Broken and Repaired

By KendraNycole

95.5K 1.6K 166

A Harry Styles fan-fiction: Kallie was a 19 year old girl, who had a normal life until her mom decided it wa... More

Broken and Repaired (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 2 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 3 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 4 (Harry Styles Fan-Fiction)
Chapter 5 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 6 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 7 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 8 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 9 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 10 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 11(Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 12 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 13 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter14 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 15 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 16 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 17 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Important Note
Chapter 18 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 19 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 20 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 21 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 22 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 23 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 24 (Harry Styles Fan-Fiction)
Chapter 25 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 26 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 27 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 28 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 29 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 30 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Chapter 31 (Harry Styles Fanfiction)
Chapter 32 (Harry Styles Fanfiction)
Chapter 33 (Harry Styles Fanfiction)
Big News!
Part 2 / Chapter 34 (Harry Styles Fanfiction)
Part 2 / Chapter 35 (Harry styles fanfic)
Part 2 / Chapter 36 (Harry Styles fanfic)
Heyyyy Heyyyy!
Part 2 / Chapter 37 (Harry Styles Fanfiction)
Part 2 / Chapter 38 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Part 2 / Chapter 39 (Harry Styles FanFiction)
Exciting News!!!
pretty pwease!


1.4K 26 6
By KendraNycole


Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense.  ~Mark Overby

Love is a game that two can play and both win.  ~Eva Gabor


Harry's POV

1 year later


The most spectacular,indescribable, deep euphoric feeling for someone. Love is an incredibly powerful word. When you're in love, you always want to be together, and when you're not, you're thinking about being together because you need that person and without them your life is incomplete. This love is unconditional affection with no limits or conditions: completely loving someone. It's when you trust the other with your life and when you would do anything for each other. When you love someone you want nothing more than for them to be truly happy no matter what it takes because that's how much you care about them and because their needs come before your own. You hide nothing of yourself and can tell the other anything because you know they accept you just the way you are and vice versa. It's when they're the last thing you think about before you go to sleep and when they're the first thing you think of when you wake up, the feeling that warms your heart and leaves you overcome by a feeling of serenity. Love involves wanting to show your affection and/or devotion to each other. It's the smile on your face you get when you're thinking about them and miss them. Love can make you do anything and sacrifice for what will be better in the end. Love is intense,and passionate. Everything seems brighter, happier and more wonderful when you're in love.

This all describes my feelings for Kallie. There Is no one out in the word that could possiblely make me feel more complete. That's why I decided it was time to pop the big question.

Kallie has been out with the girls all day and they decided that they would all stay at Eleanor's for tonight. I took this opportunity to invite Kameron out for a nice dinner... also because me being the gentleman I am, ask her for permission to marry Kallie.


"Harry this place is extravagant! but don't you think it's a little fancy for dinner with me?" I chuckled at Kameron's comment. "Actually no. Well atleast not why we are here." I smiled up at her while earning a some-what confused looked from her. "and why might that be? Please tell me you aren't in any kind of trouble." I yet again chuckled at her. "No. No. Actually I wanted to-" I was cut off by the waitress.

"Hi! I'm Anna and I'll be your waitress for the night! Can I take your orders?!" The waitress a perkey, blue/green-eyed, boobed blonde. "Yes. I'll have the Grilled chicken with a side salad." Kameron glared at the waitress. "And for you sir?" She flipped her hair over her right shoulder to look at me. "Ummm. I think I'll have the steak and potatos." I said folding up my menu and handed it to the waitress.

As she went to grab Kameron's menu, Kameron looked Anna dead in her eyes and spoke "Listen Anna. This handsome gentleman here has a girlfriend. So just do us all a favor and back off with the flirting." Kameron sent Anna an evil smile. "How would you know that? Your just his mom!" Anna smirked thinking she had won this battle. "Actually She is my girlfriends mom." I chimed in laughing a little bit. "Ohhh..... I guess I'm just gonna go get your orders placed now..." and with that she rushed through a door which I guessed led to the kitchen.

