Still My Idiots // One Direct...

By uncontrollablyuncool

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The Summer of 2016 is the Summer that will change One Direction's lives forever. Mica is a normal seventeen-y... More

Still My Idiots // One Direction.
Chapter One - You Never Called
Chapter Two - Flirtation
Chapter Three - Vivid Pictures
Chapter Five - Movie Date
Chapter Six - Birthday
Chapter Seven - Parties and Sorrow
Chapter Eight - Sick and in Love
Chapter Nine - Shitfaced
Chapter Ten - Blank
Chapter Eleven - Insomniac's Secrets
Chapter Twelve - Gone [Final Chapter]
Bonus Chapter: After.

Chapter Four - Kiss In The Rain

4.7K 208 38
By uncontrollablyuncool


"Yes? ...No, she didn't... No." I was about to say something, but I was too tired so I let myself wake up more first before speaking to the other voice.

I could hear Harry talking to someone on the phone, though I didn't know why he had to do it in my room.

"Yes." Just as I was about to say something, Harry spoke again. "No, Mr. Adams.... Why? ...Would she usually sneak out, or something?" I stayed quiet, deciding to try and listen in.

"She what!? ...Is that why you called us? Because she keeps causing trouble?" My heart began to beat faster and faster in my chest. Harry knows, and he wasn't supposed to know. He would probably hate me now.

"Oh... thank you for letting me know, Mr. Adams... I'll make sure she stays out of trouble," Harry said, before ending the phone call. I heard him set it down on something wooden, maybe my bed side table, before I felt the bed dip. "Mica," his voice whispered, "wake up."

I groaned, rolling over slowly before stretching my arms over my head, faking an awakening. "Mornin' Harry."

"Mica, can I ask you something?" Shit. Here it comes.

"Ehm... sure," I croaked, refraining from looking him in the eye.

"You got caught with drugs?" he asked, a little more calm than I expected. I looked up at him, and his stare was soft; worried, even.

"Um... a couple of times, yeah," I said, looking down at my hands after crossing my legs. Harry's eyes widened, and the soft look disappeared. 

"A couple of times?" he gushed, shocked. "And it wasn't just drugs... was it? You had beer, you were in jail, you got into fights!" He began to freak out a little more now, his eyes wide and brows raised as he stared down at me.

"Harry, please don't do this," I said, putting my hand over his. He quickly pulled his hand away, glaring at me.

"What happened to you, Mica? What happened to the little girl who loved boxing, and the worst thing she'd do is swear? What happened?" he asked, looking quite sad now.

"She broke, Harry! She needed her father, she needed someone, and nobody was ever there. So, she was forced to grow up too fast," I sighed, fiddling with my fingers after my outburst.

"...Mica," he simply said. I didn't want to look up at him. I didn't want to see his disappointed face. I didn't want that.

"Mica. Look at me," he growled, making me look up. My head wasn't even fully up yet when I felt his lips press into mine.

I didn't kiss back. I sat there, not knowing what to do as Harry kissed me. Once he realized I wasn't kissing back, he pulled away.

We sat and stared awkwardly at each other for a moment before he got up and turned towards the door, walking out without another word.

I sat there in shock. Why didn't I kiss back? I should have kissed back. Things would be so awkward for us now and it's my fault. I wish I kissed him back.

I heard my door open and looked up, expecting to see Harry, but it was Niall. "What's up with Harry?" he asked.

I sighed and fell back onto my bed, groaning out. "What did he do?"

"Nothing, he went to his room, got changed, then left." Niall walked over and sat on my bed. I sat up and sighed. "What happened?"

"He... um... Harry kissed me," I muttered, looking down for a minute to wait for his answer, but it didn't come.

I looked up to see Niall with widened eyes and his jaw dropped. My eyebrows furrowed together as I stared at him. 

"He finally did it?" Niall asked, still wide eyed. I looked at him weirdly, confusion splashing on my face now.

"Finally?" I asked, sitting up properly as I glared at Niall. "What do you mean, finally?"

"What?" Niall looked at me confused. "Fin- Oh, nothing. He- nothing." Without another word, Niall got up and ran down out of my room, leaving me sat on my bed in pure confusion and annoyance with myself and Niall's vague-ness.

