Forbidden Love | Reylo Fanfic...

By __Reylo__

147K 4.3K 1.3K

Rey and Ben had met as children and they became the greatest of friends until Ben started having dangerous t... More

2• Bandages
3• Prisoner
6. You're NOT alone
7. Memories
8. What have we done?
9. A mistake
10. It all went Black
11. Results
12. This was her
13. An official Jedi
14. The Annual Dinner
15. The Return Of The Dark
16. A Female Stormtrooper
17. Merely A Child In A Mask
18. She's Not Getting Away
19. A Large Daisy
20. The Fear Of Betrayal
21. She's Dead
22. Why Bother?
23. The Escape Pod
24. His Glove
25. A Droid
26. Almost A Miracle
27. Painted Stars
28. The Jacket
29. He Was Our Last Hope
30. Lucas
31. A Rough Night
32. Fitting
33. Heat Of The Moment
34. The Grey Dress
35. Jedi Knighting
36. Ben?
37. Left To Die
38. Our Force Bond
39. The Answer
40. Ocean
41. The Sand
42. Intoxicated
43. Last For A Moment Longer
44. Lasting moment
45. Stay here
46. I Think This Might Work
47. Nothing Without Me
48. Fallen Strengths
49. Evie
50. That Jazz
51. Fear and Anger
52. Take it slow
53. The start of the date

1 • He's here?

17.6K 237 54
By __Reylo__

I awoke to a loud crash from outside. It sounded far away, and for the ears of non-force sensitive humans it wouldn't be anything but a drop of a pin. However in my ears, it was loud and I felt the pain of whomever was involved in the crash. For the first time since I had arrived at the resistance base, I felt a chilling shiver crackle down my spine. I didn't know exactly what that was, but I was curious. Thoughts began to run through my mind, maybe a tree fell - but why would that affect me? Maybe a ship broke down in the engineering section - but work hasn't started yet, it's too early. And then it hit me like a blaster. I gulped. "Oh my god..." I whispered to myself. It was always peaceful here, there's never evil bumps in early morning. If it wasn't peaceful that would mean... The force order were here. Or we were under attack, and neither were good. I gulped as I thought of my last encounter of the first order. We didn't get off to a great start. Then his name, echoed In my ears. Kylo Ren. That name haunted me for months after our last encounter. His face engraved into my eyes. I had a weird emotion flutter over me, it rolled from the pit of my stomach. I shook it off and began to get lost in my thoughts. Why didn't I kill him when I had the chance? Why did I hesitate? What was I damn thinking? I kicked myself for that. I was weak. I wasn't strong enough to kill him. I knew it wasn't the Jedi way, but I also knew everyone was in danger of him. Stop torturing yourself like this Rey, I snap to myself. I wasn't to know. I can't change the past.

I slowly pulled myself off my bed and walked over to the bathroom, sliding the door shut behind me. I reached for my hair elastics and my brush. I started to restyle my hair and make it look so normal, because right now - no offence to Chewie - I look like a wild wookie. I grab my desert clothes and get changed into them as fast as I can, leaving my night clothes on the floor. I scoop them up in my arms and put them in the laundry basket. A yawn escapes my mouth, man I am tired. I reach for my light saber and attach it to my belt. For a moment I think about holding it, but I know the hum of the saber may wake some people, and I don't want them to join me. I walk out of my apartment and look each way, making sure the coast is clean, before heading down the stairs. The pull of the force was extremely strong, I cannot remember it being this strong since I last fought with Kylo. I paused for a minute. He was here. I was almost sure of it. Every instinct in my body told me to turn back, but me being me, headed forward, full of curiosity.

