Supernatural Love Triangle

By Isharkwriting

446 63 19

~COMPLETED~ Mike the werewolf and Jace the vampire are best friends, but are both in love with Katie, a wicke... More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:

Chapter 5:

24 2 0
By Isharkwriting

"Hey" says Mike looking at Katie through the mirror.

"Hi" says Katie turning to face Mike.

"We have the next class together" says Mike pointing at his schedule.

"Aw, sweet. What class?" Asks Katie.

"English" says Mike sighing.

"Great, my fav" says Katie rolling her eyes.

"Ha! Let's go" says Mike walking towards the English classroom.

Katie and Mike walk to the English classroom and take there seats next to each other at the back of the room.
"This is boring" Katie thinks to herself.

"Hey there's a new natural at the school" Katie whispers over to Mike.

"Really?" Whispers Mike surprised.

"Yeah, her name is Ashley and she's one of me" whispers Katie.
"Oh really, interesting" whispers Mike.
Katie and Mike walk out of the English classroom and head to the lunch room.

"Are you excited on hearing what the new class' will be?" Asks Mike

"Yeah. Are you?" Asks Katie looking at Mike.

"Yeah" says Mike

Katie and Mike walk into the lunch room and see Jace waving them over to their usual spot. Katie and Mike walk over to Jace.

"Where's Ashley?" Asks Katie sitting down.

"She's grabbing our food" says Jace pointing to the line of people at the food counter.

"Our?" Asks Mike with and eye brow raised and a smirk.

"It's not like that" says Jace crossing his arms.

Ashley comes running over with her and Jace's food.

"Hey guys!!! I got your food, Jace" says Ashley handing Jace his food.

"Hi" says Katie.

"Hey" says Mike.

"Mike can you go get me some fries?" Asks Katie handing Mike a 5 dollar bill.

"Sure" says Mike taking the money and walking over to join the line for food.
After a little, Mike comes back with food for him and Katie.

"So you guys hear about the new class'" Asks Jace taking a bite of his hamburger.

"Yeah, they were on the announcements. Everyone heard it" Says Mike with his mouth full.

"Don't eat with your mouth full it's gross!" Says Ashley throwing her napkin at Mike.

"Hey!" Says Mike swallowing, fixing his hair.

Katie and Jace roll their eyes. Then the PA system goes off causing the lunch room to go quiet.

"Hello again students. This is your principal speaking." Says the principal over the PA system "Like I said earlier today, I will be telling you all, what the new class' are".

The lunch room started to fill with whispers.

"The first class will be......witchcraft class, for anyone wanting to try it out" says the principal.

Katie and Ashley look at each other and smile with excitement.

"And the second class will be.....werewolf class, for anyone wanting to become a werewolf" says the principal "Anyone wanting to swap some class' will have to come to the office before the end of lunch".

The PA system clicks and the lunchroom returns to the normal volume.

"I can't wait!" Katie and Ashley say together.

"Nether can I" says Mike smiling.

"There's no vampire class" says Jace with his head down.

"That's because no one wants to suck blood" says Katie laughing.

They all laugh and continue eating.

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