr. Dawson,, i-i can barley get enough corage to preform at the chapionship game'' i say to him. '' thats fine you think about it, auditions aren't till march so you have a couple months to think about it'' he says getting up and walks away.

I look down at the fyler and i sigh putting it in my back pack and i hear my phone go off. I look down and see its from louis.

From- louis

Hey ask to leave early so we can get a earlier start.

I reply with a okay and go up to mr. Dawson ''yes harry?'' He asks and i smile. '' is it okay if i leave early? We have a family trip and-'' '' i dont need details harry, go ahead, i'll see you when school gets back'' he says and i thank him and go out to louis truck and get in.

'' lets get this show on the road'' he says starting the car and driving off. '' yay 6 hours in a car stuck with you'' i mummble buckling up.

'' you know i heard that right?'' He says and i just turn on the radio and he sighs. ''Well this is going to be a fun trip'' he says and we drive out of the school parking lot, but it takes us a hour cause we forgot our things at the house.

We're already 3 hours into the car ride and its been nothing but music the whole time. ''Why are we stopping?'' I ask seeing us pulling into a gas station.

'' I have to pee'' louis says and i groan ''shut your mouth, i need to pee, here'' hesays handing me some money. '' go get something for the troble'' he says sarcasticly and i roll my eyes getting out with him.

We walk into the station and louis heads to the bathroom and i look around. I see some portable cameras and i grab two having enough money for some gummy bears and i go to the counter to pay.

I hand the person the money with out looking at them and look down. ''Your adorable'' i look up and see a boy around my age with a smirk on his face.

''O-oh, thank you'' i say blushing he he laughs alittle '' so i'd hate it if that boy you came in with was your boyfriend'' he says and my eyes widen a little and i blush even harder.

''Well, if not i'd like to have your number'' he says and i go to talk but someone beats me to it.''actually we are dating so if you dont mind, just give him his things so we can go'' louis says wraping his arms around my waist.

The guys just hands me the bag and glares at louis and he drags us out to the car and we get in. '' i-im sorry if that pissed you off but, i didnt want you to get into something you might regret'' he says.

He continues to drive and i still havent said anything to him and i look over at him and smile a little. ''Thank you louis. I wouldve regreted anything with that guy'' i say and he smiles.

''Your welcome harry'' he says and i look down and the fills with silence once again. I go to reach in my backpack so i bring it up on the seat but some of it spills out.

''Shit'' i say shoving everything back into the bag ''heathers huh?'' Louis asks and i sigh. '' you should audition harry, you have a good voice'' louis says.

''Yeah sure, i can barley get myself to sing at the championship game, how can i ever preform in a musical?'' I say and look at louis.

'' you can do it harry i know you can, you have it in you'' louis says and i smile and he glances at me and smiles. We both look back to the dark road and theres a dear in the road and louis swerves and doges the deer.

But then we hit a ice patch and the truck is out of control and we're spinning and i grip onto the door and the seat and begin to panic.

Suddenly louis is unbuckling his seat belt and sildes over to my putting a arm over me covering my body with is and i place my hand that was gripping the seat on his waist gripping onto his shirt.

He grips the stearing wheel with one hand and tries steadying out the car. surprisingly the truck stop speading and swerves into the side of the rode and stopds suddenly hitting a hill of snow.

All you can hear is my heavy breathing and louis turns to look at me and cups my cheeks. '' are you okay?'' He asks softly and i try to nod but i can barely move besides shaking.

'' okay just try breathing okay? Imma go see if theres any damage and call anne'' he says and leaves the truck and i slowly let go of the door and breath more slowly.

Did he really put himself infront of me? Protected me? After everything. i roll down my window to get some fresh air but so much snow falls into the car and i scream rushing out of louis side and fall into the snow.

'' gotta go anne. love you too. Bye'' louis says rushing over to me and helping me up. '' you okay? god your soaked, just wait here for a second'' he says and moves his truck out of the pile of snow.

''Here'' he says handing me some clothes and i just look at him and he rolls his eyes and strips me down to nothing and quickly dresses me. '' come on lets warm you up'' he says and we get into the truck.

(Louis' p.o.v)

After i clean all the snow we put the heat on and harry is wrapped in 2 blankets but hes still shivvering like crazy and anne told us to rest and drive in the morning. '' Come here'' i say and he just stares at me '' harry please, i know im not your biggest fan, but your cold and still shaken up, just...please'' i say.

He unwraps himslef and crawls over to me and i lay against my door and he lays inbeteen my legsresting his head on my chest. I grab the blankets and wrap them around us.

I rub his arms and his back and his arms trying to warm him up as much as i can. I turn the heat down to make sure we dont run out of gas.

I pull harry closer to me and i run my fingers through his hair and i feel that his ears are cold. I pull off my beanie and place it on his head and kiss his head as well.

'' dont worry harry, you're okay.....i got you'' i whisper to him and lay my head against his and make sure the door is locked. i close my eyes and go to sleep never letting go of harry the whole night.

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