By thedarkling

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-Book ONE of the Lusus Naturae Trilogy- |C O M P L E T E D| Electra Volcov is addicted. She's addicted to tha... More

Introduction to Electra
Summary of Electra
Chapter One~Bad Beginnings
Chapter Two~Lips of A Monster
Chapter Three~ The Take Down
Chapter Four~Welcome To The Darkside
Chapter Five~ The Letter
Chapter Six~ And So It Begins...
Chapter Seven~Witch Brew
Chapter Eight~ Her Bed
Chapter Nine~ Dark Angel
Chapter Ten~Back Home
Chapter Eleven~ Changing
Chapter Twelve~A Warning
Chapter Thirteen~Explosive Emotions
Chapter Fourteen~A Helping Hand
Chapter Fifteen~ Kitten
Chapter Sixteen~ I'll Stay If You Want Me To Stay
Chapter Seventeen~ A Quick Way Out
Chapter Eighteen~ One Shitty Morning
Chapter Nineteen~Pig and a Dream
Chapter Twenty~Unexpected Visitors
Chapter Twenty One~Nightmare
Chapter Twenty Two~Drowning
Chapter Twenty~Three Heated Emotions
Chapter Twenty~Four New Player In Town
Chapter Twenty~Five Mr. Fantastic
Chapter Twenty~Six Poison
Chapter Twenty~Seven Need
Chapter Twenty~Eight Rattus Norvegicus
Chapter Twenty~Nine Rise of Electra
Chapter~Thirty Disturbing Revelation
Chapter Thirty~One Montoya's Hideout
Chapter Thirty~Two Jealous?
Chapter Thirty~Three Three Questions
Chapter Thirty~Four Prized Pet
Chapter Thirty~Five Losing Game
Chapter Thirty~ Six Giant Minion
Chapter Thirty~Seven I Can't Stop Myself
Chapter Thirty~Eight His Addiction
Chapter Thirty~Nine Miz Boss
Chapter Forty~The Viking
Chapter Forty~One Lay Claim
Chapter Forty~Two Bald Men Need Love Too
Chapter Forty~Three What Is This?
Chapter Forty~Four The Promise
Chapter Forty~ Five Cut Too Deep
Chapter Forty~Six Wrong Snake
Chapter Forty~Seven You're Not Even Human Anymore
Chapter Forty~Eight You Don't Know What You've Done
Chapter Fifty~ Old Friend
Chapter Fifty~One A Helping Hand?
Chapter Fifty~Two A Battle of Monster Proportions
Chapter Fifty~Three The Aftermath
~E P I L O G U E~
❤D E D I C A T I O N S❤

Chapter Forty~ Nine Ghost of the Past

3.3K 215 19
By thedarkling


    My hands picked up the letter that Bull had slipped underneath my bedroom door. It was another letter from her, Lilith. I sat against my door, my back pressed against its firm surface, and looked down at the elegant writing that was written on the crisp page.
    My dearest Electra, I was upset to find our meeting place swarming with law enforcement and even more upset that we could not meet because of those circumstances. I hope you will accept another invitation to meet this time at a more discreet location to avoid incidents like that from occurring again. There is a cemetery called Rosen Cemetery that I hope you will give me the greatest pleasure of meeting you at. I will understand if you want to be accompanied by someone, but I hope we we will be able to speak privately.
With all my love,
    I crumpled the paper and tossed it to the floor then lay my head back against the door. This woman was growing annoying rather quickly. I wanted to deal with this woman and hear what she wanted so she would leave me alone. I wasn't in the mood for this shit.
    I forced myself to stand from the floor then began getting dressed and slipped a handgun into my coat. I didn't know this bitch and wanted to be ready incase she was someone that I had pissed off before.


