
By jamadoria

374K 12.9K 701

Callie MacLeod escapes a clan gathering in an attempt to run away from an arranged marriage by her Uncle Hami... More

Wedding night


21.7K 763 94
By jamadoria

A party of unannounced and well-armed Highlander warriors on horseback arrived at the Campbell castle gate a month later. One of the wall guards came to announce them to Alex, as he sat in his solar talking with Malcolm. "Laird, there's a large party of warriors out front requesting entrance to the keep. They wear McLeod colours and one of them is claiming he's kin to our Mistress."

Alex nodded thoughtfully. "What is his name?"

"Andrew, my laird."

Callie was heavily pregnant, well into her eight month. Alex had finally gotten her to relax about it only in recent weeks. She had been constantly worried about losing this babe. She was also cleaning every corner of the keep and changing the order of things. Glenna did say the nesting period would ease once Callie thought she had everything in order. Now, Alex shook his head, unsure if he'd want her to know about this unexpected party of supposed McLeod warriors before he got a chance to interview them. He thought a moment before asking his uncle who was sat next to him. "Where is my wife at present?"

"Resting." Malcolm said. "Glenna said she was feeling tired earlier in the day and bade her to nap before we supped."

"Show this Andrew and his men into the keep." Alex ordered tersely. "Warn them that all of them must be come unarmed into the keep. Ensure that is the case for all of his men at arms."

"Yes, Laird." The guard answered immediately.

"We'll meet them in the front hall." Alex added thoughtfully, glancing over at Malcolm. "What are you thinking?"

His uncle replied with a sigh. "I would hate for their arrival to upset your Callie in her delicate condition."

"That's my worry as well." Alex confided. He watched as the young man led the group of warriors into his keep. He was sat in the Laird's chair with his muscular arms leaning forward noticing the men were lean in build and smaller in size than his own men. It could be a sign they had experienced a rough winter. Malcolm was standing beside him, watching all of them with trepidation.

The young man bowed elegantly. "Thank ye for welcoming me and my men into your home, Laird Campbell. I'm Andrew, oldest son of the acting laird of clan McLeod. Douglas who was younger brother to Callie's own father, Ross. We only heard in recent weeks that she was here. It's rumoured that her arrival to your clan was under duress. Naturally, we want to see for ourselves that she's well and in good hands. My father tried for years to get her back home where she belongs after we heard of her parents' deaths, but her uncle simply wouldn't hear of it."

"She belongs here with me. I'm her husband and laird of this clan. Ken this, the only duress she ever suffered was being kidnapped by her uncle Hamish's men after she fled his fucking keep!" Alex snapped in a moment of anger remembering the condition he found Callie during her ordeal, then he made a concentrated effort to calm himself. "I'll let her tell ye how she came to be here in her own words. I will assure you Callie is in good hands here, as they're mine. She is verra much loved and admired by everyone in our clan. I can't help but wonder if my wife would even recognise you given how wee she was the last time she saw anyone from her father's clan."

With clear disappointment on his handsome face, Andrew shook his head. "I'm not sure she will either, my lord. It is my most fervent hope that she might. We were but bairns when we last saw each other."

Alex glanced knowingly at Malcolm, then back at Andrew. "I need to ken something you have done that Callie would know about. I'm willing to mention it to her and give ye a chance. I'm sure ye understand my reluctance to upset my wife."

"Yes, actually I do." Andrew withdrew a small, wooden horse out of his sporran and handed it to Alex. "Callie gave this to me when I was a wee lad. I hope she'll remember it."

"And does it have a name?" Alex asked.

"Laoghan." Andrew smiled. "She thought it first a calf not a horse. The name stuck."

"My wife is now heavy with expecting our first child. I won't brook anyone upsetting her." Alex said tersely, as he stood up. "Is that understood?"

Andrew said solemnly. "Aye, I understand completely."

Alex nodded once. "Ye must ken that ye won't be taking her anywhere. Her home is here with me and our clan."

