Half-Blood Hero (HP/PJO cross...

By livextoxdance

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Half-Blood Hero
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
The Chapter that is the Fourth
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Authours note

Chapter 17

697 30 5
By livextoxdance

Song: Stompa by Serena Ryder

Book: The Crazy Horse Electric Game by Chris Crutcher. Thats the book my class is doing as a novel study.

Rant Time: HouSE oF HaDeS WAHT? I don't have it and I was literally 20ft away from a bookstore... FML. But I'm trying my hardest to avoid spoilers and apparently Nico has a big BAM come. *sigh* I want that book soooooo bad and my mom said I have to wait til CHRISTMAS. Not fair.

It's short but at least it's an update :/


"Hey Annabeth? HEY ANNABETH? Thats all you can say after I find you in a position like this?" Annabeth asked rhetorically.

I then realized that I was still on top of Percy with my sword at his throat. I put my sword away and got off of Percy then helped him up.

"Uhm yeah?" Percy said and I facepalmed. Annabeth was speechless (Which was a first) as Percy didn't see anything wrong with the situation.

Thankfully, we were saved from having to explain as Jake came tumbling down the stairs and landed on top of Annabeth, taking her down with him.

"Woah! That's an Annabeth!" Jake said, shocked.

"Of course I'm Annabeth, you Dolt!"

"Hey! That's mean!"

"I'm a pretty mean person at times," Annabeth shrugged with difficulty as she was squashed underneath Jake. Jake nodded in agreement and Annabeth reached up and pushed him off.

Percy snickered and helped Annabeth up.

"So what brings you to this neck of the woods?" Percy smiled and bumped his hip against Annabeth's.

Annabeth rolled her eyes before replying, "A little bird told me that someone's going to be able to talk soon!"

"Damn! I gotta meet this bird!" Nico laughed, walking up to me and putting his arm around my shoulder. I laughed and kissed his cheek.

'Where's everyone else?' I signed to him and he said that they were back at the common room.

"So Annabeth are you going to stay for a bit?" Percy asked hopefully.

"Uhm... that's actually what I came to talk to you guys about. Just not here," Annabeth said and shot a look to the curious passing wizards.

"Oh! let's give you a tour then!" Nico said and grabbed my hand while Percy grabbed Annabeths.

We gave Annabeth a quick tour then went to the common room where we were immidiately bombarded by the rest of the demigods.

"ANNABETHHHHH!" Amy yelled and attacked her from behind in a hug.

"Annabeth?" Aaron asked, confused.

"Yay!" Lindsey and Lauryn said at the same time.

"Hi everyone!" Annabeth laughed as Amy crawled off of Annabeth.

Long story short, there was three new campers, the Appollo cabin had started on fire only once (Nothing major) and the Ares cabin had declared war on the Dionysus cabin when they had broken all of the Ares kids weapons after the Ares kids had kicked butt in Capture the Flag.

"So basically, the usual?" Percy asked to clarify.

"The usual," Annabeth confirmed with a head nod.

"Wait wait wait... The usual?" Ron asked with a raised eyebrow. I guess the wizards came in sometime during the story but we were all too distracted to notice.

"Yeah?" Nico said but it was more like a question.

"So this happens regularly?" Hermione asked, shocked and all us demigods nodded.

"Uh... Isn't that what we said?" Andy asked. Huh. He's been pretty quiet lately.

"Well yeah, but-" Ginny started but was cut off.

"Butts are for sitting!" Amy interrupted.

"I suppose she has a point," Harry shrugged.

"OH MY GODS!" Amy yelled suddenly.

"Damn. Blow out my eardrum, will ya?" Jake muttered.

"Sorry Jake," Amy muttered back then continued louder, "Look at the time guys!" We all looked at the clock and saw that it was almost lunch.

"LETS GO THEN!" Aaron yelled happily.

"You guys go! I got to tell Caden something!" Nico said and grabbed my hand, pulling me back from the excited wizards and demigods.

I watched them file out of the room then turned to Nico who smiled at me.

"I just wanted to let you know," he said and started blushing. Aww he's nervous! I squeezed his hand, letting him know that he could continue. He smiled at me and continued, "That no matter what happens, I- I really think- that I might- possibly- uhm- love you?" he finished as a question.

I'm pretty sure that my smile was borderline creepy as I wrapped him up in a hug and kissed him. He kissed back then pulled back.

"Now you don't have to say it back because I want to be able to hear you say it. So lets get out of here an down to the bathroom to hear what you have to say!" He winked at me and I nodded then we ran out of the common room holding hands.

We ran towards the bathroom and when we got there we checked to make sure no one was looking then opened the door and entered.

"Thank the gods! We thought that something had happened to you guys!" Amy gushed as we came in.

"Regardless, we're here now, that's all that matters! Lets get this show on the road!" Nico said and clapped his hands together.

"Caden, come here please," Hermione said and gestured to a cauldron that had a suspiciously dark and froth liquid bubbling in it.

"This potion is called 'Nyx Knowledge' and was made by a guy named Haroldeous Nyx, a genius wizard in the thirteenth century. Basically, what it will do is grow back any missing limbs. It's very difficult to make but there is no possible way to screw it up. Unless of course if Harry an Ron made it," Harry and Ron were about to protest but they seemed to think about it then shrugged agreeing with Hermione.

"Anyways," Hermione continued as she plucked a hair out of my head and dropped it in the potion, it might make you hair grow longer which might be a pain for you as your hair is so long already but nevertheless it can be cut," she stopped talking long enough to pour some into a cup and handed it to me, "Bottoms up."

I took the cup and looked into it. I swirled it around a few times, watching it move. I lifted the cup to my face and smelled it. The smell literally made me want to curl up in a corner and not do this but I knew I should.

I looked over at Annabeth, Percy, Nico and Amy who all have me encouraging smiles. I lifted the cup to my mouth, drinking the contents like a shot.

If I were a liar, I would tell you that drinking a wizard potion was like drinking butterflies and rainbows. Unfortunately for you, I don't lie often so I'm going to be honest. It felt like I was drinking slugs and dirt mixed with vomit. It was not fun. Add to that the fact that my mouth felt like it was on fire due to my tongue being regrown, it was not pretty.

Let me tell you something else, I had thought long and hard about what my first words were going to be. Maybe something along the lines of 'Thanks Hermione' or 'hey guys' but as soon as the potion had finished doing its do, I couldn't help the words that slipped out of my mouth.

"This tastes like sh*t," I said. My voice was hoarse and scratchy from not being used in so long but you could easily hear what I said.

As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I blushed. Everyone laughed and I was engulfed in a giant group hug.

"Who knew my sister had a potty mouth?" Aaron laughed.

"I love hearing you talk," Nico whispered in my ear and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!" Amy was squealing and jumping around. Everyone seemed so happy right now.

"LET GET OUT OF HE BATHROOM!" Hermione yelled over everyone.

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