    I pulled the Lamborghini Aventor along the curb that was outside of the cemetery then put the car in park. I brushed my ponytail off of my shoulder then turned off the car. My eyes fell to the white Maserati parked farther up along the curb. She was already here.
    I opened the door to my car then stepped out before closing it. A thin mist hung around the cemetery giving it an ominous and forbidding aura. I rolled my eyes at how cliche it was then walked up along the sidewalk that led into the cemetery.
    My boots lightly 'thudded' along the concrete walkway as I walked deeper into the cemetery, my eyes scanned over the different pathways that led deeper into the cemetery. The bitch could have been more specific. I found hundreds of headstones, however nothing that stood out. Just when I was about to say 'f.uck it' and leave the fine hairs at the back of my neck stood on-end and goosebumps crept up my spine. The feeling that someone was watching me became undeniably evident.
    "It's a cowardly thing to kill someone while their back is turned." I hummed in disapproval knowing that she could hear me.
    "I didn't think you would come." A raspy, strained, and muffled voice came from somewhere behind me. It sounded like someone who was frail, weak, and close to dying. Their voice could barely be deemed as a woman's voice.
     I slowly turned around to find a woman dressed in a skin tight leather body suit that clung to her bony body. Only the ghostly pale skin of her hands and what part of her face that wasn't covered by a mask were visible.
     The mask looked more like a muzzle than a mask with carved blades curving up from below her chin to her nose. The blades, I noted, seemed to be made of some kind of ivory or bone.
    Her stringy hair was pulled back and tied into thin braids, the black braids that ran past her shoulders resembled limp snakes. Gothic-looking, knee high boots covered her skinny calves and stopped just below her knees, the tall heels of her boots made her tower over my frame by a few inches. Her face and hands, I quickly noted, were covered in small puckered scars. What small amount of skin that wasn't hidden away by leather appeared to be stretched tight by burn scars. Most of her forehead and scalp appeared to be scarred leaving patches of thin hair that had grown long over time.
    Gruesome scars crept out from underneath her mask letting me know that what lay hidden underneath must be much more horrific. I had seen many horrible things, many horrible people, in my short life but never something to this degree. I could hear her uneven breathing from underneath the mask and spotted the hilt of a dagger at her hip that was attached to her silver belt. If not for her barely feminine, scratchy voice and small breasts that were tightly mashed by her leather suit, one wouldn't think she was even female.