Andrew didn't answer him, so Alex left the room with the wooden toy clutched in his hand. He sprinted up the curved, stone staircase and nodded hello to the guard on duty outside of their chambers, stopping to ask the young soldier if his wife was alone in their bedchamber. After Ewan confirmed it, Alex quietly opened and shut the door behind him. Callie was sleeping on her side, one slim hand protectively holding her large, pregnant belly over the Campbell plaid that covered her. Her belly seemed to have doubled in size the past few months. He knew she must be feeling miserable, but Callie had never complained, too happy to be given a second chance at motherhood. He smiled when seeing her asleep under one of his plaids instead of furs. Alex hated to wake her up, aware that she often slept better during the day than she did at night since becoming pregnant. He smoothed a few hairs away from her face, leaning down to kiss her gently. Callie stirred, half-asleep and yet managing a sweet, contented smile. "Alex..."

He laughed softly. "How do ye always ken when it's me?"

"Nobody else kisses me."

Alex muttered. "They better bloody not."

"Dinna fret. I wouldna let them."


"Anyway, they don't smell as good as ye do." Teasing him, Callie's eyes slowly opened to ask him. "What're ye doing here? Not that I'm unhappy to see you. I thought ye had plans to discuss rebuilding some cottages for a few of the tenants with Malcolm."

"Aye, we did, but something more urgent came up." He nodded, then showed her the toy. "Do ye ken..."

"Laoghan!" She yelled before he even got a chance to finish his question, snatching it from his hand and staring at it in amazement. "Where on earth did this come from?"

Instead of answering her question, Alex asked quietly. "What can you tell me about it?"

"My uncle Douglas made it for me when I was a wee lassie. Then, I gave it to one of my cousins before the gathering."

"Who was the cousin, my love?" Alex asked mildly, putting his hand over hers.

"Andrew." Her large eyes went wide with fright. "Why? Alex, now ye're scaring me. What's going on?"

"It's all right, Callie." His deep voice dropped to a soothing tone. "Dinna fash, love. But, a man downstairs is claiming to be your cousin."

"I see." She looked terrified, a hand going to her belly.

"It's okay, love. Nothing will happen ye dinna want." Alex tightened his hand over hers in a protective gesture. "Say the word and I'll send them all packing. Your home is here with me. I've already made that point verra clear to him."

"That's all I want." Callie gave him a quick kiss. Her brow crinkled in memory. "Alex, if he's truly Andrew, then he'll have a scar shaped like a moon on his upper left thigh from a stick after he jumped in a burn on a dare. The healer had to pull it out. He howled loud like a wean. It's odd, isn't it? I remember like it was yesterday."

"That's braw, love." He kissed her briefly. "I'll be with ye the entire time."

Nodding at the comfort only his solid presence could bring her, Callie smiled. "Then, it'll be all right."

Alex helped her up and assisted her in getting dressed, then led her downstairs into his solar. All of the men stood upon seeing her enter the room. Malcolm winked at her and flashed a doting, fatherly smile. She kept one hand on Alex's arm and her other one resting on her pregnant belly. She turned to face Andrew, her eyes wary as she searched his face for signs of recognition. Alex introduced her to the stranger. "Callie, this man claims to be your cousin."

Relieved to see her looking well, Andrew smiled at her. "It's me, Andrew!"

She bit her lip, shaking her head no. "I canna be sure. It's been too long. I'm sorry."

Alex hugged her closely to his side. "My wife said if you had a certain scar, then she'd ken if you're Andrew."

He thought for a minute, then nodded slowly. "Aye, but I dinna think she'd want to see it here and now."

"Why not?" Malcolm asked briskly.

"It's in a rather private location."

"Where exactly?" Alex pressed him, scowling.

"The inside of my left thigh." Andrew added before he motioned. "Like this."

He hiked up his kilt high to expose his left thigh, showing the scar shaped precisely like a crescent moon without exposing his more private parts to the room. Alex looked to Callie who smiled back at him, nodding. She quietly asked the man standing opposite her. "Do ye still cry like a wean when you're hurt, Andy?"

"Not since you left our keep and dinna return." He said earnestly with a sincere smile. "Callie, it's good to see you looking so well. We heard ye were abducted from Hamish's keep and then brought here against your will, lass. My da has worried all this time for your safety."

"I wasna treated well by Hamish, so I ran from his keep with the intent to come home. Moira and Davis rode with me, but we got lost on our journey and ended up on Alex's lands." Her voice caught with emotion. "A party of MacGregors attacked us, killing them both. Alex and his men heard our cries for help. They saved my life and we married soon after. No long after, Hamish sent some of Murray's men to kidnap me."