Once I had reached the perimeter of the forest, I decided to concentrate on my breathing. After my last battle I discovered, by General Organa, that my breathing is way to loud and alerts the enemy I'm there. I was careful not to make any sounds, really careful. If I was right. If Kylo Ren was here, I needed to be extremely careful. I winced as my foot snapped a twig on the forest ground. The sound echoed through the forest, sounding ten times louder than it actually was. "Damn!" I cursed to myself in a whisper. I felt the urge to run, but I knew I couldn't. I swiftly ran around the trees In the dark forest. Then I stopped and slowed down remembering not to run... Oops. Every corner I turned, I was faced with a vision. Ones that made me gasp and almost scream with terror. These woods reminded me of Star killer base, just without the snow. I bit my lip, trying to silence the soft whimpers escaping my lips. Suddenly a familiar feeling came over me, a similar one to when Kylo was watching me in the woods. I shiver. I look over my back and to the sides. Nobody was there but it felt as if somebody was looking at me. Using the force or not, it still was there. And I felt the presence.

I heard a soft whimper coming from the left of me, my head shot over to the left. I squint my eyes, and in the distance, I could just see a shiny piece of silver, lining a black price of metal. I turned slowly and started to creep forward. My hands unattached my light saber from my belt, and I gripped it tight with my hands. I turned it on, not letting the hum worry me. By now it was close to my body, protecting me from a possible surprise attack. The blue glow sizzles and lightens the forest around me. As I moved closer I started to see more scrap metal. I looked closely, It was the remains of what I thought to be an X-wing fighter. It was completely shredded and whoever was inside was either dead or extremely injured. There was no sign of a pilot anywhere, only a piece of black fabric, stuck to a metal price with clotted blood. I looked down at the burnt metal as noticed two drops of dark fresh blood. I scrunched my eyebrows with confusion, what had happened? I slowly walk forward and keep my eyes stuck to the floor. I notice a trail of thick dark red blood on the forest floor. Whoever was in the ship was alive, or at least had been. I lean down and touch the blood, it's fairly sticky. It's been around here for half an hour, which is how long it's been since I heard the crash. I heard a moan of pain, somewhere around me. "Help me." I heard a familiar voice cry in agony. Although it was familiar I didn't recognise it at all. I just couldn't connect the dots. Who was it? I take a deep breath and walk forward, carefully following the trail of blood. As I walk closer I can feel the force connection getting stronger. I pause in my steps. What if it's a trap? I raise my light saber to an attack position, I was ready. I hesitated before stepping forward. What if Kylo was here? Maybe I need help, maybe I should get Finn and Poe... No. I can do this myself. I carry on moving slowly forward. I look up and gasp as i see a black cape sprawled across the floor. I examine it quickly, the fabric was burnt, I couldn't tell who it belonged to, but I had a ad feeling. "Please..." I heard the male voice croak again, "someone help me.". I step forward, unaware of my surroundings. I look forward and I gasp. I stumble backwards, and just stare. Kylo Ren. I glare at his face and faintly smile at the scar I placed there. He deserved it, no... He deserves death. But then the panic kicks in. Kylo Ren is here. He's here at the resistance base. I panic and stumble backwards even more. I start to run away, I don't care. I need to get away.

"Please... Help me." He cries, gasping for air. I pause in my footsteps and turn around.

Kylo Ren's POV

I see a blurry figure stumble backwards, I don't know who it is, all I can figure out is that it's a female. The Pain in my leg is excruciating and I can hardly focus on anything else. I try focus my thoughts, I try read this girls mind but the pain stops me. Everything is blurry and everything is faint. "Please... Help me." I beg as i see her stumbling away. I see her turn around and for a second she focuses. It's Rey. The girl that hates me. The scavenger. I see her slowly turn and that's when I cry out loud. "Rey, please." I'm desperate. I know I'm going to die, I need her help. I wouldn't be surprised if she left me here, she had every reason in the galaxy too. My eyes squeeze, trying to hold back the tears of the pain. A few escape, slowly carving out the shape of my cheekbones. I see her turn off her light saber and walk closer, she looks around on the ground. She reaches down for a long strip of fabric, and walks closer. I feel her tightly wrap it around my torso stopping the circulation. I breathe heavily, trying not to faint.

