love Me Till the End

By bookslover16

169K 1.7K 191

Summer's ending, and with it, the school season starts for Alycia Summers. She's hoping it's going to be a go... More

love me till the end (student/teacher)
Food fight!
He's HOTT!!!
The Smirk
Detention Mr. E's POV
That was close
Secrets revealed
First Kiss
Car trouble and new neighbors
let's just pretend
Wait, What?
The date
What a Surprise
Don't Go
To Fight or Not to Fight?
This is Awkward...
Just my Imagination
Come back home
Unneeded Jealousy
Intervention part I
Intervention part II
Almost Halloween
Yes, Date
Christmas Already?
New Year, and a New Start
Birthday Jitters
A Good Time
The Truth Comes Out
you really did it this time
What do I do now?
What can I do now?
That Note
On My Way
Breakout? Maybe not...
It's Done
Love is Amazing
not an update
Story update

Take a Break

3.1K 31 0
By bookslover16

Picture of Sam on the side...Yum! :P comment please and maybe even vote...can you see it? the button only want's to be pressed...:P :)


I walked into the school on Monday, with only one purpose on my mind. Talking to Sven. I wanted to know what was going on, because I had a sneaking suspicion that he wasn't telling me something. I heard the bell ring for first class. I had Sven. "I guess I'll catch him right after class," I thought grimly.


"Okay, and that's all for today. I assigned you that homework, and I expect it to be done by tomorrow's class Ben." I looked over to see Ben smiling sheepishly. I shook my head. He so doesn't like this class. Mostly because of the homework.

I stayed until all the other students were gone, and I walked up to Sven. I felt rather than saw a slight change with him. He didn't smile as easy, and his shoulders were hunched, like he was stressed.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly, as I went behind him to massage his tense shoulders. I felt him freeze beneath my touch, then relax.

"I'm just a little stressed, nothing bad." He said. I dug my thumbs into one of his muscles, and me groaned.

"That hurt." He protested.

"No pain, no gain," I said, luckily I have a free period now, and he didn't have a class. But I locked the door, just in case.

"So, I'm wondering about something," I started to say. He turned around, facing me.

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked. I swallowed.

"Is there anything different, you know, that I should know? Because lately, you've been kind of distant..." I trailed off. A look of guilt flashed across his face so quick that I wasn't even sure it was there in the first place. I shifted uneasily.

"I know this probably isn't the best situation we could be in, but I you, and I want to make this work. So tell me what I can do different." I pleaded. I almost said I love him! How silly would that be. I shook my head. I just really really like him. I think.

"I know, me too. But I was thinking. It's been a month since we started seeing each other...and I was wondering if we could take a break? You know, like us getting sorted out, and making sure this is what we really wanted. I still want to see you, but I want to be safe. I don't want anything coming between us. I was thinking we should be more careful..." He said, and I tried to listen, but I jut couldn't.

A break? Does that mean that he didn't want to see me anymore? But he said he still wants to see me...I don't know anymore! I know I want to still be with him, heck, I think I might even love him, not that I would tell him that yet. But maybe this is a good idea. Give us some breathing room, time to think and everything to calm down. Yeah.

I nodded.

"I think that's a good idea. We should take a break. But i'm letting you know right now, I still want to be with you. I just think spending some time away from each other will make us more cautious." I lied. In my head I was thinking. "I still want you, don't leave me!" But I couldn't scream that out in the middle of school. So I just smiled and nodded.

He smiled, and pulled me in for a hug. I was just pulling back when I heard a knock on the door.

"Mr.Eriksson? Are you here?" I widened my eyes. It was Ms.Jenny. I looked at him. He shook his head, saying with his eyes that even though we're taking a break, that he wouldn't do anything. I smiled, and walked out of the room.


Classes seemed to go by so slow, now that I had something on my mind. I coudn't stop thinking about Sven, and that one weird phone call. Could that be the reason why he said we should take a break?

I shook my head. I have to trust him more than that. He wouldn't do anything like that to hurt me. I hope.

I hit my head on my desk, and Chantal leaned over, dropping a note on my desk.

"Why so down? Lose something?" It said. I smiled, knowing how close to the truth she was. I wish I could tell her about me and Sven, but i can't risk anyone knowing. I quickly wrote back.

"No, I'm just tired." I hated lying to her. I put my head back down on the desk, closing my eyes. I already missed him.


After lunch, I had a big surprise. Not a good one.


I was in biology when the teacher said something that screwed up my whole mood. 5 words is all it took.

"We have a new student." I raised my head from the desk to see one person I didn't want to see.

"Guys, this is Sam. Say hi to Sam." I heard muttered greetings, but I only stared at him. He smiled and walked over to me.

