Hiraeth //S.S.// ➸ Book 2

By briboo4142

63.3K 1.4K 448

Hiraeth: (n) a homesickness for a home you can't return to, or that never was. I miss the old Beacon Hills... More

17 Again
Miguel is Back
New Beta
Professional Assassins
No More Death
36 Million
Scott's Horrible Plan
Is It Really Over?
Back To Mexico
Goodbye Derek
A Familiar Face
A New Kanima
Masked Men
A Secret Death
Bad Memories
The Hard Truth
Just Trust Him
Aubrey Q&A Answers
Beyond The Veil
I Won't Give Up
The Beast Of Gevaundan
Saviors and Betrayal
The Plan
Failure Is Not An Option
The Beast Is Reveled
A New Found Trust
She Saved My Life
Memory Fade
New Faces
Thunder and Lightning
I Promise
Ghost Town
A Perfect World
No Escape
Silver Lining
Into The Woods
Peace and War
A Day Full Of Lies
Zoo Shenanigans
Familiar Faces
Two Halves Equal A Whole
It's Been A Glorious Ride

Freshmen Star

2.3K 46 24
By briboo4142

"Do I have to go today" I groaned as Scott grabbed my arm, dragging me out the door. "Yes, you have to go. Plus you get to drive your new car. " My eyes lit up. I'd finally saved up enough money to get myself a car, no more riding with Scott.Scott patted my shoulder, putting on his helmet helmet. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. We're Juniors now. Things will be easier." I nodded, sighing.

"I guess you're right." I got into the car, staring up the engine. Scott smiled "That's my sister." He kickstarted the bike, backing out the driveway and onto the road, driving towards the school. I quickly followed behind him, man it felt good to drive.

"Do you think i'm still team captain?" Scott asked as we exited the locker room. First period went by in a flash, nothing but boring syllabuses and the same old rules we hear every year. Now, since I had a free period, I was going to watch Stiles and Scott try out for the lacrosse team.

Stiles patted Scott's back. "Of course you're still the team captain. You got your grades up just like Coach told you to, right?" Scott nodded. "Yeah, but he never told me I was back on the team. He just told me to show up at tryouts today."

I groaned. "We've got bigger things to deal with anyway Scott. Did you tell Argent yet?" He shook his head. "I texted him but he didn't get back to me."

Stiles' eyes widened. "You told him his sister Kate came back from the dead over a text?" Scott nodded, shrugging. "I don't have the money to call France." Stiles looked down at his feet. "Yeah, you think you got money problems? Try paying for an MRI and a visit to Eichen House."

"Another notice?" Stiles nodded. "Yeah, this one said final. Now, what the hell are we even doing here anyway? We got like a 117 million problems and worrying about out status on the lacrosse team is not one of them." Scott shook his head. "It is now."

As we approached the bleachers, I watched the field. Everyone shot balls at the goalie, he didn't miss one. His reflexes were just like Scotts. My mouth dropped as he caught a incredible fast ball, as did the boys next to me. He proceeded to catch every ball thrown at him. "Who the hell is that?"

The boy took off his helmet, reveling him to be young, probably a freshmen, really blue eyes, but he was adorable. A player came up to him, patting his back. "Nice Liam, You might just be our first ever freshmen captain."

Stiles bit his lip. "Okay, maybe we should just practice a little bit." Scott shook his head, grabbing Stiles' hand and heading onto the field.

As players struggled to get a ball past Liam, it was soon Scotts turn. Scott narrowed his eyes, scooping a ball up with his lacrosse stick. He ran full speed at Liam, shooting the fall from only a few feet away. Liam caught it with ease, smiling in triumph as Scott's breathing increased as he made his way to the back of the line. Oh boy, this wasn't going to end well.

The boys ended up not making a single shot on Liam, both of them assuming the worse, he was a werewolf. As he walked by, I couldn't catch a single whiff of werewolf off of him, but the boys were persistent. "Hey Liam." Liam turned around as Stiles, Scott, and I approached him. "You want to explain what that was out there?"

Liam furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?" Stiles narrowed his eyes. "That little display. Your little circus act."