    "You didn't sound like the type to take 'no' for an answer." I finally replied, my eyes meeting hers. It was then that I noticed Lilith had one eye the color of a brown autumn leaf while the other was a creamy white color marking her blind in that eye.
    "I'm not." She rasped out.
    "If it's business you're after then get to it, I'm a very busy woman. If killing me is your pleasure then I suggest you get on with it." My voice was clipped and contained the annoyance I felt. I wasn't in the best of moods and having to meet this bitch out here left me in an even sour mood. Lilith let out a raspy laugh that resembled a rough smoker's laugh. It almost sounded like the cracking cackle of a witch.
    "You're as fiery as ever, Electra." Lilith replied after her laughter died down.
    "I seem to be at a disadvantage. You know who I am, however I don't recollect ever meeting you." I dryly stated.
    "I didn't expect you to. I didn't always look like this." She gestured to herself then took a step closer to me. I crossed my arms and held my ground.
    "Who are you and what do you want?" I snapped, my patience running thin.
    "You didn't let them destroy you." Her scratchy voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard. "You've finally found your purpose and now we can be together again. Now, we can fulfill that purpose together. I always knew you had a high purpose, I always knew that you were special." Her words triggered something in my mind, her words matching a voice I hadn't heard in years. A voice that couldn't be hers.
    "Serenity?" Her name that I didn't think I would ever speak again fell from my lips. It was impossible. This pale, wicked looking woman in front of me was nothing like the angel I knew. Serenity's hair had been blonde and her eyes the color of the purest honey. This woman looked to be born from darkness and nothing like Serenity.
    "Yes. It's me, Electra." Lilith confirmed the horror I felt.
   "Impossible." I said breathlessly.
"Oh, but it is. I woke to flames eating away at my body, to heat so immense that I could feel it turn my hair to cinder and melt my flesh. I tried to scream out for you, but the flames were already eating away at my throat. Somehow I managed to stagger out of there barely alive. I thought I would die, I was certain of it and waited for that moment to come. Death never came. In a way I feel like I was resurrected, Electra. My purpose is to be by your side and you mine. Together, we can get our revenge. Together, we can rip this city to shreds. I've waited so long to find you, so long. Now, we can finally be together." Lilith explained, her voice holding excitement and hope.
    "I can't believe it's you." I murmered in awed disbelief. All of these years I believed her to be dead when she was alive the entire time. I felt a mixture of emotions all at once.
    "It is and now we can be together." Serenity walked closer until she was directly in front of me. "We can make them suffer for what they've done, we can watch the city burn together. Together, we can rebuild New York and make it our own perfect place, a better place. Together, we can rule it as queens. New York will just be the beginning. We can find the others and take down entire cities, governments. The world can be ours." Something stabbed at my heart when I heard how--how insane sweet Serenity sounded. She wasn't the same angel anymore, she had been reborn a devil.
    "You killed those people, Serenity. Children died in that explosion, you know?" I asked Serenity and looked into the eyes that were so far gone from the innocence they had once held all those years ago.
    "Casualties of war." Serenity simply replied. I didn't even know who she was even more. "They didn't care when they were slaughtering us, when they tied us to beds and put that poison in us. At least we will try to make a difference, we will be purifying the city. Sanitize it and make it new, make it better. We can do it together, Electra." I stiffened when Serenity reached out and wrapped her arms around me in an embrace. She had gone mad, even more insane than I. She was going to slaughter everyone in the city and she sounded like she didn't want to stop
    "I've been keeping tabs on you." She murmered against my shoulder. "I kept every newspaper clipping, every picture I could find of you. I even know about that cop you were playing around with." Braden. She knows about Braden. "I've missed you so much, Electra, but now we can finally be together. Now, we can take on the world together. No one will take us away from each other ever again." I pulled away from Serenity's embrace and took a couple steps back. The skin where her eyebrows should have been drew tight in confusion.
   "What you're doing is wrong. Killing innocent people, children, is wrong. Even I know that." I murmered.
    "Don't you want revenge?" Serenity asked.
    "Yes, but you can't just kill innocent people." I explained.
    "There is no innocence left in the world. Look at what they did to us. Together, we can make them all suffer. No one can tear us apart again." Serenity sounded frantic and excited at the same time. We had both been greatly damaged, however I adapted far better than she did. She had completely lost her mind. This wasn't my Serenity anymore, this was Lilith.
    "No, Serenity. We can be together, but I will not allow you to kill innocent people." I firmly explained.
   "They are not innocent!" Serenity's voice rose. "They are all sinners and the day has come for all of them to be judged." Madness. Pure madness had eaten her away to nothing.
   "I won't let you." My voice was low and held finality in its words.
   "Electra, come with me." Serenity held out her scarred hand in offering. "Stay with me." I looked down at her hand then back into her eyes.
    "Leave, Serenity." I firmly ordered.
    "Not without you." She replied.
    "Don't make me do this." I quietly pleaded with her as I shrugged off my coat then dropped it to the ground beside me. I removed my gun from its holster at my hip then bent down to place it on my coat.
    "You won't kill me, Electra." Serenity spoke with a dry, scratchy laugh.
    "Don't make me have to." The skin above Serenity's eyes  lowered letting me know that underneath her mask she was now frowning.
    "I won't fight you." Serenity said adamantly.
    "Then leave. If not, I'll be forced to make you." I replied and flexed my hand.
    "I'm not leaving without you." Serenity repeated herself.
    "Then, you leave me with no choice." My voice floated away as my body propelled forward, my body leaping into the air to send the heel of my boot into her face. My hand sunk into the dewy grass of the ground as I used it and one of my knees to break my fall.
    My head whipped around to find Serenity slowly rising from the ground, blood pouring out from underneath her mask. I charged her again, my fists slamming into her ribs and face. Her hands began to move at equal speed to my fists as she began to deflect my hits. Not once did she lay a strike nor attempt one against me. She only blocked while I tried to viciously get a strike in.
    My head reared back at lighting speed then rammed forward to crack against hers causing her to stumble back. I thrust my boot into her stomach sending her flying back into a tombstone. A loud crack could be heard as the tombstone crumbled under the force of her body ramming into it.
    My chest heaved up and down from the exertion. I had never had an opponent come anywhere meeting my abilities. Serenity was different, she had deflected my strikes with equal vigor despite how hard and fast I went at her.
    Serenity's body slumped against the cracked tombstone, her head rolling forward with disorientation from the impact. Blood continued to trail out from underneath her mask as she lay there not attempting to rise.
    "Leave, Serenity. There is nothing here for you." I spoke as I tried to calm my breathing.
    "I told you--I told you that I'm not leaving without you." Serenity let out a wet cough as she still lay slumped against the tombstone.
    "Leave or die. Your choice. Don't make me have to kill you, Serenity." I turned my back on her and walked to my coat picking it up along with me gun.
    "It was always you and I, Electra." Serenity's scratchy voice called to me after I finished putting my coat on and put my gun away. "I won't let anything come between us again. We will be together again. Together, we will punish the city for what it's done to us." I cast one last look at the girl who was once Serenity.
    "Leave. You're not wanted here." I murmered then walked back up the long, lonely cemetery path leaving the ghost of my best friend behind.


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