Torn Apart (Sequel to Brutal...

By HockeyisLife87

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Jessica loses her memory, Sid's looking for her like Crazy. She finds herself among the Boston bruins, and be... More

Chapter 1: Runnin Away
Chapter 2: Let Her Be
Chapter 3: Skating Again
Chapter 4: Who's Sid & Burrows?
Chapter 5: Where's Jessica?
Chapter 6: Brandon's Back
Chapter 7:Old Life Flashes Back
Chapter 8: Sid see's Jessica
Chapter 9: Mistakes were made
Chapter 10: Jace meets his mommy
Chapter 11: Oh Captain, My Captain
Chapter 12: Jace,Sid and Me
Chapter 13: My worst NightMare
Chapter 14: Jerk Face Returns
Chapter 15: Saying GoodBye
Chapter 16: Should I trust him?
Chapter 17: Back To Vancouver
Chapter 18: Jace Runs away
Chapter 19: Sticks and Skates
Chapter 20: Start of Something New :)
Chapter 21: I Confess My Love For Sid
Chapter 22: Making Love
Chapter 23: Backstabbing
Chapter 24: Lauren and Ashley
Chapter 25: Love Misconduct
Chapter 26: Off to Montreal
Chapter 27: Let the Game begin
Chapter 28: Truth Revealed
Chapter 29: Twins it Is
Chapter 30: Its Over but We'll start it again
Falling In Love Again
Chapter 31: A New Beginning
Chapter 32: Neglected
Chapter 33: Blinded
Chapter 34: Regrets
Chapter 35: Mysterious
Chapter 36: Big Reveal
Chapter 37: All is Fair except Love and War
Chapter 38: Battlefield
Chapter 39: NHL tryouts
Chapter 40: Jessie Williams
Chapter 41: Acceptence
Chapter 42: New Game, Old Friend
Chapter 43: NHL Seggy
Chapter 44: Dilemma
Chapter 45: Will there ever be a happily ever after?
Chapter 46: Return to Pittsburgh Once Again
Chapter 47: Wicked Witch
Chapter 48: We found Hope
Chapter 49: Jealousy
Chapter 50: Drug Addiction
Chapter 52: Dreams
Chapter 53: Blackhawk
Chapter 54: Awkward
Chapter 55: Adoption
Chapter 56: Love Drives Us Insane
Chapter 57: To Stay or To Go
Chapter 58: Boundaries Broken
Chapter 59: No turning back
Chapter 60: Death Awarded
Chapter 61: She's Alright
Chapter 62: Christmas
Chapter 63: Yours Truely
Author's Note
Chapter 64: Sabrina
Chapter 65: Old Times Renewed
Chapter 66: Past Forgetten
Chapter 67: She's Still Mine
Chapter 68: Nightmares
Chapter 69: Are you sure?
Chapter 70: All Of Me
Chapter 71: He trusts me
Chapter 72: Money Can't Buy Happiness
Chapter 73: Purpose

Chapter 51: Supportive

3.1K 36 7
By HockeyisLife87

When I saw Trina, my emotion took over and I raced over to her and hugged her and began sobbing, she was like my mother, I loved her a lot, she was alway very supportive. She rubbed my back "Sid what were you doing to her now?"

"Nothing Mom, Jessica's developed a little addiction to alcohol" he replied.

"Stop caring about me, and go to Lauren" I stated.

"I won't stop caring about you, I love you"

"You don't love me, stop it, and please just go back to your wife" I yelled.

"Jessica and Sidney please calm down, Sid please leave, I will talk to you later, and Jessica as of now, I confine you to complete bed rest, you are in no shape to be arguing or yelling" ordered Trina.

"Jessica I want to be with you" said Sid.

"WELL I DON'T!" I screamed louder "Honestly I wish I never met you, I wouldn't be going through this"

"Jessica please calm down, and Sidney leave" spoke Trina

Sid came over and hugged his mom and bent over and kissed my cheek "DON'T TOUCH ME"

"Sid I'll meet you outside, go" his mother repeated.

Sid left and Trina sat me down on the bed, and gave me advil. "So you still have feelings for my son?"

"No" I spoke in a whisper

"Jess honey, don't lie to yourself, you love him" she repeated.

