Stolen - Bleach Fanfiction ~E...

By SilentInnocence

100K 1.8K 134

*EDITED UP TO CHAPTER 9. READ PAST THAT AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION.* Keeping a secret from the world is hard. Kir... More

Character Profile
Chapter 1: New students
Chapter 2: Partners and Tag
Chapter 3: Memories
Chapter 4: Late
Chapter 5: Revealed
Chapter 6: Telling the truth
Chapter 7: Say Goodbye, Say Hello
Chapter 8: Pink
Chapter 9: Trust
Chapter 10: Suprises and Shocks
Chapter 11: Escort
Chapter 12: Dinner
Chapter 13: Trainer
Chapter 14: Are you trying to kill me?!
Chapter 15: Bring me back
Chapter 16: Waking up
Chapter 17: Get ready
Chapter 18: Battle
Chapter 19: Second Chance
Chapter 20: Assignment
Chapter 21: Encounter
Chapter 22: Why?
Chapter 23: I promise
Chapter 24: Ghosts
Chapter 25: Man in black and going back?
Chapter 26: Im back!
Chapter 27: Back in town
Chapter 28: Curse
Chapter 29: Let me in
Chapter 30: Party
Chapter 32: Falling apart
Chapter 33: No regrets
Chapter 34: Feelings
Chapter 35: War plans
Chapter 36: Gone
Chapter 37: Catching up
Chapter 38: Surprise visit
Chapter 39: Say goodbye
Chapter 40: Dream or Reality?
Chapter 41: Welcome
Chapter 42: Complications
Chapter 43: Change
Chapter 44: Reuniting
Chapter 45: Breaking the promise
Chapter 46: Saviour
Chapter 47: Till Death Do Us Part

Chapter 31: Believing

1.3K 16 0
By SilentInnocence

Chapter 31: Believing

The music was blaring, I had a beer in hand, and I was dancing my ass off. To make it short, I was having the time of my life. I swallow the last sip of beer out of my cup and look sadly at the red cup. “Time for a refil.” I sigh and make my way to the kitchen.

“Hello Kira.” I hear a predatory voice behind me. I finish refilling my cup before turning to face him.

“Good morning Hichigo!” I smile, jumping into his arms. “Did you know that gummy bears are going to take over the world!” I ask, rolling around in his arms till I was comfy.

“No, I didn’t know that. Well, I came here to tell you that we are having a meeting in Ichigo’s bedroom in five minutes. Be there.” Hichigo winks at me before walking away to grind with some girl.

“Better get this over with.” I mumble and grab my cup before walking to Ichigo’s bedroom. I am just about to open the door when I am pushed into a closet with someone.

“What the? Who are you?” I ask, not being able to see the person because the lights were out.

“It’s me. Rukia.” Rukia whispers. I reach over to the door and flick the light on. It sputters before turning on, letting me see Rukia.

“What do you want Rukia?” I ask some what harshly. Rukia and I haven’t talked since before I left for Hueco Mundo. I didn’t want to talk to her because I was scared she was going to yell at me for leaving.

“Why did you leave?” Rukia asks, her voice sad and her eyes staring up at me.

“I, uh, left because I had to Rukia. I had no other choice.” I say, looking down at my feet so I wouldn’t have to look at her.

“Can you come back?” Rukia’s words shock me. I slowly look up at her, my mouth slightly open.

Could I come back? “No.” I say the first answer to come to mind. I really didn’t know why I couldn’t.

“Why not?”

“Because I can’t. Las Noches is my home now, it’s where I belong. I’m a Arrancar and I can’t change that. I’m a monster who belongs where others of my kind are. My hollow and me belong there.” I explain, my voice cracking.

“You belong here, back at your real home, with your family. Please, just come back. I don’t care if you are an Arrancar, and besides, I liked you before as well and you had your hollow back then to. Please.” Rukia begs, her eyes pleading me to say yes.

I feel a tear slip out of my eye and down my face. “I can’t. I just can’t. I’m sorry Rukia.” I sob, pushing the door open and rushing out and into Ichigo’s room.

Once I was in Ichigo’s room, I wipe my eyes and look up to see everyone sitting around. “Hey.” I smile weakly and walk over to Grimmjow, taking a seat next to him.

“Your brothers here.” Fiera states from her spot against the wall.

“What?!” My eyes widen in shock. Why was he here? He shouldn’t be here, at all. I have to find him and get rid off him before he hurts anyone. “Where is he?” I demand, walking up to Fiera.

“Downstairs.” Fiera shrugs. “He wants you.”

I spin on my heel and burst out of Ichigo’s room. Running down the stairs, I scan the living room and kitchen until I see my brother in a corner with a girl. Storming over to him, I grab him by the neck and sonido out of Ichigo’s house and to the nearest park.

I release him, throwing him to the ground in the process. “What was that for?” My brother whines as he picks himself up off the ground and rubs his neck.

“What was that for?! That was for you being here!” I growl at him. He just laughs, which causes my anger to rise more.

“Don’t be so upset sister. I just came to visit you.” My brother smirks. I growl at him which just makes him laugh more.

“So every time you visit me are you going to stab me?!” I shout. How dare he think he can just come into my life and demand me to not be mad at him for not seeing me for my whole life.

“No, no that was a misunderstanding. Mother told me to do that the first time I ever saw you. She said it would save me if I killed you. But now I know it won’t. I am sorry Kira.” He bows his head in apology.

“Do you actually think I am going to believe that nonsense? I am not as naïve as you think I am, Ren.” I spit, my voice dripping with cold venom.

“But it is the truth. Please believe me sister. I would never willingly harm my own twin sister. I swear it on my life.” Ren looks up at me and I see sincerity in his eyes. Can I really trust him?

I feel a gust of wind behind me, sending chills up my spin. I whip around to see Fiera standing there, with Dyan behind her. “He tells the truth Kira.” Dyan whispers.

I nod slowly, not believing him. My gaze moves over to Fiera for comfirmation. “What Dyan said is true. Ren is not lieing to you. A nother thing, can we come back in? It’s boring out here and I miss home.” Fiera says, her voice eager.

Nodding quickly, Fiera steps over to me and hugs me. I wrap my arms around her before I feel her slipping back into me. Looking up, I see Dyan was gone as well. I turn back around to face Ren.

“Fine, I will believe you. But I promise, that if I find out you have lied to me or if you ever double cross me, I swear I will kill you myself.” I spit, my gaze hard as I speak.

Ren nods before speaking. “I understand. Goodbye my dear sister.” Ren says before he disappears in a gust of wind.

After a few seconds, I colapse onto the ground into a heap. What has my life become?

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