Well that was different. "Anyways... What were you saying before barbie showed up?" Kameron turned her attention back to me, curiosity written all over her face. "Well I brought you here tonight because I wanted to asked you something." I started to shake a little. What if she Dosen't want me to marry Kallie because she always seems to get taken of hurt when I'm around. No.No. She loves me.

"Harryyy? Hello anyone in there?" Kameron poked my forehead gaining my attention. "Huh. what?!" I shook me head coming back too. "What is it you wanted to ask me? You know you can talk to me." she gave my hand a reasurring squeeze. "Would you be okay with me asking for Kallie's hand in Marriage?"

I looked at Kameron to see a sudden burst of Joy. "Finally! I've been waiting forever to hear those words! First things first. I really do appriciate you asking for my permission. It truly does mean a lot. Second, Yes! I give you permission to marry my daughter." Kameron stood and as did I. She pulled me into a tight hug. Now the stressing part, getting everything set up and Praying she says yes.



Kallie's POV

I woke up from my nice slumber to feel Harry getting up from the bed. I turned over and grabbed his wrist before he could get to far from the bed. "Come back." I whined only to earn a deep raspey chuckle from Harry. "Ive gotta get some things done first love. Ill be back in a few." He kissed my cheek and walked from the room.

I guess I had fallen back asleep because I was shooken awake by Harry. He stood with a tray full of food. I sat up smiling "Well what is all of this?" I questioned. "Just a little breakfast in bed for the one I Love!" Harry pecked my Lips then sat the tray down for me to eat.

"Why are you already dressed?" I asked him noticing his wardrobe. "That's for me to know and you to find out," Harry smirked at me, "Now go get a shower! I've gotta go. I'll see you soon though." Harry kissed me before exiting the room taking the tray with him.

I was a little skeptical of Harry's actions but shrugged it off. I stood and made my way to the bathroom for a nice warm shower. After a long shower I got out and dressed in a pair of denim shorts and a flowey peach colored tank top.

On my way downstairs I grabbed my phone from the bed. I walked straight to the couch and turned on the tv. I sat flipping through the channels until my phone vibrated. I opened my phone to see that I had a message from harry. 'Check your notes!'. I closed the message and opened up my notes to see one labeled: From Harry(;. I opened the note and read: Hey love, I've got a really big surprise for you! follow the clues I give you and you will recive the best thing ever! Now first go over to Louis and Eleanors house! They will have the next note! Love you! see you soon(: xX-Harry

I locked my phone, cut off the tv, and sprinted upstairs to grab my shoes and cardigan. After getting everything I needed I rushed over to Louis' and El's Flat. After a solid 10 minutes I was on the doorstep of their flat. Before I could ring the door bell Louis flung open the door.

"Looking for this?" Louis held a a small sheet of paper in his hand. "Yes! Give it!" I reached for the note only for it to be snached from my reach. "Nope! if you want it your gonna have to get it!" with that Lou turned to take off through the house but didn't even make it 3 feet. El had appeared and tripped Lou mid run. "Ill take that." El grabbed the paper from Louis' hand and handed it to me.

"Heyyyy!" Louis whined. "Maybe you should think of cute things like this!" She grinned. Louis huffed and rolled back over onto his face. "Thanks El! Ill see ya around." I hugged her goodbye and headed to my car. When I entered I read the note: Remember that little cafe I picked you up from when things took a turn for the worst? Go there, that little old couple is waiting for you(:

I smiled at the thought of returning to the small cafe. Its been forever since I set foot in there. After a 30 minute drive I walked into the warm familiar cafe. "Kallie! its been to long." The elderly couple walked over to me giving me a sweet hug. "Its has been. I feel horrible for not stopping by." I admitted. "Its alright dear. We understand things weren't going to well." She pulled me over to the little corner I last was.

"Here you go sweetheart. One of those sweet boys who were here with you last time told me to give you this. Oh! and here is a nice coffee for you little adventure." They handed me a small piece of paper and a cup of coffee before leaving me be. This note just had instructions to a restaurant and then I was to ask for a waitress named Anna. Hmm weird.