"I'm so verra sorry. We tried to get you back for years. Hamish just wouldn't hear of it." Andrew replied.

"That's not the worst of it." Her tears now fell unchecked. She wiped them absentmindedly, leaning more heavily on Alex. She smiled warmly at her husband before facing her cousin. "The kidnapping caused the loss of our first babe before it was born. Alex got help from some nearby lairds and their men to rescue me. Andrew, I owe him my life and I love him so verra much. He's made me happier than I ever dreamed could be possible."

"I'm verra sorry for your loss, Callie." Andrew apologized, looking at Alex. "Hamish must be spreading these lies! Laird Campbell, if it's all right, I'd like a word with ye in private."

"Alex, please. You're part of my wife's family, so that makes you part of mine." Alex answered before looking over at Callie, still holding onto his waist.

She nodded in agreement. He noticed how fatigued she looked as she spoke, though she still managed to melt him with her smile. "I'll go and see how Glenna is faring."

"Thanks, love." He kissed her brow. "I'll come when I'm done and we can all sup together."

"I'd like that." She sighed, a hand at her belly, and then smiled at her cousin. "Andrew, it's braw to see ye after all these years."

When she left the men, she shut the door to the solar to see Glenna, asking if she needed any help since there'd be guests for the evening meal. Glenna had shooed her from the kitchens, ordering Callie to go sit down somewhere and put her feet up. Given that she was experiencing another pain across her back, Callie didn't argue with her aunt by marriage this time.

"I dinna want Callie to hear this, but ye should ken it as her husband." Andrew swore colourfully before he continued relaying the gossip. "The rumour we heard was that Callie's been made your whore! My da was livid, as ye can well understand. The trauma of Hamish getting away with her parents' murders was bad enough for my da and then add him trying to get Callie home for years. Well, his nerves are shot. I feared his heart would give out when we first heard the sad tale from a tinker named Robbie MacDonald. I dinna ken where he had got it. It's why I came here unannounced."

"Bloody Hamish, I'll kill him with my bare hands!" Alex was curling both hands into fists, looking to Malcolm. "We should've gone after him after the kidnapping like I wanted!"

"Ye couldn't have left Callie's side in her condition and ye ken it." Malcolm said. "I'd say we eat and then think on it. If ye want to attack him, then we need to plan."

They moved from the solar into the main corridor leading to the great room. It did not escape Andrew's attention how Alex asked the first servant if she'd seen Callie, looking pleased to hear she was resting again. They saw her curled up in his big chair next to the hearth in the great hall. Her small, swollen feet were up on a small footstool and her head leaned over to one side. She was dozing fitfully. He watched, as Alex moved quietly to kneel next to her.

"Callie, love." He said, gently touching her cheek. "Ye look worn out. Are ye ready for bed? I can have someone bring ye a tray."

Her eyes fluttered open at hearing his deep, soothing voice. "Alex, it's okay. I dinna feel well, but I want to be here for Andrew's first dinner."

Alex's brow furrowed. "What is it?"

She sighed, shifting to find a comfortable position, as another sharp pain struck her. "My back has been paining me."

Standing behind them, Malcolm asked. "Since when, Callie? Is it often?"

"Nay, it comes and goes. It's been like this since I woke this morn." She grimaced, letting out a hiss of a breath, as another pain struck.

"Fetch Glenna and the healer." His uncle, Malcolm, said rapidly to a girl nearby. "Tell them it's time. Now."

The girl picked up her skirts and ran directly towards the kitchens. Callie shook her head no in reply. "Nay, Malcolm! Glenna is frightfully busy. Ye needn't bother her."

Malcolm smiled knowingly. "Alex, it's time to take your wife upstairs."

"Aye, ye heard me offer it, but she wants to eat down here." Alex answered, as though it was obvious.

Glenna rushed in. "So, Callie, are ye ready to have this babe?"

"What?" Callie and Alex said in unison, twin expressions of shock etched on their faces.

Glenna frowned then, looking over at Malcolm. "Mary told me ye said Callie's babe is coming!"

Another pain gripped Callie, making her quietly moan. Her eyes flew up to meet Alex. "Nay, it canna be. It isna time. It's far too early. Alex!"

"It's all right. We'll manage it." Alex spoke soothingly to her in reply.

