All I Need Book 2

By Torichick235

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Sequel to All I Need. Kirisuna fan fiction. Please enjoy. More

Little By Little
Packing Party
Our Day Off
While the Cat's Away, the Mice Will...Unpack.
Just Hanging Out
Small Joys.
Curing the Loneliness
A Walk in the Park and a Relaxing Day Off
A Real Scare
Your Smile
Visiting Hours
Not Your Fault
Happy Birthday
Going Home
Innocent Eyes
A Day at GeeGee's
What Could Go Wrong?
Paranoia and Snuggles on Snow Days
Sick Day
Precious Few Moments
The Waiting Game
I dun got tagged
Samurai and the Blacksmith
A Bit of Mischief
At the End of the Day
Sweet Memories

Perfect Two

3.1K 49 73
By Torichick235

Kazuto's P.O.V.

The light shining through the window woke me up slowly. I looked around the room and let my eyes focus on Asuna, who was laying next to me in the bed. I smiled and kissed her nose to wake her up. She opened her eyes and smiled at me. 

"Good morning, beautiful.", I said, putting an arm around her waist and pressing my forehead to hers. 

"Good morning.", she smiled.

I kissed her, then sat up and stretched. Asuna pulled herself into a sitting position and sighed. I hopped up out of bed and picked up my phone from the nightstand. It had a text from Mom.

Mom: Thanks for coming last night. It was good to see you and Asuna again.

I smiled and replied.

Me: No problem. Our pleasure. Tell Dad I said 'hi'.

Mom: Sure thing.

I put the phone back down on the nightstand and looked back at Asuna. She looked kind of pale.

"Are you alright?", I asked.

"Yeah, I just feel a little sick, that's all. I think I'm gonna wait a little while before eating breakfast.", she said.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and pressed my hand to her forehead. She didn't have a fever, so it was probably just morning sickness. I would have to keep an eye on her until she felt better. Not like I didn't keep an eye on her, anyway. 

"If you're sure.", I said, getting back into bed next to her. 

I put an arm around her shoulder and let her rest her head on my shoulder. She didn't seem like herself as much this morning. I didn't quite know what it was, she just seemed off. I was mentally preparing for the worst. I just had that feeling, like something was gonna happen. 

"Stop moving.", Asuna groaned.

"I'm not moving.", I said, looking at her.

"Not you. The twins. They won't be still.", Asuna said laughing a little.

I smiled slightly and pressed a hand to Asuna's belly. It was like a little flutter that I could feel. Asuna put her hand over mine and rested it there. We sat in silence for a little while. Asuna's skin had started feeling a little clammy. Worry was starting to nag on my thoughts. 

"I'm gonna get up. You wanna stay in bed?", I asked.

"No, I'll get up. I don't feel like sitting down all day.", she said.

I nodded and let go of her, climbing back down on the bed. I walked over to the closet and got out a pair of jeans and a dark blue shirt. Asuna got up and walked over to her dresser. She got out a long pink skirt and a gray shirt. We changed our clothes, then went into the living room. I sat on the couch, but Asuna stayed standing.

"Are you sure you're ok?", I asked.

"Yeah, I just don't feel like sitting. I actually want to walk.", she said, starting to pace. Well, sort of pacing. She kind of just waddled around the living room.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and scrolled through the contacts until I found Dr. Sato's number. I got up and walked out of the room, clicking the call button and pressing the phone to my ear. The doctor picked up on the third ring.

"Hello? Mr. Kirigaya?", he said.

"Yeah, hi. I'm just calling because I've got some concerns about my wife.", I said.

"What kind of concerns?", he asked.

"Well, she says she doesn't feel well, but she's not acting like she feels bad. She's pacing around the living room and she seems anxious.", I said.

"Is she pale or vomiting?", he asked

"She's pale, yeah.", I said. 

"I had a feeling. Go ahead and bring her in. It sounds like she's about to go into labor.", he said.

"Yeah, that's what I figured. Ok, we're on our way.", I said.

"Is she there?", he asked.

"No, she's in the other room.", I said.

"Ok, well tell her to relax and not get worked up.", Dr. Sato said.

"Alright.", I said.

"Thanks for calling. Most people wouldn't have. I'll prepare a room for her, so just bring her in the regular appointment entrance and I'll be waiting for you there.", he said.

"Ok. Thanks.", I said.

Dr. Sato hung up the phone and I sighed. I put my phone back into my pocket and walked out into the living room. Asuna was still pacing the floor of the living room. 

"Who was that?", she asked.

"Dr. Sato. I need to take you in.", I said.

"Why? I'm ok.", she said.