"He has a wife, he should be happy with her."

I laid down on the bed, Trina began talking "He's not happy with that relationship, you shouldn't force him into it"

"I.... can..I just be left alone for now" I replied

Trina nodded her head and walked out of the room. I needed time to be alone, and recall the moments from last night, because I didn't remember anything.

Trina's POV: Jessica was hurting, and my son was to blame. She was like a daughter to me and I couldn't stand her like this. Things had to be set ready, she had been through too much and now needed happiness. "Mom, everything okay in there?" interuppted Sid.

I nodded my head " Sid, you need to let her be. She wants you to give your relationship with Lauren a chance, and if you really love her you'll do this"

"This is so stupid, why should I be with Lauren when I love her. I'm sorry but I can't do that" he argued.

"You caused this now you have to suffer the consequences, things can't always go your way Sidney" I spoke as I walked away from him. I walked into the kitchen to help Lauren and Martha with the breakfast. The two were setting the plates on the dinning table and I began helping. I personally liked Jessica better then Lauren, Jessica interacted with everyone but Lauren she was very rude and unpleasant and barley talked to us. "Lauren go call everyone for breakfast" order Martha. Lauren ran along to call everyone, and Martha began speaking to me "Sidney needs to stay away from Jessica, she ruining his happily married life"

"Sorry Martha, but your daughter has caused this, you need to stop blindly trusting her" I snapped back. I couldn't stand when someone said a word against Jessica, she was like my daughter and no one had the right to insult her.

Martha did not dare to respond, but gave me a stare and looked away. Everyone was coming out of there rooms, and taking there seat on the dinning table. I saw Jessica come out of her room and she walked towards the kids room. Jace ran out and to me and gave me a hug "I MISSED YOU GRANDMA" he squealed. We had come home very late last night and the kids were asleep, so Troy and I didn't get to meet them. "I missed you to Jace" I said as I bent down and kissed his forehead. "Where are your brother and Sister?" I asked, as I was very eager to meet the two.

"Mommy I want to sleep" I heard a cute little voice say. I looked towards my right and saw Jessica carrying her little daughter in her arms, and behind her was Justin. "Jessica May I see the kids?" I called after her.

Jessica turned around and smiled and brought over the kids to me. "Justin, Sabrina meet your Grandma"

The kids immediately attacked me and gave me giant hugs. "GRANDMA" they both screamed, they were the cutest things ever. I saw Troy approaching us and directed the kids towards him "Oh my god, my grandson and daughter" he squealed when he saw them. The kids began asking us tons of questions and we all took our seats on the dinning table. Jessica sat on the couch looking over at us and I called her to come over and join us. Sid also came and took his seat, he still seemed like he was in a bad mood.

Jessica was about to Sit down besides me but Martha interuppted her "This is a family only moment"

Jessica nodded her head. "Justin, Sabrina lets go out for breakfast" she spoke.

"Martha she is my daughter, she is apart of this family" I glared Martha.

"Jessica sit down, your having breakfast with us" smiled Troy.

"Mommy we want to stay here" put in the kids.

Jessica seemed nervous "Um..I'm not really hungry, but um yeah the kids will join you"

Jessica turned around and began to walk away. "Jessica you are family, and you are joining us" I ordered. Jessica seemed unsure but then nodded her head. There was an empty seat on the other side of Sid and I directed her towards it. Lauren gave Jessica a glare, but I gave Jessica a reassuring look and she sat down. Everyone began eating except Jessica, who looked like she was going to cry any second. "Jessica why aren't you eating?"

"I'm not really hungry" she spoke quietly. Sid grabbed the pancakes and slide them into her plate. "Shall I make you something else?" I asked her.

"No, thank you" she forced a smile on her face.

"Someone's seeking attention" stated Lauren.

"Can you ever keep your mouth shut?" yelled Sid

Lauren seemed angered "Why are you neglecting me for her? I am your damn wife"

Sid rolled his eyes in annoyance "I don't think of you as my wife, just leave my life"

"Guys please there are Kids around" spoke Troy.

Lauren stood up and she was crying "I can't believe your treating me like shit for her."

