The Dark World (book 2)

By the_a_initiative

33.1K 1.4K 990

ONGOING (book #2) Tessa Stark has defeated S.H.I.E.L.D. after their attempt to murder her. She's left everyo... More

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By the_a_initiative

I just got back from Lake of the Ozarks with my volleyball team ! We didnt do very well, but I dont think it matters. I got to spend time with so many amazing people, that I didn't care how we did with volleyball :)

I hope you guys are having a good summer too.

QOTC: Would you rather watch a football match at a football field or a movie in a theater?

It depends on the football team/movie playing. I mean, I love football games soooooo much, but I also love movies and if its like a movie I really wanna see...

Its a hard decision but Id have to choose football match

What about you guys?

* * * * *

"I HEARD YOURS AND ODIN'S fight earlier." I told Thor as we approached a table.

"Did you ever fight with Layla about things like this?"

"Are you asking if our fights depended on the lives on billions of souls? Then no, we never fought about things like this."

Thor huffed before taking a seat, plopping down as I sat on his right.

I slid into the seat, waiting in the comfortable silence. I invisible hear the metallic sound of metal on metal as people dueled below the window.

"I can't believe they took her prisoner," I said.

"I can. It's my father, and it's what he thinks is best. If only he knew how wrong he was, and if only he could see where I'm seeing things..." Thor trailed off.

"I understand. Almost every teenger on earth has that problem. Nothing is ever this...important on earth though."

"He's not logically thinking!"

"He's, like you said, just doing what he thinks is best. He might know it's not your first pick of how to handle this, but it is safer."

Thor gave me a look.


"Anyways, I would like to know how you heard mine and my father's conversation. And why you decided to listen in."

My lips grew into a thin line.

"I, uh... well, I was originally following Odin around, because I thought it'd be funny, and you know, I can turn invisible and whatnot, and then Fandral comes and says that he needs to come to this meeting or something. In the middle of it, you come in and everybody leaves, but you started talking about my mother, so I listened in..."

"Well, from now on, I would like to ask you if you wouldn't listen in,"

"Oh, okay, um...absolutely, but I-I don't understand something. I didn't know that she helped with the first war with the Dark Elves and Malekith. All I know is that she like tried to take over the universe or something so the former Allfathers used up whatever was left of their power to keep her in Natenheim up until now?"

"No one told you?" He asked.

I thought for a moment.

"I guess Odin 'forgot' to tell me."

"Your mother and her army helped my grandfather to keep the Dark Elves from returning here for thousands of years. I- GAH!" Thor exclaimed, clutching his head before squeezing his eyes shut.


I looked around frantically to see if anyone was there to be using a spell or something to cause Thor this pain he's currently in.

No one looked out of place, or I guess, somewhere they didn't fit in.

"I-I don't know if my powers can heal you or not! What can I do?!"

Thor had his hands over his ears and was slightly rocking, and I could hear his teeth grinding together.

I reached for his head (hoping for the better) and held him in place.

I could feel the pressure being removed from his shoulders as I held him still.

He lightly slumped in his seat, his shoulders hunched forward.

"Thank you," he murmured before pulling away from my hands and resting his head on his hands that were propped up on the table by his elbows.

"I don't know what that was," he exclaimed breathlessly.

"I'm so sorry I didn't think of doing that sooner," I apologized.

"I'm just happy you did it at all. And do not worry about it, you're still learning your powers. It seems like you can do almost anything, really. It's truly unfair."

I smiled.

I heard footsteps coming our way and Thor looked up from his hands on the table.

Heimdall strode to the table, holding his hand across the fire on his way.

"You're not at Odin's war council," Thor noticed.

Heimdall reached for his helmet and took it off, setting it down on the table as he sat.

"The BiFrost is closed by your father's orders. No one is to come or to go."

Thor nodded.

"We face an enemy that is invisible even to me. What use is a guardian such as that?" Heimdall sounded defeated as he stared out the paneless window.

"Malekith will return, you know this," Thor mentioned.

Heimdall puckered his lips as he nodded, looking at Thor.