"What circus act?"

"You caught every shot." Liam chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. "I was in goal, isn't that what their supposed to do." Stiles grunted. "Yes, but nothing, not a single shot got past you." I stepped in front of Stiles. "Stiles, give him a break."

"You're a freshmen right?" Scott asked as Liam nodded. "Yeah."

"But you weren't here last semester." I shot a glare towards Stiles as he rolled his eyes. Liam nodded. "I transferred from Devenford Prep." Scott's eyes widened. "You transferred."

"Yeah." Scott shook his head. "No, you got kicked out. Didn't you?" Liam stopped, his eyes narrowing. He glared at Scott. "Alright Look. Kicked out or transferred, what do you guys care? I came here to play lacrosse. The team could use a few good players right?"

Stiles shook his head. "No, no. We don't need any more good players." Scott shrugged his shoulders. "Actually, we could sort of us a couple."

Stiles held his hand in front of Scott, shaking his head. "Okay, how's you get this good. Have you always been this good? Or did it suddenly happen just once over night. Have you ever been out in the middle of the woods during the night of a full-" I cut him off. "Stiles. Chill."

Liam sighed. "Hmm. Look. I learned from my stepfather alright? He made team captain when he was sophomore. Like you. And yeah, I guess i'm just that good." Scott nodded as Liam walked away. He turned towards us. "He wasn't lying that time."

My next class was math, which I had with Stiles, Lydia, and Malia. As I approached the class, I saw Malia look inside, eyes widened. She backed away slowly as I smirked. I grabbed her shoulders, leading her back into the classroom. "I hate math. It's pointless."

I nodded, sitting her down in the chair next to me. "I completely agree, but it's school." Stiles nodded, taking a seat behind Malia. "School is important, and math is essential." Malia rolled her eyes. "To what?"

"Knowing how much to tip at restaurants." I rolled my eyes, smiling. "And other less important things like medicine, economics, engineering." Stiles smirked, turning back to Lydia. "Tipping."

"Alright, volunteers to the board. Lydia, Diego, Malia." Malia's eyes went wide. "Um, I didn't volunteer." The teach looked up at her, smiling. "You did now. To the board."

Malia hesitantly stood up, looking back at Stiles who gave her two thumbs up. She growled at him before walking to the board. "It's progress." Stiles muttered as I rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say Stiles."

He shot me a glare as Malia and Lydia came back to their seats. I heard a buzzing sound as Stiles took out his phone from his pocket. He clicked it on, his eyes going wide as he looked over to me. "What." I mumbled as Stiles shoved the phone in my hand.

"THERE WAS A HOMICIDE. AN AXE MURDERER IS ON THE LOOSE." My eyes widened as I handed Stiles his phone back.

Just as things were going back to normal, another killer is in town. Just our luck.

"An axe murderer?" Kira asked as we walked through the hallway. I nodded. "Not a regular one either. A family murderer one." Scott nodded. "I already heard about it."

Stiles furrowed his eyebrows. "Wait.What? You did? How?" Scott sighed. "My mom called me. She knew we'd see it on the news." Stiles bit his lip, nodding. "Perfect. Let's go."

"Stiles wait." I said as he stopped walking turning around. "We've got Econ in five minutes." Stiles laughed dryly. "Alright. Did you forget the part about the family murdering axe murderer?"

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms. "Did you forget the part about how your dad's the damn sheriff? They want us to stay out of it and for once I agree." Scott nodded. "Aubrey's right, we should let them handle it."

Stiles threw his hands up, laughing. "Are you guys kidding me? There's a family murdering axe murderer and we're not going to do anything about it?"

Kira nodded. "Maybe we should just let the adults handle it." Scott groaned in frustration. "So, the three of you, you just want to stay here, school, go to class." We nodded as Stiles sighed, turning around. "Never heard anything so irresponsible in my life."

"Stiles." He turned around. "See you at tryouts?" Stiles made a funny movement with his hands before walking away. I sighed, turning to Scott. "See you in Econ." He nodded as I walked down the hallway.

