Broken | Dan and Phil Fanfict...

By seedyb

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Dan had lived a normal life. No good friends and no big problems but all this changes when he meets Phil. Phi... More

I can't
I'm an Idiot
Love is Confusing
99 Problems
What the hell
God Help Me
What Was I Thinking
Im coming home
Phone calls
Back at it
Livin on The High
Pool Beer
Old habits
This is the end
Still Broken


222 11 2
By seedyb

-Dan's POV-

Phil kinda scared me. The way he talked so lightly about drugs. I grew up being taught that drugs weren't really even an option. The difference between me and Phil's lifestyle was so different and scared me.
About five minutes later, people really started showing up. People that were already drunk, were showing up. Zoë had a big house, and I still wasn't sure that everybody was going to fit inside. Even though there were tons of people, I could really only hear the music. Every body was calm and collected and fine until, I kid you not, some shirtless drunk guy came running through the front door screaming
"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!" And then, I kid you not again, some other kid ran over to the speakers and turned the sound up all the fucking way and then all hell broke loose. People started flinging beer bottles, and trash, and themselves across the room and screaming and dancing and throwing their clothes off. I thought this shit only happened in movies. I was in the kitchen with Phil, Zoë, Meghan and a couple other calm people and we started to all back up and avoid the madness that was going on. All except Phil. He literally ran out in the middle of the craziness and started dancing and shouting and being crazy with the two bottles in his hand.
"Should I like get him..?" I mouthed to Meghan because it wad too loud and because I honestly didn't know how to function at party.
"What?!" She screamed
I waved her off because I didn't feel like scratching my throat up trying to yell at her.
The kitchen soon started to become crowded as more party people filed in and that's when Zoë decided to tell people they could go upstairs. The extra floor hardly helped though, because as people would go upstairs, more people would come through the front door. The kitchen did start to dwindle down again and I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Meghan there and she quickly mouthed something like
"Go have fun."
And then not so casually pushed me into the crowd of sweaty drunk people. I started to panic because I literally felt hands all over me. People were dancing and grinding on the closest person they could find and occasionally that happened to be me. I figured while I was out in the area I might as well try and find Phil but I couldn't spot him over everybody else jumping and flying around everywhere. It was hella hot down here and claustrophobic and it smelled like alcohol and sweat and I wanted out. I somehow managed to push my way through enough people to get to the stairs and decided I should go up there to see what's going on.
The upstairs had a big open game room area with a bathroom off to one side and a hallway with several doors down it. The game room had a ping pong table, which of course, they were playing beer pong on. There was also a large stereo upstairs that was blasting music, but it wasn't even good music. The first door I passed was wide open and smoke was blowing out in huge amounts. I didn't even need to look into the room because I could smell the weed from down stairs. The second door was closed, but when I walked by it, I heard really loud moaning and I decided I should continue walking. Then next two doors were open and at the end of the hall. The one on the left just has people sitting in there talking. I turned my head to the right and was greeted with just a bunch of people like making out. I'm not even joking, there was probably ten couples in there just going at it. Some were just like soft kisses and then there were these two people on the bed that were like hardcore grinding and kissing and I did not want to see that. I turned and started walking away, but I heard somebody call my name. I unhappily turned back around to see Travis standing in the doorway of the make out room. Travis was a "friend" from school. We weren't super close but we've known each other since kindergarten and we're like the only decent people at our school.
"I didn't know you were a party guy Dan."

"Trust me, I'm not."
About this time, I saw Travis's girlfriend come up behind him. She looked slightly drunk and was trying to pull him back over into a corner to continue kissing.
"Well it was nice seeing you, but my girlfriend is drunk, and you know how that is. So I'm gonna go back over here. Why don't you go find you a girl downstairs or something."

"I'll think about it. Have fun Travis."
I was about to turn to go again when I heard a familiar sound. It took me a moment to realize what it was, but I finally figured it out. It was moaning. But not just any moaning. It sounded exactly like the moaning of Phil. Which made me laugh because I though it was funny that somebody else would sound exactly like Phil. But it almost worried me that maybe Phil was in that room. I dismissed the thought before scanning the room one more time. I stopped and looked bad at the people on the bed because one of them had jet black hair. It was okay though, because lots of people have black hair. I stared at them for a couple more seconds before realizing that the Phil moaning sounds, were coming from the kid with jet black hair. That was on the bed practically humping some girl. For maybe half a second, the black hair flew out of his face, and I could tell. I could tell just from that one look that it was Phil. And that was also possibly the moment that my heart shattered into a million pieces. When I say a million pieces, I literally mean a million pieces. It felt like my chest was caving in. It was almost the same feeling as when I saw him with Meghan. I didn't even know I liked Phil this much, but I guess you find out when you see them making out with another person. It was honestly getting hard for me to breath so I started clawing at my chest. That got the attention of a couple of people and some girl who screamed really loudly because she was drunk. The screaming just made it worse and also got the attention of everybody else in the room. One of those happened to be Phil who quickly got up and staggered over to me.
"You don't look very well."

"Get away from me."
I pushed him away and jogged down the hall and to the bathroom. Once I got in the bathroom, I closed the door and started trying to breath. I splashed water in my face and drank some of it.
I have no idea what just happened to me. I'm honestly considering that it was a heart attack. Maybe it was like an anxiety attack. I've never had one before but I've heard they can be bad. About that time I heard the bathroom door creak open and I saw Phil walk up behind me in the mirror.
"What do you want?"

"I don't know. You looked like you were having trouble breathing back in there."
Phil was really close to me and I could smell the alcohol seeping out of his mouth.
"How much have you had?"

"Not that much. Only like four beers. I'm not drunk, if that's what your asking. So, are you okay?"
He was slurring slightly but he still seemed pretty conscious.
"Yeah, I think I'm okay."

"Good, because that girl in there is so boring and honestly no fun. So I kinda need you back there."

"Are you kidding me?"


"You were just making out and grinding against some girl and then you leave her and come in here and ask to make out and grind against me. What did you really think I was going to say? Yes?"

"I was hoping you would."

"You are so freaking ridiculous and every time we make up, you go off and blow it again by making out with random people and doing stupid stuff. I'm sorry, but you're going to have to go back to that boring girl, because I'm not staying here."
I was so pissed at him that I didn't even care what he had to say. Maybe I was over reacting but I didn't care. I just walked out of the bathroom and back down the stairs. Since I was pissed I didn't really care about other people dancing down there, I just pushed them out of the way so I could get to the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and I guess I looked pissed because Meghan looked at me in a weird way. Maybe I should just stop caring about everything. It would be easier. Maybe I should just throw away my life and get addicted to heroine, I've heard that's fun. But maybe I should start smaller.
"I need a beer."

Sorry it's been forever please don't kill me and this is a shitty chapter. I just feel like my chapters lately have been really bad and boring and bleh. Anyways in other news, I just realized that this is the 37th part and maybe I should consider doing a second book. Any thoughts on that? Or suggestions? I just think it would be better to have multiple books instead of one long ass book cause that kinda where I'm headed right now. So yeah gimme yo thoughts.
Vote and freaking comment. I love talking to yall and nobody ever comments. Like yes I'm talking to those 20 people who read my last book and didn't leave a single comment. 

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