Malcolm looked smugly at Glenna who rolled her yes at him before saying. "Callie, clearly your wee babe has a mind of its own. It's proving to be a Campbell by coming at its own time. Let's go on upstairs."

Callie stood, then sat right back down again, as pain gripped her. "Ye must be joking!"

"Everything will be okay, love." Alex easily swept her up into his arms, kissing her brow.

"Nay, Alex!" Callie shook her head, her arms encircling his neck. "It's too soon!"

"I know, love, but ye aren't alone. We'll get through it together." Alex whispered, then turning to look at Andrew. "Ye have my sincerest apologies for missing your first meal here, Andrew. Ye and your men are most welcome at our table."

Bowing slightly, Andrew smiled. "Ye have your hands full, I ken it. God speed to ye both."

Callie moaned in pain while Alex carried her hurriedly up the stairs. He held her close to his chest, feeling short of breath himself with every hitch of hers. Alex hurried up the stairs and got her inside their chamber with Glenna and the healer on their heels. Glenna offered Callie help to get out of her dress and then ordered Alex to get out of the room. "Go now, Alex! We'll call for ye later."

"Nay, Alex! Don't go." Callie pleaded, not letting go of his arm. "Please stay. I need ye here."

He nodded in reply. "All right, love. I won't leave."

She clutched her belly. "Argh..."

Glenna commanded. "Deep breaths, Callie."

Callie shook her head. "Nay, I canna."

"Aye, mo ghraidh, ye can do it." Alex put his arm around her waist, wiping the sweat gently from her brow. "I'm going to tell ye a secret now. Ye are the bravest lass I've ever met."

"What if I'm nay good at it?" She asked him.

"The babe is coming. Ye are doing braw, my love. Just take each pain as it comes." Alex replied, putting a damp cloth Glenna handed him to Callie's brow. "Everything will be okay."

She slapped weakly at his leg, as a strong pain hit. "I mean being a mam!"

Laughing, Alex hugged her. "We'll muddle through it together, I promise."

"But, ye've raised siblings, Alex! I've not even held a babe."

"Have ye seen how the twins turned out?" He snorted with laughter. "Lucky for me that ye fancied having one with me."

"Look at ye." She bit her lip, smiling in spite of the pain coursing through her body again. "How could I not?"

"Just breathe, love." He nodded, as she tightened her grip on his hand. "Ye are doing so well."

"I want to walk." She bit out the words, her eyes pleading with him.

Alex glanced worriedly at his aunt who shrugged her shoulders. "It wilna hurt her, Alex. This part can take awhile."

He nodded in understanding, offering his arms to Callie and helping her out of the bed. She smiled at him, reaching up to kiss his jaw. They walked small laps around their chamber. They would pause if a pain hit with Callie keeping her arms locked around Alex's waist, as she rode it out. It felt like hours should have passed, but Alex convinced her to sit again after an hour passed, this time in his chair. She gripped his hand so tightly that it tingled with loss of blood flow, making him appreciate the strength she needed for the birthing of their bairn. As the pains began to come closer together and grow stronger in nature, Glenna said again that he should leave, as it would get messy, but Alex refused to go. He had promised Callie that he'd stay with her for the birth and he meant to keep that vow to her.

"Ye can go if ye want." Callie offered him the chance later in the evening. "Go and see Andrew, get something to eat and take a drink with him. It's taking forever."

"Nay, sweeting." Alex answered, bringing her hand to kiss it. "Ye asked me to stay, didn't ye? I'm not leaving."

She smiled at that. "Well, I dinna exactly start this journey alone, eh?"

He wiped her brow off again with a cool, damp cloth, smiling widely. "Nay, ye dinna."

Evening eventually turned into night, as the hours ticked by. On the latest pain, it felt like Callie had nearly broken his hand. After Callie finally settled on the bed when she grew tired of walking circles in their chamber, Glenna checked to see how the babe was doing. She smiled at them, as she spoke words of encouragement. "Ye are doing so well, Callie. I can see the wean's head now. It's full of dark hair! On the next pain, just push as hard as ye can. Alex, help her to sit up a bit."

Callie frowned, as he helped her into the position. "I'm so tired."

"I know, sweetness. It wilna be long now, love." Alex soothed, moving hair out of her face. "Ye are doing beautifully."

"I dinna want to do this again." Callie swore aloud when the next pain hit.