"So you kissed her?" I asked as Scott nodded. "It was the first kiss since our actual first kiss." Stiles leaned up against the locker. "That's good. You kissed her." He sighed. "I did. But I didn't."

"Was it on the lips?"


"Was there tongue?"

Scott groaned as he put on his elbow pad. "No. I..It was like how you kiss your grandmother when you're five."

I winced. "Ooo, Scott. You gave her a chaste kiss. Bad move man." I patted his back as he sighed. "Yeah, and now it's all weird. It's all completely weird and I don't know what to do. Maybe I should text her."

Scott started reaching for his phone as Stiles grabbed his hand. "No. Just no with the texts." I nodded. "Girls hate that. You have to do it in person."

He nodded as Coach blew his whistle. "As a reminder, it's an open tryout today. All positions available. This is a rebuilding season, people. Jackson's gone, Lahey's gone. Greenberg, the one guy I actually wanted gone, was held back. Again. Get your asses on the field."

Most of the boys left the locker room including Stiles. I was about to leave when I bumped into someone. "Oh, i'm sorry." I said, backing up. Turns out, it was Liam.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you doing in the boys locker room, again?" I chuckled. "Don't worry i'm not here to watch you guys change, my brother and boyfriend are on the team." I nodded over to Scott as Liam narrowed his eyes. "Ah, him."

I nodded, scratching the back of my neck. "Don't worry about him Liam. He's just on edge from losing his position as captain. So don't take it personal." He nodded as I walked past him. "Good luck."

"Wait, what's your name." I opened the door, turning my head around. "Aubrey." I gave him a quick smile before running out of the locker room, onto the field.

I chuckled as the boys ran around the track, some of them doing it with ease, others failing miserably, Aka Stiles. Coach blew his whistle, shaking his head. "Horrifying."

I decided to join in on the fun. "Sickening." Coach glanced over at me, a small smile on his face. Another person ran by. "Pathetic."

"Terrible." Coach laughed as the last person passed. "Unbelievably pathetic. Is that everyone?"

I was about to respond as Stiles came up, panting like crazy. I sighed as coach nodded. "Yup, that's everyone." Scott ran over to him, helping him up. "I got you."

He panted as Scott held him up. "Who came in first." Scott glanced towards Liam, who was doing pushups while everyone else was trying to catch their breathe. "He isn't human. What is he? Like a Were-Cheetah? Does it even exist? Is that a thing?"

I shook my head. "I think he's just really good." Stiles rolled his eyes. "Doubt it." He looked up towards Scott. "I'm gonna puke, take me somewhere." Scott nodded, dragging him away.

"Hey guys." I said to Malia and Kira as I sat down. "Hey." They both muttered. Kira sighed, resting her head on the lacrosse stick. Something was definitely wrong. "Kira, you okay?" She glanced over to me. "Me? Yeah i'm fine."

Malia groaned. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Malia rolled her eyes. "You reek on anxiety. And it's distracting. What's going on?"

Kira sighed. "Scott and I sort of had this thing happen. But it wasn't much of a thing. And i'm starting to think it never was anything at all."

"He gave you a chaste kiss." She tilted her head. "What's that?"

"It's kinda like a kiss but not a kiss in a way." She nodded. "I guess that kinda describes it."

"Do you want it to be something else?" Her eyes widened. "What?"

"What do you want it to be." She glanced out to the field as Stiles and Scott ran on, meeting with the other boys. "More."

I put a hand on her shoulder. "Kira, trust me on this. Scott is into you. I've seen this before." I smiled, remembering the first time Scott had a crush. "He'll come to." She bit her lip. "You sure." I smiled, nodding. "Positive."

The boys lined up, one person standing in goal. Stiles was up first. He tried to pick up a ball with the stick, only to fail. He groaned as the other boys snickered, picking up the ball and putting it into the net. He lifted up the stick, bringing it back before shooting it forward.

The ball soared through the air, landing right in the goalies pocket. Everyone snicked as Stiles nodded, mouth wide open. Great way to start off the season Stiles.