"I am sorry, and Lauren don't feel so threatened, he's your and always will be" spoke Jessica as she left the table and ran to her room.

Lauren also ran away crying, and Sid seemed frustrated. "Go after her Sid" I ordered, and he swayed his head saying no.

"If you care about Jessica, you will go after her" I stated. Sid groaned and then ran after Lauren.

Sid's POV: I couldn't digest the fact that my mom wanted me to be with Lauren, when she knew I loved Jessica. I had to find a way to show them how miserable I was with Lauren, that way they wouldn't force me into this. Lauren was standing on the deck and I tapped her shoulder. She immediately turned around and hugged me and sobbed into my chest "Sid why can't we forget everything? Why can't everything be like old times, just you and me"

I didn't know what to say, and stood there listening to her. "I know I've made mistakes, but it only cause I love you, and want to be with you"

I rubbed her back, trying to calm her down. "I am sorry for using you to get back at Jessica, I love her I am sorry"

"You loved me before her, you promised me you'd always be with me what happened to all those promises?" she asked.

"I only ever loved Jessica truly"

"What does that bitch have that I don't?" Lauren yelled.

I couldn't stand her saying another word about Jessica, "SHE NOT A BITCH, YOUR THE BITCH, SHE'S NOT THE ONE THAT RUINED SOMEONE'S HAPPILY MARRIED"

"Why do you still love her when she's cheated on you so many times?"

"She hasn't cheated on me" I replied. I was getting sick and tired of hearing her. Lauren moved closer to me and her lips fell on mine. I didn't want to kiss her at all, I pushed her back but she neared me again.

Jessica's POV: I looked out through my window and noticed Sid and Lauren kissing. I had no emotions what so ever running through me, because I had gotten use to being deviced. I guess Sid hadn't had enough of torturing me so he kept the act of loving me up. Reminded of how worthless I was again, yes. Reminder of how no one loved me, yes again. Nothing was right and I hated everything and everyone. I wanted to be far away from here, far away from Sid. My phone rang, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked at the screen of my iphone and saw Tyler's name flicker across the screen. I hesitated to pick up at first, but I really wanted to know how he was doing.

Phone Convo:

Tyler: "Hey Jess, Candance told me about what happened, I am so sorry, Cassidy and my mom shouldn't have spoken to you like that"

Me: "Tyler don't worry about it, anyways how are you feeling?"

Tyler: "I am fine, but you don't seem fine, what's wrong?"

Me: "Nothing, just a little headache"

Tyler: "Can you come over?"

Me: "um I don't think I can, sorry"

Tyler: "I'll come pick you up, please!"

Me: "No Tyler you rest, I'll come over in a bit"

Tyler: "I'll be waiting for you"

Me: " Yeah, well I'll see you soon, bye"

I hung up the phone, I really didn't feel like going anywhere today, but Tyler insisted I come over. I took a quick shower and put on a fresh pair of clothes and headed out. I walked into the living and Troy and Trina were sitting on the couches and watching the kids play. I headed towards the door, and Trina called after me. "Jess where are you going?"

"Doctors office" I lied.

"Jessica shall I come with you? Are you sure you'll be able to drive?" interuppted another voice, it was Sid.

"No" my answer was full of complete rudeness.

"I'll come with you then" smiled Trina.

I didn't want them coming with me at all "I am old enough to take care of myself"

"So that's why you always manage to hurt yourself" mocked Sid.

Being in his presence was frustrating me, so not caring or listening to anyone I walked out of the house into the car, and started driving to Tylers. I wanted to go back and live in Vancouver so badly, away from all this again. Sid could provide the kids with what they needed now, and clearly I wasn't wanted. He had there custody, so I could leave now. I can stop playing hockey and move back to Vancouver. Get a little apartment and a small job, and live out the rest of my live away from this hell hole.

I needed to be free from this stress, I couldn't take no more it was going to be the end of me. I reached Tyler's and parked the car, and went up to his condo. I hesitated to knock on his door, I was scared Cassidy would be unhappy to see me again. I was about to knock but before I could the door opened, and Tyler's head popped out. He had a giant smirk on his face and instantly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in. I looked around the condo and it was awfully quite, also I did not see Tyler's family members anywhere. "Where is everyone? " I questioned as I looked around the condo.