"You won't be saying that in a little while.", I said, giving her a look.

"You don't mean... Oh, no. It's too early. I'm not due for another week.", she said, panic growing in her eyes.

I put my hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes, filled with stress and fear.

"You'll be alright. I already talked to Dr. Sato and he said not to get worked up. Just relax.", I said.

"Easy for you to say! You don't have to give birth twice in the same day! For the first time!", she said.

"No, but I'm still just as scared as you are. The only way we'll get through this is if we go now and trust the doctors. Cool down. I won't let anything happen to you and I'll be there through the whole thing. I won't leave your side.", I said, pulling her into a hug and trying to get her to calm down. Asuna took a deep breath.

"Ok. Let's go.", she said. 

I kissed her once, then went down the hallway to get the things we needed to take to the hospital. I grabbed Asuna's purse, her shoes, a couple sets of extra clothes, and our phone chargers, then stuffed them into a bag. I pulled on my tennis shoes and then walked out of the room, turning off the light and closing the door. Asuna was facing away from me with both hands cradling her stomach. I set her sandals down in front of her and then grabbed her keys off the hook by the door. 

Asuna slid her shoes on and then took my arm and we walked out the door. I was kind of rushed to get her to the hospital. I drove as safely as I could, while also wishing I could press the speed limit just a little. I didn't want to risk it, though. Not with my pregnant wife in the car, on our way to the hospital. 

I pulled into the outpatient parking lot and we got out. I took Asuna in and Dr. Sato met us at the door. He led us to a room with a bed in it and a couple of chairs. He gave Asuna a hospital gown, then left the room so she could change into it. Asuna took off her clothes, then slipped into the white hospital gown and got into the bed. She had a little bit of difficulty, but she eventually got comfortable and Dr. Sato came back in. 

"Well, from the looks of it, you'll be a mother by lunch.", Dr. Sato said, hooking Asuna up to a monitor and putting a little clip thing on her finger.

I pulled out my phone and sent a group message to everybody. I told them that Asuna was going into labor and what room number we were in. They all responded, saying they were on their way.

Asuna's hands were shaking so bad, they looked almost like they were vibrating. I took her hands in mine and held them still. She smiled nervously and glanced at the clock. It was just past 8:00 and the more minutes ticked by, the more nervous Asuna was getting. 


Asuna's p.o.v.

I watched the clock carefully. I was so scared that I felt like I was going to throw up. I looked back up at the clock. 8:34 was what it said, but it felt like we'd been here a lot less time than that. It felt more like 5 minutes. 

Finally, the dreaded moment arrived and I felt the sheets beneath me dampen. My water had finally broken. I could tell as soon as it did, not only because it was wet, but because as soon as it happened, pain erupted in my abdomen, causing me to hunch over. It felt like a jackhammer inside of my stomach as my twins kicked up against me. I cried out in pain and waited for it to pass. Within a few minutes, it ended and I felt ok again. 

Kazuto held my hand firmly and sat in the chair beside my bed. An hour passed and the contractions were getting closer together. Dr. Sato had a few nurses on standby outside the door, which only made me even more anxious. I was ready for this to be over and to go home.

I tensed up as another contraction ripped through my body. I grit my teeth and waited it out. I couldn't tell how close together they were, but they were pretty close. Dr. Sato looked at his watch and then walked outside. He brought the nurses in and looked at me.

"It's about that time. You're fully dilated and your contractions aren't even a minute apart, anymore.", he said, walking over to the sink in the corner and washing his hands. 

He dried his hands and then let a nurse put gloves over them. Kazuto stood up from his chair and put both hands over mine. I looked up at him, panic quickly covering my face like a mask. He put a hand on the top of my head and pressed his forehead to mine, looking into my eyes.

"You will be amazing. I know that you can do this and I know that we'll both walk out of here this time tomorrow with two beautiful children. I'll be here the whole time, so you don't leave me, either.", he said.

I closed my eyes and he kissed me briefly before taking his hand off of my head. Dr. Sato sat down at the end of the bed and looked at me.

"I think you're ready.", he said.


Back to Kazuto's p.o.v.

Asuna had an expression of pure agony as she pushed. She groaned and whimpered a little, but was otherwise quiet. She squeezed my hand so hard, though, I had no doubt she was strong enough to make it through this. About an hour into it, a soft and high-pitched wail filled the room as one of our twins was born. 

"This one's a girl.", Dr. Sato said, handing the baby off to one of the nurses, who wrapped her in a towel and cleaned her off. 

Asuna smiled painfully as she listened to our baby cry. I watched as the nurses weighed her, measured her, and then wrapped her in a soft white blanket. Not five minutes later, the second baby was born. Asuna sighed in relief and the nurse handed her one of the babies. 

