
By Austine13

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Kira lived in a pound for the majority of her life, or at least the parts that she can remember, and a magic... More

Chapter One: Room six, floor one
Chapter Two: Marked
Chapter three: Defying magicmakers
chapter five: that scrap of fabric
CHAPTER SIX: hackers
chapter seven: invisable man
chapter eight: the room
chapter nine: impromptu visits
Chapter ten: Well?
Chapter Eleven: Questions
chapter twelve: Answers
Chapter thrirteen: Poison Olives
Chapter Fourteen: Unfinished buisness
Chapter fifteen: The end of what we know this world to be
Chapter sixteen: Austine?
Chapter seventeen: The Abandoned Pound
Chapter eight teen: Mother?
chapter nineteen: Mourning in white
Chapter twenty: Some explaining to do
Chapter twenty-one: Explaining toast
Chapter twenty-two: Joker face
Chapter twenty-three: Wiggle your eyebrows
Chapter 24: Omg the house is on fire
I hate parties

chapter 25: Well her face is going to be bruised tommorow

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By Austine13

K so what is kinda making me mad is that there is only like 6,500 words in my past three chapters combined, I am actually trying  to finish my book and somewhat edit it before November so that I can get it "published"  I put it in  quotations because it is a contest where if you get your story to like 100,000 words in by the end of the month then they will publish/send you some copies.  I would love for that to happen.  But the thing is I am also getting a pen name, and this story will be under a whole 'nother name. But thanks for reading and taking your time  to read my story.



                                I sat at the table, groggily looking towards the door, when was Jake going to be here with the- Jake cut off my thought about food bringing me my toast and cereal.  I laughed he had completely burnt it! How do you even burn toast, I didn’t even want to ask.  He set down the black toast and the cereal in front of me.

                “That is defiantly not the monster I woke up next to.”  He stated, just looking at his toast, somehow he managed to burn the toast twice, how is that even possible.  I thought back to his comment and snickered, when I woke up I felt so tired and Jake was laughing I didn’t know why until I got to the bathroom to take a shower.  I looked at my hair, it was sticking out in every which way, except the ones around my face, and those were stuck to my face.  My shirt looked gross too; it was all wrinkly and stained.  So I had showered and threw my wild hair into a ballerina bun, and slipped on a baggy, black shirt and some denim shorts.

                “Aren’t you glad!”  I laughed, putting my black toast towards my mouth. I bit into it and I spit it back out, Jake did the same.  I snatched his water and immediately downed at least half of it, “Your toast is repulsive.”  I managed to say, even though the disgusting taste was still in my mouth.

                “Oh lord, what have I walked in to?!”  Olive walked in to the room, she was frowning, “Also the neighbor is here, you probably didn’t hear because of all of your gagging though.”  She just looked at us and left, what was wrong with her?  I wiped off my tounge one more time and I took one more drink, then got up so I could talk to the neighbor. 

                I walked into the front room and the neighbor  was just sitting there, no one else around her and she looked happy this time, I glanced out front, her husband was waiting for her outside.

                “You can bring your husband in  if you want?” I offered to her, she laughed like that was completely out of the question, from the way she blew off the question maybe it was out of the question.

“No, I will only be a minute. I just wanted to ask you and your friends if they would like to come to our neighbor hood party?”  She looked at me and then down the hall, Jake came waddling like a penguin in, I laughed, “You can bring him as your date if you would like, there are only five people who live here, right?”  She looked about, as if people would start coming from the walls, although I wouldn’t put it past them.

“Yeah, there will only be six, and I think I will take him as a date.” I laughed, Jake and I knew we would go as a date weather or not we had said it, I looked down at my ring and smiled.  I wonder if the girls and Flash would go with dates.  “Also,”  I said cutting off Hellen, “Is it ok if the girls bring dates, I don’t really know if they know anyone like that but I could ask?”   The woman seemed irked that I cut her off.

                “Alright, but what I was going to say was, what is that ring on your finger?”  She looked at it again, as if it contained poison.  I smiled, this lady was defiantly nosy, but I would answer; I was only answering her because she would keep asking, and also the fact that I wanted to see the look on her face when she knew it was an engagement ring.

