Justin Bieber Short Stories

By musicjournaljdb

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These are Justin Bieber short stories. More

Justin Bieber Short Stories
Never Let You Go
A Sweet Gesture
The News (Part 1)
The News (Part 2)
Will You Be My Girlfriend?
My Christmas Love
New Year's

Not A Player Anymore

2.8K 40 5
By musicjournaljdb

Anne’s P.O.V

As I shut the door of my locker and take my books for my next class I walk through the hallway. I smile at people who are giving a smile and saying hi.

“Anne would you like to come on the dance with me” I hear a voice saying my name. I turn around and then there is  the guy on t.v. There is a complete shock  and silence. I’m totally shocked and surprised.People near are staring at the t.v screen and then at me. He then disappears from the t.v and comes infront of me with a rose in his hand and says “Anne would you please with me to the dance. I really like you”.

I breathe in and say”I’m sorry Justin but no”. “Oh” was all Justin said

I can’t believe I just said No to him. He is a good friend and I like him too but I can’t take a risk. Like c’mon he is a player and how do you expect me to like him? Ofcourse he is going to break my heart.

Justin’s P.O.V

“So what did she say? Is that a yes?” Nick asks me. “Um no” I reply sadly. “Oh man that’s fine” Nick says. “She thinks I’m a player. What do I do?” I say to Nick. “Dude prove her that ain’t a player. Like before you were a player but not anymore. Prove to her that you really like her” Nick advices. “Yeah you’re right but I’ve proved so many times but she isn’t ready to listen” I say. “Oh just give a try again” he says. “Okay thanks” I say. “Bye I have to go. Sarah is waiting for me” Nick says. “Yeah bye dude” I say.

Anne’s P.O.V

So I get ready for the prom today. Yeah I have someone to go with. I’m going with my bestfriend Nina. We both get ready together. We get ready and then head to the car and then drive to the school where we are having our prom.

I and Nina enter the prom and like talk to everyone.

Justin’s P.O.V

Here I am at the prom with no date and just hanging out with Nick,Ryan and Trevor. I see Annie coming with Nina her bestfriend. “She looks beautiful” I whisper while looking at Annie. “Dude just go and talk to her. Staring at her won’t help” Chaz says. He is right. “Yeah go dude” Ryan says while agreeing with Chaz and so does Nick.

I go to Annie and “ Can we just have a dance? As friends” I ask her. “Um” Annie says. “Yeah Annie go have a dance” Nina says and I give her a smile. “Yeah okay” She says.

I take her hand and escot her to the dance floor. We slow dance and talk for a while. I love how she laughs,smiles. I love everything about her. I then look in her eyes and she looks in my eyes.I could see the urge in her eyes to kiss me. I then take the opportunity and kiss her. She quickly pulls away. “Annie if you didn’t feel anything in that kiss then please tell me. I will stop trying” I say to her. “Um I sorry I have to go” was all she said.

Annie’s P.O.V

I go to Nina as fast as possible. “Nina” I rush towards her. “Can he just stop doing that” I say. “Oh I know what happened there” She says. “He was like ‘did you feel anything in the kiss and if not I will stop trying’.” I say to her. I’m pissed. “But Anne did you really feel anything in that kiss? Be honest” Nina said I think for awhile and remember that moment that had taken place between us. Did I really feel anything? “Yes okay I did feel. So what?” I say angrily. “Babe if you did feel anything and then atleast give him a chance. Everyone deserves one chance. And to be honsest he seems to really care about you” Nina says to me. “Is it worth it to give him a chance?” I ask her. “Give it a try” She says while smiling. “Okay” I say while smiling and hugging her. “Thanks” I say while smiling. She smiles.

I try to find Justin and then there he is talking to Chaz. He is all smiling. Then suddenly a girl comes and he picks her up and smiles. Oh

I knew it he was a player. God!! He can never change.

Justin’s P.O.V

While I’m talking to Chaz suddenly Maria comes back. “Hi” I say to her. “Hey how are you?” She replies. “Oh hey Chaz this is my sister Maria and Maria this is Chaz” I say while introducing them to each other. “Maria what are you doing over her?” I ask Maria. “Bro do you think I’m dumb? I received all those sad messages from you. So tell me who is she?” She says. She understands me. I hear Chaz laughing.

Anne’s P.O.V

I’m just sitting on the bench and the Ryan comes. “Hey Anne” he says. “Dis Justin send you here?” I ask rudely. “No No I’m her by all myself.” He says. “Oh” I say. “Anne he really likes you. Just give him a chance. Please. Everybody knows that you like him” He says. “Yeah right. So what is he doing with that girl in that red dress?” I spat at him. “Oh Maria. That’s his sister.” He says. “What? You must be joking” I tell. “No Annie” Ryan says. “So you think I should talk to him?” I ask him. “You should” He says. “Okay” I say. “Go girl” He says. “Fine okay” I say while smiling.

Justin’s P.O.V

I see Annie coming towards me. She is all angry.

“Justin can I just talk to you?”She asks. “Yeah sure” I say. “In alone” I say. “Justin I’ll catch you later” Maria says. “So what’s up?” He asks. “Um I really like you” Anne confesses. “ You do?” I ask surprisingly. “Yes” She says. “Well I like you too. You know that right?” I ask. “I do” She says while blushing. “I will never hurt you trust me. I’m not that player anymore” I confess. “Promise?” She asks. “Promise babe” I reply. “I love you Justin. I really do.” She says. “Same” I say.

She then comes forward and leans in for a kiss. We then have a passionate kiss.

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