I got up from my bed and walked out of my room, walking down the stairs and into the living room.

Liam and Zayn were lying down on the couch, wrapped around each other. Zayn's eyes were still red rimmed and his cheeks were tear stained and flushed pink. He had probably been crying again.

I sighed as I walked past them and into the kitchen. Niall was sat at the table, reading a newspaper. When he saw me, he pulled the paper over his face, trying to be slick about it but purely failing. I looked over at Louis who stood at the toaster. "Did you try calling him?"

"Who?" Louis asked, turning and looked at me weirdly.

"Harry. Did you try and call Harry?" I asked again, sitting at the counter.

"No point, his phone is there," he said, pointing to the island. I looked down and there was his iPhone placed in front of me. I sighed.

"I think I'm going to go and look for him," I said as I began to head to my room to get changed.

"Your dad said you're not allowed out on your own, Mica. And it's raining, so I don't fancy going with you," Louis told me. I turned back to him, then looked out the window behind him and, sure enough, it was pouring. "Harry's fine, Mica, he'll be back in a bit. He does this."

Louis was right; Harry does do this. He gets flustered, or angry, or embarrassed, so he leaves. But he always comes back.

"Oh, um, fine. I'm just going to my room," I said. Louis nodded and turned around, focusing back on the toaster. When I was sure he wasn't looking, I quietly walked back over to the counter and grabbed Harry's phone before bolting up the stairs.

I went into my room, locking the door behind me. I stood, leaning against my door as I looked around my room quickly.

I walked over to my closet, looking in it before pulling out a plain pair of black jeans, a black hoodie and black shoes, choosing the all black to not stick out like a sore thumb. I changed into the clothes as quickly as I could before I grabbed Harry's phone, slipping it into my pocket. 

I turned to my window and sighed before walking over to it and opening it. I looked out at the wet and rainy day. Harry was out there somewhere.

I didn't like the fact that Harry was out there, without a bodyguard. Without anyone at all, actually. That frightened me. 

I climbed out of the window and into the cold, wet outside.  My room wasn't high, so I jumped down and landed on my feet on the slippy, wet grass, almost falling but quickly regaining my balance. I began to walk.


"Niall, can you bring Mica up some dinner?" I asked as I handed him the plate of pizza. He hesitantly took it.

"Um, can't you do it?" he asked, looking up at me. I glared at him before taking it from him and walking away.

"Lazy shit," I muttered as I walked up the stairs. I marched to the end of the hall where Mica's room was and knocked. "Mica! I have your dinner!" 

No answer.

"Mica!" I said louder, banging on her door with the side of my fist. Still no answer.

I put my hand on the handle and attempted to open her door, but it was locked. I began to jiggle the handle, but nothing. "Mica! Open this door!" I shouted.

"Louis!" I heard a loud shout from behind me. I spun around quickly, seeing a pissed looking Liam. "What are you shouting about, mate?"

"Mica won't open her damn door," I sighed, turning and looking at the locked door again. Liam came up and stood next to me, staring at the door with me.

"Is she asleep?" he asked. I shrugged and shook my head.

"I would've waken her up," I sighed again, setting the plate down on the ground. We both stood there and stared at her door for a while, not knowing what to do.

"Did she go out?" Liam asked. I thought for a minute. She wanted to go after Harry, but I told her no because of the rain and she's not allowed out alone.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath. I turned around and ran down the stairs, Liam following close behind me.

"Louis! Where is she?!" Liam asked as we got to the bottom of the stairs. I grabbed my rain coat from the hook, also grabbing her's as well.

"I don't know, but she shouldn't be out," I said, before telling him I'll be back later and running out the door.


I exhaled as my teeth chattered together, rubbing my hands up and down my hoodie clad, cold arms. I was regretting not bringing my coat. Actually, I was regretting coming out in general. I was lost.

The rain fell heavily onto my head. I groaned, walking forward, even though I didn't know where exactly I was going. The mist and fog blocked my sight.

"Harry?!" I shouted out, hoping he'd come around the next corner. It was getting really late, and I hated him being out late and alone.