He walked to the back of the line, glaring at Liam, who was next. Liam picked up his stick, collecting the ball with ease. He eyed the goalie before bringing the stick back, shooting the ball. The ball went straight into the goal. I smiled, clapping, earning a glare from Stiles.

Scott shook his head, running to the front of the line. He picked up a ball, taking a deep breathe before shooting it. The ball flew through the air, hitting the goal post. Everyone snickered as Scott sighed. "Nice, McCall." Garrett shouted. "Hey, Garrett." Stiles said smiling. "Shut up!"

The boys continued shooting, Liam making every shot. Scott and Stiles on the other hand, missing every one. "Okay, short break. "

The boys ran off the field. I got up, jogging towards Stiles and Scott. "Guys, what's going on, you're both getting killed out there." Stiles nodded, turning towards Scott. "Yeah, what's going on with you?"

Scott shook his head. "I don't know. I guess i'm having a really off day." Stiles chuckled. "Off day? You were dying out there. I feel actual physical pain watching you." Scott shrugged. "I didn't see you make any shots."

"Yes, that is because i'm terrible though, Scott. You're the Alpha." Scott shook his head. "Not on the field. I"m a human on the field."

Stiles laughed. "Well, no offense Scott, but human you is kind of sucking at the moment. So do you think there is anyway you can use just like a little tiny bit of wolf power?"

"It's cheating." Stiles groaned. "I know it is! It's just I hate seeing this little freshman come in and steal all your glory after you worked your tushie off. I hate it." I rolled my eyes. "He's not stealing all the glory."

"Oh really." Stiles held a hand out to Liam, who made another goal. "Yes! Hot damn! Yeah!" I rolled my eyes.

Stiles turned back to Scott as I ran back towards the bleachers, stopping in front of coach. "Uh coach, Stiles and Scott wanna try covering the goal." He raised an eyebrow. "Really?" I nodded. "Yeah, they won't take no for an answer."

He brought the whistle to his mouth. "Stilinski, McCall, grab your long sticks. Since you guys are sucking so bad, i'll go easy on you. Go over goal." They nodded, running over to us, grabbing long sticks. "Thanks Aubrey." Scott muttered as I smiled. "Anytime." He glared at me as I waved.

"Come on guys." I muttered, standing next to coach as the first player took his stance. "They're going to fail." Coach turned to me as I nodded. "Most likely." Coach blew the whistle as the player took off. He ran towards Scott, getting past him. Instantly, Scott whipped around, hitting the stick out of his hand.

"That's how you do it!" Coach yelled smiling. "Those two are like sons to me."

The next 3 players failed to get past Scott and Stiles. They had managed to either knock them down or make them miss. I couldn't tell if Scott was using his powers though. Next up was Liam. He twirled the stick around in front of him as Scott and Stiles glanced at eachother.

Liam picked up a ball, leaning his head down. As soon as coach blew the whistle Liam took off down the field. Stiles tried to trip him, but Liam jumped over it, causing Stiles to fall behind him. Scott held out his stick, trying to get Liam to drop his. Liam swiftly let go of the stick, only gripping it with one hand.

He ran forward, moving the stick behind his back as he ran in front of Scott. It brought the stick forward, shooting the ball into the goal. The crowd cheered as I smiled, clapping. It was nice seeing someone good that wasn't cheating or an asshole like Jackson. Kira sighed as Malia stood up.

"That was luck!" I sighed, shaking my head. "No Malia don't get involved." She shot me a glare before turning back to coach. Do-over!" Coach turned around laughing. Sweetheart, there's no do-overs. This is a practice."

Malia huffed. "Ten bucks on Scott and Stiles." Coach's eyes widened. "I'll take that action. Hey! Get back in there, Liam." Scott and Stiles' eyes widened as Liam ran back to the front, grabbing a ball.

I heard a growl, whipping my head up to see Scott narrowing his eyes at Liam. Uh oh, this wasn't going to end well. "Uh Coach maybe we shouldn't do a do-over." He shook his head, putting the whistle in his mouth. "It's worth ten bucks."

