Let's Fix This

By Geeki_

52.4K 2.5K 1.7K

Charlotte's parents have a fight and decide to get a divorce. The only person truly left for her is uncle. In... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Tagging Thingy
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Big Ole Author's Note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Another One(A/N)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Check My Author's Note)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Author's Note
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 14

1.2K 67 65
By Geeki_


Saturdays are really great. I get to sleep and chill. I wake up around 1 pm happily. I get out of bed and head to the bathroom. I shower and once I'm done I wrap a towel around myself. I move and get out underwear and clothes. I only put on my my boxers and black joggers. I dry off my upper body and walk out the room. Then I stop, that's not fair. Charlotte doesn't walk around half-naked. I walk back in the room and put on a wife-beater. I re-walk out the room and follow the sounds of barking and the smell of food. I enter the kitchen to see Char hard at work and the puppies are fighting. As soon as they see me though they run straight to me. I bend down and pet them.

"Hey babies, did Mommy feed you yet?" I ask them and they just bark. 

"I didn't get to, can you do it please?" Char calls out to me. I smile at the puppies and get on all fours. I attempt to race them to the other side of the kitchen where their bowls are. I see their water fountain is still full.

"Aww, y'all aren't thirsty? Gotta get you tired then." I say to them as I get up and get their snacks out of the cabin they're in. I fill up their bowls, put the food away and get back on the floor. They eat and look at me. I start to crawl around our island and the puppies follow me. I stand up and start to run around the apartment. I hear them gaining on my and then I jump on the couch which they can't quite reach yet so they sit barking at me from the floor. I smirk and walk back into the kitchen, the pups just drink up that water.

"Are you tired?" Charlotte asks me and then I realize I just did a lot of work. I nod my head and she laughs.

"Food's done." She says and I grab her fork and start eating eggs out of the pan.

"Henry! Dammit, get a bowl!" She yells at me and slaps my back. I stop eating.

"Ooowww." I say and then I steal 4 pieces of bacon and stuff them in my mouth. I moan in satisfaction.

"Ugh that's so good, you're definitely going to always do breakfast." I say cheerfully and Charlotte just rolls her eyes.

"Unbelievable." She utters as she goes to get a plate. I grab her wrist and pull her to the stove. I hand her my fork.

"Eat out the pan." I instruct her and she shakes her head.

"Eat it or I'll feed you." I say and she lets out a heavy sigh. Ooo I'm making her mad. She snatches the fork out of my hand and starts eating.

"Gee, you don't have to snatch." I say and she gives me the finger. I smile and go to our bedroom to get my phone. Once I walk back in the living room I see Charlotte sprawled out on the couch. I sit on the floor by the couch and check my messages. 

Bianca- I'm coming over at 3

I look at the time to see it's 3:15. Oh shit.

"What?" Charlotte asks. I must have said that out loud.

"Bianca will be here soon." I say and Charlotte grunts.

"Again? Gosh, I'm not staying this time." Charlotte says popping up off the couch and going to our bedroom. She comes back out as soon as someone knocks frantically on the door. 

"Coming." I say and then the knocking starts up again. I get to the door and prepare to yell.

"I fucking said I was coming!" I yell at none other than Bianca. She frowns.

"Sorry, I didn't hear that." She says sweetly and then she runs a finger down my shirt. I slap her hand away.

"Excuse me." An angry little devil says behind me. I turn to the side as Charlotte walks through the doorway, managing to not touch Bianca at all.

"I'll be back soon, just going to get a smoothie." Charlotte calls over her shoulder and walks down the steps. Damn, she never takes the steps. 

"Great, we're alone." Bianca says eagerly as she pushes me into my apartment and closes the door, locking it too. She drags me to the couch and pushes me down. She leans in to kiss me and I do the dumbest thing ever.

"Charlotte can walk back in at any moment and I don't want her to see us making out." I say stopping Bianca. She immediately gets angry.

"Ugh! Really, we haven't gotten time alone and now that we do, you're talking about another girl." She asks angrily and I nod slowly. 

"Well fine, let's talk about her then." Bianca says as she appears to calm down.

"Why is she here every time I come over? Are you cheating on me with her?" Bianca questions me on the verge on tears. Where the hell did those tears come from? I'm tired of her dramatic antics.

"No I'm not cheating on you. She's here because I invite her here, she's just as welcome here as you are. And why don't you like her?" I state slowly growing defensive of Char.

