
By idreamibelieve

51.3K 2.4K 359

Red was a very unique 17-year-old girl. First of all, her name was Red. She gained that nickname due to he... More

One: Damon, who?
Two: What are you?! My Mom?!
Three: You're too gullible, Red.
Four: His face is stupid.
Five: Scar killed my Simba
Six: Let's play truth or dare!
Seven: Out of all the people in the world, it had to be you!
Eight: I will personally kill you.
Nine: I'm going to hurt you so bad you're going to wish you were dead.
Ten: You brought a 14 year old to a bar? How classy.
Twelve: You're trusting a delinquent with your life?
Thirteen: We're associating with the devil now?
Fourteen: They're both irrational and stupid!
Fifteen: Let's go bowling!
Sixteen: There's so much blood, oh my god.
Seventeen: Is he always so over-dramatic?
Eighteen: I'm not into this sentimental bullsh**
Nineteen: My parents are disowning me
Twenty: Let me tell you a short story about a girl called Sally
Twenty-one: I took a bullet for you, little Red.
Twenty-two: I love you, - Damon.
Twenty-three: Robert and Cupcake?!
Twenty-four: The bad boy never cries, Damon.
Thank You Message

Eleven: We're going to take Sawyer down... for good.

1.8K 98 7
By idreamibelieve

And another chapter is up! <3 Thank you all for your support <3


They stayed silent for a couple of minutes.

"Holy shit, Damon. What have you done?" Leo spoke up breaking the silence that was only filled with their panting.

Damon groaned loudly "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!" He said hitting the dashboard "I'd give him a month and he will strike back, Leo. Hard"

Leo groaned "I can't believe this!"

Red grinned and squealed excitedly "Oh My God! That was awesome! Did you see how I kicked Sawyer? Hah! and my parents thought I was weak!"

Leo chuckled lightly but there was still a tone of worry "Red, I swear, you're so naive"

"Damn it, Red! Shut up!" Damon yelled "Everything that I've worked for to keep things calm between the Ravens and us just went down the drain. I can't fucking believe this. WHY DO YOU ACT LIKE A CHILD, RED? WHAT YOU DID BACK THERE WAS STUPID! YOU ACT LIKE A FUCKING 5 YEAR OLD! GOD!"

Damon yelled kicking his legs lightly "YOU'RE SO FUCKING STUPID!"

"I'm not stupid!" Red said frowning, her lips quivering "I'm not stupid!"

"YES YOU ARE!" Damon yelled again and Red started crying silently "Don't yell at me"

Damon's eyes softened "Why do you do that, Red? Why do you act so stupid and clueless all the time? Do you have any idea how much trouble you got into? Sawyer is going to come after you and your family. He might kill them all"

Red gasped and she cried even more "No! No! Damon please! Damon, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry! Damon" She sobbed "Please don't let them kill my family, oh my God, Damon... I'm so sorry" she cried into his chest.

Leo stared painfully at Red, he wanted to tell her that it wasn't true and that Damon was lying but he couldn't lie to her. It was true. Sawyer was going to do what it takes to get her now, even if it meant going after every single one of her family and friends.

"Damon, please" She cried loudly "I'll do anything, anything" She pulled away and sniffed. Damon couldn't help but smile a little at how adorable she looked with that red puffy nose and tear blurred eyes "I'll do anything. Damon, what do I do? Damon don't make him hurt my family." She begged him with those eyes of hers and his heart broke a little at the sight of this poor little girl.

Damon groaned lightly, there were only 2 options. Either she gives herself up to Sawyer or he dedicates everything to protect her.

"Damon, I know what you're thinking" Leo said quietly as Red continued sobbing lightly. Damon nodded when Leo spoke up again "You brought her to The Attic, we did together. It's our fault and now the poor girl has to suffer, we need to help her"

It was already getting dark and Damon and Leo were still thinking about it. The car was parked in front of an ice cream shop, Red was still crying silently against Damon's chest but otherwise there was no other sound being made.

"Sally-" Leo said her name and Damon gritted his teeth "DON'T!" He yelled making his friend flinch "Don't even mention her!"

"Let's get out" Leo said and opened the door, climbing out of the car. Damon followed him, placing Red softly on the chair as she continued crying.

"GOD!" Damon yelled, banging his hands against the hood of the car. He rushed a hand through his hair with frustration and a lump was growing in his throat.

It was like 'Sally' all over again.

"THIS IS A FUCKING MISTAKE! THIS SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING AGAIN, LEO!" Damon screamed, placing both of his hands on the hood as he let a couple of tears escape.

Leo remained silent.

"I can't do this" Damon shook his head, letting out a strangled sob "I can't!"

"I know, Damon" Leo whispered quietly letting his friend cry. It's been a while since he let the grief out.

"Why am I such an idiot!?" he gripped his hair and turned around screaming.

He wiped the tears from his eyes vigorously and turned to Leo "Leo, I can't do this again"

"I'm sorry, Damon" Leo said, gritting his teeth trying not to cry.