"A beautiful baby girl and a handsome baby boy.", Dr. Sato said.

Happiness welled up inside me as one of the nurses handed me the girl. I looked down at her and smiled, touching her soft cheek with my finger. She had a mess of dark hair on her head and she opened her little eyes to look at me. They were dark, but I could tell that they were honey-colored, like Asuna's. Asuna laughed and cuddled her baby close. He looked identical to his sister. 

"What are you going to name them?", one of the nurses asked.

"For the girl, Finley Chizu Kirigaya. For the boy, Miles Dakota Kirigaya.", Asuna said.

I smiled at the names we'd chosen for them. I didn't really care what they were called, I was just happy that they were healthy. Finley peered up at me from her white blankets. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. While she was only 5 minutes old and wasn't at her cutest, she was one of the best things I'd ever set eyes on. 

Dr. Sato got up and took his gloves off. He tossed them in the trash, then opened the door to let the nurses out. He looked out into the hallway and motioned for somebody to come in. Sugu poked her head in, then walked in and smiled. Mom and Dad followed her, then both of Asuna's parents. Pretty soon, all our friends and family were crowded into the delivery room, including Shinichi. 

"What did you guys name them?", Silica asked.

Asuna repeated the names and pointed to the baby that owned it. Sugu walked over to me and leaned over my shoulder, looking at Finley. She pulled out her phone and took a photo of her. 

"She's gonna be a heartbreaker when she grows up.", she laughed.

"Don't even start that. She's not dating until she's moved out of the house.", I said flatly.

Everybody laughed and Asuna looked over at Finley.

"You wanna trade?", I asked her.

"Yes.", she said smiling, and getting ready to hand me Miles. 

I stood up and set Finley in Asuna's arms then took Miles and sat back down. Just by looking at their faces, you couldn't tell which was which. They were fraternal twins, but they looked identical. I knew they would probably start to look different as they got older, though.

Miles was asleep and still in my arms. His breaths were steady and small. In Asuna's arms, Finley was cooing softly. Liz walked over to Asuna's bedside and looked down at Finley. She smiled and tickled Finley's cheek gently. Finley just smiled, which made everybody else smile. I looked up at Sugu, who was still leaning over my shoulder.

"You wanna hold him?", I asked.

"Yes.", she said excitedly, standing up and rubbing her hands together. 

I handed Miles to Sugu then stood up and let her take the chair. Klein walked over to me and clapped me on the back.

"Congrats, bro.", he said, smiling.

"Thanks.", I said.

I walked over to Mom, who pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so proud of you, and I know that your mother and father would be, too, if they were here.", she said.

"Thanks, Mom.", I said, hugging her back and smiling.

I didn't remember my birth mother, but I had seen photos of her. I looked a lot like her, but I had my dad's eyes. People who knew them would often tell me how I looked just like one of them when I made a certain face. It didn't hurt to hear, in fact, I was glad to hear it. It just made me feel closer to them.

"Just don't call me grandma.", Mom laughed.

"How about Nana?", I asked.

"No.", she said.

"Then what are they supposed to call you?", I laughed.

"They can call me whatever they want. You can't call me that.", she said.

"Oh, fine. Whatever.", I said.

Dad just patted me on the back and smiled at me. Mr. Yuuki walked over to me and shook my hand.

"Permission to come to work this week, sir?", I asked.

"Permission denied. You are to stay home for at least two weeks, with pay, then we'll talk.", he said.

"If you keep denying me work, I'm gonna feel like I'm cheating you.", I said.

"No, think of it as me doing you a kindness and making sure my daughter is taken care of.", he laughed.

Mrs. Yuuki wrapped her arms around her husband and hugged him. It was weird because I'd never seen her show much true affection before. This was the first time I'd ever seen her hug anybody. She just kind of gave me a look.

"Take good care of my grandbabies.", she said with a smile, but no small amount of severity in her tone.

"Yes ma'am.", I said smiling respectfully. 


THE FEELS ARE SO INTENSE FOR ME, RIGHT NOW! It's 2:15 in the morning right now, so I'm, uh, ya know, that thing when you want to do that thing where you close your eyes for a long time and don't move. Yeah, I'm that. I loved all your comments on the last chapter. I am telling you, I'm gonna be writing this book when I'm in college and it will be longer than the HP series. 

I took your requests on the boy and a girl thing, so I hope you loved it. swiftlythepenguin, you were right when you said I'd probably get tons of ideas after the twins were born. My head is flooding with tons of great ideas. Thanks for all your support. 


P.S. What did you think of the names?

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