Coach blew the whistle, Liam taking off down the field. Stiles ran forward, trying to stop him, only to completely miss him. As Stiles fell to the ground, Liam tried to evade Scott. Scott ran forward, bashing into Liam, causing him to flip over. Liam went up into the air, landing on his leg. I heard a crack as everyone stopped.

"Oh no." I muttered, running onto the field. "Don't move!" Coach shouted as we ran up to Liam, who struggled to get up. "Don't touch him!" I shook my head, leaning over next to Liam. "Take my shoulder." He nodded, putting an arm around my shoulder as I helped him up, the other around Scott.

"I think it's my leg Coach." Coach sighed. "I think we should take him to the nurse." I said as Coach nodded. "Go."

Scott and I helped Liam across the field as he attempted to walk, only worsening his pain. I grabbed onto his hand, squeezing it. I felt his pain coarse throughout my body as he sighed. Scott glanced over at me, wide-eyed. I shook my head. If Scott was going to use his wolf powers in front of Liam, then I was going to use mine.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked as the nurse examined Liam. She shook her head. "I think this needs to be hospitalized." I groaned as Scott nodded. As Scott went to step forward, I held an arm out. "I got it."

He shook his head. "It's my fault, I need to."

"Scott, go talk to Kira, She deserves an explanation." He sighed. "Are you s-" I cut him off. "Yes, now go."

Scott nodded, walking out of the nurse's office. I walked over to the table where Liam was sitting up. "You ready." I held out my arm as he nodded. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder as I helped him out of the office.

"How come you're so nice to me?" Liam asked as I drove down the road. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

He sighed. "It just seems like your so nice and Scott is just, kinda i don't know."

"Rude." He nodded. "Yeah, in a way."

I sighed. "We've been through a lot. When Scott first joined the team, the captain was a jerk, very full of himself. A lot of things have happened since then. He's just worried that the team is going to lose its true potential. I mean we've lost 3 good players in the past year. But don't worry, it's nothing personal."

He nodded, smiling. "Thanks for looking out for me Aubrey. It's good to know people are actually nice in this school." I chuckled. "No problem Liam."

I helped Liam out of the car, and into the hospital. As we walked in the door, my mom came around the corner. She sighed, putting her hands on his hips. I gave her a small smile. "Hi mom." She walked over to me. "Aubrey, what did you do?"

I shook my head. "This is Scott's, not mine. He basically went really hardcore at lacrosse practice." She nodded. "Let me get him a wheelchair."

She went around the corner, coming back with a black wheelchair. I helped Liam sit down as Scott and Stiles ran through the doors. Mom glared at him. "We're talking later." She grabbed the handles to the chair. "What's you name?"

"Liam." She smiled. "Don't worry Liam, We'll take good care of you." She pushed Liam down the hall as I turned around to face the boys. "Now you show up."

Stiles sighed. "And I have to go. I promised my dad we'd have dinner tonight." I nodded, pulling him in for a hug. "Okay. Love you." He smiled. "Love you too." He said as he walked out the door.

"How's Liam. I came to check on him." I rolled my eyes. "He's fine, no thanks to you. You do know this is your fault right?" He sighed. "I don't know."

I crossed my arms. "Scott, I know you used your powers. If you hadn't Liam wouldn't be limping down the hallway. I know you didn't use them fully because he'd be crawling back to the other half of his body."

Scott nodded. "If I hadn't been so worried about being captain, he wouldn't be hurt either." I nodded. "True, but Scott, it's okay to want something for yourself once in a while. Team captain. Alpha werewolf. Don't forget you're still only human."

Scott nodded as mom came up to us. "Aubrey, Liam wants to see you." Scott raised an eyebrow as I shrugged, following mom to Liam's room.

I saw Liam laying down in the bed, staring up at the ceiling. "Hey, how's the leg." He looked down at me as I sat down. "Don't know yet, doctor hasn't come in." As if on que, the doctor walked in.

"Liam, are you okay?" He walked up to him, leaning down as Liam nodded. "I hope so." The doctor sighed as he rolled up Liam's pant leg. "And who are you?" He asked me as He pushed on Liam's leg, earning multiple winces. "I'm Aubrey McCall, I helped Liam to the hospital." He smiled, looking up at me.

