my valentine

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this ones for excellentbecca

Becca POV

"I think it's so silly how people make a big deal out of Valentines Day." I said.

Jesse and I were walking downtown, holding hands. It was February 13th.

He looked down at me. "I think it's kinda cute."

I laughed.

"You of all people would I expect to think Valentine's Day is cute. It's just a made up holiday made by Hallmark to make money."

We continued walking through all the little shops and diners on 56th street.

We passed a window display decorated in hearts and chocolates. Jesse stood next to it.

"You mean you don't find this chubby little bear romantic at all?" He made an adorable little face and I laughed.

"No, it's so cliche! I mean what do you do with that bear after Valentine's Day? It serves no purpose!" I continued to giggle and Jesse laced his hand back into mine.

I didn't expect him to be acting like this. He's such a hardcore guy, I mean he has a soft spot for me, meth, and Funions, but I never pictured him as the guy that went all out on Valentine's Day.

"Besides we both agreed not to get each other anything." I reminded him.

His raspy voice spoke back, "Yeah but we all know I don't play by the rules." His smirk made chills go up my arms.

Oh no.


I woke up the next morning at 11, half expecting nothing to happen and half expecting Jesse in front of me with a big chocolate heart.

He wasn't there.

Okay, this is odd. I almost feel let down. I don't want anything for Valentine's Day, but with all that talk about it last night, I got a little excited.

Okay, whatever, he's probably at work.

I walked down stairs and went to the kitchen for breakfast. Or I guess lunch. Don't judge, I like to sleep in.

I saw something on the table and my heart skipped a beat.

A single rose and card written with terrible handwriting. That's my boy.

Hey baby,
I'm a little busy with work today, so I can't do all of the romantic cliches I wanted to do with you. But I have a little game for you. I've hidden some gifts for you all around Albuquerque. If you find them all, you get the final surprise. Good luck honey.


First clue: I'm in the kitchen on something hot

Holy shit. I can't believe he's doing this for me. What a cutie.

Well, the first clue was obvious. The stove.

I took off the top of a pan and there were blueberry pancakes, eggs cut in the shape of a heart, and toast.

As I started to eat, my phone rang.


"Yo, Becca are you up yet?"

I laughed. "Yeah, what's up Badger?"

I heard skinny Pete in the back murmuring.

"Uh, yeah, sweet. Okay so ya boy Jesse wanted me to tell you your second clue. Alright here I go. He says, 'in your closet you'll find and dress and shoes, put them on and go outside.' "

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