"I found my class buddy." He crowed, and the teacher smiled. I only scowled at him.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed at him. (Fore people who are confused, Sam was the waiter at Sven and Aly's date. The one from the gang :)

"Going to school." He replied, smirking.

"Yeah, but why here?" I said. He shook his head.

"Huh, and here I was, thinking you would be a nice person." I was aware we were still whispering, but Chantal was trying to listen in on our conversation. I sighed, turning to her.

"Chantal, this is Sam. Sam, Chantal. I know him outside of school." I said, only half guilty of lying to her. He smiled and flipped her hair over her shoulder, trying to be flirty. I rolled my eyes at her.

Hey, I'm Alycia's friend. Wanna go out sometime?" She asked directly. I looked out of the corner of my eye at Sam. Sure, he is good-looking, but not as good as Sven. But I guess I'm a little biased.

"Sure. When did you want to? Here, I'll give you my number." He wrote his number down, and passed it to Chantal. She smiled at him, and took it it.

"I'll put it in my phone. How about this Wednesday? I'm free for a movie if you want." Sam said, flirting with her. She smiled.

"Sure. Sounds great." She tried to not show how excited she really was. I rolled my eyes again. She is such a slut. In a good way, I guess.


"Hey buddy, what class do you have next?" Sam said, throwing his arm around me. I shrugged it off, walking out the door.

"Gym, and stay away from me. I don't need you screwing up my life anymore than I can do myself." I mentally smacked myself. He raised an eyebrow.

"What is wrong with your life? Any relationship problems?" He questioned. I scowled at him.

"No, and even if there was, I wouldn't be telling you." I stomped away to go change for gym.

As soon as I got to the changing rooms, I smacked myself. Gym is taught by Sven!


I walked out of the changing rooms, looking around for Sven. I spotted him standing by the bleachers in the gym, talking to a couple guys on the football team. I felt an arm go around me, and I looked to see Sam smirking at me. I looked back to Sven to see him staring at me. No, not me, the guy who currently had his arm around me. I pulled away, letting his arm fall down. I turned to him.

"Will you stop touching me?" I hissed, glaring at him. "Don't you know anything about personal boundaries?" I said. He just smirked and walked towards Sven, who was still staring at him. I jogged to catch up with him.

"Mr. Eriksson, this is Sam. He's student." I said through clenched teeth, because Sam kept trying to put his arm around me, while I kept on moving away. Sven looked at him, eyes hard.

"Well, is nice too meet you, I hope you have a great year." He said, his voice strained, and I knew he just wanted to haul back and punch him square in the face. I shook my head a tiny bit at Sven, and he relaxed.

"Well, we are going to be doing dodge ball for this period. I will assign teams. Sam, since you here, you will be on Ben's team, and Alycia, you will be on Kyle's team." I sighed, thanking him for not putting Sam on my team. He told other people whose teams they were on, and we started playing.


"Ow!" I cried as a dodge ball hit me in the side of my head. Don't get me wrong, I'm a good player, but my head wasn't in the game. Correction, it was very much in the same.

I sighed as I was hit with yet another ball from Jake. I looked over to glare at him, and he just smiled and waved back at me.

"You really aren't having a good day." Sven remarked as I came to sit by him.

"Yeah, that probably has something to do with the new kid." I muttered loud enough for him to hear.

He chuckled dryly, without humor.

"Yeah, I don't know what he's up to," He whispered to me.

I saw Sam throw a ball, and hit Tommy, and he came over, pouting. I just realized I still had a ball in my hand, and I grinned. I slowly stood my and walked over to where Sam was picking up a ball. I took careful aim, and I threw the ball as hard as I could. It hit his butt with a smack, and he fell over. I laughed at the look on his face when he got up. He looked over to me, and smirked.

"Couldn't wait to smack my ass, could you?" He shouted so everyone could hear. I turned red as everyone started laughing at me. I turned and went to sit down, but Sam grabbed my arm.

"Awww, don't feel bad. If I wasn't me, I would want to slap me any day." He cockily said. I smiled at him.

"Can I smack you again?" I said, lowering my lashes. He frowned, then grinned.

"Sure," He said, turning around. I pulled my arm back, and slapped him across the face. He put his hand up to his cheek, his mouth making a surprised "oh" shape. I drew close to him, and whispered in his ear.

"Now I feel better. Leave me alone." I said, stepping back and going and sitting beside Tommy. I glanced at Sven, and he was smirking.


I grabbed my stuff and hurried out to my car. I didn't want to see him again today.

"Aly, wait up!" I heard Sam shout after me. I ignored him, and got into my car.

I pulled out, and looked in my rear-view mirror. Sam was just standing there, staring after my car. I smirked.


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