                “You sure you’re ready for this,” I teased, she nodded vigorously; “It is my engagement ring.”  I brought out all of the syllables of engagement.  Her face was hilarious, her jaw just about dropped to the floor, and her eyes looked like she was imitating a bratz doll.  Her whole body stiffened, she looked like she was posing for a statue of someone looking at medusa, it was comical.  If I had a camera I would have taken a picture, blown it up and put it in the back of a closet to scare people, or make them laugh it could do both.  But at this point I was actually trying to repress my laughter, after a minute of this face, she started to unfreeze.

                “I think that my husband is getting impatient, I must go now.”  She sounded like a phone recording.  I nodded.

                “I will walk you out if you would like?”  I offered, I might have thought that she was funny but I didn’t want her to fall down the stairs, that would also be funny but I didn’t want her hurt.  She nodded in agreence.  She forgot all about asking me to do magic, or her and her husband decided not to ask me.  Thank goodness.

                I walked her out the front door with Jake, I smiled at Helen’s husband and let her in the car, he was puzzled as to why she was acting  this way.  But he waited until they drove away to ask her. 

                “Honey, what is wrong with you?” He asked, they weren’t too far yet, I hoped I would be able to hear the answer, so I put a temporary listening spell in the car.  I smirked, genius.

                “That girl is engaged, yesterday she said that she was 18.  She made me forget to ask about the magic.”  She still sounded shocked. I was laughing, I made the spell so that Jake could listen too, he was laughing as well.

                “Maybe it’s for the best, the magic thing, not the engagement.  I think that she knows what she is doing,  maybe she has known him her whole life or something.”  The husband reasoned with her, I didn’t see why she was shocked, I knew she would be because of the type of person she was but I didn’t understand why. 

                “Maybe she is pregnant.”  She sputtered out; I could hear the husband grunt.  I didn’t grunt I frowned; why in the world would you marry someone to cover that up!  Frankly I had magic and I could do it like that. 

                “So?”  The husband retorted this time instead of grunting, but he sounded offended.

                “I don’t think that she should do that.”  She muttered, I could just imagine the husbands face.  He seemed like he would look discussed about now.  I don’t know why she jumped to that conclusion, and then I looked down.  Maybe I was gaining weight.

                “So what, we did that?”  The husband pretty much cried out.  I gasped, Jake looked like he was about to burst out laughing.  In my opinion it seemed like we were watching a sitcom, well listening, this was just so outrageous.

                “Yes,” She dragged on the yes, “But we loved each other, I could hear the car door slam shut and they continued their fight outside of the car but they had left the car.  I took the spell off; I didn’t want to listen to silence.


                “People,” I yelled up the stairs, “Get down here.”  I walked with Jake to the kitchen, our hands intertwined, and sat down.  I could hear the three of them grumbling that they were doing things as then bounded down the stairs.

                “What!”  Olive whined, clearly still in a bad mood.  She glared at Alison; Alison didn’t seem to notice though.

                “So the lady invited us to that party I was telling you about, and she said you could bring dates if you would like.  That’s all.”  I looked at the table, my cereal was soggy now.  I never got to finish it.


“Sweet!”  Flash shouted and ran up the stairs, followed by Alison. Olive stayed down and didn’t seem happy, mainly with me.

                “Go away Jake, I wanna talk to Kira.”  She glared at him; she sure was in a glaring mood today.  I watched Jake as he sulked out of the room, he was mumbling as he left, “Why did you announce that!”  She seemed furious with me.  I didn’t know why she was so mad; all I did was pass on the information to the rest of the people.

                “What!  All I did was pass on that information from the nosy lady!”  I frowned at her, she lessened her scowl and started tapping her fingers on her face and on the table.  I watched her carefully.

                “I mean I’m sorry but now look!  Flash is going to ask Alison to the party!”  She didn’t seem happy about that, I frowned even more, I think that when I get older I will have one of those perminate frowns, why did she even care what Flash did.  Then it clicked, maybe she liked him!

                “Wait, hold on a second, do you like him?!”  I looked at her, my frown started to go away, did she like Flash, and if she did, that wouldn’t explain why Flash was asking Alison to the party!

                “Wow Kira, you just-“ she smacked her face in to the wall,  “You know what, yeah I do.”  She rubbed her forehead.

                “So what does that have to do with Alison and Flash?”  I looked at Olive; her forehead was turning bright red.  I think she might have a bruise tomorrow, that wouldn’t be too good.

