It was like a time bomb ~ A J...

By JayIsRlyGay

56.8K 1.2K 339

Living in a world, where you can tell from your birth when you're going to meet your soul mate, was meant to... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authors note

Chapter 17

1.1K 30 5
By JayIsRlyGay

 “Are you literally serious?” I asked, turning to Alex. He looked at the ground, and his cheek were a slight pink. Fuck.

“I SWEAR TO GOD” Zack started, but I cut him off.

“No! You will not fucking swear anything, understood?” I asked, raising my finger at him. He looked shocked at me, but I looked threatening back. He nodded grumpily, and I turned to Alex. “And you, how can you actually fuck your best friend?” I asked.

“I-I don't know okay, it's just that... Ugh” he started. I sighed and ran my finger through my hair.

“Matt? Go and check on the others” I said, nodding towards the door. Matt nodded shortly, walking out. “Okay and you, sit down... Both of you” I instructed. They both sat down, as far away from each other, as they could, making me roll my eyes. “Guys, no eye rolling, no swearing, and no shouting, have you heard me?” I asked looking at both of them.

They nodded, making me nod as well.

“Good, now please explain me how this actually came on topic” I asked, playing with the ends of my hair, something I did when I was bored.

“I brought it up” Alex mumbled.

“Oh really, I thought Zack just asked you” I replied sarcastically. I could hear Zack snigger, and threw him a glance, making him shut up.

I looked back at Alex, waiting for more. He sighed, before continuing.

“Well, it was just that... I erm … Asked if ...” he started, fumbling with his jeans.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“He asked if Alice was still as shy when starting it as she used to be” Zack replied through gritted teeth. My eyes were wide in shock, before I squinted them in disgust.

“Oh god” I groaned, my mind now flashing images of Alice and Zack kissing and all that shit. “Alex seriously why thought?” I asked, trying to stay calm.

“I don't know, it's just I wanted to tease Zack and distract him from playing” Alex replied guilty.

“Yeah you achieved that” I muttered, more to myself, but still receiving glances from both of the boys. I sighed and looked at nothing in particular.

“You're an asshole” Zack muttered.

“Zack, no swearing!” I hissed, looking at him. He rolled his eyes but nodded. “Seriously, I have only one thing to say and I don't know if you're going to be happy with this” I said, talking to Zack.

“So?” he asked after a moment of silence.

“Alex couldn't know Alice was your mate. He just did what he thought was right in that moment. Also, you can't tell me it was just Alex' decision, to have sex, you need two people, and I'm pretty sure Alex wouldn't push somebody into having sex though” I explained, not being finished when Alex interrupted.

“Exactly!” he said.

“I wasn't ready” I started, making him lean back again “I'm not saying what he did was right, especially bringing this topic up again, was reeeaally wrong, but Zack, I'm asking you to understand, that Alex never meant to sleep with your mate” I explained, hoping he'd understand.

Zack nodded and sighed, looking at Alex.

“Sorry for-” he started, but was cut off by Alex.

“Dude, are you really trying to apologize, when I was being a dick? I'm sorry I brought this up...” he explained, looking at Zack. Zack nodded and sighed.

I was glad, they'd figured it, but I had this strange feeling, that there would be a lot more coming on us.

I ignored it, and smiled at the guys, just as Jack came in.

“Alex what the FUCK were you thinking?” he snapped, making me flinch. I've never seen Jack that mad. NEVER. I looked quite shocked at him and stood up, standing next to him.

“Jack, calm down they-” I started, but he turned around to face me.

“Don't fucking tell me what to do! He has done something, he shouldn't have, and on top of this, he fucking BROUGHT IT UP” He yelled, turning back to Alex. “How could you say that?” He asked shocked.

I looked at Zack, who didn't seem to realize what was going on. He looked shocked at the scene, but soon came back to senses.

“Actually yes, how?” Zack asked furrowing his eyebrows.

No, no no no no fucking no.

“Zack, calm down! Remember what I-” I started.

“JAY SHUT IT” Jack yelled again, making me shriek together and look stunned at him.

“Jack, calm down! I'm sorry, I already said that, I don't know what was floating my mind when I said it” Alex, explained fear in his eyes.

“Jack, move away from him” I demanded, but he didn't seem to listen.

“NO” Zack yelled suddenly, making us all look confused at him “ How the fuck can you bring this shit up? It's not okay! I mean why would you do that? Do you want to rub it in my face? Well done, you did” Zack asked, looking angry.