After arriving to the restaurant I walked in looking for Anna. "Can I help you?" some strange host asked. "Yes. I'm looking for someone named Anna?" I said rather unsure. "one moment." I nodded as he walked toward the back. About 5 minutes later a boobed blonde came towards me. "Kallie?" I nodded. "You my friend have a great boyfriend. Here, he told me to give this to you." she handed me a note and walked away before I could even get a word in.

Note: Love, go back home and pack a bag for a 3 day vacation. When you have done so, head over to your mom's. She will have the last note. xX-Harry

After reading that I immediately drove back to the flat packed and locked up.


"Mom?" I called out after entering her flat. "In the kitchen Kallie!" she yelled back. I walked to the kitchen to see her cleaning up a bit. "Okay so as much a I would love to talk I can't. Here take this and please hurry. you don't want to be late!" Mom shoved an envelope into my hands and started pushing me towards the door.

I stopped outside the door to see what was inside the envelope. Note: See you in L.A.(: Then there was also a first class ticket to California. Now I see why mom was rushing me. She doesn't want me to miss my flight! SHIT!!! I dashed to my car and speeded to the airport! After arriving and going through security I heard my flight number being called. I made it right on time to board my plane. Thank you God!


After about 10 and a half hour plane ride I finally had finally arrived in California. I retrieved my luggage and began wondering the airport not really knowing where to go. Then suddenly my phone vibrated signaling a text. 'Turn around (: xX-Harry'

I turned around At the speed of light expecting to see Harry but nope. I saw a smiling Kara-Beth and a hidden but also smiling Niall. Kara always managed to turn up were she shouldn't have been or wasn't expected. Oh Yeah! I may have kinda forgotten to mention that Niall and Kara are together now, but I bet you were expecting it.

"Well Hi." I greeted the two as I approched them. "Heyyyy! Now I'm gonna need to you to get into the car ma'am. And please don't ask any questions. There will be plenty of time for that after all events have taken place." Niall spoke with a weird deep voice while taking my bag and escorting me to Kara's little black Honda.

We Drove for about 20 minutes just talking about life, catching up. When the car had stopped, it was infront of the most beautiful hotel in L.A. "Go check in. Its under Harry's name. I'll cya around." Niall handed me my bags and hugged me goodbye. I walked into the parlor of the hotel and up to the check in desk.

"Check in?" a women the age of maybe mid 40's asked me. "umm I think my boyfriend made arrangements for me. His name is Harry Styles." I said kinda unsure. "Yes. You are staying in The master sweet! Here is your room key. Take the elevator to the 7th floor and your in room 710." the women smiled a wide smile while handing me the room key. I thanked the women and made my way to my room.

After I got to my room I was in pure amazement. The room was fantastically amazing. I walked around looking for any sign of Harry but found none. I changed into my pajamas and climbed into bed. Right before my head hit the pillow I got a text from Harry 'Good night beautiful'. I replied with a simple goodnight and collided my head with the pillow. I wish Harry was here.. Was the last thought before I nodded off.

Sometime during the night I felt arms wrapping around my waist, warm breathing going down my neck, and lips kissing me. Before I had time to react they spoke "Shh. Calm down love. Its just me." Harry rubbed soothing circles onto my hip bone. "I love you Harry." I turned and kissed him lightly on his soft lips. "I love you too Kallie. Now go back to sleep. " I simply nodded to tired to argue with him. I layed my head down on his chest and fell asleep yet again.

I woke up to the sound of an alarm. Ughhhh. I rolled over turning my alarm off then rolling back over to sleep. About 5 minutes later it was going off again. This time I was tired of it so I cut off the alarm and checked my phone and saw I had a message from Harry. Before reading the message I turned over and saw he wasn't in the bed anymore.

Text: Good your up!(: I made sure to set a few alarms just to make sure though! Well go ahead and get up and ready. I have a nice dress picked out for you hanging up In the bathroom. I'll meet you at the Corner Cafe around noon. Love you! XX-Harry

Well that explains the alarms. I stood and headed to the bathroom to start getting ready. After applying makeup and fixing my hair I went to the closest in the bathroom looking for the dress. When I opened the door I saw a pink dress. After putting on the dress I discovered it had a bow on the back, it fell mid thigh, and the sleaves came to my elbows. Wow! Harry did great.


