The Story of Venice Evans

By deadlydraco

14.3K 388 28

This is the story about a girl named Venice Evans who enters Hogwarts in her 4th year, having not known of Wi... More

Diagon Alley
The Train
The Arrival
Dumbledore's Office
The Sorting
Defence Against the Dark Arts
Snape's Announcement
Christmas Eve
A very Malfoy Christmas
A Stroll in Hogsmeade
An Abundance of Tests
Detention for Two
The Red Sparks
London Station
Malfoy's Manor
A Sunset kind of Party
A Sky Full of Stars
A Loosened Grip
A Heart of Melted Stone
A Ponder of Explantions
Super Secret
Yours Truly
The D.A.'s Get-Together
Some Tea and a Snackbox
Expecto Patronum!
Pang of Jealousy
Small Dazes of Valentine's Day
Their Grand Escape
The Departure Problem
The Ride Away
Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
The Slug Club
Potions with Slughorn
The Flames of Blue
Life in the Hospital's Wing
Draco's Secret
Dumbledore: The Fallen
The Preparation
The Twisted Wedding
An Interrupted Hearing
Portkey Escapee
The Room With a Little More Than Requirement
Voices of Powerful Philosophies
The Return
The Battle of Hogwarts
8 Years Later
19 Years Later

Christmas Morning

428 12 1
By deadlydraco

Draco was not to go home for the holidays this year, as his parents were off on a very special mission that he was not supposed to know the details of. He felt disappointed, but alright because then he could spend his Christmas with Venice. He got dressed and went down to the great hall for breakfast. It was decorated all around with tinsel, and Christmas trees of varying sizes surrounding the edges of the room. He saw that the chandeliers above were shining wistfully with fairy lights, that twinkled and shined all around the room. Draco looked outside and saw the Hogwarts grounds covered in snow. He rushed over to the Slytherin table to join Venice and wish her a merry Christmas, but she was not there. He saw down across from Crabbe and Goyle, wondering where she could be. He looked around and saw all the other girls there, so why was she missing? He wondered, and got disappointed. He began to eat in silence, avoiding gaze with anybody else.

Venice was in Dumbledore's office. It was about 5:00 in the morning when Professor McGonagall came pounding on the dormitory door and calling Venice's name. "Ms. Evans! Please report to Headmaster's office immediately!" There was a tone of caution in her voice, and a tad bit of sympathy. Venice rushed down after McGonagall, to Dumbledore's office in her nightgown. "Ms. Evans, we have just received terrible news about your Aunt. Unfortunately, you will not be able to see her this summer. Or, I dare say anytime for that matter. Your Aunt was found dead in her home, yesterday, Ms.Evans. She was struck by a person with magical abilities, as indicated with her injuries. Oh, Ms. Evans, I am so sorry," Dumbledore finished. By now Venice was speechless and choking on her own tears. She couldn't believe it, the last of her family: dead. Venice sat crying for a good 5 minutes, and when she finally could speak, she mumbled "But, bu- but, I, I have no-nowhere! Whe-where am I sup-supposed to g-g-go?" She began crying again at once. Professor McGonagall came and patted her on the back as Venice broke down sobbing once more. "That I do not have a definate answer for. But, I have noticed that Mr. Malfoy has become a close acquaintance of yours. So, I have contacted the Malfoys. They will be here at 9:00, which is in about 3 hours. Draco does not yet know of this, and I advice you do not tell him so until the decision is final. I would like you to meet the Malfoys before you make any decisions, Ms.Evans. I know it will be hard for you to cope for the next few days, but make sure you are 100% sure about who you want to live with. There is always the option for a care centre, if you wish," Dumbledore said. Venice stopped crying and looked up at him. "I think I'll give the Malfoys a shot, sir, thank you" Venice said. "Very well. Please, go and try and get some sleep before they arrive. I will send a post in when they are here."

Draco went for a stroll outside in the snow, and ended up in an aggressive snowball fight with the Weasley twins, Fred and George. "You gits, stop it!" Draco yelled as he chucked a snowball at George. "Never!" The twins shouted in chorus. Crabbe and Goyle joined Malfoy's side, and started throwing at once. Crabbe accidentally hit Malfoy very hard in the back of the head with a snowball, which made Draco start aiming for him too. The little snowball fight turned into a massive school war, with all the Houses fighting against eachother in battle. Little did Draco know, his parents were not on a mission at all. They were in the castle meeting Venice Evans, filing for a care taking position.

Venice fell asleep merely 5 minutes after she crawled back into bed, covered in tears. She was awoken very suddenly when an owl came swooping in the dormitory and dropped a letter right onto her face. She opened it, and it read:
Ms. Evans,
Mr. And Mrs. Malfoy have arrived. Please escort yourself to my office as soon as possible.
Sincerely, Prof. Dumbledore.
It had only seemed like 5 minutes she had been asleep before the letter arrived. Quickly, she tried to put on something presentable and rushed out of the dormitories. She arrived into an empty common room, and decided to take a quick look outside. She looked down at the grounds, and saw everybody engaged in a big snowball fight. A flood of jealousy surged through her. Here she was, mourning the death of her Aunt while all these people didn't have a care in the world. She ran downstairs and straight to Dumbledore's office, where standing in the centre was two tall and extremely blonde people with all black cloaks. "Ah, Ms. Evans! Welcome back. May I introduce you to Mr. Lucius Malfoy," Mr. Malfoy stook his hand out with a smirk, Venice cautiously shaking it, "-And Mrs. Narcissa Malfoy." Dumbledore finished. Mrs. Malfoy spoke, and said "Venice, it is great to meet you. Albus has just told us so much about you. What an honour it would be, to have such a powerful mind in our household. Not anything against our son, of course." Venice gave a small smile. "It must be hard, without family. Never could imagine," Mr. Malfoy started, "I hear you are related in some way to Harry Potter?" "I believe so, sir," Venice said. "Extraordinary," Mr. Malfoy said. "Venice, we really do wish for you to come and join us for the summer, I have found out that you get along with Draco quite nicely, which is great because frankly he's never really had any friends!" Mrs. Malfoy finished, with a cackle. "I, um, I think that would be great. Thank you," Venice stammered, appalled by the behaviour of the two Malfoys. "Brilliant, we shall see you soon then! I will arrange for the Ministry to drive you to wherever you need to get your belongings before you move in. Ta ta, dear, we must be leaving!" Mrs. Malfoy said, apparently quite impressed. She grabbed onto her husband's arm, and within seconds they disappeared out of the room.

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