“Seriously Alex, what the fuck?” Jack agreed.

“Jack, this is not your fucking fight” I said pissed.

“Wait, are you on his side or what? Do you want to say that you think HE is right?” Jack asked after a while.

“What? No! I'm not on any side, I'm just saying that-” I wanted to explain, but Jack cut me off once again.

“So you want to say that it wasn't wrong from Alex to sleep with Alice?” Jack asked.

“That's not what I was fucking saying!” I argued.

“But you weren't saying that Alex was wrong either” he replied, taking a step towards me.

“Because I don't fucking take a side! Jesus, Jack! Do you realize that by the time Alex had slept with Alice, he had no clue about Zack being her mate? And don't you sometimes say stupid things you wish you'd never said?” I asked pissed.

“So you're NOW trying to say I'm stupid?” Jack started, I was about to reply, when I heard a smacking noise. Jack turned around, giving me a perfect view on what had just happened.

Zack punched Alex, right into his nose. I looked wide eyed at the scene, and didn't know what to do. Of course I wanted to help Alex, but I didn't want to know how Jack would react about that.

“Oh my-” I started, but was cut off by Alice.

“Fucking god” she stated through gritted teeth.

I looked shocked at her, and suddenly, everybody was looking at her. I could see she was bowling inside, and it wouldn't take her long to explode.

I stepped back, hoping it wouldn't be too obvious, and then she started.

“ZACK! Literally What the fucking hell? Why the fuck do you fucking punch Alex? Are you trying to fuck with my mind or something? I am not waiting for your fucking response, so don't you dare! Alexander William Fucking Gaskarth, what the FUCK were you thinking when asking about my fucking SEX LIFE? Are you literally joking? Have you literally thought about that before saying it? NO don't you fucking DARE to reply right fucking now! Now to you Jack, why the fuck do you first of all, scream at Alex, your best friend, and then you also snap at your god damn girlfriend! YOUR FUCKING GIRLFRIEND! And then, last but not least, Jay! What the fuck? Like, why do you think YOU have to solve this? You do know I'm grown up right?” she asked, her voice in a constant sound of anger. We all had our mouths dropped open, and stared at Alice in shock.

But the only thought that was in my mind was:

'She's accusing ME? I tried to help her!'

“Excuse me, but since when is it okay for your best friend to ask about such things? And why I punched him? To use his excuse 'Sometimes you act before thinking'! Oh and guess what, I haven't done this to hurt you any way, I did this, because you mean a fucking lot to me, and I swear to god, it would have not mattered who'd say this, I'd punched every single one of them” Zack snapped at Alice, taking her by surprise.

“Okay, so that's for you, what about you Alex?” She asked, turning to him.

Alex was looking ashamed to the ground, not looking up. Alice coughed, making him look up slowly.

“Like I said to Zack, I wasn't thinking, and I just … There's no excuse okay? But I really am sorry, listen I would never do something to tear the two of you apart, really. It was just like … I wasn't thinking... Please, forgive me” he pleaded, his eyes getting a little red.

Alice sighed.

“Just give me some time okay?” She asked, making him smile. Now she turned to Jack.

“What?” he asked.

“Why did you snap at Alex and Jay?” she asked again.

“Well, excuse me but he upset you, and I wanted to make him apologize?” he replied, as if it was obvious.

“And about Jay?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.

“She took Alex' side!” He replied, his voice loud again.

“I DIDN'T FUCKING PICK ANY SIDE” I yelled, looking at him.




“Why the fuck should I be mad at Alex?” I questioned confused.

“Why shouldn't you be?” He asked back.

“Because it had nothing to do with me, and I just tried to help?” I replied. He looked taken back, but remained silent. “And then it goes back to you Alice, what is your fucking problem with me helping you?” I asked.

“I am old enough to deal it by myself” she replied.

“Oh right, sorry I wanted to help you! It was soo stupid of me, I should know that next time just to leave you crying in the room!” I snapped.

“But I'm old enough to get through this alone” she argued.

“Alice seriously, you were crying, do you think it's fucking fun to watch you cry?” I asked, not really expecting an answer. “Do you think I just do it because I think you're not old enough? I wanted to help you” I explained, looking at her.

