Jesse Pinkman Imagines

miss_jesse_pinkman tarafından

229K 2.7K 494

super self explanatory (-; these are some of the ideas I have of what our little junkie would act like in day... Daha Fazla

jesse when...
jesse when...
i take requests!
a deal like no other
jesse when...
jesse when...
jesse when...
jesse when...
jesse when...
jesse when...
jesse when...
chinese takeout
jesse when...
jesse when...
jesse when...
jesse when...
jesse when...
jesse when...
jesse when...
jesse when...
jesse when...
jesse when...
jesse when...
jesse when...
jesse when...
my valentine
jesse when...
forbidden love
jesse when...
jesse when...
jesse when...
jesse when...
what jane would've wanted
jesse when...

my hero

4.4K 41 4
miss_jesse_pinkman tarafından

This is for
I know this has been a long time comin, I hope you enjoy (:
(p.s. this gif has absolutely nothing to do with the story, I just thought it was

Helen's POV:

I looked down the long, dark, narrow street. It was a street out of a movie, one flickering light, creating an eerie feeling.

I checked my phone for any new messages.

Come alone. Cash only.

I texted back


Where is he?

I put my hands in my jacket pockets and walked over to a rusty bench under the lamp.

Suddenly, I heard a noise by the trash cans. Bottles breaking.

I stood up. "Jack?"


"Jac-?" I was immediately cut off my a hand violently covering my mouth from behind me.

"Anyone follow you?" The voice questioned through gritted teeth.

"Uh uh." I muttered through his hand.

His grip got tighter as his free hand held the back of my neck

"Show me the money, girl."

I fiddled around in my pocket, trying not to cry. This is exactly what I wanted to avoid.

I felt the paper.

I quickly ripped it out of my pocket and handed it to Jack.

"Nhowh hhandh meee huh hrughs!" I muttered.

"I can't hear ya sweet pea, don't mumble." His voice cut sharp.

I rolled my eyes, trying to get his grip off of me.

He chuckled, letting me go. He slightly shoved me and I lost balance.

I looked up at who I was dealing with.

Tall, 23 ish, black hair, scruffy facial hair. Typical dealer.

"Cough it up." I said, as he counted his money.

"Sugar plum, what did I tell you about mumbling?" He snickered.

"Give me my shit!" I yelled. This guy was really dragging it out.

With no warning, he slapped me across the face, leaving me with a burning sensation on my cheek.

"You will NOT speak to me that way, little girl!" He yelled at me.

I held back tears. I couldn't show I was scared.

"A deal is a deal, Jack. $500 for 5 grams." I looked him in the eye.

He made a fake pondering face and scratched his chin.

"Hmmm. Ya know, now that I think about it, it doesn't seem real fair. You want your shit, I need somethin else in return."

I lifted an eyebrow as he flashed me a sinister smile.

A raindrop fell on my nose.

Great, I hate rain.

"What more do you want?" I asked, sounding desperate.

Jack shoved me down, the concrete was hard. He kicked my side, making me wince.

"I want to fuck you until you learn your place, mutt." He got down on his knees and grabbed my hair.

"When you're screaming my name and begging me for forgiveness..." He pulled and I cried. I couldn't take it. I felt defenseless.

He punched me, I tasted the the blood falling down.

He ripped my shirt off and kicked me again and again.

"Then, and only then, I will consider giving you your 5 grams." He laughed, kicking me while I was down.

The rain fall mixed with my blood and my tears and I felt like a piece of meat.

"Ayyo fuck face!"

The kicking stopped. Who was that?

Jack turned his head around, looking at the stranger.

"Leave the chick alone!" The voice right hooked Jack, instantly knocking him out.

The man knelt down beside me.

"You okay?" He asked me.

His voice sounded like velvet.

All I could do was whimper. There was a lump in my throat and I couldn't speak.

It was dark out and raining hard, I couldn't see who it was.

"Fuck me." He sounded annoyed.

He picked me up, my face on his back and my butt on his shoulders.

I attempted to ask him to put me down, but I was too tired.

I guess he heard me, "Shhh. You've had a rough night, tiger."


I woke up on a soft couch in a small room. The smell of weed filled the air.

"You're up." The boy said, he plopped on the end of the couch.

He lifted my feet and placed them on his lap.