Rey's POV

I wrap the price of fabric around torso, to stop the circulation, even though if i wasn't quick he'd lose the bottom half of his body, it was the best I could do till I got him back. I can see the blood slowly pumping out of his torso,it's extremely revolting. My eyes scan his body, he hasn't got his light saber. I narrow my eyes looking again. Nope, it's not there. A sigh of relief slips my lips, at least he can't kill me. Well... He could. But... I shook it off and looked down at the problem. How am I going to lift him? The force! "Okay, I've never done this before. I'm just warning you in advance." I admitt. I focus all my energy on his body and I lift my hands up. I feel his body lifting up and then I lose it. I curse to myself and fall to the ground. The truth was I didn't train. Not because I couldn't because I didn't want to. I was too weak. When I could have been thinking about the resistance, I was thinking about myself. Only myself. I wasn't strong enough to face my problems. I felt a fit of rage bubble inside of me. Damn it! I'm too weak! I'm not strong enough. 'Stop punishing yourself! You've trained before. Think!' I heard a voice lecture, it was a force voice. I knew it wasn't Kylo, his voice was deep and dark. It wasn't anything to do with Kylo yet, somehow, there was a slight connection . 'You... Your stronger than you think and want to be.' I heard the masculine voice speak again. I burrowed deep into my memories. I squeezed my eyes shut. Luke! It was Luke! I thought back to a few months ago, he told me a story of a young girl. She had trained with him, and his other apprentice. The apprentice died and the girl was sent away, to be saved. To be rescued from death. The story made me shudder. I knew it so little yet so well. I was interrupted by a moan of pain. My body snapped back into reality. I looked down at Kylo and closed my eyes, I imagined him lifting. My eyes shot open, a smirk crawled up my face. It was working. I crawled under his arm and used the force to help me carry him back.

He lay on my bed, his eyes fluttering. I was losing him. "You need to stay awake!" I shout at him, slapping his face. I instantly pull my hand away and flinch. I'm ready for the pain to hit me, but it doesn't. He doesn't retaliate. "Take off your shirt." I say, realising how suggestive it sounds as it pours out of my lips. He gave me an alarming look. "So I can bandage you up." I add, he looks at me blankly. "So you won't die." I add, losing patience. He looks down at his feet and pulls himself up. I tap my feet on the floor etching him, he's taking so long. Then it hits me. He's anxious. "Please, I won't judge, in fact I'll go in the kitchen an find the medical stuff." I sigh, touching his hand a little. I feel a spark when our hands touch, I quickly pull away, covering my shock with a smile.

I walk into the kitchen and fling all the cupboard doors open. Where is the god damn medical cupboard? Since Finn had cleaned my kitchen, I hadn't been able to find anything at all. I spotted a note attached to the inside of the door of the old medical cupboard. 'The new medical cupboard is in the bathroom underneath your sink. Love Finn X' I scowl, and slam the doors shut. I rush into the bathroom and find a tub of bandages , a box full of antibiotics and all the other required medical stuff. I grab the disinfectant and a bandage. There isn't any pain relief but i don't want to give him any just incase his body doesn't react well with it.

"Hey, I'm back. There isn't any pain relief or anything like that, but I don't think I could give you any of I did have some because your body..." I looked up at him. I froze. My eyes traced the lines that defined his abs, I stumbled back. My mouth wide open. He was beautiful. I felt a little embarrassed, just staring at him, topless, on my bed. "Umm... I don't want your body to reach with it, and you die so umm... Yeah." I smiled. I saw his arms cover his abs and inside I screamed no. I moved closer an sat down, and placed the medical things next to me. My hands shook as I rubbed the disinfectant on his wound. It wasn't as bad as it had looked now I had washed all the blood away. He winced as I picked up the bandage and wrapped it around his torso. "I'm sorry. The pain will be gone in a few days." I smile weakly. He relaxes when I say this, I'm not sure why though. It didn't make sense. "Right I'm done!" I smile, jumping up. "You stay here and rest, tomorrow I'll get you some clothes and you can get up out of bed." I sigh, pulling the bed covers over him. I walk to the door, and pull the handle. "Rey?" I hear him croak. I turn around and look at him. "Yes?" I reply, looking into his eyes. I had never noticed the warm brown colour, they had always seemed black before. "Thank you." He smiled. I smiled back and pulled the door open. "I'll take the sofa, you stay in the bed." He added quickly. "Don't be stupid, I'll take the sofa, end of conversation." I reply, walking to the sofa and closing the door behind me.

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