Thor leaned in as he looked around for anyone suspicious.

He glanced at me before nodding to the right, and I slightly leaned into the conversation.

"I need your help."

"I cannot overrule my King's wishes. Not even for you,"

"I'm not asking you to. The realms need their Allfather strong and unchallenged, whether he is or not. But he is blinded, Heimdall. By hatred and by grief,"

Heimdall looked at Thor sadly.

"As are we all."

"I see clearly enough." Thor shot back.

"The risks are too great," Heimdall whispered, not even flinching.

"Everything we do from here on out is a risk. There is no other way."

I looked between the two of them.

I agree with Thor. There is no smart way of getting out of this one.

A silence passed through the small circle, and then Heimdall nodded.

"What do you require of me?" Heimdall murmured.

Thor and I looked excitingly as each other, before turning back to Heimdall.

* * *

I was sent to go find Sif.

Let me rephrase that, I was sent to go find Sif.

Heimdall would retrieve Volstagg, and Thor would get Fandral.

I awkwardly entered the small, rock-walled arena where many duos dueled and practiced fighting.

It wasn't hard to find Sif, considering she was beating everyone's butts.

I quickly approached her before tapping her on the shoulder.

Surprisingly, she heard my tap her armor.

She swirled around and saw that it was me. "What do you want?" She asked annoyingly.

"I was sent to find you. We need to go do something very important. Right now."

"Well, I'm busy, so you best be on your wa-"

As she was turning around I quickly reached out to grab her shoulder.

I held her back enough that I could still see her face.

And she looked PISSED.

"It has to do with Thor..."

"Doesn't everything with you?"

"...Excuse me?..."

"You're always following him around like a little puppy, and its saddening."

"I didn't come here to fight. I'm doing him a favor. He needs you, and he would do the same for you, so let's go."

She rolled her eyes before putting her sword in its holter around her waist.

As we walked, I discreetly stuck my finger on her armor and thought about where I wanted to go, since I didn't know where we were going and how to get there.

In less than a secons we were standing before Thor, Heimdall, Volstagg, and Fandral.

Sif gave me a look.

"Don't you ever think you're just allowed to do that."

I quickly nodded.

"Yes ma'am,"

Thor smiled before opening his arms, gesturing to the seats around the table.

It was silent as everyone took a seat.

"What I am about to ask you, is treason of the highest order. Success will bring us exile and failure shall mean our death. Malekith knew the Aether was here, he can sense its power. If we do nothing, he will come for it again, but this time they lay waste to all of Asgard. We must move Jane off-world."

"The BiFrost has been shut down and the Tesseract locked away in the vault."

"There are other paths off Asgard. Ways known only to a few-"

"One, actually." Thor interrupted.

My eyes widened.

Sif looked nervously at Fandral as he clapped his hands together.

Volstagg looked a little shocked.


"He will betray you," Fandral stated.

"He will try," Thor affirmed.

"Well what then? Your lovely mortal is being guarded by a legion of Eirhenjar who will see you coming from miles away."

"That's why I won't be the one who comes for her," Thor said, looking at Sif.

She tilted her head in amazement.

"And what of the Allfather?" Sif asked.

"It is my sworn duty to notify him of crimes against the throne," Heimdall said.

* * *

Thor made me wait a few cells down as he talked with Loki.

I decided to give them some time together, and also because I didn't want to see how Loki's cell looked after the guard told him about Frigga's death.

I decided to stay invisible, since Thor wasn't here with me and also because the prisoners' glared would've most likely made me very nervous and impatient.

On the bright side though, I get to hug Loki...?

That's something.

And I know is only been a few days and all but, I mean, better than seeing him through the stupid wall.

My eyes traveled to all of the prisoners in the surrounding cells.

They all looked so lonely, although they had cellmates.

It didn't look fun, but the cells were nicer than the ones in Natenheim when Loki and I were thrown in the dungeons for literally no reason.

"Tessa!" I heard my name and I instantly bolted to Loki's cell.

Thor looked at me as I become visible and took a quick glance to Loki, who cleaned himself up with his illusions.

"I will give you two a minute," he murmured before walking away.

