Heart Whispers(muslim Love St...

By flawless43

139K 2.9K 70

Define happiness? That was the exact question I asked myself the very day I decided I wanted to be happy but... More

chapter one
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7

chapter 2

7.2K 456 13
By flawless43

"check it out!! "the lady doing my make up said spinning my chair in front of the mirror.

"wow!! It's beautiful "

"no time for tears now Mina" my sister said playfully.

"can I come in"dad said peeping through the door

"sure dad"

"I will just get something downstairs"yasmin said closing the door behind her.

"you look so beautiful"papa said looking into my eyes and smiling.

"who would believe I will finally give you to someone as a wife"

"I didn't believe you could either"i said then we both burst out laughing.

After mom had died I was always known as papa's little wife and he wouldn't even let me out of his sight without knowing where I was.

"your mother asked me to give you this"he said opening the jewellery box in his hand.

''awwwnnn,it is so beautiful"I said admiring it.

"she wanted you to have this on your wedding day,it was her last wish that I give this to. I know how much khadija would have loved to be here."

I could here the crack in papa's voice as he spoke, I wanted to comfort him but I was also crying already that I almost destroyed my makeup.

"here"papa said putting it on my neck.

"it's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen"I said looking into the mirror and placing my hand on it.

"papa I will always be your little Mina, don't be sad now"i said pouting.


"were you crying"yasmin screamed as she looked at me after dad had gone.

"yeah, but I didn't ruin the make up"

"what's that"


"that on your neck, it's beautiful "

"oh, mum asked dad to give it to me "

"oh... "

"I really want to get married so I can have one already"yasmin said dramatically.

"it's time"zayn suddenly said entering the room.

"why did your face change"

"nothing, I am just so nervous"

"ya Allah, now my big sister is behaving like a little kid"zayn said playfully.

"did you just insult me!!! You will pay for that later"

Yasmin watched both of us, laughing.

"seriously you don't need to, big sis we will always be her for you"

"if he doesn't treat you right, big sis, this home may not be as fancy as where you will be going to but at least me, Yasmin and Papa will always be here"

"just admit you will miss her already"yasmin said smiling

"yeah, I will surely miss you, big sis"

"say you love me"

"your husband will be telling you more of that"he said smiling

"I love you"yasmin ran towards me pulling me in the best hug ever.

"sis you know I will never stop loving you"zayn said smiling.


Do you Amir Omar pledge, in honesty and sincerity, to be her faithful and helpful husband."the imam suddenly asked.

"yes I do"he said softly.

do you Amina Khalid offer yourself in marriage and in accordance with the instructions of the Holy Koran and the Holy Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him. And pledge, in honesty and with sincerity, to be for him an obedient and faithful wife."

As the imam said that my heart skipped a beat I looked around as if asking someone for help on the question. Was I ready to be in such a commitment? I could run now or could I? I looked back at the imam.

"I.... Do"i said, then a loud Takbir was said from the back and everyone chorused "Allahuakbar"!!!


I looked from the side of the mirror of the car with him sitting next to me. I looked at my papa and siblings as they all said their goodbyes and gave their blessings.

Amir's parents had suggested we go for our honeymoon in Dubai since he had a house there and he also worked there sometimes. But we were going to be staying at an hotel today.

The car was so silent and he didn't even utter a word. I actually prayed quietly that he wouldn't because I was actually a very shy person and could say terrible things while being nervous. The driver drove slowly to starlight hotel,it was one of the most expensive hotel in the country. Were the rich stayed and the average didn't even bother to lodge.

"we are here"the driver said interrupting my thoughts.

"get the bags from the car"amir said

He walked into the large 5star hotel as I walked behind him slowly and anyone who had seen me that moment would have thought I was the new maid,if not for my gown and make-up.

"welcome, Mr omar this is the key, if you need anything we will be at your service"

"Mr omar"someone else said from afar and it then dawned on me that I might have married a popular guy and I had to live with it forever.


He said he was going down to get something, so I used the opportunity to remove my scarf cause I didn't know how to, in front of him, it felt awkward.

I changed into something comfortable brushed my hair, then sat on the bed scrolling through my phone.

"our flight leaves by 9 tomorrow"he said as he entered the room and my heart skipped a beat for what felt like the 100th time today. I looked up at him, he stared at me for sometime before he shifted his gaze.

"do you want anything"

"no"i said feeling really sleepy and yawning.Today was a long day but I guess there was still more adventure to encounter.

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