Damon was remembering everything like it happened yesterday.

"We need to help her, Damon. We brought her into this mess, we need to get her out" Leo said "We can tell her parents everything and make her move out of the country" Leo suggested when Damon started laughing, it was not humorous "Like that would help. They're going to call the cops and tell them. We're going to be arrested. They will be given guards who suck ass and they will die the next day and Red will be taken"

Leo grimaced. He knew that was true.

Damon sniffed, feeling a bit better after letting it out "We have to end it"

"End what?" Leo asked, uncomfortably.

"End Sawyer"

Leo's eyes widened "How do you plan on doing that?"

Damon shook his head "I don't know but we'll figure it out. We need to attack before Sawyer"

Leo groaned "Damon, people will die. The gang will fall apart. Do you know what you're doing?"

"I'm ending this for good" Damon said "I should have done that a long time ago"

Leo nodded, staring back at the car where Red was sitting in the seat with her legs up and tears in her eyes as she stared at the two of them talking.

"I don't have to be afraid of Sawyer killing the people I love, Leo. He's already killed the one thing important in my life, I'm not going to let him kill anyone anymore"

"This is going to be difficult, Damon" Leo said and Damon nodded. They both knew what will the consequences be if they failed.

"We're going to take Sawyer down... for good" Damon said finally and glanced at Red, he gestured for her to come to them. She nodded and opened the door, getting out of the car. She closed it and walked towards them sniffing.

"We're going to help you, Red" Damon smiled at her "We're going to protect you and your family"

Red's eyes widened and she smiled brightly "Really?!"

Leo nodded "Yeah, really"

"Promise?" She asked Damon looking at him hopefully "Do you promise that no one will hurt my parents?"

"I promise, Red" Damon said solemnly, she giggled and jumped on him wrapping her arms around his neck "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" she chanted happily.

Damon smiled and pulled her away from him gently "Thank you guys so much!" She beamed happily, wiping away her runny nose with the back of her hand. Leo grimaced "Gross!"

She shrugged and jumped excitedly "Thank yoouu!"

Leo laughed but he was still worried, he glanced at Damon who was watching Red with amusement but he could also see the worry across his face.

It was going to be a difficult task.

Taking down Sawyer Raven was going to be one of the hardest missions.

"How about some icecream?" Leo asked, pointing towards the shop. Red nodded her head vigorously, she ran grabbed Damon's hand and started dragging him towards the ice cream shop.

Damon followed her obediently, he wanted her to have the time of her life now because he knew what awaited her was going to rip her whole life apart and it was all his fault.

"Come on, let's eat it outside" Damon said holding the ice cream cone in his hands. Red nodded and they went outside the shop towards Leo's car where Red leaned her back on the car lightly and started eating her ice cream.

Leo and Damon stood in front of her and also ate silently.

"What time is it?" Damon asked Leo who was too engrossed in his ice cream. Leo looked up at him and frowned then pulled out his phone from his pocket and stared at it curiously and spoke up "It's eight fifteen"

"Holy shit, it's already been 5 hours?" Damon asked, surprised.

Leo nodded and stared back at Red "Yo, Red. I'm dropping you home after we finish our ice creams alright?"

Red nodded when suddenly she heard someone calling out her name, they all tensed and looked around them to see who was calling her when she saw Luke running towards her frantically.

"Luke!" She exclaimed and he stopped in front of her looking back and forth between her and the boys "What are you doing with them and where have you been!?!? We were looking everywhere for you! Your parents are worried sick! Jonathon has been out since God knows when looking around for you!" he was yelling at her. Red gasped, completely forgetting to inform her friends and her parents. She was going to be in so much trouble.

"And where is your phone!?" Luke yelled again, Red flinched and groaned "It's in my locker"

"Great, Red! Just Great! Your parents called the fucking police. Go home. NOW!" he yelled, obviously pissed at her. If Luke was this mad at her then how will the others be.

"Give her a break" Damon said and Luke snapped his head towards him "Give her a break?! The fucking police are swarming her house, her parents are going crazy, her brother and sister are over there as well. Everyone is freaking the fuck out!"

"oh my gosh..." Red mumbled "Let's go home now, please! I'm so sorry, I-I... we were just hanging out! I didn't even notice the time!"

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to your parents and Jonathon" Luke sighed "Come on, let me get you home"

Red frowned and nodded "I'll see you guys around, I had fun today" 

"I did too! We should do that again!" Leo chirped and Damon rolled his eyes at his friends "Hey Luke, do us a favor and don't tell her parents you saw her with us. She's already in enough trouble. You owe me, remember?"

Luke frowned but nodded "Okay"

"Good. Bye Red" Damon said, he ate the last bit and opened the car door to Leo's car and sat in. Red waved one last time at Leo and hurried behind Luke towards his car.


Oooooh, who's Sally? Damon's past will slowly start revealing! And what does Damon have against Luke? You'll see in the upcoming chapters! Don't go awaay, there's more action to come <3

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