My arms instantly shot up and around Loki's neck the same time he reached for my waist.

I squeezed as tightly as I could, trying to enjoy the moment as I closed my eyes and pretended that there wasn't a dozen prisoners watching our little reunion.

"We have to go. They might start yelling that I'm out of my cell." Loki murmured in my ear before letting go of me.

I followed after him, becoming invisible once again.

Loki illusioned himself to look like a guard as we both walked alongside Thor.

As soon as we made it up the stairs and into the actual castle part, I was in color once more, and Loki became his usual self again.

"This is so unlike you, brother. So clandestine. Are you sure you wouldn't rather just punch your way out?" Loki teased.

"You keep speaking I just might."

I laughed a little.

"Fine, as you wish. I'm not even here."

I saw a bright light flash before Loki became a guard again.

"Is this better?" He asked in a different voice.

Thor looked him up and down before glancing at me and raising his eyebrows for a second.

"It's better company for us, at least."

"Still," Loki slightly groaned. "we could be less conspicuous."

A bright light happened again and I looked over to see that Thor looked like Sif.

I puckered my lips to keep a smile from coming onto my face.

"Mmm, brother. You look ravishing."

I widened my eyes before gaping a little and looking at Loki.

He thinks Sif is...cute?!


"What?" He asked innocently.

"It will hurt no less when I kill you in this form." Thor's voice spoke from Sif's body.

I let out a loud laugh as Loki started talking again.

"Very well. Perhaps you'd prefer one of your new companions, given that you seem to like them so much."

I was chuckling as the light flashed again, and I amusingly looked over to see Loki.

Or should I say Steve.

My heart fell into my stomach, and I became a little light headed.

"Oh, this is much better,"

His voice...

"Ooh. The costume's a bit much-"

I cut off my hearing.

I couldn't listen to his voice.

I'd want to go home if I did.

Where even is home for me?

Earth? With Tony and Steve and all of them?

Or with Loki on Asgard, or maybe even Loki with my mother on Natenheim?

"God bless Americ-" Loki was cut off as Thor pushed him against the wall, his hand over Loki's mouth.

I looked to see that there was two guards walking a few hundred feet from us.

I quickly followed in Thor's footsteps, and stayed out of vision for the guards.

"You could at least furnish me with a weapon. My dagger...-something!" Loki looked at Thor as we all three watched the guards pass.

Thor gave him an annoyed look as Loki was smugly standing there, waiting.

Thor glared as he reached behind his cloak to grab something.

"At last," Loki smiled widely. "A little common sense..." he trailed off as he lifted his hands, which were bound in a pair of handcuffs.

"And I thought you liked tricks?" Thor chuckled as he strode away.

Loki and I followed.

He nudged me a little.

"What are you doing? Help me take these off!" He tried to switch illusions, but the handcuffs were still there.

"I think it looks fine," I shrugged.

Thor stopped in the middle of a lit hallway, and started pacing.

"What are we waiting on?" Loki asked.

"Tessa, do not take those off of him." Thor told me.

I looked between to two of them before nodding.

Loki gaped at me.

He looked at Thor before turning back to me.


I heard a pair of footsteos approaching and I looked down the hallway to see Jane and Sif approaching us; Jane was putting on her jacket over her Asgardian dress.

"You're-!" Jane started, quickening up her face as she pointed at Loki.

He glanced at me.

"I'm Loki, you may have heard of me-e!"

Jane swung at Loki's jaw.

Sif's face made me want to crack up.

Thor just flinched a little.

"That was for New York!" Jane huffed, pulling hair out of her face.

"I like her," Loki smiled.

I scrunched up my nose.


* * *

Unknown P.O.V.

I meant to do that.

* * * * *

Hey guys !

So Ozarks is over :(((((( it was so much fun, and i made a lot of friends

I hope you guys enjoyed this update, I think this was a very quick chapter and update and I wrote it all in one go so Im hoping nothing is messed up.

Anyways, I will see you guys in the next chapter !! The action is finally about to begin !!!

WRITTEN: 07-22-16


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-gray xx

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