The corner Cafe. I walked in instantly remembering the vanilla smell. I took a deep breath and smiled, taking in my surroundings I noticed the cashier April at the counter. I walked over since it looks like Harry wasn't here yet.

"Long time no see?!" I leaned over and hugged April even though I rarely knew her, she helped me and Harry out big time last time we were her. "Yeah! I was watching the news and saw you and Harry on. I'm so sorry about what had happened since last time we met." She gave me a sempithetic look. "It Okayy. Its been about a year now so I've moved past it all." I said pretty happy.

"Well thats great! Speaking of Harry.. Where is that curly headed nut?" she asked causing me to giggle. "well he told me to meet him here around noon," I looked at the time on my phone, "Wellllllllll its 12:30 now. I wonder where he is?" and as if on cue Harry comes huffing and puffing through the cafe door. He ran up to me developing me into a hug "Sorry I'm Late love, I got caught up in... something.." he trailed off kissing me. I kissed him back while murmuring somewhere inbetween 'its okay and I'm glad your here.'

"Ehhemm. I'm still here." April stood behind the counter akward like. "Sorry... Hi April! Its nice to see you again." Harry smiled toward her. "Nice to see you again too! So what can I get for the lovely two?" she smiled bright. "Hmm can I have a chocolate latte and a crossont?" she simply nodded and then turned towards Harry. "Ill have the same but with Tea instead." harry said while still scanning the menu. "Okay you can have a seat ill bring it out when its ready." April turned but Harry stopped her, "Don't I owe you anything?" "Nope this one is on the house. Consider it a gift!" April sent us a wink before walking away. Harry had a shocked look on his face while I was just plain confused.

After getting the food we sat at a table giggling and talking. "Hey. I've got a really big surprise for you!" Harry grinned, he was bouncing his leg up and down showing he was nervous. "Oooooo! What is it?!" I asked curiously. "I can't tell you! But.... I can take you there!" Harry was still bouncing his leg. "Yayy! Lets go!" I get ready to stand but Harry stopped me " Ahhhhh. Finish your food first. There is no rush." I sighed sitting back down and cramming food in my mouth. "Calm down love, we can go now." Harry stood grabbing my hand and leading me out. We waved goodbye to April as we exited and started walking down the sidewalk.


After about a 15 minute walk Harry and I arrived at the park we first met. We walked over to the swings we first talked at and sat intertwining our fingers. "Kallie. You remember that surprise I was talking about?" Harry asked. I nodded remembering how excited I was for it. "Well first let me say something. Kallie the first time I laid eyes on you, you immediately lightened my mood. You always make me feel complete and when your not with me I feel as if a part of me is missing. I love the feeling of having you by my side when I'm going to sleep and there when I wake up. Kallie you are my rock, anchor, heck whatevet you wanna call it. We have been through thick and thin so I believe we can make it through anything. Kallie you are my bestfriend and the love of my life," Harry then stood pulling me up with him. He looked me in my eyes as he fumbled with something in his pocket. Harry then slowly and carefully got down on one knee, "Kallie Hope Crawford.... Will you do me the honor of becoming my beautiful wife?"

Harry was on one knee with a beautiful and big diamond ring placed in a navy blue velvet box. I was almost so shocked I forgot to answer Harry. "Y-yes! Yes! A million times yes!" Harry slid the ring on my finger and picked me up twirling around. I cried as Harry kissed me, then suddenly everyone I knew and loved appeared. Mom, the lads, and the girls.

"Who is that!?" I asked while pointing to a strange man walking over with a camera. "He is the photographer I hired. I wanted to be able remember this moment forever." Harry yet again pulled me into another kiss full of a long lasting passion. I pulled away "Lets grow old together yeah?" Harry looked at me smirking "Deal."



Well that's the end of my story. I hope you guys enjoined it as much as I did writing it. I really want to thank you guys for getting my 1.2k reads! you will never know how much that means to me. I would like you guys to know I will be writing a new story. I will update you guys later letting you know more about it! Thanks again..  BYYEEEEEE!!!!!

Xx-Kendra C:

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