                “What the-“  She did it again, but this time she cringed after picking her face up off the table.  She rubbed her forehead again. “What the hell Kira!  You are so slow!”  Her forehead was defiantly going to have a bruise tomorrow, and I looked like it hurt. 

                “What!”  I whined, “Can you just explain this who thing to me?”  I looked at her, she was about to throw her face on the table again, “Stop throwing your face on the table,” I caught her face.  She threw my hand off of her forehead and opened her mouth.  Then shut it, she looked like she was trying to catch flies.

                “Flash- he told me he liked Alison.”   She looked at the floor.  You could see her face was still red, maybe it was red from the table, or maybe she was getting embarrassed, either one she was getting red.

                “And-“  She cut me off knowing I would tell her to go on, she kept going, there were a flood of tears sliding out of the corners of her eyes and down her face, then dripping down her chin down to the floor.

                “I think that Alison likes him back.”  She finished, I looked at her, I didn’t remember liking guys until Jake, I was too busy trying to stay alive. And I think that it was the same with Olive, she had spent her whole life trying to stay alive that now that she could like  people it was hard that they could reject her. I remember feeling fondness towards other guys, but they had been slaughtered because they didn’t meet their adoption deadline.  It wasn’t really their fault but they got the short end of that stick, I had just kept getting switched from pound to pound, it was weird; I was always the lucky one, my death should have come long ago and I was glad life spared me another chance.

                “Olive, I know this is hard, I don’t think you got to like people before so you don’t know, but there are other people out there.  And you will find someone, whether or not you think so, it will happen, I know so.”  I looked at her, I didn’t really know but she is amazing so who couldn’t love her, besides Flash.

                “If you know then who will it be?”  She lifted her face up to me, wiping away her tears.   Her face was still red, I think that it was the table, she was getting whiter though, so maybe it was a combination of the two things making her look like  a tomato.

                “If I told you then what would be the fun of finding him?”  I looked at her and smiled.  She laughed, she wiped away the rest of her tears, they stopped spilling out of her eyes now.

                “You don’t know do you?”  She snorted, she went over to the sink and turned on the water.   She slashed a bunch on her face, she came back to the table looking a lot more refreshed.

                “No but hey, I found someone, that means you can too.”  I looked toward the door, Jake was walking in at this point.  He clearly didn’t know what he was walking in to and he looked taken back.

                “What is that supposed to mean?” Jake said mocking a girls voice, sliding his hands to his hips, I giggled.

                “Well you see, I was telling her what a weirdo I am.”  I looked at him.  His hands slid from his hips, they raised into the air.

                “Whatever girl!”  He screeched.  I couldn’t help myself from laughing this time; he ran at me and picked me up by my waist.  He shook me and yelled.  At this point Flash came running down the stairs, followed by Alison to figure out what all the commotion was about. 

                “Put me down!”  I whined, “Come one Jake!”  I tried to squirm out of his grip but he wouldn’t let me go, then he stabbed me in the side with his fingers; I made a noise that you would expect a dying pig to make, just much louder and more unpleasant.

                “What the-“ Flash threw his hands over his ears, I was now on the ground, Jake dropped me to cover his ears, and now all of them were left coving their  ears.  Then I noticed that Olive wasn’t with us. 

                “I’ll be back,” I muttered before running upstairs, I threw on a new pair of clothes, a pair that I could run in.  I looked down at my mismatched outfit, then I opened the window and I jumped out, I quickly murmured a spell so that I would float down more or less.  I wanted to join Olive, it would be nice, I hadn’t gone in a few days. 

                Once I hit the ground I lunged towards the trees, she should be on there, on the track we made, it had only been a week or so of running on this trail, but you could already tell it was a trail.  It was pretty cool. 

                Once I had gotten through the first trees it was like a whole new world, that’s part of the reason I liked this house so much.   

I followed the path that Olive had so clearly taken, until I reached the meadow.  There was sweat dripping down the sides of my face.  I layed down on my tree stump, and thought.

Vote and comment my lovleys, I would love some input!  Anyhow thanks for being loyal to the story, or how ever you want to say it.  You know something, I am listening to TobyGames in the backround while I am writing this.  It is actully quite funny, also I showed my cousin CAN YOUR PET. If you have younger siblings or somthing show them this.  It is amazing and it is so fun to laugh at the end, play it first.

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