"Freddy took them out to get some shopping done" smiled Tyler.

"And Marshall?"

"He's out on the deck" pointed Tyler. I looked over at the deck and noticed Marshall was fast asleep, he looked adorable. I examined Tyler's face and he had a couple of stitches on his forehead and nose. I felt so bad "I'm sorry this happened to you"

He lifted my chin up with his finger and my eyes met his "Its not your fault" he said as he leaned in and kissed my lips.

I gently moved back "Tyler I don't want you getting hurt again, its better if I stay away from you"

"Jesaica don't you dare talk about leaving me, I finally got you back and can't afford to lose you"

"But..wh-----" Tyler cut me off, his lips fell on mine, and he sucked on my lips.

"I love you, don't you forget that" he spoke as he leaned into kiss me again. I kissed him back, his hands rested on my cheeks as he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. We took a step back and I landed on the couch and Tyler on top of me. He adjusted his weight, and began kissing me again, I played with his soft hair, while he took my jacket off. Not pulling away from the kiss. I felt a warmth, a loving heat brewing inside of me and it felt so good. Time was slowing down around me and I could see little yellow sparks flying around us. Tyler moved back gasping for air, and so did I. He smiled down at me and I returned it. "So what would you like to do?" he smirked.

"Movies and some cuddling sounds good" I laughed.

He got up and lifted me into his arms and carried me to his bed and set me down. He grabbed the TVs remotes and handed them to me "Pick whatever you want to watch" He raced into the kitchen, I browsed through Netflix and red box and finally decided to watch The Last Excorsim. Tyler came back with popcorn drink and a bunch if other snacks. "No way are we watching this, you aren't going to be able to sleep" joked Tyler.

"Tyler don't even lie, your happy I picked this movie"

"You've got that right" he winked. Tyler set everything onto the night table and got into the bed. I rested my head on his chest and he played the movie. One had of his rested on my back, while the other fed me popcorn. I looked up at him and he looked down at me and I leaned up and kissed his lips.

Whenever we got to a scary part I burried my head into Tyler's chest and he rubbed my back. "Told you we shouldn't watch this" Tyler turned it off and put on Grown Ups. We had a good time watching it, and I for once was feeling happy and at peace. Tyler's hand began moving up and down my sides. He tickled me and I pushed myself away from him "Don't tickle me"

He leaned over and began kissing my neck "I won't" he whispered. My hands played with his short little hair as he strocked my neck with his lips.

"Ty" I spoke softly, as I arched up.

Tyler's hand drifted under my shirt. He looked up to me as if asking for permission, I nodded my head. As soon as he got the signal he flung my shirt off, and stared at me, while licking his lips. "Ty, you won't leave me right?" I asked him.

"No never" he spoke as he leaned in and sucked on my lips. I let my hands pull his shirt off, and he undid my jeans and dropped them to the floor besides my shirt. I undid his as well. Tyler kept kissing and cuddling with me, his touch was electrifying. He rolled me over on top of him and pulled the blanket up on us and wrapped his arms around me and closed his eyes. My head rested on his chest and I kissed him one more time and closed his my eyes as well, enjoying the moment.

2 hours Later..........

Tyler's POV: I slowly opened my eyes, and shifted up and rested my back against the headboard. I looked down to my right and noticed Jessica sleeping peacefully, she had a delicate smile on her sweet face. I leaned over and kissed her forehead. I got out of bed and threw on a pair of shorts and headed into the kitchen. I looked around to see what there was too eat, but I couldn't find anything so I decided to go out and get Jessica some food. I picked up Jessica's clothes from the bedroom floor and set them on the chair and grabbed a shirt and put it on. I left a note by the night stand, so Jessica wouldn't be alarmed to see me gone.

Sid's POV: I kept thinking about Tyler, I regretted everything I did to him. I shouldn't have been so jealous. I wanted to apologize to him so I headed over to his condo. I knocked on the door but no ome was answering, guess Tyler wasn't home. I was about to turn around and leave when Tyler's friend Freddy stopped me. "Hey, came to see Tyler" he asked and I nodded my head. "I don't think he's home" I said.