"Every lass says the same when it's her time, but it'll pass." Glenna laughed, ordering. "Push now, Callie!"

"Aye, that's the way of it, love!" Alex helped Callie to sit forward. She leaned her head back tiredly against his chest when it passed.

"Next one, Callie. Make it as big as ye can and your wean will be here!" Glenna smiled. Callie nodded in reply, grabbing Alex's hands on both sides of her when the pain hit. "There we go!"

Alex watched in fascination, as their baby made its way squalling into the world. The healer called out. "It's a lad! Well done, Mistress Callie."

The baby cried loudly, letting them know he wasn't thrilled to be out of his warm cocoon. The healer cleaned him, then dried and swaddled him. She handed him to Alex who brought him next to his wife. Callie leaned back on Alex to look at their newborn son. She wore a happy, tired smile on her face. "A braw lad just like I told ye that he would be."

Alex kissed her, feeling moisture wet his eyes, as he nodded. "Aye, so ye did."

A few minutes passed, then Callie sat up suddenly in a grimace. Her voice was tight and laced with panic. "Glenna, I've another pain!"

"Do ye, lass?" Glenna looked from the healer to Callie, knowing it was highly unusual but not saying anything for fear of alarming the young couple.

The healer felt Callie's belly, then examined her. A surprised look covered her face, as Moira asked her. "Mistress Callie, do ye feel the need to push again?"

"Aye!" Callie shouted as she bore down, gripping Alex's forearm, since as he held the babe in his other arm.

"What's going on?!" Alex asked them, his brow etching with worry for his wife.

"She has another wean coming!" Moira replied. "I can see the head."

"What?" Callie groaned aloud. She shook her head in denial. "Nay, ye canna be serious. I canna do it again. I'm too tired."

"I know." Alex encouraged her. "A wee bit longer, love. Then, ye'll rest, I swear it."

"Come on, Callie." Glenna said, taking the baby from Alex to free his hands to help his wife sit up again. "That's it! Push now!"

Callie did as she was bid, tightening her fierce hold on Alex's hands as she tried to push again. Moira said in encouragement. "That's it, Mistress Callie!"

The second baby made its way into the world giving a loud, lusty cry making Alex feel doubly in awe of Callie, as Glenna said happily. "Oh my Lord! Look, it's another wee lad!"

Callie gave a tired but happy smile to her husband, accepting the hearty kiss Alex offered her. She teased him. "I should've done a wager with ye!"

He nodded, beaming with delight. "Next time."

She leaned back on his chest. "Ha ha! Very funny."

Glenna and Moira helped to clean her and the second baby boy, as Alex left to tell Malcolm and the rest of the clan about the twins. He accepted a few toasts before returning upstairs to find Callie holding her own celebratory glass of ale. Glenna explained it to them that it would help her milk to flow and feed their newborn sons.

"I'll take it." Callie smiled sleepily.

"I love ye so much, lass." He kissed her, as they held the boys together. "Ye truly are a wonder. Two at once! I canna believe it. I'm so proud of ye."

She giggled as he kissed her again. "Ye taste like whisky, Alex. Are ye a wee bit drunk?"

"Nay! I only had one glass. Maybe two. One for each wee laddie." He shook his head no, kissing her again. "Just verra happy!"

"Alex, what shall we do for names?" She smiled, then sobered. "We said Ian for your brother, but it was before there were two!"

"Didna ye say your father's name was James?"

She nodded, smiling. "Aye, he was known by his second name, Ross, since his da was James, too."

"I like the idea of naming one for your side, as well."

"Then, can we agree on Ian Malcolm and Alexander James?" He looked at her, his eyes going a bit misty and unable to reply as she shyly smiled. "I'd also like them to be named for two living men I admire most in my new family as well."

"If it pleases ye." He whispered, leaning over to kiss her.

She nodded, her eyes full of happy tears as she smiled. "Aye, ye do. So verra much."

"I love you."

Callie grinned. "I just proved that I love you more."

His bellowing laugh shook the rafters of the room, making her smile before she drifted off to sleep.

To be continued...

Thank you so very much for taking time to read this story! It's the first one I've ever written and it feels not unlike having a child. You nurture it to send it out into the world and hope it does well.

I'm currently writing the sequel, Phoebe, after a recent trip to Scotland:

Please enjoy my other stories in the meantime!

Best wishes, Jam 💕

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