I sat up on my elbows and a shooting feeling crept up my body.

"No, no, no. Lay back down." He said, concerned.

Now that it was light I could finally make out his face.

Brownish hair, light blue eyes, sharp jawline. He looked familiar.

He looked kind.

He was, I mean he saved me.

"You got pretty fucked up last night."

I rolled my eyes.

"Please stop being so eager to talk!" He laughed sarcastically.

"It's all good, you don't have to talk to me if you don't want to. I basically kidnapped you."

His eyes were intense

I looked down at my body. He bandaged my wounds and changed my clothes.

"Oh yeah, you were bleeding pretty bad, so I uh, patched ya up." He leaned back, looking me up and down.

"Take a picture it lasts longer." I said. My voice was a little scratchy.

He chuckled. "Fiery, just like you was in high school. Shit, H, nothing's changed."

So I did know him...

"Scuse me?" I asked. Who was he?

"Yo, I wouldn't expect you to remember me. I only asked you out like 30 times."

Light bulb.

"Jesse Pinkman?" I laughed.

"Bingo, princess."

A bunch of memories began to flood my brain.

Freshman year, asking me to homecoming, I said no. Sophomore year, putting a secret admirers note in my locker, me ignoring it.

Junior year, asking me to prom with roses, I laughed at him. Senior year trying to hold my hand in chemistry, I punched his arm.

I was a bitch

"I'm so sorry, Jesse. I never apologized for how mean I was to you." I looked at him with sad eyes.

He was messing with his fingers. "Yo, it's whateva. That shit's behind me. I don't give a fuck." He gazed at me.

"Obviously you care. You wouldn't have brought it up. Or saved me from Jack." I smiled

Jesse stood up, my feet falling back on the couch. He looked anxious

"No, no. I ain't no hero. Aight? I was walkin down the street and saw some shady shit. That's all."

I smiled even harder. He couldn't admit he was good.

"Jesse! You knocked out that drug dealer and took me to your house. You fixed me and lent me your clothes!"

"I wasn't just gonna leave you there without a shirt on, I mean shit, your boobs were hangin out, any dude coulda walked right up and -"

"Hey! The point is, you're a good person. You're a hero and you saved me. Thank you."

He turned around and tried to hide his blushing face.

"Why were you talkin to Jack anyway?" He asked, leaning up against the bar in his kitchen.

I sat up on the couch and played with blanket


"If ya wanted weed, just go to a medicinal marijuana store, yo. I mean you're of age, it's not like you were gonna get in trouble."

" I...uhh...I wasn't buying weed." I began twisting my long, brown hair.


I loved how my voice sounded coming from him

"I was buying meth okay." I looked down.

Jesse's face got serious.

"Babe, you can't fuck with crystal, yo. That shits no joke. Don't ever use it. Understand me? Promise me you won't ever buy that again!"

"I promise, I won't."

He walked over to me and bent down.

"Why would you buy that? I never took you as the drug type."

I started to tear up

"My ex. Hasn't exactly treated me right..." I sniffed. Jesse was really easy to talk to.

"Andy? He was dick in high school, I never understood why you liked him so much."

That made me laugh. "Yeah, well. I made a lot of mistakes in high school."

He smiled. "Yo, normally I wouldn't say this, but drugs aren't the answer. You don't wanna end up like me."

I giggled and looked around his house.

Broken bongs and cd players

He leaned in to me closer

"What are you exactly?" I flirted.

"A washed up drug dealer who eats funions and masturbates."

Awww he was so self-deprecating.

"That's hot." I bit my lip.

His eyes scanned my face.

"So are you."

He smushed his lips against mine and I reciprocated.

I grabbed his beanie and took it off of him as he played with my hair.

He stood up and took off his oversized shirt and got on top of me.

He kissed my neck, sending chills up my body. I dug into his back.

He helped me take my shirt off and kissed my cleavage, then my tummy and made his way down to my shorts.

I looked at him fiddling with the button and laughed.

"Jesse..." I couldn't stop giggling.

"Hold up, I got it doll." He was breathing heavily.

Jesse finally unbuttoned my shorts and slid them off.

He kissed my heat.

My tummy was full of so many butterflies

"Just for the record..." He said as he slipped off my panties.

"This is waayyy better than junior prom."

I laughed harder than I should have.

Okumaya devam et

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