Freddy inserted the key into the door knob and opened the condo door "C'mon on in, he's probably sleeping" smiled Freddy. I walked into the condo and Freddy escorted me to Tyler's room, he was there all right. He had the blanket pulled over his face and was fast asleep.

"I think we should let him rest" I spoke as I began to turn around.

"Tyler" called out Freddy, and Tyler moved a bit. I stood there watching him, I really wanted to know how he was doing, I felt so guilty for Injuring him. Tyler moved a bit more, and he seemed like he was awake now. "Guys what's wrong" spoke a voice from behind, Freddy and I. We immediately turned around and we were face to face with Tyler. "Yo dude if your here, who's in there?" freaked out Freddy.

"Ty, where are you?" a voice called from the room, and for a second I couldn't believe my ears. I immediately turned around and headed into the room and Freddy followed me. My eyes were wide open and I couldn't believe Jessica was in Tyler's bed. She was tying her hair and was in her bra. I felt a wave of rage go through me, and I clenched my fists. "Jess" spoke Tyler and she looked towards us and immediately pulled the blanket on top of her "What the hell" she screamed. I've finally lost her, my mind taunted me. She was staring at me, and I knew if I didn't leave from here, I would do something I would regret my entire life. "Why is he here?" she yelled in anger.

"I'm leaving" I yelled as loud as possible.

"Look Sid nothing happened" explained Tyler.

"TYLER" screamed Jessica "We are a couple, so what, you don't have to explain anything to him"

Freddy was dumbfounded and was staring at me and Tyler. I wanted to yell my head off at Jessica but instead I ran out of Tyler's condio. I couldn't get the image of Jessica in Tyler's bed, out of my head. She was only mine, she had no right to be with someone else. I hit my fist in frustration, against the hood of my car. I just had to get rid of Lauren as fast as I could, or Jessica and my relationship wouldn't be able to be saved.

My phone rang snapping me out of my thoughts, it was Malkin, he told me to come over for a dinner gathering at his place. I asked if Jessica could come along but Malkin didn't want her to come. I got into my car, stilk fustrated and began driving home. I called my mom and told her to make sure the kids were dressed. I really wanted Jessica to come with me but Malkin wasn't too fond of her anymore. I didn't know what had happened, but he had suddenly taken a disliking towards her. I drove home and parked the car into the driveway and headed inside. "Daddy where are we going? Where's mommy?" said Sabrina as she raced up to me. I lifted her into her arms "Well my princess looks gorgeous, and we're going to see your Aunt Samantha"

I carried Sabrina to my bed room and placed her on the bed. "Daddy why doesn't mommy like you?"

"Your Mommy loves me Sabrina, she just a little mad at me."

"Oh" Sabrina said. I ran to my cupboard and picked out my clothes. "Are your brothers ready?" I asked her

"Yeah, there just playing video games, they won't let me play with them" pouted Sabrina.

"How come princess?"

"Because I am a girl, so they think I can't play"

I took hold of Sabrina's hand "Well that's unfair, let's go and talk to them"

We walked towards the boy's room, and found them playing Video games. "Jace, Justin why aren't you letting your sister play?"

"She doesn't know how to play" replied Jace.

"Do tooo" squealed Sabrina.

"Do not" responded Justin.

"MOMMY" screamed Jace.

I turned around and saw Jessica standing beside the door. "Back from cuddling with Tyler?" I said. She rolled her eyes and walked towards the kids. "So where you guys heading?"

"We're going to aunt Samantha's house for dinner, are you coming? smiled Jace.

"No, but you guys go ahead, and Justin, Jace what did I tell you about bugging Sabrina, do not dis include your sister" stated Jessica.

"Sorry Mommy" both the boys said. Sabrina sat down besides Jace and started playing with him. "Justin come here" spoke Jessica. Jessica picked Justin up and took him outside. I followed the two,"Justin how many times do I have to tell you not to bug your sister?"

"I'm sorry mommy, I forgot" Justin spoke slowly.

Jessica kissed his cheek "Don't leave her alone at the gathering either"

"Aren't you coming?" asked Justin.