"Harry?!" I shouted out once again, coughing afterwards. I took a breath, looking at my surroundings. It was dark and foggy and I couldn't see anything anymore.

I sat down, not knowing where I was or where I was even sat, but sat anyway. I hugged myself, getting colder and wetter by the second as rain poured on to my damp body. There was know point in moving, decided, as I could just be walking further from home.

I sighed, looking around. "Harry!" I screamed as loud as I could. "Harry, come back!" 

I heard a beep. A car beep. But when I looked around, I couldn't see car lights. I tried to stand up, but slipped on something and ended up falling back onto my bum. The beeping came closer.

I stood up, brushing the dirt and wet off my the back of my pants. I looked around and sighed out loud.

Suddenly, I felt someone jump into me. I was pushed away from where I was and landed on my back, about a meter from where I was standing, but with someone on top of me.

"Umf," I groaned, opening my eyes and looking up to see Harry looking down at me. He was breathing heavily--as if he'd been running--his minty breath hitting my face. 

"Why were you sitting on the road?" he whispered, a small smirk playing on his lips. I giggled, looking to the side.

"I didn't know," I said, turning my head to look back up at him, but his face was closer than before so our noses were pressed together.

"I'm glad you're alright," he whispered, smiling. His eyes were glued to mine, not looking away for a second, and I did the same.

"I'm glad you're alright too," I whispered, smiling as well. Harry smirked, moving back a little. He looked down at my lips, his eyes fluttering between them and my own eyes before he pressed his lips against mine. It was a warm, loving kiss. Also my first kiss in the rain.

And this time, I kissed back. I smiled into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. He cupped my cheeks with his cold hands, holding me closer.

He pulled away, leaning his forehead against mine and smiling. I couldn't help but smile back. 

"Harry?" I whispered, looking down at his lips again before back up at him.


"Please don't run off again," I said with a sad frown. Harry grinned, lifting his head up and pecking my nose before pressing his head to mine again.

"Please don't deny my lips again," he chuckled. I grinned as I stared into his eyes. In the mist, his green eyes looked gorgeous. They were clear, and the color was easy to see. His eyes weren't just green, there was a tint of blue splashed in them as well. His eyes were beautiful.

"I promise I won't," I whispered.

"I promise I won't run off," he started, "but the rain is getting heavy, we should head home." 

Harry stood up, stretching his hand out for me. I grabbed it and allowed him to yank me up, pulling me into his chest. "I don't have a coat," he whispered.

"Me neither," I said back, "let's run home."

"C'mon." Harry grabbed my hand, pulling me down the street. I couldn't see with all the mist, and I didn't know if Harry could either. But he seemed to know where we were going.

Once we got back, we ran in the door, panting. Harry shut the door behind us and kicked his shoes off, running up the stairs and mumbling something about getting changed.

I sighed, toeing off my shoes and squelching as I walked into the living room where Louis sat, a grin on his face as he looked up at me. "You weren't supposed to go out," he mumbled, still smiling.

"I'm so sorry, Louis," I said, walking towards him. Louis held his hand up.

"Don't worry about it, seeing you and Harry like that cheered me up." My eyes widend as I stared at him. He shook his head, chuckling and waving me off.

I turned around casually and walked up the stairs, leaving the conversation as it was. I walked down the hall to my bedroom where my door was open a crack. I peaked in, seeing Harry bent down and looking through his suit case, in his underwear.

My giggle is what made Harry turn around and look at me; he chuckled when he saw me there. I walked in, my head down and smiling as I walked over to my closet. "You going to bed?"

"Yeah, I'm tired," he said, just as he yawned. I nodded, deciding I'd head to bed as well. I grabbed some pajama shorts and a T-shirt, heading to the bathroom.

After I was changed and had my wet hair tied back, I walked out of my bathroom to see Harry lying in bed. He turned and smirked, getting up and walking over. I giggled as he picked me up and threw me onto my bed, climbing over me. He leaned down ans kissed my nose, making me grin as he rolled off me and laid next to me.

I climbed under the covers and cuddled into his side. Harry wrapped an arm around me, holding me close and kissing my head.

"Goodnight Mica," he whispered.

"Goodnight Harry."

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