She sighed but said nothing, sitting down on the sofa. I rolled my eyes and walked into the bunk area, lying down in my own, while listening to some music. I relaxed into the sound of the music, slowly taking over my thoughts, and replacing my thoughts with my very own little world.

I thought about what I'd be doing at home right now, or what I'd do if I was outside. Just as I felt myself drifting off into sleep, my curtains were ripped open, making me curse under my breath. I opened my eyes and looked over to see Jack standing next to my bunk. I looked at him, with an asking expression.

“We arrived” he said, furrowing his eyebrows “I want to talk to you outside” he continued, walking away.

Oh fuck. No, he can't tell me he is- Fuck, he wants to break up... Shit I've messed up big this time. He can't, can he? Of course he can, we've always been told there's a way out if you just can't come along. Oh fuck... NO he can't leave me.

I slowly got up, my hands shaking from fear, and I slowly approached the door, stepping out, the warmish air hitting me. I walked further out, and stepped next to Jack, who was also inhaling the warm air.

As he noticed me standing, he took my hand and we walked a bit, while he swayed mine and his hand back and forth. We walked for about 5minutes, and were a bit away from the bus, far enough so that nobody could hear us, but not as far away so we wouldn't hear them calling us. I looked up at him, scared. Of course I was scared. Who wouldn't be?

Just as I was about to freak out, his lips met mine and he kissed me softly for a few seconds, before pulling away and resting his forehead on mine. I closed my eyes and just relaxed to the breathing of his, on my face. It probably sounds creepy, but it's soothing and comforted me in so many ways. I smiled but pulled away after a while anyway.

“Jack, what's wrong?” I asked quietly.

“Why is everything so fucked up?” he asked back.

“I don't know …” I replied truthfully. I really didn't know. Both of us sighed before smiling again.

“I'm sorry for being a dick” he laughed after a while.

“You better be” I joked, nudging him “No problem, it's not like you didn't have a point” I replied.

“I just hope we won't be constantly fighting” he said, running a hand through his hair. Oh god his hair. It drove me crazy, every day a little more.

“Nah, it will get better soon” I laughed, hugging him lightly. “How was Alice after I left?”

“Well, she was kind of annoyed by all of us, but she 'forgave' you and me, she understood that Zack didn't punch Alex for fun, and well … She's still pissed at Alex, but I'm pretty sure they will be okay, I mean they were best friends after all” he laughed. I chuckled and nodded.

Maybe everything will turn out okay.

“When's your show tonight?” I asked, looking at him.

“At 8pm, why?” he asked, kissing my forehead.

“So I know how much time Alice and I have to get ready” I laughed.

“Well, you have about 4hours” he replied, swaying our arms to the sides.

“I figured that out” I chuckled, looking in his eyes. He smiled, leaning down once more, kissing me slowly, before leading me back into the bus.

“I'm just going to annoy Alice a little … Have fun doing … Whatsoever” I laughed, running to Alice's bunk.

“JAY! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!” She exclaimed, as I ripped the curtains open, to reveal her and Zack full on making out.

“Oh shit SORRY” I laughed, walking back to Jack, still giggling like a child.

“Why are you laughing?” Jack asked confused.

“I just-” I started, but couldn't stop laughing “interrupted Alice and Zack” I giggled.

“You mean they are having SEX?!” Matt asked. When did Matt came in?

“No! They were making out!” I laughed now even more. Matt's facial expression relaxed, but I still couldn't contain my laughter. Jack just shook his head smiling, pulling me next to him on the couch. Seconds later, Alice and Zack came as well, both blushing in a deep shade of red.

“What do you want?” Alice mumbled, sitting down with Zack opposite of me and Jack.

“Nothing, just wanted to annoy you” I laughed, leaning into the sofa. Alice rolled her eyes and chuckled, while dropping her head back.

After a while, everybody was in the lounge and we had a great conversation, but I couldn't help but feel bad for Alex.

Not that I think he's done the right thing, but people were screaming at him for one mistake. I sighed and decided to talk to him after the show. But for now, there was no time to worry.


Sorry for not updating in such a long time, but I've been busy with exams and school and shit and ugh D:

I hope you're still reading it though and you like the story so far!

And I'm only reminding you again, read the last 2authors notes! I have "only" 2people who joined the """"competition""""" so if you want to be Alex' girlfriend in this fanfic, PLEASE read it!

love you all sooo much, leave me feed back and have a great day! :)

Jay xx

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