7. Memories

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I made my way within 5 minutes to the Jedi training camp. I knew I was late and I knew luke wouldn't be happy but he would just have to deal with it. I was extremely nervous, I hadn't trained yet. I promised myself when I fought with Kylo Ren on the star killer base that I would train, that I would become a Jedi Master.. But I never did. It was because of selfish reasons really, I didn't think about the resistance, I didn't think about the people that believed in me, the people that needed me. I thought about myself and how inconvenient training would be, how much pain it would bring me. I couldn't face it, I really couldn't. I had tried. I had met with Luke one afternoon a few weeks after my encounter with Kylo Ren. The training was going well, we had covered basic things such as being able to move objects and read into people's minds, he even showed me how to master the Jedi mind trick. It was when we went onto the lightsaber skills, I lost it. I couldn't cope. I kept thinking back to the encounter on Star Killer Base and I was filled with fear and hatred. Luke decided it was too dangerous for me to learn the lightsaber tricks, at least in that moment in time. It was only recently he decided to give it another shot. He'd been helping me calm myself down and use the force for months now. But the lightsaber. That was the scary part.

I smiled as I approached the group of young padawans. They were all sat down, cross-legged and gleaming at Luke. "You're late, Rey." Luke sighed, throwing me a wink and motioning me forward with his hand. I muttered an apology and I walked forwards, moving around the children and plopping myself on the rock next to Luke. "This is Master Rey, today she'll be teaching you how to feel the force" Luke smiled, introducing me. I turned my head to him in disbelief. 'Master Rey'. I was barely trained myself. Luke sensed my thoughts and continued to speak, "She'll be teaching you how to control the force, how to feel it." I smiled at the children who were now all looking at me. I lifted my hand and gave them a little wave. One small child, a girl around the age of 6 put her hand up. "Yes, Adrii" Luke smiled. She pulled her arm back down and scrambled to her feet. "I have a question for Master Rey." She babbled awkwardly, fiddling with her hands. Luke nodded approval and she raised her head to look at me. She had deep blue eyes and her light brown hair shimmered under the sunlight. "Is it true that you.. You fought the baddie - Kylo Ren?!" She asked, instantly closing her mouth after asking her question. I giggled, "Yes, that was me.". She plopped herself back down and as she did another child blurted out a question. "Why is she a Master? She has no force relations." This time the hair on my body stood up and I took a deep breath before looking at Luke. "And neither did Anakin Skywalker, my father. That's what makes these Jedi's powerful. Their force is pure energy and it's at its strongest it could be in a person." Luke replied, taking a glance at me. My eyes grew wide as I listened to the knowledge that was being spoken. I knew I had no force relations, that was nothing new but I didn't realise that my force was stronger than someone's that inherited it. I cleared my throat, gaining the attention of the young padawans in front of me. "We're going to start with feeling the force." I smiled.

It had been a solid ten minutes since Luke left and I was clueless. What on earth was I meant to do with these young padawans after they finished learning the feeling of the force? I mean damn, I was fairly new to this. Luckily for me the young padawans were slow learners and it took them the full 2 hours to even sense a little force. It was strange to me, this whole padawan thing. I never knew I was force sensitive, I had heard stories as all children had but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I could be force sensitive. And yet here these kids were, all knowing that they were force sensitive. All knowing that they would grow up to be Jedis. The class ran off as it turned 12 and even Luke had wondered off somewhere. So, I dismissed myself and decided to take a slow walk back to my apartment.

I stood outside my apartment door, I was about to go in but I recalled my last encounter with Kylo Ren. I had seen him, in my room. He wasn't there, but it had felt so real. We had a conversation, well we spoke to each other anyway. I needed to talk to him. Now. I turned my back and started jogging towards the steps that lead downstairs to General Organa's office. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. My hand tapped the door three times, then I took a step back, waiting for an answer. To my surprise it wasn't Leia that opened the door, it was one of her guards. "Yes Madam?" The tall slim blonde haired man said, looking at me from head to toe. I smiled awkwardly and answered, "I'm looking for the location of Ky- I mean Ben Solos quarters." The man was about 37 years of age, he had piercing blue eyes and was blessed with clear skin. He had bushy eyebrows that rested just above his eyes and his hair was combed neatly. "I'm not sure I can give you those details, miss." The man replied, his lips were sealed tight and he straightened his body. "I'm Rey and I have orders to go and collect Prince Ben Solo for his Jedi training." I repeated myself, standing tall. He just simply nodded and gave me a look of defeat. I raised an eyebrow, growing impatient. "He's located in the third section of the building, top floor, to the left" he muttered before closing the door. I smiled and headed to the elevator. Luckily for me I lived the floor below him, in the third section so it was only one elevator ride. The elevator holted  to a stop and the doors opened. I stepped out and walked with a fast pace to my left.

I took a deep breath in and knocked on his door. Shit. I regretted this. I regretted it already. No, no I didn't. Wait, maybe I did. I was nervous, that's all I could tell for sure. I was nervous and I was scared. I jumped as the door opened. Kylo met me with a face of confusion and I awkwardly smiled at him, my hands behind my back and my feet close together. "Rey?" He asked, looking at me with concern. I took a deep breath and looked at his eyes. "I'm sorry to.. I didn't want to interrupt you, it's just that..." I started to talk, swaying myself side to side. He looked at me, his eyes forgiving. "Last night. I know. Come inside" he smiled, opening the door some more. I stepped inside awkwardly and waited for him to close the door.

"Rey, I told you what we did.. I told you it was wrong, that it was a mistake." He whispered. We were sat on his sofa, he placed his hand on my leg and looked back at me. I got a flutter of emotions and my heart jumped as his hand touched me. "I- I'm sorry." I replied, looking down at my feet. Silence filled the room and his hand left my leg. My heart was filled with sorrow as I recalled the events of yesterday. I didn't want it to be like this. I knew I shouldn't be here. I should just leave. It'd be easier. "Why did we connect last night Rey?" He asked, lifting my face up by placing a finger under my chin and turning my face to meet his. "I.. I don't know." I replied, not knowing the answer. I don't know what came over me but I suddenly felt the confidence to ask a question back. "Why did you answer?" I asked, looking at him. His eyebrows furrowed with confusion and then relaxed, he looked startled. He knew he had answered, he knew it wasn't just a connection. "What? I don't know-" he started.
"No. You either had to have answered me or you were thinking about me too." I said, looking into his eyes. His eyes grew with passion and lust. "You were thinking about me?" He asked, I moved closer to him and nodded. "Our kiss, it wasn't a mistake." I whispered to him, feeling my eyes grow big with lust.  He answered by pushing his lips against mine. I kissed back and lifted myself on top of him. I wanted him. No, I needed him.

AHHHH HI! So I've recently started uploading again and it's really exciting. The next chapter will be VERY smutty so just a heads up there! I'm really loving this book at the moment and I'd love for you guys to comment xxx

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