"But why? What's her story? I bet it's all a lie just to get in your pants. Trust me, she wants you. I see the way she looks to you for everything like she's a broken toy that no one wants. Probably caught an STD from whatever she does, maybe she-" Bianca goes on into this huge rant of falsities about Charlotte. I tune her out. I can't believe she's acting like this yet again. I was actually going to explain to her what's actually been going on but all she ever does is complain about Charlotte who has done absolutely nothing wrong. I now regret ever talking to this bitch after my first high school basketball game. 

"Shut up." I say, completely annoyed with her. She immediately stops talking and looks at me shocked. Then she speaks.

"Ex-cuuuse me? That's another thing! Ever since that little hoe has been around, you and your stupid friend-" 

"I said shut up right? Why are you still fucking talking?" I say with a lot more anger than I wanted to. She squeaks and her mouth drops open.

"Whatever you think about Charlotte will be what you think. But seeing as I know her I will tell you that everything you've conjured up about her is false. She's not a broken toy, she's a strong lioness. She may not realize it but she's truly amazing. She's actually a virgin for your information and has never been with a guy like you so clearly have. The farthest thing from her mind is getting into my pants. She looks to me for everything because as of right now, I am her keeper and her provider til she realizes that she doesn't even need me and can be so for herself. You need to get out our home and life." I say and Bianca rolls her eyes.

"And why do I need to leave the house?" She says still attempting to challenge me.

"Bitch are you stupid? Get out, I'm done with you, we're through, over, finished, dead, done. Charlotte should be back in about 2 minutes and I need to start working on getting her to be mine. Have a nice life, bye now." I say maybe a bit rudely with a smile. Her mouth drops once again. I roll my eyes and push her to the door, I hadn't realized I was standing. 

"Maybe get a dick to fill that mouth hmm?" I say as I push her out the door. Literally, two seconds after I close the door I hear shouting so I open it. She's yelling at Charlotte. Oh fuck no.

"It's all cause of you! Henry would have never said this to me before! He probably wouldn't have even thought to break up with me! He was mine, all mine! I deserve him way more than you do! I swear if you even try to date him I'll-" She yells but then stops once she sees I'm watching. Did she just try to threaten Charlotte?

"You'll what?" I growl out furiously curious. She squeaks.

"Nothing." She says to me timidly then she glares at Charlotte."Stay away from him." She says and turns around to walk to the elevator. That's when I notice she's got red spots on her white shorts and blood is sliding down her legs. Before she presses the elevator button, Charlotte calls her name and Bianca looks at her angrily.

"Would you like to come inside? You've bled through" Charlotte says quietly. Bianca looks down at her shorts and screeches. 

"OH MY GOSH! NO I DONT WANT NO DAMN HELP FROM YOU! YOU PROBABLY DID THIS TO ME! UGH! THIS IS ALL YOUR DAMN FAULT!" She cries out. I pull Charlotte inside our apartment and slam our door shut, locking it too. I have Charlotte pressed against the door.

"You made her bleed?" I ask, questioning Bianca's reasoning. 

"Yeah, I don't know. What happened?" Char asks.

"Well I broke up with her, she kept insulting you and I knew soon she'd start up on Jasper. I just couldn't take it, you guys are way too important to me for me to let her constantly talk down about you guys." I say saving myself from revealing that I like Char, a lot. She smiles, proudly I guess, at me.

"Let's celebrate!" She says and hugs me.

"You're free from the witch's spell!" She says excitedly into my chest and I hug her back.

"How about a picnic tomorrow? I'll set it up." I say slightly glaring at Charlotte. She lifts her head from my chest and looks up at me. She shakes her head and say 'uh-uh'

"This is your celebration, I will plan it." Char says and I groan, I wanted to plan it. 

"Ugh fine, just this time though." I say dejectedly and make a sad face. I slyly wrap my arms around her back.

"Aww," Char says and stands on her toes.

" Cheer up" She says and then kisses my chest since that's all she can reach. That was pretty cute. I smile like a lunatic while she bites her lip then walks away, breaking free my hold. I sit on our couch and daydream about those lips, they felt real nice. 

A/N~ I meant to update yesterday but it just didn't workout and I couldn't wait until tomorrow. So yeah and I'm upset rn because my phone isn't working, it's currently bathing in rice but I'm not sure it's water damage so I really hope I get that fixed and worked out. But yeah, I'm really not that important so I'm just gonna exit myself.

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