Let's Fix This

By Geeki_

52.8K 2.5K 1.7K

Charlotte's parents have a fight and decide to get a divorce. The only person truly left for her is uncle. In... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Tagging Thingy
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Big Ole Author's Note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Another One(A/N)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Check My Author's Note)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Author's Note
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 11

1.3K 73 78
By Geeki_

Little Ole Author's Note - Alright so whaat? 100 votes! Nearly what 700 or something reads! I'm hype! Thanks everyone for reading, voting and commenting. This all feels great especially since I've fallen off my update schedule but I should be able to update the way I was when I first started this. Now le story! Oh and here's the apartment.


Wednesdays go by so slow, it's the middle of the week and I need it to just blast right through. We're in lunch right now though and I'm waiting on Henry so we can go and eat with Markov. Finally Henry exits our class.

"Geez, what took so long in there?" I ask half irritated. What? I'm hungry and we only get an hour which goes by very fast. 

"My family wants to speak to me and I got work that I would be missing tomorrow because I wouldn't be in school cause why? Oh my family just excused me for a day." Henry says nonchalantly but I can tell he's pretty livid. I just grab his arm and he glares at me then pinches the bridge of his nose. I let his arm go and hug him around his stomach really.

"I know, I know. Come, let's go to Markov and talk. I'm hungry and I know you definitely are too." I say and release him from my hug. He nods and we walk to the office. We get inside to see 2 sandwiches, Jasper, Markov and 2 empty seats. We plant our butts and dig in.

"Markov, why didn't you tell me I was excused from school?" Henry asks and Markov chokes. He coughs a few times and then swallows loudly.

"Uhm whoever told you that?" He asks cautiously. I roll my eyes, oh Ron you've already been caught fool.

"A teacher handed me work I'd be missing tomorrow." Henry says and Ron curses.

"Okay fine you got me. I'm sorry I should've told you but well just talk to them and see how it goes. It sounds like they really wanted to walk to you. You can take Charlotte or Jasper with you if you want. I know you 3 hold each other up. Speaking of, Jasp how'd things go with Chloe?" Markov says and then changes the subject. Henry rolls his eyes and bites into his almost gone sandwich. I look to see I still have at least half of mine left. Boys will be boys.

"Pretty good. She actually said yes and we have our first date Friday. I'm taking her to the beach so we can have a picnic." Jasper says proudly and I smile. Aww, things like that make me wanna get back in the dating game.

"I'm happy for you." Markov comments with pride in his tone. 

"Alright now me, Bianca wants to come to my new home but she doesn't know the whole situation with Charlotte and she hates her. How do I go about this?" Henry asks and I frown. Things like that make me not want to get back in the dating game. 

"You already know what I'm going to say." Markov says and Henry cringes. 

"What?" I ask and they both start looking around trying to avoid my question.

"Am I gonna have to slap a boy?" I ask.

"Ah not me not me not me! I have a date Friday!" Jasper pleads and I roll my eyes.

"Not you child, these two." I respond to Jasper.

"He wants me to break up with her but I mean I don't want to hurt her so I'm just going with the flow." Henry says. He really should break up with her.

"Just invite her over once or twice a week. When you do, I'll just leave out for the time she's there so it'll look like you live alone." I suggest.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Henry asks.

"You're stupid now eat." I say and everyone else chuckles as Henry makes a sad face and starts eating some chips. 

"Alright boys, it's the middle of the week. How we feeling so far?" I ask. I grab a soda and open it.

"Pretty good." Jasper replies.

"Meh" Henry replies.

"I'm hungry." Markov says and I roll my eyes. He just finished eating.

"Fat alright well I need a nap so please pass my blanket and y'all better not do anything to me while I'm sleeping." I say not trusting those innocent looks they're giving me. I move to the other side of the room and sleep on the little couch or whatever it is.