Jessica swayed her head saying no. She told Justin to run along and he did. I approached her "What was all that bought"

"Nothing" Murmured Jessica

I grabbed her wrist, "Tell me"

"Sabrina, she was the weak baby so she falls sick really easily and that's why I want her to stay away from stress and all that. So I make sure she happy at all times" explained Jessica.

"Oh Don't worry, I'll take care of her, Jess if you want to come you can. Malkin won't mind"

"I know he doesn't want me there, but if you could do me a favour, I'd appreciate it" she said.

I grabbed hold of her hand "Anything for you Jess"

She moved her hands free and dug into her purse, and she brought out a rectangular box and handed it to me "Give this to her"

I took hold of it and gently opened it, there were two bracelets inside, one Sam's size, and a smaller one, I think it was for her baby. They were stunning. "I will" I smiled.

"Thank you"

"Jessica, about you and Tyler, I really don't think you should be dating him" I spoke

She clenched her fists, and her face was burning red. She seemed really angered "Its my life, stay out of it. You aren't my friend, my husband or anything so keep your opinions to yourself. "

"Jessica why can't you forget everything and forgive me already? What's it going to take for you to forgive me?"

"I'm never going to forgive you. You think I am some kind of joke, and can mess with me whenever you want, but im not going to let you anymore. " spoke Jessica as she walked off.

Fustration was taking over, there was nothing that I could do, to make Jessica forgive me. I walked to my room and got dressed. I saw Lauren walk into the room, I just really hated seeing her. "Where you going babe?" she spoke.

I ignored her and walked out of the room. She followed behind me "Sid, respond already"

"Shut up" I snapped. I looked downstairs and I froze. My eyes were wide open and my mouth was wide open. Jessica was standing at the bottom of the stairs fixing her heels, She wore an elegant red dress, god that color suited her. Every strand of her silky hair was curled, her lips were glossed a light shade of red, and the dress highlighted her beautiful figure. My eyes just wanted to keep looking at her, she was extremely beautiful. A sudden happiness arose inside of me, I couldn't believe she was coming with us, what had caused this sudden change of state.

The kids raced over to her "Mommy you look so pretty" spoke Sabrina.

"My princess looks even more beautiful" laughed Jessica. Lauren put her hand on mu shoulder, snapping me out of my gaze. "Why are you going on a date with that slut" she spoke rudely.

"Lauren I wouldn't be talking If I were you" I snapped back. I diverted my attention and began walking down the stairs. My eyes focused on Jessica, she was absolutely stunning. "Mommy are you coming with us?" asked Jace.

"No baby, I am going somewhere else" she spoke.

"Can I come with you?" Jace asked Jessica.

She nodded her head saying No. Suddenly I didn't feel to happy, I really thought she had changed her mind, but I guess I was wrong.

"Mommy why don't you ever spend time with daddy and us?" asked Sabrina.

"I'm busy" she spoke.

"Mommy you're coming with us today" whined Sabrina and Justin.

Jessica kept denying them, and I gestured Jace to try. Jace knew about the problems between Jessica but Sabrina and Justin didn't. Jessica and I always made sure they weren't around when we were fighting, because I didn't want a repeat of the run away situation.

Jace finally made Jessica agree to coming with us, she seemed very uneasy. She began calling someone, and it was Tyler. She told him she wouldn't be able to pick it to their date and hung up. I watched her carefully and she began texting somone, and a smile delicate smile took place on her lips.


End of Chapter.!!!! OMG NHL SEASON HAS OFFICALLY STARTED WOHOO, I am really excited, been talking about hockey all day today. I can't even describe how happy I am.

Amd omg Im really excited for Jan 7th because I get to see the pens play after 5 years, Im sitting behind their goal and I cannot wait. ♥♥

I went to the canucks scrimmage two weeks ago and it was so fun, I got waves from all the players♥

Anyways I had a busy month, but hopefully I'll be able to update more often. So what do you guys think about this chapter? And what do you think might happen in the next few chapters?

Comment and let me know your thoughts, opinions, questions, and suggestion. I love reading your guys comments, so give me feedback guys♥.

Guys things are soon going to start getting better between Jessica and Sid, but do you think they'll go back to their old relationships or not?"

Have a great day, love you all ♥♥♥ Don't forget to vote :)

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