jesse when...

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The movie starts at the drive in

You were thinking about the oldest and only drive- in in Albuquerque. It was one of those cute vintage ones from the 50's.

Albuquerque never shut it down because for some reason teens loved it more than regular movie theaters.

Anyone who was anyone went there. That's why you dragged Jesse to the ABQ Drive In on Friday night.

You were both in his little red car and were on your way there.

"I don't know, (Y/N), doesn't this seem a little cheesy?" Jesse asked you, turning down the radio.

He had one hand on the wheel and the other was rubbing his forehead.

"It'll be fun, J. You like movies." You convinced him.

"Yeah, I do. I just don't know how I feel about everyone watching us make out." He chuckled.

You rolled your eyes. "Are you kidding me? You're like the king of bragging. You love showing me off." You gave his shoulder a little shove.

"That may be true, sweetheart. But maybe sometimes I want a little privacy." He stopped at a red light and grabbed a smoke from the console.

He handed you the lighter and you leaned over to light the end of it for him.

He breathed in and started the car again. The smoke came out of his nose and you laughed.

"Jesse The Dragon." You laughed at him, knowing he would smile.

"Jesse The Dragon wants to keep his princess locked in the tower for no other princes to steal." He told you staring the street down. He was very sexy when he drove, something about his hands and his body movements.

"Baby, don't worry. It'll be just us and the popcorn." You kissed his cheek.

You finally made it to the drive in and you watched Jesse in frustration looking for a spot.

"All these assholes won't move out of the way! Hey, yo! Tryna find a spot to watch the damn movie! If ya leavin, back the hell out!" He honked the horn as the other cars fought back.

You couldn't stop giggling. You were about to step out of the car towards the snack shop when Jesse locked the door.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" His voice got deep and raspy. You were turned on.

"Is there an issue, here, Pinkman?" You raised an eyebrow and smirked, loving flirting with him.

"Don't play hard to get, darling. It's a bad habit." He leaned in to you and couldn't wipe the smile off of his face.

You smiled as well, but didn't let him kiss you yet by putting your fingers up to his lips.

Jesse's face was full of pure bliss and yearning. "Fuck, I want you so bad. Let me have you already, baby!" He was anxious.

"Shhh, the movie's starting." You stuck your tongue out before Jesse put his arm around you and set his head on your shoulders.

"Don't be selfish, now. Jesse doesn't like selfish girls." He kissed your cheek and then your neck and slowly made his way down to your cleavage.

"You're talking in the 3rd person?" You laughed again holding his head as he dug his face into your chest.

"Sexy?" He asked, his voice tickling your skin.

You held his chin and made him look up at you, his smile getting bigger.

"Very." You kissed him and the car chair fell back, Jesse on top of you.

Guess you weren't going to watch that movie.

Jesse Pinkman ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now