I really hoped it would take longer for Wednesday to be over but of course it was all a blur. First I see my family and then Bianca is going to come over to see my home, Charlotte is already at school I just dropped her off. She looks pretty cute today. I don't know how she's still single, her ass alone is just damn. Bianca has no booty at all, nor any real type of shape. Char though, that body is a pure blessing hips, thighs, booty, a chubby tummy and real nice legs. Bianca just has boobs and an average pretty face. It's like she is pretty but not to the point where she just takes my soul. Damn, it sounds like I like Charlotte. I need to calm down, it's going to look wrong if I meet my family with little Henry poking out. 

I park in my old driveway and get out the car, thankfully I'm calm now. I knock on the front door and Piper answers it. She looks me up and down. Her face shows distaste but she leads me inside to our dining area. My parents are sitting down and haven't acknowledged me. Piper sits down and so do I. It stays silent for 5 minutes and they just eat. I look at my food to see it's spinach and eggs. They know I hate this breakfast combo. Clearly, this won't be too friendly. After 30 more seconds of metal forks scraping against glass plates I snap.

"Why the fuck am I here?" I growl out shocking everyone as they drop their forks and my mother places her hand over her heart. Piper and my father send me disapproving looks.

"We wanted to see how you were doing, gotta keep up our image." Piper says. I knew it, no one in the community knows they disowned me. To everyone else, it looks like we're one big happy family and that's how they want to keep it. I stand up abruptly.

"Okay really? If all you care about is what some random fucking stranger thinks of you and not what your actual family member thinks of you then don't fucking ask for me again. Act like I don't exist, cut me off from our family like you said you would. I know the truth now and I'm going to start going to the doctor to fix myself something none of you will ever be able to do." I spit at them and watch as my words sink into their skin. Father starts to have one of his tics and mother races to the bathroom and I hear puking. Piper just sits there and starts crying, mumbling and trembling. That must be her timid personality, Janie. I walk out the house and text Bianca before leaving. She's not in school. I drive to her house and pick her up.

"Thanks for finally showing me you house, maybe we can finally start to get busy in there." She says as she starts to run her finger down from my shoulder to my wrist.

"Can you please not touch me? Can't you see I'm upset?" I say through grit teeth and a clenched jaw. She huffs and crosses her arms.

"Fine but hurry up, I got plans later on." She says with a bratty attitude. I roll my eyes. This is not how a couple should act. We get to my building and then we get to my apartment. I show her around, giving her a small tour.

"Whose stuff is this?" She asks disgustedly as she points to Charlotte's bonnet.

"Isn't that for black people? Don't they wear them to cover the god-awful thing they call hair on their heads?" Bianca asks ignorantly.

"Why are you being like this?" I ask angrily.

"Whoa calm down. It was just a question, anyways come take me back home. My cousin just arrived and I have to show him around." She says brushing off her ignorant question. I comply with her because I really want her gone. 

She gets out the car and jumps on some older guy. She starts kissing all over his face and rushes him into her house. Yeah, some real cousin like behavior that was. I slam my hands on the steering wheel and stomp on the floor of my car. Fucking everything has gotten me all riled up. I start driving around and next thing I know it's time for school to be over. I race to the school and park right in front of it. I search frantically for Char and then I spot her. I maneuver through the big ass crowd of kids to get to her. I hug her around her waist from behind.

"Hen?" Her sweet, soothing voice says. I nod my head on her shoulder and she turns in my arms to return my hug.

"What happened today?" She asks softly and I bury my face in her neck and breather deeply.

"Everything but you're here now and I'm calm." I muffle out and she starts giggling which brings a smile to my face. We pull apart and head to my car.

"How was school?" I ask already knowing the answer. She blows air out of her mouth.

"So boring and dull without you, Jasper was all talking about Chloe and Markov kept asking if I wanted him to set me up with someone, it was terrible." Char starts to rant but then I zone out. Set her up with who? She doesn't need to be set up. She doesn't even like people like that, she seems happy by herself and that's good. She don't need some stupid face pervert coming in and just-

"Henry? You stopped listening, you okay?" Charlotte asks. I look down at her and nod.

"Yeah sorry, say that again shorty." I say teasing her and she groans.

"Ugh, you're impossible." She mutters and gets in the car. I get in as well and drive off with a smirk on my face.

I love how she can change my whole mood and just make me forget everything that was ever fucking bothering me in the first place.

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