"I'm Liam's step father." I smiled. "Nice to meet you, uh." Should I call him Mr. Dunbar?

He chuckled. "You can call me Leroy." I nodded. "Well, it's nice to meet you Leroy." Liam groaned. "Now that we all know each other, can we get back to my leg please. It's broken isn't it."

Leroy shrugged his shoulders. "It's definitely going to need an X-ray." Liam sighed, hitting the pillow. "It's broken. And it's my fault."

I shook my head, putting on his arm. "It's not your fault Liam, it's Scott's?" Leroy furrowed his eyebrows. "Who's Scott?"

I sighed. "My twin brother who got really into the game, hence Liam's leg." He nodded turning to Liam. "You want to tell me what happened?"

Liam nodded, sighing. "I went up against two juniors. One of them is captain of the team. Aka her brother."

"Remember what we always say? Play smart, not hard." Liam nodded. "Are you mad at me?"

Leroy shook his head. "No, of course not. Your mom might be mad at me got getting you into lacrosse, but maybe we should all wait for the X-ray before we panic. And trust me, I have more reason to panic than you. It's not over yet. Wait for the X-ray." We nodded as Leroy walked out of the room.

Liam sighed, laying his head back on the pillow. "I know it's going to be broken." I sighed. "Can you move it?" Liam nodded. "Then it's most likely not broken. It's probably just sprained." He nodded. "I hope so."

I smiled, even though I knew he couldn't see me. "Don't worry Liam, just get some rest." I closed my eyes, feeling a wave of tiredness kick in.

"Aubrey wake up!" I heard Liam yell as my eyes shot open. "Liam" I sat up as he leaned against the bed. "What's wrong?" He shook his head, hobbling to the door. "I heard someone scream."

I got up, following him out the door. "Hey! Anyone hear that? I thought I heard someone-" Liam stopped as someone approached us. He was covered in blood, his mouth dripping. My eyes widened. "Liam run!" I yelled as Liam ran.

"Okay, Whatever you are. I can help you." The boy shook his head. "I need food, not help." He grabbed my arm, throwing me to the side. Liam glanced back as he stood on the staircase. "Run!" I yelled, groaning as I got up.

Liam bolted into the stairwell, The boy not far behind him. I stood up, running after them.

I arrived at the roof, to see the boy holding Liam near the edge. Footsteps came up behind me as Scott appeared by my side in full werewolf form. Another way to scare the freshman, good going Scott. "Get back!" The boy yelled, dragging Liam closer to the edge.

I held a hand out. "Don't. You don't need to do this. Whatever it is. Whatever you are, we can help you." I pleaded as he shook his head. "No, you can't."

Scott stepped forward, holding out his hand. "Let me help you." The boy shook his head. "Wendigos don't need help. We need food!" He grabbed Liam's arms, making him hang off the ledge of the building.

"No!" I screamed, running into the shadows. Perfect time to test out these shadow powers. I ran through them, the boy looking around. Scott jumped up at him, throwing him against the wall. I came out of the shadows, grabbing onto Liam's arm. "Liam, hold on." I said, trying to pull him up.

I felt something grab one of my arms, yanking me away from Liam. I flew back into the fence as Scott ran to take my place. "I can't hold on!" Liam screamed as the wendigo tried to pry Scott away from Liam.

Suddenly, Scott lunged forward, sinking his teeth into Liam's arm. I gasped, a hand flying to my mouth. Scott bit Liam. Which means, he's going to be one of us. Liam was going to be a werewolf.

The wendigo fell to the ground, blood seeping out of his head. Turning around, I saw a figure walking away, an axe in his hand. He turned around to revel a face, but with no mouth. He put a finger to where his mouth was supposed to be, walking away.

I ran over to Liam, helping him up. He stared at his arm in awe, looking between it and Scott.

This was going to be fun explaining to everyone.

Personally, this is one of my favorite chapters. Let me know what you think :)

​​​​​​​WordCount: 4586

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